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MASON WILDER: Radical Rock Stars Next Generation Duet Book 2

Page 9

by Jenna Galicki

  “Dude, why are you staring at my sister?”

  Tessa stopped folding her apron and slowly turned toward Mason. He was flustered and trying to avert his gaze, but his eyes kept darting back to her, and he couldn’t hide his grin if his life depended on it.

  “She looks really nice,” Mason answered Lucas. “Those are some hot shoes you’re wearing, Tess.”

  Tessa’s heart ran rampant. He noticed.

  Sindy leaned over the side of her chair to get a better look. “Wow. They’re really sexy.”

  “Thanks. I went shopping.” Tessa slid into her seat when she saw Lucas eyeing her suspiciously, and she hoped she wasn’t going overboard. “Eat before your food gets cold,” she said, trying to distract attention. “The steak is covered in a glaze of brown butter with rosemary and garlic.”

  Mason swept his fork through the dressing and tasted it, raising his brows with approval. He sliced into the steak, which was so tender you could cut it with a butter knife, swished a piece in the liquid and ate it. His eyes brightened as he chewed and remained locked on hers. “You outdid yourself tonight, Tess,” he said, slicing another piece of the steak.

  “I love to cook. And I love that you’re enjoying it.” She sat with her chin on her fist and gazed at him. She imagined it was only the two of them sharing a meal complete with candles on the table, and she sighed.

  “You all right?” Sindy asked. “Why aren’t you eating?”

  Tessa picked up her fork and tried to act as if she wasn’t obsessing over a man that she secretly loved. “I just like watching everyone enjoy the meal.”

  “Why the oven?” Sindy asked. “I thought people always grilled steaks.”

  Lucas and Mason both turned their heads toward Sindy at the same time, forks held midway between their plates and their mouths.

  “What?” she asked, shrinking back defensively. “You always cook steak on the barbecue,” she told Lucas. “And Mason’s never had us over for dinner. I think I’ve been to your apartment twice, Mason. What’s up with that?”

  “I’m a single guy. I don’t entertain,” Mason replied.

  “That’s my job,” Tessa said, with a smile. “I’m the hostess, remember? And to answer your question, steaks cook too quickly on the grill. It ruins the texture. The oven slow cooks the meat so it’s tender and juicy.”

  “That it is!” Mason flashed a dazzling smile that made Tessa melt.

  The rest of the dinner was filled with small talk, reminiscing about the tour and what lay ahead for Prodigy. Sindy helped Tessa clear the table when they were done and load the dishwasher, while the guys sat at the table enjoying a beer. Tessa imagined that this is how it could be – she and Mason and Sindy and Lucas. Two couples. It felt right, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

  “What freakishly over-the-top dessert did you make?” Sindy asked.

  Tessa took the lid off the cake she’d spend two hours baking and decorating. “Just a cake.” The sight of it boosted her ego. She excelled in cake decoration and presentation. She used a piping bag and food coloring to make silver scrolls up and down the sides and pearls along the edge of the perimeter. Two sugary large red roses rested in a bed of cream cheese frosting on the top of the cake, as if they just bloomed.

  “Just a cake?” Sindy’s lids popped wide open as she stared at it.

  “It’s a lot easier than it looks. All you need is a steady hand and a piping bag.” She turned her head and called into the dining room, “Mason, I made your favorite – red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting.”

  Sindy tugged on Tessa’s arm. “What the hell are you doing?”

  Tessa sucked in a deep breath and felt the color run from her face. She knew she couldn’t fool her best friend, but she wasn’t ready to confess. She wiped a spot of icing off the plate with a napkin and tried to act unaffected. “Nothing.”

  “Don’t try to play it cool with me. I see what you’ve been doing since we’ve been back from the tour. Showing off your skills in the studio. Making his favorite dishes.” She glanced down at the floor. “Wearing those fuck-me shoes.”

  Tessa gasped. “These are not fuck-me shoes!”

  “It’s so fucking obvious. Something is going on with you and Mason.”

  “Nothing is going on between me and Mason. Is that what you think?”

  “I’m starting to think there’s been something going on all along.”

  “That’s not true at all. Why would you think that?”

  “Because you’re always so overprotective of him. Whenever girls in the bar would talk to him for more than two minutes, you’d always run over to rescue him.” Sindy used air quotes around the word “rescue,” knowing full well that Mason didn’t need rescuing.

  “I just don’t want anyone to bother him, that’s all. He’s too nice to tell some of those gold-diggers in the neighborhood bars to leave him alone.” So far, Tessa was cleverly evading the truth. But she knew it was only a matter of time before she caved, because she wasn’t a liar. She honestly couldn’t believe it took Sindy this long to start asking questions.

  Sindy eyed Tessa suspiciously, prying for more information. “What about the way you flew off the handle when you thought I was fooling around with Mason?”

  “I was just worried about it interfering with the band.”

  “No. You weren’t. Because it was all good when you found out it was Lucas instead of Mason that I was fooling around with.” Sindy stilled, as if she just realized something. “You thought he was cheating on you with me.”

  Oh my God. Tessa couldn’t imagine how she would have reacted it that were true.

  Sindy started to chuckle. “Put your eyes back in your head and close your mouth. I’m not interested in Mason. I never was.” She pointed a finger at Tessa. “Your reaction proves that there’s something going on with the two of you. Why are you hiding it? You gave me shit for trying to hide my relationship with your brother. Just admit it.”

  “I’m not fooling around with Mason.”

  Sindy paused, then nodded. “I get it now. You’re afraid Lucas isn’t going to approve. It’s a violation of the bro code.”

  Again with the bro code. First Mason brought it up and now Sindy. Where is this code written, and why hasn’t she gotten a copy of it? “What are you talking about?”

  “You’re his little sister. Lucas is naturally protective of you.”

  “Yeah. When there’s a reason to be. Which is, like, never. I can handle myself. And when have you ever noticed him being over-protective? He doesn’t tell me what to do. No one tells me how to live my life. You know that, Sindy.”

  “I know. That’s why he doesn’t say anything, but he’s always watching to make sure guys don’t try to touch you inappropriately or get out of line. I’ve noticed that since I first met you. Lucas is your big brother, and it’s his job to look out for you. You’re the chick that rocks. You’re every guy’s dream. Lucas is always watching you with one eye, but he’s sly about it because he knows you’d be pissed off if he tried to butt into your business.” Sindy rested her hand on Tessa’s arm. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t confide in him. Trust him enough to tell him.”

  “There’s nothing to tell.” The truthfulness of the statement weighed on Tessa, and her face fell with remorse and sadness. She wished she could blurt out that she and Mason were in love and were waiting for the right time to tell everyone. Or relay a romantic tale of how she had confessed her love to Mason and he had wrapped his arms around her and said he loved her as well. But that was only the way she had fantasized it would happen, which couldn’t be further from the way it played out.

  Sindy’s mouth turned downward with realization. “But you wish there was something to tell, don’t you?”

  Unable to keep this mess bottled up inside her any longer, Tessa let out an exhausted sigh. Emotion welled in her throat and she covered her face with her hands to hide her quivering lips.

  “Come on. We need to talk in priva
te.” Sindy took Tessa by the upper arm and led her into the bedroom and closed the door. ”How long have you felt this way about him?”

  Tessa wanted to dive into the bed and pull the covers over her head, but settled on covering her face with her hands. “Oh, God,” she sighed. “I didn’t want anyone to know.”

  “You should at least tell Mason. Give it a shot.”

  Hot tears filled her eyes as she lowered her hands and stared at Sindy.

  Sindy’s shoulders fell and her face filled with empathy. “You did tell him, didn’t you?”

  Tessa nodded. “The last night of the tour. I kissed him and told him I’d loved him since I was a kid. He told me that he loved me like a sister and that was it.” Repeating the words burned and stung, and she was unable to continue.

  “I’m sorry, Tessa.”

  The hug that Tessa received somehow made her feel worse. She worried she was making a fool of herself, and tucked her chin into her chest and rubbed her forehead. “Am I acting like a fucking idiot?” She looked up, tears blurring her vision. “I don’t know what else to do. I’m not ready to give up.”

  “No. You’re not an idiot. You’re adorable. He’s the fucking idiot. You and Mason are perfect for one another. You’re best friends already. You share so much of your lives together. You shouldn’t have to try so hard to make him see that.”

  Tessa’s heart galloped in her chest, embarrassed that her flirtation with Mason had been obvious. “Does Lucas see it, too? I don’t want my brother to think I’m acting like a desperate fool.”

  Sindy huffed and waved her hand. “He’s a Neanderthal. He has a one-track mind. Music. Music. And music theory. That’s it.”

  Biting back the tears, Tessa swallowed hard, and tried to think clearly about the last few weeks. Mason was worth fighting for, but she wondered if her persistence was pointless. “Do you think I have a chance with Mason?”

  “Listen to me. I’m your best friend, and I’ll never lie to you. If you want Mason, go after him. But know when to stop. If he’s not interested, fuck him. Move on and find someone else. Don’t waste your time on someone you have to make fall in love with you. If he doesn’t see how perfect you are for him, it’s his loss.”

  Tessa nodded, reluctantly. She was giving it her best shot, but then she was done. She wasn’t wasting the rest of her life chasing after Mason. But she wasn’t giving up yet. She swung open the bedroom door and marched into the kitchen. Standing with her hands on the breakfast bar, she watched Mason with Lucas at the table. He was wearing a smile that gave her life and set her heart on fire. She thought about what Sindy said about knowing when to give up. Would she ever know when to stop when it came to Mason? Probably not.

  Sindy came up beside her. “What’s the game plan?”

  It was simple. She had no elaborate scheme or intricate ploy to win him over. “The plan is to be myself. I’m not going to make believe I’m someone I’m not.” She shrugged. “This is me. This is what I have to offer. My bubbly personality. My pitch-perfect voice. My dynamic bass playing. My know-how when it comes to the band. My design skills. And my phenomenal cooking.”

  Sindy let out a short laugh. “Let’s not forget your modesty.”

  “Hey, a girl’s gotta play up her attributes.” Tessa smiled, picked up the cake plate and headed for the table, feeling better and remaining hopeful once again. She cut the first piece for Mason. It was a large perfect triangle, deep crimson against stark white.

  Mason slid the plate closer to him and looked at Tessa with an odd look in his eyes.

  She was laying it on too thick, just like Sindy had said, and Mason caught on. She needed to cool it. Tone it down. But it was hard. She was so tired of hiding her feelings.

  “Do you want me to put on the coffee?” Sindy asked.

  “The coffee!” Tessa practically ran to the kitchen, berating herself for almost forgetting what she thought was the best part of the meal. She ground the fresh espresso beans, filled the silver pot and placed it on the stove.

  “What are you doing in there?” Lucas called to her. “Come eat dessert. This cake is delicious. Don’t worry about the coffee.”

  “I’ll be right there.” She made the perfect espuma, stirring the sugar with a bit of the espresso until it was a light caramel color and nice and frothy. She filled four small cups with the rich coffee, topped with deliciously sweet foam, and the intoxicating aroma filled her nostrils. She carried a tray to the table, proud of the traditional Cuban coffee.

  “What did you make?” Sindy asked.

  “Cafecito with espuma. That’s foam made from sugar.” She placed a cup in front of Mason. “Taste it.”

  He looked up at her. So did Sindy and Lucas. And it was suddenly awkward. There wasn’t any question in her head that they all knew she was purposely doting on Mason. She quickly handed out two more cups, took one for herself and sat down.

  Sindy was the first to say something. “This is incredible. I’ve never had such rich coffee. It’s strong, but sweet.”

  “Thanks.” Tessa’s voice was subdued, sheepish, without the usual strength and enthusiasm. She felt self-conscious and a little embarrassed. Maybe Lucas was unsure why she was paying extra attention to Mason, but Mason knew what she was doing, and she was making him uncomfortable. He ended up leaving early, not long after dessert, and Lucas and Sindy followed shortly afterwards.

  Tessa sat down on the couch and stared straight ahead, drained. She felt as if her heart had slipped down into the pit of her stomach and there was a gaping hole in her chest. Mason wasn’t interested in her. He didn’t want her. She realized that this was the “knowing when to stop” she’d discussed with Sindy earlier, and it gutted her. She felt pathetic and as if she had wasted her life.

  Tears rushed to her eyes and spilled down her cheeks. Sobs wracked her as she mourned a future that would never be. She cried so hard that her stomach ached, so she curled into a fetal position, hugging the throw pillow and burying her face in the soft flokati for at least a small bit of comfort. But there was nothing that would ease the loss of her shattered dreams and the sobs continued. Mason would always be close, but remain out of her reach. She would never be his lover, his wife, his companion. He was her soulmate and the love of her life, yet she’d be forced to keep her distance. Their lives wouldn’t be one, and she didn’t think she’d ever be whole. She gasped violently as she finally accepted the truth.

  Eventually, her heaving sobs tapered off and she was left defenseless and raw, unable to move so she just lie there immobilized.

  A while later, the intercom buzzed, filling Tessa with a tiny bit of strength. She knew Sindy would be back so they could talk. She sat up, relieved to have her best friend to lean on for support, and took several deep breaths. Her legs trembled when she forced herself to stand, but she pushed through and made it to the kitchen to retrieve the leftover cake. She and Sindy would bond over heartbreak and decadent red velvet. Cradling the cake pedestal in one hand, she pressed the button on the intercom. “You can send Sindy up,” she told the doorman.

  “It’s not Miss Cavanaugh,” the doorman replied. “Mr. Wilder is on his way up, Miss Garcia.”

  The cake slipped from Tessa’s hand and dropped to the floor splattering confection in a semicircle at her feet. Her hands flew to her mouth, and she squeezed her eyes shut, unsure whether to let out a giddy laugh or a sob of relief. A nervous flutter interrupted her moment of triumph, and she pressed the button on the intercom. “Was he alone?” Please say yes. Please say yes.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  She exhaled, relief filling her eyes with happy tears. She suddenly stilled. It didn’t mean he came back to tell her that he had feelings for her. He probably wanted to talk to her about her behavior. Deflated, she lowered her gaze to the floor and a lone tear fell onto the remnants of her beautiful red velvet cake. Her shoes were doused with frosting and the floor was a mess. Even though she was brokenhearted, she couldn’t let Mason see the mess on the floor.
She barely had time to wipe her shoes with the dish towel when Mason’s signature rat-a-tat-tat landed on the door. She covered the disaster on the floor with the towel and stood up straight. “Mason?”

  “You know it’s me, Tessa. We need to talk.”

  His voice was off. This wasn’t the passionate open-the-door-I-have-to-tell-you-how-much-I-love-you declaration that she was hoping for. As she thought about it, she became certain that he was going to tell her to knock off the flirting and that nothing was ever going to happen between them. Nausea washed over her, and her face grew red hot with humiliation.

  Bracing herself, she took a deep breath and pushed her shoulders back as she opened the door and acted surprised to see him. “What are you doing here?”

  He walked past her and into the apartment before spinning around to face her. “I know what you’re doing.”

  She slowly shut the door, her heart hammering in her throat. “What am I doing, Mason?”

  “You’re trying to make me see how irresistible you are. You’re trying to make me fall for you. You’re coming on to me, without coming on to me.”

  She had no excuses to offer for her behavior. She should have accepted that he wasn’t interested in her romantically, instead of acting like a fool. “I’m sorry.”

  He flashed a wide smile. “You’re slick. You’re really clever. I gotta hand you that. For the last few weeks you’ve made it obvious how talented you are. Writing that killer song on the fly on the bus. You put together a hit song like that.” He snapped his fingers. “And it was effortless. That was incredible. Even for you. Then you designed and made a top the very same day. A hit song and a gorgeous article of clothing, that your mother is going to showcase in her stores, all in one day. Not even a day. A half day. Then when we rehearsed the song, you practically knocked me off my chair with that performance.” His smile widened, he leaned back and put his hands up. “I’m not even gonna say anything about that thong bikini you were wearing by the pool that day. And I can’t begin to describe these gourmet meals you’ve been preparing.” He extended his arm toward the kitchen and saw the smashed dessert on the floor. He took a step closer to it and his brows pinched together. “What happened here?”


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