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MASON WILDER: Radical Rock Stars Next Generation Duet Book 2

Page 15

by Jenna Galicki

  “Make room for Lucas’ famous barbecue. It’ll be done in 30 seconds,” Tessa announced, giving her brother credit even though she’s the one who made sure everything was cooked perfectly.

  Sindy’s high-pitched laughter echoed in the open air, and Mason turned to see what had her cackling. Lucas and Tessa were facing them, backs to the barbecue, one holding a spatula, the other holding a basting brush. Apparently, it was their aprons – Lucas’ specifically – that had Sindy laughing. Tessa’s apron read, “Life is Short, Lick the Bowl.” Lucas’ portrayed a picture of a two-pronged barbecue fork holding a flaming hot dog and read, “It’s All Fun and Games Until Somebody Burns Their Weiner.” A hearty laugh flew out of Mason’s mouth as soon as he read it. “Nice apron, bro.”

  Lucas lowered his chin and inspected the apron, apparently for the first time, and then playfully swatted the spatula at his sister.

  Mason went to Tessa and wrapped his arms around her in an overly protective embrace. “Watch it, bro,” he warned Lucas with a light-hearted smile, then kissed Tessa.

  “My hero,” Tessa proclaimed with a dramatic sigh.

  “Oh my God,” Sindy complained, as she helped Lucas bring the burgers and salmon to the table. “You two are sickening. I’m trying to eat here.”

  Tessa sat at the patio table and smirked at her friend. “Don’t hate us because we’re in love.”

  “We’re in love, too,” Lucas said, sitting next to Sindy and placing his arm around her shoulder.

  “Yeah, but you and Sindy thought flirting meant trying to kill each other.”

  Lucas placed a wet kiss on Sindy’s cheek. “That’s all in the past.”

  “Please.” Sindy pushed Lucas away and leaned in the opposite direction. “I still want to kill you.”

  “Then why don’t you try?”

  Sindy was about to make a sarcastic comeback, but paused and melted a little as she gazed into Lucas’ eyes. “I would, but it seems that I’m totally enamored by your incredible blue eyes, master guitar playing and luscious long blond hair, not to mention your spectacular body.”

  Lucas broadened his shoulders and Mason swore the guy’s head grew six inches larger in circumference. “What about my brain?” Lucas asked.

  “Your intelligence sealed the deal for me,” Sindy said. “A bubble-headed blond rock star is not what you are, Lucas Blade. You’re the smartest man I know.”

  Mason wasn’t sure if she was joking, until Sindy’s lips fell onto Lucas’ with passion that couldn’t be manufactured.

  After they ate, the four of them sat in a circle around the fire. Lucas and Sindy had their acoustic guitars, Tessa had an acoustic bass, and Mason had his electronic drum pad. They ran through a few of their older songs that were going to be included on Prodigy’s next album, then they played Enter Sandman and Hardwired to Self-Destruct, at Lucas’ insistence. When Sindy played the intro to Paradise City, Mason and Tessa both rolled their heads toward one another. Lucas was a Metallica fanatic and Sindy was a Guns N’ Roses aficionado. Between the two of them, Prodigy’s jam sessions were practically boxed into a mashup of nothing but classic 80’s rock and timeless heavy metal covers.

  “Now there’s two of them,” Tessa whispered. “We should start cornering the market on covers.”

  “I call A7X,” Mason said. “I could channel The Rev.”

  “I’ll take the Chili Peppers,” Tessa replied. “Flea is my hero.”

  They were quietly teasing their two best friends and it was hilarious, in a devious way. Realizing that Lucas and Sindy were halfway through the song without waiting for Mason and Tessa to add the rhythm, they sat back and listened to the two guitarists. Mason tapped his foot, an involuntary action that he barely noticed anymore, but Tessa let her head fall back as if she was bored.

  As Mason listened to the acoustics echo in the open space of the rooftop, he began to imagine what it would sound like if he set up his full drum kit up here. “You know what would sound cool?” he asked when Lucas and Sindy finished the song.

  “Adding a drum beat and baseline when me and Sindy play?” Lucas asked.

  “Yeah. That too. I was just thinking we should plug in up here. Do you think we can get a permit and do a rooftop show?”

  “Here?” Tessa asked. “We’re five stories high.”

  “That’s what makes it so cool.”

  “I have an idea.” Tessa always had an idea. “We could give fans a sneak peek of our new song and do the show for charity. We could raise money to feed the homeless. It’s a win-win opportunity!”

  Sindy smiled at her best friend. “That’s such a nice idea. You’re so generous, Tessa. I just love you.”

  Tessa actually blushed as she waved off the compliment. She was so Goddamn adorable that it brightened Mason’s smile. This girl, who was seven years his junior, continually amazed him with her industry knowledge. It didn’t matter that he grew up in the business. She took to overseeing the band’s direction, the shape and sound of the songs, more than he ever could. He loved her take-charge attitude and her sense of direction. She had more dedication than seasoned musicians who’d been at it for decades.

  They ran through Dirty Little Secrets several times, Tessa recording the last take on her phone, and then they went down to Lucas’ apartment.

  Mason settled in the overstuff chair and listened to the playback of the song. It was very different, unlike anything on the radio and a surefire hit. It was cutting edge and had a great beat. It was kind of bittersweet, though, because it was written from a dark place, when he broke Tessa’s heart the night he told her he didn’t love her. It still stabbed him in the chest when he thought about it.

  “We gotta get into the studio and record this,” Tessa said. “We need to release this as a single.”

  “Yeah.” Mason sighed and ran his hand over his face. So much for one day without drama. Going into the studio meant seeing Tessa and Lucas’ parents. Mason’s dad would want to hear the song. Recording the single meant giving it to his Aunt Kira, who was helping as A&R rep until they hired someone full time. He’d been putting off seeing their families because he didn’t want to tell them about Kendall yet, and if he saw them or talked to them for more than five minutes, he’d spill. He hated secrets, and it ate away at him.

  Lucas dropped into the seat next to Mason, a concerned look on his face. “You all right, Mase?”

  Mason knew that the sympathetic hand on his shoulder stemmed from Lucas’ intuitive nature. Withholding important events in his life from his best friend was added stress that Mason didn’t need right now. It was time to confess the details of the last few days. “I gotta tell ya something, man, but you can’t say anything to any of our parents. Not yet.” His head was swimming and his emotions were still all over the place, but he realized that he wanted to share the news of the reconciliation with his birth mother. He had started to bond with her, which was something he didn’t think would happen. Ever.

  Tessa sat on the arm of the chair and draped her hand across Mason’s shoulder for support, aware that he was ready to talk about Kendall. Lucas sat on the coffee table facing Mason and Sindy sat on the adjacent couch, both leaning forward as they waited to hear what Mason had to share. He could almost see the mixture of hesitation, anxiety and excitement plastered across his face, which left question marks on both Lucas and Sindy’s expressions. “My birth mother showed up after Aunt Mary’s funeral,” he blurted out.

  Sindy’s mouth opened into a wide smile and she sucked in a breath, ready to offer some sort of happy congratulations, but stopped when she saw the consternation on everyone’s faces, especially Lucas’.

  Lucas’ brows pinched together with suspicion. “What does she want?” His jaw softened, slightly. “I mean, after all this time she just shows up out of the blue? And why didn’t she come to Aunt Mary’s funeral? She was her aunt, right?”

  Sindy looked shocked at the questions and insinuations, but they were all valid. “She wants to get to know me.” M
ason told Lucas about the initial encounter and how blindsided he’d been. How he’d needed a day to sort things out before he saw her again and how their luncheon made him feel like they had a chance at a relationship.

  Sindy responded before Lucas had a chance to say anything. “I think that’s great, Mason. It’s never too late to mend fences.”

  “What are you talking about?” Lucas asked her. “You told your parents to get lost and blocked their number.”

  “That’s different. My parents are drug abusers. They never cared about me. They never called me once since I left Baltimore. Then all of a sudden I’m on the radio and on TV and they remember they have a daughter. They didn’t ask how I was or if I was OK. They called to ask for money.”

  Lucas turned a wary eye on Mason. “Do you think your birth mother could be after your money?”

  It was just like Lucas to lay it on the table. Others may have tiptoed around an awkward question. Not Lucas. He blurted everything out without holding anything back. In that regard, he and Tessa were exactly alike. A trait they inherited from Jessi Blade. Truthfully, it was a question that never occurred to Mason. He thought about it for a few moments, and then shook his head. “Nah. I’ve been over 18 for a lot of years and famous for almost as long. She would have come sooner if it was for money.” He reflected on her fancy clothing, upscale appearance and haughty mannerisms. “Besides, she doesn’t look like she’s hurting for money. Apparently, she married rich.”

  Lucas pondered Mason’s answer and then gave a curt nod. “Just be careful, bro. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “I know, man. Thanks. But, remember, don’t say anything yet.”

  “I don’t understand,” Sindy said. “Why don’t you want your parents to know she’s around?”

  Mason didn’t know how to explain it. He was still trying to figure it out himself, and not sure if he really wanted to know the details. “I’m not sure. There’s some untold story. Some unpleasant history. According to Kendall – that’s my birth mother’s name – she thinks our families hate her. I just want to form an opinion on my own, without hearing all the slanderous details of something that happened 25 years ago.”

  “That makes sense,” Tessa agreed, rubbing his upper back.

  “When are you going to see her again?” Lucas asked.

  “Tomorrow. I think. She’s waiting for me to call her. I’m still a little apprehensive. Unsure of her intentions. So I’m taking it slow.”

  “I could make dinner,” Tessa offered.

  The corners of Mason’s mouth turned up. This girl couldn’t be any sweeter or more generous, always going out of her way for everyone. “You don’t have to do that, Tess.”

  She gave him a cutesy smirk, flashed her eyes and tilted her head as if to say, are you kidding?

  He put his arms around her and leaned up to offer a kiss. “I don’t want you to go to any trouble. I know you enjoy cooking for people, but you spend hours in the kitchen preparing these grand meals. We can just order pizza.” Somehow, he didn’t see Kendall eating pizza or take-out.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. Pizza is for a room full of guys fueled with testosterone watching football.” She cupped his face in her hands. “I’ll make something nice, but I won’t go overboard. Plus, I really want to meet her. I’m an excellent judge of character and could give you my take on her.”

  “Me, too,” Sindy added, and then shrank back. “Oh. Sorry. I didn’t mean to—”

  “No.” Mason nodded. “I think it’s a good idea for you and Lucas to be there. I’d like an unbiased opinion. I was hard on her at first. I know that, but I softened. I’m a pushover. I cave easily. I’m a sucker for a sob story. All it takes is a little down and out, and I get all mushy inside.”

  Tessa put her hand on his chest. “That’s one of the things I always loved about you, Mase. Your big non-judgmental heart and easygoing nature.”

  “Do you really want all of us there?” Lucas asked. “It might scare her off. Like we’re there to interrogate her or something.”

  Sindy nudged Lucas with her shoulder. “You’re hardly intimidating, Lucas.”

  He glared at her, his cobalt blue eyes turning to steel. Then he grabbed her around the waist and tickled her until tears ran down her cheeks. “OK! OK!” Sindy gasped. “Stop!”

  “Great,” Tessa rolled her eyes. “If anyone tries to mug us in a dark alley, it’s good to know my brother’s tickle skills are par none.”

  Mason laughed at the teasing jab. Standing over six feet, with broad shoulders and a wide back, Lucas was built like a linebacker.

  “It’s settled then,” Tessa stated. “Dinner tomorrow night for the five of us.”

  “You’re flat is lovely,” Kendall turned in a semicircle taking in Mason’s apartment. “It’s so lush and upscale. The décor is impeccable. It’s not what I expected at all from a single man. You have excellent taste, Mason.”

  “Thank you.” He knew his apartment was the furthest thing from a bachelor pad and not what a person envisioned when they thought of a single guy living alone, but Mason came from a family where everything was done to the max. His mom had hired an interior decorator for him as a housewarming gift when he’d first bought the apartment, so everything matched and fit together. The place was definitely masculine, with black and gray dominating the color palate. There was a lot of music memorabilia displayed throughout the place, including one wall with original signed drum skins from greats like Neil Peart, Mike Portnoy and Chad Smith. He was by no means a neat freak, but he had a cleaning lady come once a week and everything was always in place. The lack of food in the apartment was the only real stereotype of a single guy’s apartment that he adhered to. Fast food was always his choice, even though his family had a personal chef when he was growing up. Now that Tessa was in his life, his empty fridge and cupboards were pretty well stocked, though.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” he offered, not used to playing the host.

  “No thank you. I’m fine.” She raised her chin and breathed in. “Something smells marvelous. I do hope your girlfriend didn’t go to too much trouble. I would have been more than happy to take the two of you out for a grand meal.”

  “My girl wouldn’t hear of it. She loves to cook.”

  Kendall turned toward a noise in the other room. “Is that her?”

  “No. That’s Lucas. I hope you don’t mind. I invited my best friend and his girlfriend to join us.”

  “You did?” Her face lit up with excitement. “That’s wonderful. I would love to meet your friends.”

  Lucas entered from the foyer that led to the back of the apartment, all smiles and charm. As soon as Kendall saw him her hand went to her cheek and she walked toward him, straight white teeth on display. “I’d know you anywhere. You’re Tommy Blade’s son. You look exactly like him.”

  “Yep. He’s my dad. I’m Lucas. It’s nice to meet you.” Lucas presented his hand, and she shook it delicately.

  “It’s truly a pleasure to meet you. Do you play guitar, as well?”

  Lucas tucked his hair behind his ears and chuckled modestly. “Yeah. I play. I’m in the band with Mason.”

  Kendall brought her fingers to her lips and blinked slowly. “I apologize. I should know that sort of thing. Mason and I have so much to talk about. It’s hard to cover everything in the short time we’ve spent together.”

  “I should have mentioned it.” Mason felt guilty for not giving her more details, and for not mentioning that Lucas was his best friend. “I’m dating Lucas’ sister, Tessa.”

  Kendall turned toward Mason and nodded. “Of course. That makes sense. The three of you grew up together. How wonderful.”

  Muffled voices came from behind the apartment door and the doorknob jiggled. “That’s her now.”

  When Tessa and Sindy walked into the apartment, Kendall smiled broadly. She didn’t wait for an introduction and went straight up to Sindy. “You must be Tessa. I love your bright hair. It’s so much fun

  “I’m Sindy. Lucas’ girlfriend.”

  “I’m Tessa.” Tessa held out her hand and presented the most adorable smile.

  Kendall turned toward Tessa as if she just noticed her in the room. Her head cocked to the side and she studied Tessa while her smile slowly faded. “You’re Lucas’ sister?”

  Tessa nodded, her hand still extended in greeting. “Yes. It’s nice to finally meet you, Kendall.”

  Mason moved to Tessa’s side and draped his arm over her shoulder as Kendall slowly shook Tessa’s hand, almost in a daze. An uneasy feeling crept over his skin as he watched the odd expression on Kendall’s face.

  Kendall looked over her shoulder at Lucas, then returned her gaze to Tessa, clearly confused by their contrasting appearances. Lucas was blond and fair, while Tessa had dark hair and eyes with a glowing olive complexion.

  “I know.” Tessa smiled. “We look nothing alike.”

  Still lost in thought, Kendall acted as if she didn’t hear Tessa and continued to look back and forth at the siblings. “Is Angel Garcia your father?”

  “He’s one of my two dads,” Tessa answered. “My parents have a polyamorous relationship.”

  Tessa explained it as if it was the most natural thing in the world, something Mason had seen her do countless times. Her unfailing pride and support for her family continually invoked admiration.

  Mason watched as Kendall peered at Tessa, moving closer an inch at a time until it grew uncomfortable and Tessa leaned back to create space between them. He was about to place his hand on Kendall’s shoulder when she gasped and covered her mouth.

  “You’re Angel and Jessi’s daughter. Jessi had a baby with Angel?” Kendall blinked rapidly while her mouth opened and closed, as if unable to continue speaking.

  Tessa glanced at Mason warily before she replied. “Yes. Angel Garcia is my biological father. Tommy Blade is Lucas’ biological father. Jessi Blade is our mother. I’m Tessa Blade Garcia.”

  Kendall’s cheeks turned bright red, and she stumbled over something to say. Her words were a mashup of grunts and syllables. Mason exchanged a confused glance with Tessa, then returned his gaze to Kendall. “Is something wrong?”


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