“I don’t know why, but Gregg touching me doesn’t bother me. I trust him, as weird as that is to say. I’m not sure if I could let anyone else get as close. I need you to trust that I know what I’m doing here. I think… I think Gregg is good for me.”
They both smiled shyly. God, young love, how naïve and blind… and exciting.
“Does your father know about this?”
Travis frowned slightly. “He does, and you know he doesn’t care that I’m gay, and he’s even okay with me having a boyfriend but…. He is not as happy that it’s Gregg. He said he’d be watching us carefully.”
Gabe dropped his hands into his lap. Travis was good for now. He’d counseled him for over eight years and cared greatly for the kid’s well-being and happiness. He knew life and how it liked to kick people around. He had to allow Travis to live those trials and tribulations of being a teen, because relationships forged in the teen years rarely lasted.
“Okay. As long as your dad is keeping an eye on you both, I’m going to head out. I’m taking a couple of weeks off from work, but you can call my cell if you need anything. Anytime. Okay?”
Travis nodded. Gabe looked to Gregg, who froze. “That goes for you as well.” Gregg nodded slightly.
“I’ll see you boys later.”
Before he could exit the room, Travis said, “Tell Mr. Sawyer we said hi and thanks for helping us.”
Gabe looked back, ready to ask why Travis thought he would see Brandt, but they were both chuckling, grinning wide, and he knew they wouldn’t buy anything he said to the contrary.
“Yeah, okay.”
When he got to the front door, he heard them explode into fits of laughter. He couldn’t help but chuckle himself at their behavior. Gabe didn’t care how they’d found out or who knew. He loved Brandt Sawyer, and he planned on telling him so.
AFTER HITTING the grocery store, Gabe entered the kitchen, loaded down with bags. Lucas grabbed those that were tipping and in danger of falling to the floor.
“Did you leave anything at the store?”
“I have more in the car.”
“Planning for the apocalypse?”
“Nope. A small gathering of people.”
“A party?” Lucas looked at Gabe as if he’d lost his mind.
“Not a party, a few friends over to hang out, watch some movies, you know, a gathering.”
Gabe might have appeared to have lost his mind, but he was going to do anything to get Brandt out of bed. Even if it was to yell at him. Brandt could get up and move around; he just had to bring his oxygen tank with him.
Lucas pursed his lips. “Are you thinking that this is going to do Brandt any good? Because I’m thinking just the opposite.”
He shrugged a shoulder. “It’s not for him. It’s for you. He just happens to be stuck here while it’s happening.”
Lucas lifted his chin and looked down his nose at Gabe. “Me? What are you talking about?”
“You’re leaving tomorrow. I’m giving you a going-away party.”
“Have fun without me. I won’t be your pawn in whatever twisted game you’re playing. No, sir.”
Gabe grunted. “You’re afraid of Brandt.”
Lucas narrowed his eyes. “Am not.”
“Are too.”
“Am not.”
“Listen here, the day I’m afraid of that stubborn jackass is the day I grow purple wings.”
Gabe lifted the corner of his lips. “Your wings are showing.”
“Ugh!” Lucas raised his hands and dropped them dramatically.
Gabe knew he’d won. “Can you get the rest of the groceries? I’m going to rouse Sir Cranky.”
“It’s your funeral,” Lucas muttered as he went out the door.
Gabe went to the bedroom. He found Brandt in bed as usual, staring at the TV. Was he watching The Price is Right? Things were worse than he thought.
“Hey, honey.” Gabe sat on the side of the bed, right in line of the TV. Brandt had no choice but to look at him.
“Hey,” Brandt muttered.
Gabe rubbed his fingers lightly over Brandt’s arm and swore he shivered. “How’re you feeling?”
Brandt shrugged. “Crappy. Just want to rest, maybe sleep.”
Or lie there all depressed and hopeless like.
“I bet being in this bed for so long has really stiffened you up.” Gabe started to massage Brandt’s upper arm, working his palm into the hard muscle. Brandt’s eyes closed for a moment, his face growing slack. Gabe suppressed a smile.
Gabe worked down his forearm, over his palm, his fingers, then back up. He’d missed the feel of Brandt beneath his hands. And seeing Brandt’s calm expression, the limpness of his body, he seemed to have missed the feeling as well.
Gabe worked his shoulder and his left pec. “Roll over and I’ll get your back.”
Brandt hesitated and opened his mouth but closed it quick. He rolled onto his stomach, and Gabe straddled his thighs. Methodically, he worked the muscles until they were putty in his hands. Gabe swore he heard Brandt groan as he kneaded the knots out of his lower back.
His hands were cramping, but Brandt was totally pliant beneath him. Gabe bent down, placing his mouth next to Brandt’s ear. Brandt’s breaths were slow and steady. “I’ve missed touching you. Your skin, your muscles beneath my hands. Nothing feels better. No one I’ve ever touched compares to how you feel. How you make me feel. I’m never going to get tired of touching you or feeling your hands on me.”
Gabe climbed off Brandt and stood next to the bed, then raised his hand and slapped Brandt on the ass. Brandt gasped and turned to face Gabe. The shocked expression was priceless.
“Now get up and shower. We have company coming.”
JULIA, DAVE number two, and Betsy sat on the couch talking with one another. Lucas occupied the chair next to them, waiting for the dreaded Brandt shoe to drop. Gabe went into the bedroom and nearly fell over, seeing Brandt dressed in a T-shirt and jeans and sitting on the edge of the bed. He’d thought getting him to leave the bedroom would be an act of war.
“Hey, honey. Now that you’re up, we can change the sheets before the vermin show up.” Gabe stood before Brandt, who gazed up at him. Gabe picked up his oxygen tank. “Hmm, maybe we should camo this thing, butch it up a bit.” That brought a hint of amusement to Brandt’s eyes. “Come with me. We have some guests.”
Gabe was sure Brandt would resist, but he stood. His skin no longer had that ashy gray, and his breathing was steady and slow. Gabe took his hand, and Brandt let him.
“I must say, Mr. Sawyer. Looking as hot as always.”
When Gabe attempted to move forward, Brandt stopped walking. Gabe gave him a questioning look. Brandt shifted, then licked at his lips. When he ran his hand over Gabe’s cheek and then rested his forehead against Gabe’s, he let out a long, drawn-out sigh.
“I know this has been so hard on you. I promise no matter how long it takes, I’m here. Okay?”
Brandt nodded.
“No matter what, you are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
Brandt’s eyes opened. He rested his hand on Gabe’s neck and huffed. Whatever he wanted to say wasn’t coming for him. But he managed to say, “Me too, baby.” Gabe was good with that.
“Thanks for trying for me. Come on.” Gabe led him into the living room, and silence filled the room. Brandt settled into the chair, then looked at everyone.
“This is it? I thought you said there was some kind of party going on out here.” Brandt gave the room a speculative once-over.
“Couldn’t start without you, sunshine.” Lucas gave Brandt a knowing look and nodded sharply. Brandt nodded back.
Gabe knelt on one knee before Brandt and rubbed his thigh. “Want something to drink or eat? We have pigs in a blanket.” Gabe’s singsong voice brought a smirk to Brandt’s face, not quite back to his old self but a start.
“Sounds good.”
“How about a soda?” Gabe s
ighed and went into the kitchen to grab a can from the fridge. The knock on the door heralded the arrival of his surprise guest.
Opening the door, Gabe shook his head, grinning. “I must say, Ms. Maybelline Couture, you look fabulous.” Gabe had only seen Marty in drag once, and oh, man, he dolled up really nice. Towering dark brown wig, dark smoky eyes, red pouty lips, a rack that definitely wasn’t homegrown, waist cinched tight, and wide flared hips in a low-cut, high-slit purple sequined dress. He had that Judy Garland slash Liza thing happening.
“Darling, I always look fabulous.” Maybelline threw her purple boa dramatically over her shoulder. “Now, where’s that hunk of beef of yours? Momma’s hungry.”
Maybelline pushed past Gabe, who chuckled. Then he thought of the Southern lieutenant colonel seeing Maybelline for the first time, and he rushed to stop her.
“Hold it. I have to introduce you, right?”
“I guess I put my big old cart before the horse. Announce away, sweetie.” Maybelline adjusted her ample bosom.
Gabe grabbed the soda, biting on his lips to keep from smiling too wide as he entered the living room. Betsy and Lucas were deep in conversation, probably something about the military. Gabe hadn’t thought, but maybe he could kill two birds with one stone. They were both single and had that service thing in common. Julia and Dave number two were talking to Brandt, who appeared to be more relaxed.
Gabe handed him the soda, and Brandt took the can, then grabbed Gabe’s hand. The expression on his face appeared to be one of gratitude. “Thank you.”
Gabe had a feeling he was thanking him for more than the can of soda. Gabe bent down. “You’re very welcome.” Gabe kissed him lightly, the touch of their lips sparking and zinging through him. It had been so long since they’d been intimate, too long. Brandt must have thought so as well. Jesus, Gabe wanted him.
A throat clearing caught their attention. Gabe sighed and turned to see the whole room staring at them.
Betsy snorted. “Would you like us to leave you two alone?”
With a grin, Gabe flipped her off, and she gave him a less than convincing look of contempt.
“I’m waiting, and Ms. Maybelline Couture never waits!”
That raised some brows and caused some chuckles among the crowd.
Brandt’s surprised expression told Gabe he’d hit the mark. “Is that who I think it is?”
“Sure is, honey. Enjoy.”
“Oh Lord,” Julia groaned. “You didn’t.”
“Oh yes I did. As I said earlier, I have a special surprise for you all. She’s traveled across the lake, all the way from Burlington, Vermont, for one show only. May I introduce Ms. Maybelline Couture!”
Chapter 22
IN TRUE Maybelline style, she burst into the room to applause, arms stretched wide, red lips puckered. When Gabe looked to Lucas for his reaction, he appeared to be pinned to his seat, his hands in a death grip on the chair, eyes wide with something akin to horror or fear, as if a speeding train were about to smash him into itty-bitty bits.
“Oh, my lovelies, thank you, thank you so—” Maybelline halted upon seeing Lucas, only for a moment. The surprise on her face fled quickly, and then she was sashaying again. Perhaps she’d seen his reaction. Damn, Maybelline was even feistier than Marty and would kick the ass of anyone who crossed her.
Gabe looked to Brandt, who shrugged. Lucas averted his eyes, which darted around, his knee bouncing, his jaw clenching. Did he hate drag queens?
“Thank you so much, all of you. Oh, is it hot in here or what?” Fanning herself, she walked toward Brandt, hips snapping from side to side. “Well, well, well. I do believe I’ve found the source of the heat in this room. Just look at this hunky, gorgeous alpha male here. Mhm, mhm, mhm. You’re a big one, aren’t ya? All over, I’m sure. And ex-military to boot, I hear.”
Brandt’s face flushed red despite his kid-in-a-candy-shop grin.
“Gabe, honey, when you said you’d found a man, you didn’t tell me you’d brought home GI Joe. Damn, sweetie, I bet you know how to handle a loaded weapon, if you know what I mean.”
Brandt laughed along with everyone… well, everyone except Lucas.
“Let’s get to the entertainment portion of the evening. I’m going to sing you one song, and then I’m getting out of this dress, because these babies”—she jacked up her breasts—“are sweating like a virgin on prom night. Gabe, darling, my music, if you would, please.”
Gabe hit the Play button, and Maybelline gave them an entertaining, over-the-top, dramatic rendition of Gloria Gaynor’s “I Will Survive.” Brandt beamed, thoroughly enjoying the show, clapping and even feeling up Maybelline’s breast when she bent to wrap her boa around his neck. Gabe noticed Lucas had even started watching, definitely trying to school his expression. Given he barely knew the man, he wasn’t going to ask what was wrong.
A roaring round of applause and Ms. Maybelline Couture bowed graciously, waving as she exited to the kitchen.
“I just love Maybelline.” Betsy looked to Lucas. He forced a smile and nodded.
Brandt rubbed Gabe’s arm. “Thanks, baby. I needed that.”
“I know you did. Just know we are all here to help you with whatever you need. You aren’t alone.”
Brandt nodded, looking down. Maybelline returned, duffle bag in hand. “Can I use your little girl’s room?”
“You know where it is.” Gabe stood. “There’s food in the kitchen, so everybody eat.”
GABE SHUT off the bathroom light and joined Brandt, who was already in bed, reclining against a pillow. His chest was bare, the blanket covering his lower half. No matter what his body looked like or how poor his health became, Gabe couldn’t imagine not wanting him anymore.
He noticed the nose cannula was missing. “Should you take off the oxygen?”
“I’ll be okay for a while.”
Gabe nodded. “It was a fun night, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah, it was. Marty is one of the best drag queens I’ve seen. He doesn’t do it professionally?”
“No. He does around six shows a year in Burlington. I think when he was younger, he was more into doing the shows, but we never really talked about that.”
What had stuck in Gabe’s mind about the entire night had been Lucas’s reaction to Maybelline and even Marty. After Maybelline had removed her makeup and wig and Marty had returned to the party, Gabe couldn’t help but notice Lucas keeping his distance, even after their introduction. Only when Gabe had walked in on them in the kitchen had he seen them that close. Even then there had been an air of opposition, maybe even hostility on Lucas’s part. When Lucas noticed Gabe, he’d excused himself and left the room. Questioned by Gabe, Marty had admitted he had no idea what was wrong with the lieutenant colonel. Well, nothing that pulling that stick out of his ass wouldn’t cure. Gabe had asked if Marty knew Lucas, but he’d denied ever meeting him. Gabe wondered if Marty had picked up on something from Lucas and attempted to exploit whatever that was. He often did that if he thought someone didn’t quite agree with his chosen hobby.
“You okay?” Brandt gave him a puzzled expression.
He was probably overreacting. Brandt smiled as Gabe climbed onto the bed. He sat cross-legged next to Brandt’s thigh and rubbed the warm skin of Brandt’s belly. He’d missed him so much.
“I’m sorry for being such a jerk. God, I was such a total asshole, and you were just trying to take care of me. I’m surprised you didn’t deck me.” Brandt took Gabe’s hand and ran his fingers over his palm, eliciting a shudder from Gabe.
“You were really hurt, and I imagine scared and angry and reminded of something that you probably wanted to forget.”
Brandt pursed his lips and furrowed his brow. “You know what happened?”
“I only know that whatever happened damaged your lungs, and your recovery was long and hard and lonely.” Gabe checked Brandt’s expression to see if he had been right. When Brandt took both of Gabe’s hands into his, Gabe took that as a confirmation.
Brandt looked down at their clasped hands. “I was forced to leave the military because of my injury, and it was as if someone had cracked my chest open and ripped out who I was. If I’d chosen to leave, prepared to become a civilian, that would have been different, but one day I’m fighting a war, and the next I’m in a German hospital on a ventilator.”
Gabe, seeing his unease, said, “You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to. Sometimes it’s best to leave shit in the past.”
Brandt raised a brow. “Is that a counseling technique?”
Gabe rolled his eyes and smacked his chest.
“Owww.” Brandt covered his chest with his palm where Gabe had hit him.
Gabe’s stomach flipped. “Oh my God, did I hurt you?”
Brandt’s expression of pain morphed into one of amusement. “As if you could.”
Gabe clenched his teeth and smacked him again. It was nice to joke around.
“I want to tell you what happened because, well, I think you should know.”
“My team was in the Paktia Province in Afghanistan. We were under orders to retrieve several suspected members of a group believed to have bombed a local village. Intel placed enemy insurgents in several abandoned buildings, so I had my team set up around the perimeter. On my command, several members of the team infiltrated the largest building just before it blew. I ran into that building without thinking. The heat and the smoke were intense and burned my lungs. I went in three times and got two of the three men who’d gone inside out. The third one had been too close to the bomb to survive.” He wiped a hand across his mouth. “After two weeks in Germany, I was flown back to the States and spent another month at Walter Reed and three in rehab regaining my strength and increasing my lung capacity. I was medically discharged after that.”
Happily Ever After Isn't Easy Page 17