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Little Black Dress

Page 17

by Sarah O'Rourke

  “We’re on the phone right now,” I pointed out with a small laugh.

  I knew that wasn’t what he meant.

  And, if I were being honest, I missed him too.

  But I wasn’t being honest. I hadn’t been the whole time. That was what had gotten me into this mess.

  “You know what I mean.” Max sighed. “Don’t get me wrong, the phone sex is hot and all. And maybe I’d be a little more satisfied if I didn’t know how good real sex with you is. But I do know. I also know how amazing you are and how I want more. More than just phone sex. Or even regular sex. Let me take you out to dinner this week.” Before I could answer, the phone cut out. “I’ve got another call. Think it over, Win.”

  Not giving me the chance to respond, or make excuses, Max ended the call.

  What did I get myself into?

  Chapter Six

  Jizz and Jet and Tacos

  I stared at my blank paper, my mind still on what Max had said earlier.

  Decisions needed to be made, and I was being a drama queen.

  This was on top of me being a bad person for lying.

  Telling him the truth was the right thing to do, and I just had to hope he wasn’t too mad. But going any further with things would push me into really bad person territory.

  That was not a place I wanted to be.

  Decision made, I drew cartoon me, tattoos and all. I had a glass of wine in one hand and a vibrator in the other. Scanning it in, I typed ‘Winnie Mae need to apologize’. Instead of sending it anywhere, I printed it out and put it in my purse.

  Done for the day, I curled up on the couch and tried to watch TV. My thoughts kept going to Max, and I contemplated texting him, but didn’t want to bother him if he was busy.

  A little while later, the front door opened and Emma called out, “Winsome Winnie, I hope you’re hungry!”

  “It’s like you know the way to my heart.”

  “I picked up wine, too.”

  “If you had some good dick, you’d be three for three.”

  Emma laughed, setting the bag on the coffee table in front of me. “Based on last weekend, I figured you’d be all set with the dick part.” She grabbed two glasses from the kitchen and opened the bottle of wine.

  I untied the bag to find only one to-go box and two small paper bags. “You’re not having any?”

  “No, Wyatt took me to dinner at this really yummy and authentic Mexican restaurant. The mild salsa gave me the hiccups, so I got you the hot. And three different kinds of tacos.”

  Softening my face, I put my hand to my heart. “You really do love me.”

  She rolled her eyes in response to my theatrics. “I feel like we’ve barely seen each other this week.”

  “Hey, I saw the shoulders on that man. I don’t blame you.”

  Emma’s grin was massive as she handed me my wine. Collapsing on the opposite side of the couch, she curled her legs under her. “He’s so amazing. I’d figured he’d just be pleasant scenery to enjoy at work, and he is. But he’s so much more.” She shook her head, as if clearing her lusty, lovey thoughts. “Anyway, we didn’t get to talk about last week. Who did you hook up with? The only person I saw you talking to was my big boss early in the night.”

  I choked on my taco.

  Hacking and gasping, my eyes watered as I worked to dislodge the food I’d inhaled. “Your what?”

  “My boss.” Eyes wide, Emma’s mouth dropped open. “Oh, God, Winnie! Did you fuck my boss?”

  “Your married boss? The one whose wife just had twins?” Nausea mixed with rage.

  “What?” Confusion and disgust twisted her face. “You had sex with Steven?”


  “Balding. Rocking a dad bod. Super nice guy, if not a bit dull.”

  Relief swam through me. “No, not him.”

  “Yeah, Steven is my direct boss. I was talking about Max. Max Corbin owns Well Marketing.” My expression must have shown everything because Emma looked on the brink of a panic attack. “Oh no. No, no, no. Did you ‘Winifred’ him? Was it a one-time thing?”

  “Yes, and kind of.” My mind was reeling. I’d already been regretting my antics. Knowing that on top of all the other issues, I’d also upset Emma, I really felt like an ass.

  “Kind of’? What does that mean?”

  “It means we only hooked up for real last week.”

  “And then what happened?”

  I shrugged, giving her a sheepish smile. “I had a deadline, so I…”

  “Winifred Mae Hynes, did you jizz and jet my boss?”

  “I slept for a bit!”

  “Oh, this just keeps getting worse.”

  “Well how was I supposed to know? Why didn’t you come tell me who he was?”

  “I only saw you talk to him for a minute. I thought he’d say something. I didn’t think he was your type.” She threw her hands up. “Wyatt was distracting me!”

  “Uh huh. See, not all my fault.”

  She took some deep breaths. “Okay. Alright. It’s not that bad. It was a week ago, and he hasn’t said anything, so he’s probably cool with everything.”

  “Ehh, not exactly,” I mumbled, looking off to the side.


  “We chat. A lot. And… other things.”

  “You need to break things off then. No, wait. Marry him. One of the two.”

  My brows pressed together as my eyes snapped to hers. “No!”

  “Well, I don’t see you throwing out any ideas.”

  I thought about the way he made me feel, and not just sexually. Not that I was completely discounting those feelings, though. I tried to picture not talking to him anymore, and it hurt. But when I flipped it and imagined seeing him for real, I was easily able to.

  “I’m going to talk to him,” I decided. “I’ve got to come clean about the Winifred shenanigans. Even if he’s mad and wants nothing to do with me, he wouldn’t take it out on you. Max isn’t like that.”

  She refilled her wine glass, shaking her head. “I still can’t believe this. I always thought he was really cold, and boring. All business, all the time. Is he not?”

  “He’s definitely not cold. He’s funny. Super sweet, too.”

  “You like him?” For the first time since we started talking about this, Emma smiled. “You really like him.”

  I didn’t bother to attempt hiding it, not that I could have. My lips automatically tipped up. “I really do. And not just because the sex was the best I’ve ever had.”

  “The best?” Her nose scrunched a little. “I want all the details, but I also need to be able to look him in the eyes at work.”

  “I’m not saying anything more then.”

  Finishing my wine, I eyed my phone like it was about to attack me, Transformer style.

  Before I could talk myself out of it, I snatched it up and opened my messages.

  WinnieM: Can we meet up tomorrow?

  MA7: Meet me at my office for lunch? Noon?

  WinnieM: Sure.

  MA7: I’d suggest breakfast, but I know noon is already pushing early morning for you.

  “I don’t know why you’re so freaked. He seems to know you just fine,” Emma said, peering over my phone to read. “And I’m not talking about the mergers and acquisitions version.”

  Now let’s hope he likes all of me.


  I fastened and unfastened my fitted blazer about a million times on the elevator ride up to Max’s office. I’d been tempted to show up in leggings and a t-shirt so he could see the real me right away. It’d get it over quicker, kind of like yanking off a Band-Aid.

  Since I hadn’t seen Katie to return her dress yet, I’d decided to wear it again with Emma’s pumps and blazer.

; I’m just easing into things. Softening the impact. Trying not to shock him.

  Giving myself the chance to chicken out once I see him.

  I suck.

  The elevator opened into nice reception area. It was modern and hip, with an upscale enough vibe to be professional.

  A guy around my age looked up from behind a large desk. “May I help you?”

  “I’ve got an appointment with Max.”

  He scanned a paper in front of him. “Win?”

  “That’s me.”

  “It’s the first door on the left,” he said, gesturing to the hallway. “Go ahead in, he’s expecting you.”


  I took the short walk and reached Max’s open office. His eyes were already on the doorway, as if he’d been watching for me.

  “Come in,” he said, smiling as he hit a few buttons on his keyboard. His massive L-shaped desk had three large monitors. The same scanner I had was on the shorter part of the L.

  I was envious of the set-up.

  Stepping in, I pushed the door closed behind me. “Hey, thanks for meeting with me.”

  “Happy to.” Max watched me move, his attention almost making me wuss out. “You hungry? We could go grab lunch—”

  “Before I say anything more, promise me you won’t fire Emma or something crazy.”

  His brows pushed together, making him look both amused and insulted. “I never would.” His features returned to normal. “What’s—”

  “I’m not who you think I am,” I blurted out in a rush, watching his face for any expression changes.

  There were none.

  At all.

  No anger or confusion.

  Not even surprise.

  “I’m not Winifred,” I admitted, stating it plain and simple.

  “I know.”

  Chapter Seven

  Illusions, Truths, and Window Sex


  Fuck, she’s cute.

  Her lips were parted, her eyes wide as she stared at me. If I wasn’t mistaken, she was in the same dress from the Christmas party, but she looked more professional with the blazer. Lovely as she was, it was a definite “Winifred” outfit.

  Not Win.

  The only thing that seemed like Win were the colored pencils in her hair.

  God, that hair. I wanted to undo the twist and fist my hands through the silky strands. Preferably while I was slamming into her.

  “You know?” she asked, dragging my focus away from thoughts of fucking her.

  Well, part of my focus.

  “Yeah, Win, I know.”

  “Since when?” Putting her hands to her hips, she looked floored.

  “About thirty seconds into our first conversation.”

  Her pretty chocolate brown eyes widened more. “How?”

  “You might want to sit, it’s a lengthy list.”

  I hadn’t been sure if I’d be able to get Win to agree to see me again. When she sat in the chair in front of my desk, I didn’t want to talk anymore. At least not about any of that stuff.

  “So?” she prompted when I remained silent.

  “Does it really matter?”

  “No, not really. But I’m curious. And once that happens, it’s easier to just tell me. Otherwise, I’ll just keep bugging you. So how did you know I wasn’t a hot shot exec?”

  I tapped my pen on the desk and inhaled deeply before launching in. “Smith, Lee, and Jones contracting with the government for an energy problem were all references to the movie, Men in Black. Logan and the School for Gifted Youngsters was Wolverine.” I shrugged. “Or one of the ‘X-Men’ series.”

  “All of them,” she admitted.

  “I’m also pretty sure your own origin story about the Midwest and your jewelry business dad was Lord of the Rings?”

  She nodded, still looking shocked.

  “You have a gorgeous flower tattoo on your right shoulder, a cat on your right wrist, and I think some sort of cartoon on your left one. Plus, some full sleeve swirling tattoo on your whole left arm. Any more I’m missing?”

  “Yeah,” she muttered.

  “Obviously, those don’t make you unprofessional, but you were, and are still, trying to hide them.”

  “Guess I don’t need to keep sweating in this itchy thing.” Win shook the blazer off, revealing an art museum on a perfect canvas. Each inch exposed did more to distract me from the topic at hand, until she asked, “Anything else?”

  My lips tipped up. “You mention human anatomy more than I think you know.”

  Her cheeks flushed. “What?”

  “Penis, usually. But balls. Junk. Pink slip. Love tunnel. Cruelty free meat muff. The list can go on.”

  “Oh. My. God.” Burying her head in her hands, she burst out laughing.

  “You also have colored pencils in your hair. In almost every pic you’ve sent. And right now.”

  She touched her twist, pulling out four pencils. “Penis,” she whispered before her gaze shot to mine. “Wow, that’s embarrassing.”

  “It shouldn’t be.”

  Win’s expression softened, worry and sadness seeping in. “You’re not mad?”

  “I may have been if you kept it from me for longer. Or if you were pretending to be Win and then ended up being a Winifred.”

  “I don’t think you have to worry about that. Even when I was trying to be a Winifred, I couldn’t. Maybe I need acting lessons.”

  “I think you’re perfect as you are,” I said. “Minus the Cinderella act. Although, I think she left a glass slipper behind, and not undies.”

  “Oh no, did you find those?” The red in her cheeks darkened. “When you didn’t say anything, I was hoping they were lost for good at the hotel. I was already planning to replace them.”

  “You can have the bra, it got washed with the stuff in my luggage.” I leaned back in my chair, rolling away from my desk enough that she could see my dick pushing against my pants. I’d been semi-hard all morning in anticipation of her visit. Since seeing her in the doorway, I’d been painfully hard. “I don’t think you’re going to want those panties back, though.”

  Win’s gaze dropped to my lap. With no hesitation, she stood and walked around my desk. Leaning on the edge of it, she crossed her ankles. “Why not?”

  My voice came out rougher than normal. “I think you know why not.”

  She nodded, licking her lips. “I wanna hear you say it.”

  “You wanna hear about how I wrapped them around my cock while I stroked it, picturing your pussy squeezing me so tight? Or how I loved the smell of you on them?”

  Her hands moved to her chest before she switched direction. Instead, she leaned forward until her palms landed on my thighs, rubbing upward. Reaching my dick, she stroked me over the fabric.

  “I love having your actual hands on me. My imagination is a poor fucking substitute.” My breath came out as a hiss as she squeezed me harder, her other hand working to undo my pants.

  “Shit. Sorry. We’re at your work. I have no clue what got into me.”

  I know what’s about to get into you.

  I grabbed her wrists, holding them to me. “Ryan is down helping on the third floor. No one else has an office on this floor. And it’s not like I’m going to get fired.”

  “Oh. Good point.” She freed me, her fist twisting gently up the length of my cock.

  I stilled her hand as I stood.

  Her dress was gone first. The bra and panties next. Her quick fingers undid all the buttons on my shirt, pushing it down my arms.

  Running her nails through my chest hair, I chuckled at her little moan. My chuckle turned into a groan when her nails flicked across my nipples. Pressing my lips to hers, I pushed my tongue in, twirlin
g it as I cupped between her legs. My middle finger slid through her wetness.

  I wanted to bury my face in her pussy, and get her taste back on my tongue.

  But I needed to be inside her more.

  As if reading my mind, Win tilted her head toward her bag next to the chair. “Condoms.”

  I grabbed them out, a paper falling out with it. I glanced at the drawing, a cartoon version of herself. She was holding a giant glass of wine and an even bigger sex toy. “We’ll come back to this,” I vowed through my laughter as I set it on my desk.

  Feeling impatient, Win muttered something as she tore open the wrapper and slid the condom on my cock.

  I took her mouth again, unable to get enough. Starting at her chest, I stroked down until my hands were spanning her hips. I used my hold to twist her so she faced my curtained window. My cock pressed against her back, my hand moving to play with her nipple as I licked and bit her neck. Reaching behind me, I knocked some stuff over as I felt around for the remote.

  Once I found it, I pressed the button.

  Win gasped as the curtains and blinds opened, revealing a nearly floor to ceiling window. When she didn’t move to back away or cover herself, I shifted us forward until her tits pressed against the glass. Thick and reinforced, there was no rattle or give to the material.

  Still, I was gentle as I lifted her so her pussy lined up with my cock. She spread her legs automatically, giving me just the right amount of space I needed to lower her slowly onto my cock.

  “God, Max. I’d been sure I’d built you up in my head. Like some sort of sex tall-tale, getting bigger and better each time I thought of you.”

  “And?” I asked, nipping at her neck.

  “Nope. Better than my memory.”

  Easing in and out, I kept her pinned to the window. The afternoon sun was shining bright, giving the illusion that anyone could see us.

  And that illusion was getting her off if the tightening in her body told me anything.

  I reached my hand around her, spreading her pussy lips with my thumb and finger. My middle finger rubbed her clit. “Do you think they can see you like this?”

  A shiver ran through her body.


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