Book Read Free

Double Grades

Page 38

by Kristine Robinson

  By the end of the week, their routine had fallen into place. Kari no longer avoided the hall in which Mary held her classes – even went to her in the mornings to talk and compare classroom complaints before the day set in. Mary would visit during their once-a-day shared free period, and at lunch they would retreat to the staff room to discuss whatever hot topic of the day was, whether it be class related or politics or art.

  A week turned into two turned into three and a month of Mary working with her revealed a few things to Kari. Mary was easily the most relatable person that she had ever met in her life – she was vibrant and open in the ways that many people weren’t in her town. She was quick to call out the deep-rooted prejudices that were held by many, often speaking passionately of the progress that needed to be made in heartlands like theirs. Often, these ideas weren’t well-received from others but Kari… she understood where Mary came from, and they became fast friends.

  The thing was, Kari wondered at times if friends was the only thing that could come of her interactions with Mary. She had remembered that knowing smile that Mary had given her the first day that they had met, the reassurance, the knowing in it… it didn’t feel like a simple friendly smile. And perhaps it was wishful thinking on her part, but there were often time that Mary would say something or do something out of the realms of what was typical friendly conversation or action. A lingering touch here, a comment that could be taken a certain way…

  Kari told herself, many times when she would think about it after a long day and those goodbyes to Mary as they parted ways at the end of the school day, that it was nothing… but there was something stronger than even her own voice in her head telling her that it wasn’t – that she needed to at least confirm and make sure before sweeping something potentially great under the rug.


  “Mary? You have a moment?”

  Kari stood nervously at Mary’s classroom door. They had gotten out of the habit of calling each other ‘Ms. Anders’ and ‘Ms. Jordan,’ at least in private. Kari enjoyed the familiarity, but even now Mary’s name hung on her tongue nervously and uncertain.

  Nevertheless, she came in when Mary greeted her, beckoning her over to her desk as she graded over papers. Kari closed the door behind her, knowing that she didn’t want their conversation overheard by any nosey coworkers or lingering students. Mary raised a brow at that, but didn’t tell her to open it back up. For that, Kari was grateful.

  “Is something the matter, Kari?” she asked, head tilted, and curious. Kari shook her head, pulling up a chair to sit next to Mary.

  “We’re… friends, right Mary?” she asked. Mary nodded.

  “Of course. Why?”

  Kari swallowed. She had never done something like this before – never at work, never with someone she had known for so little time. It was more than a little anxiety inducing, and she had to steel herself in order to go on. “I know we haven’t spoken for very long. And this… is not something I usually find myself asking of another… female coworker. But. If I’m not mistaken, you’re like me, aren’t you?” she asked, dancing around the exact words.

  Mary regarded her for a moment, before putting her papers and books aside. Kari was quiet, watching, wondering.

  “You mean, do I like women?” she asked. Kari swallowed.

  No going back now.

  “Yes. You… you like women too, don’t you?”

  Mary smiled at her. It wasn’t cruel or judging; it was the same warm, knowing smile that she had given her when she had been introduced by Principal McKinnon. That reassured Kari – but not more than what Mary did next.

  Mary leaned forward, bumping her nose against Kari’s before pressing her lips to hers. It was an unhurried, sweet sort of kiss. All warmth and softness that made Kari’s heart flutter in her chest and her knees weak. She was sure that if she had been standing she would have buckled, but she merely leaned into the kiss, sighing softly before they pulled away.

  “I very much like women,” she said. “And I like you, too.”

  Kari flushed, face redder than it had been.

  I very much like women. And I like you, too.

  The words repeated in her head. She had prepared herself for a negative reaction – for Mary to be disgusted, or pitying of her and her silly inquiry. But Mary… Mary was like her. Mary liked her.

  Kari’s heart beat, a chaotic drum in her chest. She did the only thing that she could think of in the moment, and that was tug at Mary’s collar, pulling her close for another kiss. She was eager – elated – lips desperate against Mary’s. It was risky, potentially damaging. Should someone walk in on them and see –

  She pulled away, but only just. Mary’s smile was wide, quite pleased with herself. Kari bit her lip, deciding that she could chance another question if this was how Mary was reacting to her.

  “You want to go see a movie sometime?”


  Kari waited nervously outside the local theatre. It didn’t boast sixteen screens like the town over (just a modest five) but it was the only one that locals went to, fiercely loyal to the local businesses, and it was cheap, not to mention slow during the week nights.

  Mary had agreed to go see a movie with her. Kari could barely remember what the movie was, just that Mary had said she’d be delighted to go to a movie with her. It wouldn’t be seen as strange on the outside – two new friends blowing steam out one evening, even teachers did that – but Kari knew it for what it was. She was on a date. A date, with another woman, and though she reminded herself over and over again that it was a bad idea, that people might end up talking – her nerves were a product of her excitement, more than they were of her fear.

  “Hey, Kari!”

  She started, looking over. Mary trotted up to her, dressed prettily as she did at work, though decidedly more casual. She beamed at Kari, and Kari couldn’t help but return the smile.

  “Hey, Mary. Glad to see you,” she said. She rocked a little on her feet, feeling a bit like a high school kid, in all honesty. When had she become such a flighty woman?

  “Glad to see you too, Kari darling.” She gave a wink, setting Kari’s face to blush as red as it ever did. Before Mary could make her anymore a tomato than she already was, Kari nodded forward, walking them up to the ticket booth.

  “Kari!” Peter, the night’s clerk, greeted enthusiastically. He was an old student of hers, still young, still trying to figure out what he wanted in life. Kari smiled at him.

  “Hey, Peter. Two for –” She looked to Mary, the name of the movie they were supposed to be watching lost to her.

  “Two for King Kong.”

  Peter laughed. “Really? Don’t ladies like watching romantic comedies they can cry over together and talk about how hot the male lead is?” he said, nonetheless printing out tickets and accepting Mary’s payment of them. Mary laughed right back.

  “Don’t you know? Ladies love excitement and hardly need to spend a movie talking about men. Come on, Kari. Let’s find a good seat!”

  They grabbed drinks and popcorn on the way up, showing their tickets when needed. Kari was glad that the theatre tended to show more movies that had been out for a while, over new ones. Their screening room was completely empty, aside from them. Mary practically bounced in excitement.

  “This means we’ll be able to make comments without annoying anyone in the crowd,” she said, giddy. Come on. Up there and in the middle.”

  They took their seats, up high and in the middle like Mary insisted. The screen was only showing preview at the moment, and they sat in a relative silence getting comfortable and situated for the movie. Once they were, Kari shifted in her seat, gaining a bit of her confidence, since they were alone.

  “Thanks for coming out with me,” she said. “I hadn’t expected our talk to turn out quite like this. I mean. I didn’t expect you to have kissed me, let alone going out on a date.”

  Though the theatre was dark, Kari could see Mary’s smile. Mary looked around before she lea
ned forward, nuzzling her nose against Kari’s before she stole another kiss.

  “Truth be told, I had an inkling when we first met,” she admitted. “But I didn’t want to push, and I didn’t want to be wrong until I was either certain or you came to me. Things are done differently here from what I’m used to, so I didn’t want to chance doing something wrong or making you uncomfortable. But.” She grinned, mischievously. “I have to say, small town means one good thing – we’ve got the theatre to ourselves… we can be a little more cozy without other people watching.”

  Kari was glad for the darkness, because the warmth on her face told her that she was blushing again. She could feel the heat all the way up to her ears, and it didn’t stop when Mary slid her hand into hers, holding it – not as a friend, but caressing.

  Like a lover…

  Kari’s heart skipped, and as credits started rolling it was hard for her to concentrate as Mary’s thumb circled and rubbed over her hand, soothing and tempting all at once. She wanted to kiss her again… And while she was usually opposed to chancing things in public, there was no one around to impose on them.

  The opening scene rolled, and Kari leaned over, pressing a kiss to Mary’s cheek since that’s all of her that she could reach at the moment. She was going to pull away, but Mary turned her head, capturing her lips once more.

  Though the movie played, Kari got lost in their kiss. She couldn’t help it; Mary’s lips were soft against her, moving with them as though they had always kissed, so openly and unabashed. She shuddered when Mary’s tongue darted out, flicking along her bottom lip, though she didn’t pull away. She allowed Mary entrance, the taste of her, and she moaned softly as Mary allowed her reciprocate the sweet exploration of her mouth.

  “We’re… in public,” Kari said faintly.

  “I don’t see anyone else around.”

  Mary’s boldness didn’t surprise her, only spurned her further. Her free hand came up to tangle in Mary’s curly hair, holding her to her. They breathed together, teeth nicking against each other’s lips. Kari felt too hot, even considering her clothing wasn’t even warm – but her skin radiated it and made her body shudder as Mary nibbled a bit at her bottom lip.

  “Can I touch you?” Mary asked her, voice rough. The initial reaction was to say no – they couldn’t, not here. But Kari wanted it. It was hard to deny how much her attraction had boomed given Mary’s reciprocation.

  “Please,” she said. “I want you to.”

  The movie was forgotten. Mary went back to kissing her, and her hand slid up under her shirt. Kari’s stomach tightened at the feel of Mary’s fingers against her, slipping across smooth, pretty skin. Up, up they explored, until Mary cupped her breast. Kari pressed into the touch, enjoying the sensation.

  She knew that she should have stopped her, but it felt too good. When Mary tugged at the cups of her bra, pulling it down to expose her breasts under her shirt, she only gasped against Mary’s lips, moaning when Mary’s fingers found one of her nipples. Her thumb rolled over it, making it pert and hard in no time. It had been so long since someone else had had their hands on her, she shifted in her seat, thighs rubbing together as the ache between her legs grew with the sensations at her nipple. Mary seemed to realize this, and as she kept Kari’s mouth claimed, she slid her hand up under Kari’s skirt, parting her legs willingly.

  Though Kari wasn’t inexperienced, going this far in such a public place was foreign to her. It was different… exciting. She didn’t stop Mary when her fingers slid along her wet panties, and certainly didn’t say no when Mary nudged them to the side. A hushed whimper left her as Mary let her fingers play at the wetness of her lips, teasing the plump, soaked flesh before she teased at the excited bud just above her sickened folds.

  Pleasure shot through Kari, and she broke away from Mary with a gasp as Mary’s fingers concentrated on that little pleasure spot.

  “Oh god… Mary…” Her brows knitted together, lip bitten. Mary kissed those bit lips, fingers playing between her legs and pinching at her nipple, causing a dual sensation that made her squirm in her seat.

  “When this movie’s over, I want to taste you,” Mary said against her mouth. “Properly. With my face between your legs.”

  Kari didn’t even have the sense to register that, with Mary sinking her fingers into heat. She shuddered, sliding down a little in her seat to accommodate Mary’s fingers deeper, deeper inside her. Kari had to keep her lips pressed against Mary, or she surely would have made far too much noise, even for their empty theatre. Mary’s fingers strummed inside her, pressing against her sweet spots as her free fingers flicked over her pleasurable bud between her legs. It built and built, making Kari’s thighs shake as Mary guided her through her completion, breathing hard and moaning softly.


  “Shhh, I’ve got you,” Mary said, kissing her as she stroked inside her a little more, before easing her fingers out of her. In a move that made Kari flush, Mary brought her fingers up to her lips, licking them clean. “I think I should apologize for moving so fast but you’re a hard woman to keep hands off of,” she said, nuzzling against Kari as she straightened out her panties and fixed up her bra. Kari laughed.

  “I didn’t tell you I didn’t want it, and I didn’t want you to stop. I think we’re both culpable,” she said. She pressed her face into Mary’s shoulder. “We’re like high school teenagers, you realize? Fooling around in a movie theatre. Did you even pay attention to the first part of this movie?”

  “I’d rather be an exciting teen than a boring adult who has no fun,” Mary said with a laugh. “But if you’re not bothered, neither am I; I liked being able to make you feel good. And, ha.” Mary slid her arm over Kari’s shoulder. “I didn’t but I’ve seen this movie before. To be honest I had just planned on sneaking another kiss from you, but I think what I got was far better than that, don’t you?”

  Kari smirked a little, the tingle between her legs still very much there.

  “I can’t say I disagree,” she said, her own hand slipping between Mary’s legs. “I can’t say that at all.”

  Kari didn’t know where she had found the boldness. In truth, she had never done something this daring in her life. But there was something thrilling in the way that Mary grinned at her in response to her hand going between her legs and if there had been an ounce of hesitation in her left, it was effectively gone. Aside from not wanting to have taken pleasure without giving in return… well. She couldn’t say that she didn’t want to make Mary squirm and moan, didn’t want to watch her as she made her come undone. It was only fair, wasn’t it? Show Mary just what she had experienced by giving it to her first hand.

  She kissed Mary, tugging a little on her bottom lip as she did. Her fingers toyed and teased, sliding along the outside of Mary’s panties. The heat that was there was tantalizing, and as Mary began to rock her hips back and forth against her touches, an idea came to Kari.

  “You think you can be on the lookout and be quiet while I do something?” she whispered. Mary chuckled.

  “Depends on what you plan to do. I thought there was only so much that could be done in a movie theatre?” Kari smiled a little at her.

  “No one’s around, remember? Besides… You gave me an idea and now I’m a little bit impatient.”

  Before Mary could reply, Kari had slipped from her seat. Her heart beat in her chest, anticipation and lust coursing through her. it was certainly bold… certainly more than she had bargained for when she had planned this date with Mary, but there was little to be done about it at this point. She knew what she wanted, and they had done this much already.

  She nestled comfortably between Mary’s thighs, pushing her skirt up so her lower half was exposed to her. Mary didn’t complain, didn’t even look surprised, so much as amused. Their eyes locked as Mary spread her legs a little more for Kari, and Kari smiled serenely as her hands smoothed over Mary’s thighs, dragging nails along her skin. In their wake, Kari left kisses, lips and teeth
loving at Mary’s skin.

  When she got to Mary’s panties, her hands slid beneath Mary’s rear, gripping a little before she tugged them down. There was a suppleness to Mary’s body that Kari enjoyed; she was thick-bodied, fleshy. It was something that Kari enjoyed immensely, and as soon as Mary’s panties were down by her ankles and out of the way, Kari nuzzled against her flesh, teeth going to bite a little into her thigh.

  Mary gasped, squirming, and Kari took that as a cue to do it again. Bites and kisses, alternating, until Mary was rolling her hips against the feel of it.

  “I didn’t realize you were such a little tease,” she breathed out. “I’m going to have to step up my game when we get home – you’re going to have me pulled along on a string if this is always how you handle your partners.”

  Kari smiled to herself, but didn’t answer. She was an indulgent woman – she knew it, her past partners knew it. Usually she wasn’t so, so quickly… But they had gotten this far and it was hard for Kari to stop when she got going.

  She kissed her way deeper against Mary, until her lips brushed against Mary’s sex. Mary groaned softly, as if trying to hold back the sound, but that only made Kari want her that much more. Her tongue flicked out, sliding over Mary’s slickened lips. There, her teeth grazed, soft just to tease sensation before Kari covered the parting of her flesh fully.

  She reveled in the taste of Mary, as she buried her tongue inside of her. It was a clean taste, sweet almost, and the only thing better than having it on her tongue was the feeling of Mary’s hands in her hair, tugging and urging her on – needing more.


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