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Double Grades

Page 49

by Kristine Robinson

  The woman beside us was quite a moment, listening, before she laughed, covering her mouth shyly. “Uh, sure?” With a grin, Carmine stood, allowing the woman to take her seat, standing beside me now and humming.

  “Good! To new beginnings and Penny finally get her groove back.”

  “Hey!” I glared up at her, but I took a shot nonetheless. With a huff, I lifted the shot in cheers with the other two, then tossed it back. It burned going down, but damn, if it didn’t feel amazing. Red headed sluts had always been my favorite shots. As we set the small glasses down, the woman beside us laughed again, holding out her hand to me, then Carmine.

  “Name’s Marcie.” She was beautiful, I could tell even with the dim lights of the bar. Long, raven hair that was tied back in a loose braid over her shoulder, with thin glasses and a dark gray dress. It looked as if she had just stepped out from a meeting and I found myself staring, before looking away, clearing my thought a bit. “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but are you two..?”

  “No.” Carmine cut in, smiling. “Penny here just finalized her divorce and I’m out here trying to get her to celebrate. Honestly, she needs to cut back more.” As carmine commandeered the conversation, my face burned brightly and I glared at her. I hissed her name under my breath, but Marcie didn’t seem bothered by the news. Instead, she turned towards the barkeep and ordered us three more shots - kamikazes.

  “Sounds like you need something strong and good to celebrate. I assume if you’re here, it was a needed end.”

  “Very.” This time, Carmine and I spoke at the same time, causing me to laugh. Light, but it felt good to laugh.

  “Oh.” Marcie stared at me and I met her gaze, watching as she tilted her head. “Someone left that laugh? Well, they apparently were a fool.”

  As Marcie spoke - flirted - my face started to burn and Carmine grinned. “So!” She spoke up, getting our attention. “I see a hot blond across the way, I’m going to buy her a drink. I’ll be right back - don’t forget me.” Stepping away from us, she spared me a wink before moving across the bar. It took a moment to realize what she was doing before I started to panic.

  “Carm-!” She was already gone. Beside me, Marcie laughed.

  “She just ditched us for alone time, didn’t she?”


  “You friend really lacks subtlety.” I snorted, nodding.

  “She really does, but she means well. She just wants me to have fun tonight.”

  “Funny- so do I.” She smiled and leaned close, pecking my lips gently. She tasted like liquor and cherry gloss - I shivered without a thought. As she pulled away, Marcie winked and ordered us two more drinks. It didn’t take a genius to see where this was going.


  It had been well over eight years since I woke up beside anyone else that wasn’t Elliot. I had grown accustomed to the way he slept and when he woke. More often than not, I woke in bed alone, curled up on the edge to not obstruct him while he slept. That morning was different. I woke in the middle of the bed, with the blankets tucked around my body. Elliot left me our apartment, already having a place lined up. Apparently, he had a second apartment during our marriage, a secret little rendezvous point for his mistress and him. It was strange to wake alone, but I felt better than ever - relaxed, refreshed, and a number on my bedside table.

  Memories of the previous night were heavy in my mind and I couldn’t help the burning on my face. Throughout the day, all I could think about was Marcie and the fact that we had slept together the night before. It had been several years since I slept with a woman - my last lover was in college, which was quite a long time ago.

  “Penny.” As my name reached my ears, I looked over towards Carmine, then huffed. She was leaning from her chair towards me, grinning. We have tucked away in our booths are the bank we worked, rather bored with the slow day. Very few customer had wandered through the doors today, leaving us with the ability to talk for a bit, even if it was only whispering. “Are you going to call her? She was cute as hell.”

  “I don’t know. I’ve been thinking about it, but, it’s complicated.”

  “Girl, it’s been like, a week. Just call her! She left her number, of course, she wants to see you again. Don’t be so shy, there’s no reason.”

  There was a reason, after all, I was still reeling over the fact that I had slept with someone that wasn’t my husband. Ex-husband, as of last week. Everything was happening so fast and my head was starting to ache. While I wasn’t against change, this was a bit too much, too fast.

  “Seriously, Penny, you need to cut loose. Don’t feel like you owe him anything, he’s an utter asshole. I know, I already know that he’s sleeping around, even with his new fiance.”


  I looked up now and Carmine stared back at me. It took her a moment to realize what was going on, but she soon frowned, looking away. “He didn’t tell you.”

  “No! When the hell did he propose to her?”

  “ … April.”

  Two months before we divorced. My stomach twisted and I felt a weight within my throat. Turning away from Carmine, I focused on my booth now. Biting back my anger, my tears. “I’ll call her tonight.” My voice was soft, but I felt Carmine reach over and squeeze my shoulder softly, whispering.

  “You deserve better, Penny. Never forget that.” While her words were sweet, they meant nothing to me in this moment. I couldn’t care less about what she was saying to me, I was far too livid. Insulted, burned and I honestly felt sick. While I worked myself to the bone, he was out courting other women. The prospect was repulsive. It hurt, to think that I had loved a man like that once. “You got this.”

  She was right: I had this.

  * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  I didn’t have this.

  After work ended, I hurried home to change, then made my way back towards the bar. I wanted to see Marcie again, yet I found myself unable to call her. Each time I attempted, I clammed up and so instead, settled for returning to the bar we met within. Since we had met here once, I figured it was a safe bet that we might meet again. Yet, despite my hope, my plan didn’t pan out. Sitting at the bar, with an empty drink, I started to feel more and more like a fool as the minutes passed by. I should have just called her, that wouldn’t have been so much easier, but now, I was far too ashamed.

  It seemed my discontent was obvious to others, beyond myself. The bartender came over and placed a glass of water before me, with an apologetic smile. Giving a bitter laugh, I pulled the glass over and took a hearty drink. The cool liquid felt far better than the burn of any liquor.

  “You alright?” A voice spoke up beside me, and I glanced over towards the woman who spoke. She was watching him carefully as if trying to see if I was sick or not.

  “I’m … I’m fine. I suppose. I came here to drink, but I’m not really feeling it anymore?” I tried to explain myself the best I could, and the woman simply smiled, seeming to understand. She was quite cute, actually, now that I was able to get a better look. Sandy hair that was cut short, hanging just below her jaw. A bit was pulled back into a tight small pony and she wore a jacket and tattered jeans. While her clothing looked quite worn down, she had a very energetic smile. Freckles dotted across her nose and I felt a slight burn to my cheeks, staring a bit too much. It amused many when they learned that I was marrying a man when I was more attracted to women. Life was strange, that way.

  “Don’t worry, I understand where you’re coming from. I’ve had days like that, where I had no idea what the hell I really wanted. Either way, I hope that your night gets better.” She smiled softly, offering out her hand, which I accepted. “Sabrina, by the way.”


  “Can I buy you a soda, if you’re not in the mood to drink?” It was a sweet offer, but I had a feeling I understood the direction this situation was going. Sabrina was being charming. She was my type, sporty and cute, but my thoughts kept shifting back to Marcie. I had come here to meet her
, in hopes of having another evening together, yet she was nowhere to be found. Instead, there was a beautiful young woman beside me, with a charming smile and a tempting offer.

  I thought of saying now, because of Marcie, but the more I thought on the matter, the more I felt inclined. All she did was leave her number, it wasn’t like we were dating or going to be married. We just had a bit of fun, like adults. I wasn’t attached to Marcie, in fact, I wasn’t attached to anyone right now. I could be with anyone that I wanted - and honestly, I wanted to just have a good night.

  “I wouldn’t mind a soda.”


  “Though, I wouldn’t mind a drink back at your place, either.”

  As I spoke, Sabrina stared at me a bit started, but soon laughed, nodding. There was no need to go into further details - we both knew the direction in which this matter was going. “Oh, well. That sounds even better.” She winked at me before tossing back the rest of her drink and I felt my heart beating against my chest.

  I was rather enjoying this little flirting game.


  For the second time in a short span, I woke to find myself alone in a bed, however, this time, the bed was not mine. Instead, I found myself waking in an unfamiliar bedroom - small but well furnished. Looking around curiously, I slowly moved from the bed, starting to dress. The smell of bacon wafted through the door and it smelled amazing. My stomach groaned in need.

  Making sure that my jeans were buttoned and shirt adjusted, I stepped into the attached bathroom, fixing up my hair into a ponytail before heading out from the room. While I had expected to wake alone, I didn’t at all expect to have breakfast made for me. That was a bit strange, though nonetheless sweet.

  “Sabrina?” I called out curiously as she made my way across the penthouse. I wasn’t given much of a chance to look around last night, while we were stripping off the clothes off one another, but the layout was quite nice. An open concept with large windows, giving the area a very warm, bright feeling. As I walked towards the kitchen, a voice I didn’t expect called out. Deeper than Sabrina’s, providing both disappointing, and surprising, words in response:

  “Not quite!” Frowning, I stopped at the edge of the kitchen and lingering a moment, trying to get a look at the mysterious chef, before they approached me. A small squeak escaped as I stumbled back, staring at her rather startled. I knew this woman, I recognized that raven hair - Marcie. Standing before me, she looked just as startled, eyes rather wide, brows raised. In her hand was a cup of coffee, her body wrapped up in a loose robe. My voice was lost, unable to speak and Marcie seemed to be in the same state. Neither of us had expected to see the other in this kind of situation, but, here we were. Swallowing thickly, I uttered out a pathetic response.

  “Hi.” What a pathetic greeting. I looked away after speaking and Marcie finally smiled. Reaching out, she squeezed my arm gently, giving a small bit of laughter.

  “Loosen up, Penny, you’re fine.”

  “I- … I’m sorry.” That was all I could think of to say and I flinched a bit as she snorted, pulling away from me.

  “Why?” Taking a seat at the breakfast bar, I tentatively joined her, giving a slow shrug with my shoulders.

  “Because I never called you. I mean, honestly, I wanted to, I was just so damn nervous. I went back to the bar in hopes that I’d see you again, but you weren’t there. Instead, I ran into…” My words trailed off, well aware she knew who I meant and Marcie slowly nodded.

  “Yeah, Sabrina sent me a text about having brought home a guest. Look, Penny, it’s okay, honestly.” She gave me a smile, though there was still guilt heavy within my chest. “It was just a number! Though, talk about a coincidence.” Marcie’s attention returned to her coffee and I slowly nodded in agreement. Honestly, it was a bit of a strange turn of events. Statistically, if they were both gay and attended the same bars, it was bound to happen, I just never thought that I would be the one in a position such as this.

  Behind us, the door opened and closed as Sabrina’s voice rang out: “Yo, Marcie, I got the paper but there wasn’t any mail-” Her words were cut off and she looked over at the pair of us, grinning. “Hey, you’re up!” Walking over, Sabrina laid a soft kiss on my cheek before stepping into the kitchen, getting herself a plate. Unlike myself and the woman beside me, Sabrina didn’t seem bothered in the slightest by the tense situation that we had created. “Sorry for letting you wake up alone, I wanted to run and check the mail. You seemed pretty worn out so, I thought that you’d possibly sleep the entire time.” She continued to grin, though did look between myself and Marcie a moment, tilting her head rather curiously. “Are you guys alright?”

  “Penny is, uh, the penny is the woman that I told you about. The one from the bar.” Marcie spoke lightly and Sabrina’s eyes slowly widened. It seems, with a little bit of explanation, she finally realized as to why this conversation had become so awkward. Much to my own surprise, however, Sabrina simply laughed when the truth came to light - something I hadn’t expected.

  “Oh, so you’re the girl from the bar! Gosh, Marcie wouldn’t stop talking about you all day. She said you were cute, but I didn’t expect someone like you. I mean, no offense towards Marcie, you’re just a stunner. She usually doesn’t bring home types like you.”


  As they continued to speak, my face started to burn and I struggled to think of a response, simply giving a nervous bit of laughter instead. I honestly wasn’t even sure what to say, in a moment like this. Sitting between two women I had slept with the day before and both seemingly unaffected. It was strange, to say the least. “I’m so, so sorry. I can’t believe I caused such an awkward situation.”

  “You didn’t.” Marcie’s voice was soft, but he smile was warm. Her thin glasses were pushed up to rest on the top of her head while she drank her coffee, most likely to keep them from getting foggy. “These things happen, besides, at least it makes for a funny story.”

  “And, I finally get to see the girl that Marcie wouldn’t shut up about.”

  “Sabrina!” Her roommate glared and I gave a weak giggle, slowly shaking my head. They were an amusing pair. A very attractive, amusing pair, at that.

  “Well, regardless of Marcie being a shy little thing, just know that you’re always welcome here. I mean, she clearly enjoyed you, and so did I, so…” Sabrina winked after her words trailed off and my face burned brightly. Beside me, Marcie always flushed, however she nodded in agreement, though her response was much softer.

  “I would rather enjoy it, actually, if you came around. You’re good company.”

  Of all the ways I thought that this meeting was going to go, this certainly wasn’t the direction. It seemed the confusion was clear on my face, because Sabrina snickered softly, squeezing my arm. “If you haven’t guessed already, this isn’t the first time that we’ve had these little run-ins. Once or twice we brought home the same people, but, you’re different.”

  “Oh, am I?”

  “You’re too cute to let escape.” Sabrina winked and I gave a small squeak in response. There was just something about her that caused me to feel incredibly shy. Something that made my cheeks burn and I felt the breath escape from my lungs each time she spared me a compliment.

  “You two can’t be serious. I mean, I would think you’d be mad at me, or something?”

  “Why?” Sabrina questioned my statement, her arm around my shoulders, shrugging. “We’re all adults here, there’s no reason to feel that way. I enjoyed your company, as did Marcie. Hopefully, we can enjoy your company in the future. I know I’d enjoy that, and so would Marcie.”

  Thought she exampled herself in more detail, I had already been well aware of what she was suggesting. An open situation, one in which I could bed them both. It wasn’t a situation I had ever thought about before, but the prospect caused my heart to skip a beat, slowly nodding. I had never in my life imagined this type of situation, but now that I was faced with it, I actually found
the prospect rather nice.

  “ … I think I like the sound of that.”

  Screw Elliot, this was my life. I was going to enjoy it, have fun, and do whatever pleased me. Which, in this moment, was two very beautiful women.


  It always loved the color lilac. I found the shade to be utterly beautiful and adored dresses in this shade. It complimented so many things, but it complimented Marcie’s skin the most. Her laced panties looked amazing on her stretched out body, the front sported an adorable little bow. I pulled her panties playfully with my teeth before tracing my lips up her torso. Marcie squirmed beneath me in need, her fingers finding their way into my hair and gently gripping a handful of locks. Arching towards my mouth, she cried out when my lips finally wrapped around her exposed breast, my tongue taunting her erect nipple.

  I realized during our first night together that Marcie had a rather sensitive chest and I always enjoyed poking and prodding at my lovers until I found the spots that made them tick. The ultimate goal, after all, was pleasure. I had found this desire of mine quite ignored when it came to sleeping with men, unfortunately. Most men were eager to get in, then out once they finished up. Rarely was I given a chance to explore their bodies properly, to find ways to make them moan and tremble with need.


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