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Double Grades

Page 66

by Kristine Robinson

"The one and only," Margie said with a proud smile.

  Tori breathed out a sigh said, "Well, she'll have to prove it to me before I believe it."

  Margie and Deon laughed as if this was a grand joke. If it was a joke, I was not in on it. I felt offended. Who the hell did this woman think she was? I was the best, not only in this town but the state. People came from all over to have me do their renovations. I did not need some blond bimbo telling me what I was capable of. I narrowed my eyes and raised my chin up defiantly.


  During Tori's first week as our director, the woman seemed determined to do everything in her power to make me feel useless. Every time I offered a suggestion, put forth an idea, volunteered to take on projects, or otherwise tried to do my job, the woman shut me down, or worse waved me off dismissively. I felt like she was out to make me feel bad for having initiative and drive.

  The following Monday I went to work wearing a grimace of determination. I did not even stop until I was pushing open Tori's door. "May I have a word with you?" I asked as the woman looked up from some paperwork.

  "I suppose you may since knocking isn't a skill of yours," Tori said in retort. She laid her hands on her paperwork and looked at me expectantly. "What is it?"

  I squared my shoulders. "Did I do something to offend you?" I asked with force. "Because if I did, could you just tell me, so I understand why you are so set against me doing anything?"

  Tori looked confused for a moment then sighed. "I haven't been slighting you, Mrs. Shelton."

  "Miss," I corrected out of habit.

  Tori amended, "Miss Shelton."

  "Then why do I not have a project?" I asked in bewilderment.

  Tori's blond hair was cut off in a sleek bob. The woman pushed a strand of silky hair behind one of her ears as her blue eyes studied me for a moment. "I don't quite understand. The jobs came in, and I passed them on to designers that are more than qualified to handle them. Are you upset because you think you should get first dibs on any jobs that come in?"

  My first instinct was to say yes, but I knew that was what she wanted me to do. "Of course not. The other designers on staff here are capable designers. I'm just not used to being without work, Mrs. Jones," I said as politely as I could.

  "Miss," Tori corrected me and then continued, "I do, as a matter of fact, have a project for you," Tori said as she reached into a drawer and pulled forth a manila folder. "This is Loren and Jacob Green's file. They want their bathroom remodeled and were especially hoping you would be free. You'll want the project, I assume?" Tori held the folder out to me. I smiled and took the project. Finally, I would be able to show this so-called project director what I could do.

  Once I was back in my office, I laid out the file and looked at the photos. I began drafting up a killer mock-up of what the renovation could entail. It took me the better part of the day and until noon the next day, but when I handed the plans in for approval to the disinterested Tori, I expected to see something for the effort. Tori made an "hmm" noise as she flipped through the pages.

  "Have you gotten approval from the clients on these plans?" Tori asked.

  I said hesitantly, "I haven't yet. I wanted to make sure that you would approve the plans first."

  "Why wouldn't I approve them?" Tori asked as she looked up at me with disinterest. "I do not have time to hold your hand on projects, Miss Shelton. I was under the impression that you could handle yourself."

  My blood boiled at the offense. "Of course I can," I ground out. "I just don't know how you operate, Miss Jones, and wanted to make sure I did not step on your toes."

  "Good. Let's concentrate more on what the clients want and less on impressing the new boss, shall we?" Tori held the plans back out to me. "Get them approved from the people who count and I will approve them as well."

  I left Tori's office red-faced and fuming. True, I should have just gotten the plans approved by the clients first, but I would be damned if I admitted fault to that woman.

  When I got the plans approved, the clients agreed to tweak some things. Tori was less than impressed with the changes that I had talked the clients into. "Do they need that?" Tori asked of the faucet additions.

  "Well, need is a subjective term when it comes to people's homes," I said through clenched teeth. "The clients agreed to it."

  Tori nodded slowly and then said, "Just be sure the changes you make to client plans are for the benefit of the client and not your portfolio, Miss Shelton."

  "Of course," I ground out.

  By the end of the first couple months with Tori in charge, I despised going to the office. The woman was always offering suggestions where I did not ask for them and she never acted like anything I did was good enough for her. I swear everything I turned into the woman might as well have been blank pages with the level of disinterest she showed. The woman was efficient, and the office hummed with business as things ran smoothly. I gritted my teeth and knew I had to bear it.

  Chapter 2

  "I love that, Kate. Those colors are just gorgeous," Danny said as he looked over the shots from my last makeover. "I never would have thought of adding color to the glass itself. It does make it look like a magic window," he said with a smile. Danny and I were comparing notes for our portfolios.

  I gave him a bright smile. "The client loved it. She is a bit of a hippie, so she thought it was awesome, and it is completely made with recycled materials," I said proudly.

  Tori who was walking by glanced at us. I swear I saw the woman roll her eyes. Just because she had no creativity did not give her the right to roll her eyes at me anytime someone complimented my designs. I found it hard not to glare at the woman openly. I forced myself to look at Danny who was holding up a picture of his latest bathroom remodel.

  "The client was really big into Disney, so bear with me on this one," Danny said with a laugh.

  I assured him, "It looks great. It might be Disney inspired, but you put a sophisticated spin on it. I love the subtle little touches."

  "Thanks," Danny said relieved. "It was a lot of fun to do actually," he admitted.


  "This is the design for the outdoor living space that I'm doing on Twelfth Street," I explained as I tried to keep my tone professional.

  Tori glanced up from her computer screen and took the folder in an absentminded fashion. She thumbed through the folder for a minute before she handed them back to me without comment. I ground my teeth together. I said, "I was thinking for the fountain that I might go with moonstone tiles."

  The tapping of Tori's hands on the computer desk paused only briefly as she said, "If you think it will look good. Is there something else?" Tori looked at me with her blue eyes as her fingers hovered over the keys.

  I shook my head. "I don't guess so," I ground out. Tori merely nodded and then was back to her work. I spun on my heel and took a deep breath as I left Tori to whatever she was working on.

  A couple of weeks later I rounded the hallway to see Tori talking with Gloria, a seasoned designer in her right. Gloria seemed to be having a hard time of some sort. "I'm not telling you that I can't handle the job. I'm telling you that I have a personal involvement with one of the clients," Gloria said in exasperation.

  Instinctively I slowed down as I listened. Tori folded her arms across her chest. "This was involvement in the past, correct?" The blond asked in a matter of fact way.

  Gloria conceded, "Yes, but--"

  Tori cut her off, "Then be a professional and handle the situation. Working with the public is bound to bring you in contact with people you have issues with. You can't continually run away."

  "That's not what I am doing. The client's wife would prefer another designer work on the project. I have no desire to come between a husband and wife, Miss Jones." Gloria said firmly and shook her head.

  "I'll take over for you, Gloria. I just wrapped that kitchen update, so my schedule is free," I said as I walked the final couple steps over to the two women.

gave me a grateful smile. "Thank you," she said. "I'll return the favor, I promise."

  "No problem," I said, and then I gave Tori a smile. "Is that okay with you?" I know I did not sound terribly nice, but I did not feel particularly friendly toward the blond.

  Tori sighed, "I suppose it has to be. Make sure you sign off on everything." Tori said the last part to Gloria who nodded eagerly.

  "Of course," Gloria said before Tori turned and walked away.

  I watched the woman for a moment then looked over at Gloria. "She's a real piece of work," I muttered.

  "She's just doing her job," Gloria said, "but, yes, she is a stickler for the rules sometimes."

  Gloria clearly had not had to put up with Tori as much as I had. I let the conversation slide and took my leave of Gloria promising to get the client files from her before I left for the day. I did not mind taking over Gloria's project, but I admitted to myself that I had mostly volunteered because it meant that Tori would not get what she wanted just that once. The look on her face when I swooped into volunteer was enough reward for me.


  The air outside was crisp and nice. It held that promise of cooler temperatures as the street lights came on. I needed a few things and headed toward the corner grocery. It was a small place that bordered a couple of neighborhoods. I came here often as it was the grocery most convenient to my apartment.

  The store did a fair amount of business and this evening was no exception. I got in line behind a tall man and looked around at the odds and ends that were displayed in the impulse buy area. I sighed in a bored manner. Behind me, I heard someone clear their throat, and I glanced behind me at the person. My heart stomach dropped, and my irritation surged. Tori was behind me in line. Her hair as perfect as ever even in her dressed downed clothes.

  "Miss Shelton," Tori said blandly in her professional tone.

  I was not at work, and I felt irate that my private time I had been invaded by this woman who made my work life hell. "I don't believe it," I muttered.

  "Nice to see you, as well," Tori said in a tone that I swear sounded sarcastic.

  I ground my teeth together. "I might have to put up with you during work but--"

  My tirade got cut short as a man burst through the doors yelling, "This is a robbery!" The man wore dark clothes with a ski mask pulled over his face. I saw the flash of movement and stared at the gun the man raised as he yelled, "Everyone, stay still!" The robber looked over at the cashier and tossed him a sack. "Empty the register," the man barked out at the cashier.

  The cashier was an older gentleman, and the man's face was set in hard lines of disgust as he reached down. To my surprise, the cashier brought up a gun and aimed it at the robber. "Not in my store," the cashier growled out. I knew what was going to happen, but could not move. I felt Tori crash into my side and knock me to the floor. The woman covered me protectively as the gunshots rang out. There was clang of the doors and Tori looked around. The robber had fled, and the cashier was already dialing the police.

  I was stunned and stayed on the floor shaking. I had never been in a robbery before. What was I supposed to do? "Are you okay?" Tori asked.

  I looked up at the woman who was still leaning over me. I saw the softness in her eyes, the concern that I had never seen before. I blinked up at her through tears and shook my head. "I don't know," I said honestly. "Is he gone?"

  "Yeah," Tori said softly. "Come on, let's get you up," she said in a firm but gentle voice. Tori helped me to my feet. Once I was standing, Tori stayed close by, and her hand stayed protectively at my elbow as she guided me out the door to one of the benches set up outside. I sank down gratefully on the cold stone bench. "The shock will wear off," Tori softly said as she sat down beside me.

  I nodded. Maybe it would. Right then I just sat and replayed the scene in my head. If Tori had not have been there, if she had not pushed me down, I shook my head as tears welled up in my eyes. I blinked at a gentle pressure on my shoulder. Tori watched me with concern filled eyes. After a moment, I burst into tears. I leaned into the woman who wrapped a comforting arm around my shoulders. She whispered to me, but the words were lost in the sound of my sobs.

  Chapter 3

  The police came after a few minutes, and we all gave our accounts of what had happened. When the police told me I could leave, I numbly scooped up my purse. "Let me walk you home," Tori softly said as she walked over to me.

  I started to tell her not to bother, that I was fine, but instead, I just nodded. We fell into step beside each other as I pointed down the street. "I live just over there," I said as I wiped a stray tear from my cheek. I wondered how weak this made me look to Tori. Somehow, I felt like she would give me, even more, grief than normal.

  When we got to my building, Tori walked up with me. I did not mind. After the shock of the robbery, I felt vulnerable and jumpy. Every corner and shadow seemed just a bit more threatening to me. "Home sweet home," I mumbled as I unlocked my door. Tori came in with me.

  "Let's get some tea in you to calm your nerves," Tori said conversationally. She sounded like she just wanted to talk, so I let her. I understood the feeling of just needing to do something. I nodded and followed her into the kitchen. I laid things out, and she set about making up some tea for us. It had taken a little time before we were seated at the kitchen table sipping the warm beverages.

  We did not bother much with small talk. We just sat there and drank our teas while each of us was lost in thought. The night was quiet. It is odd how quiet it is after something like that happens. It is as if everything holds its breath until it is sure that the worst is over.

  "You seem much calmer," Tori said as she finished her tea.

  I nodded. "I am. Thank you," I said uncomfortably. I had been about to tell this woman off in the store, and now here we were. Life was so odd sometimes. I noted how blue her eyes were as she studied me for a moment. There was an odd flutter in my stomach that made me blush.

  "Don’t mention it," Tori said. "Get some rest and if you need to feel free to take tomorrow off." She stood up, and I followed her toward the door of my apartment.

  I shook my head and assured her, "I'll be fine."

  Tori just gave me a nod before she slipped out the front door. I leaned against the door and sighed.


  That night my dreams seemed to seek out Tori at every turn. I saw her on streets that were both familiar and foreign. I even saw her sitting at a family dinner that I knew she was not at. At the end of the dinner, I followed her. She waited for me in the hallway and grabbed me when I walked near. Before the blink of an eye, she was kissing me in a deeply possessive way. My knees felt weak, and I trembled in the demanding woman's arms.

  I wanted her approval. I was hungry for her approval suddenly as if it was all that mattered. Whatever she wanted me to do, I knew that I would do it for her without reservation. She kissed me, and I succumbed to her. I undressed for her pleasure and danced for her. She sat haughtily on a throne above me, and I felt this right and fitting.

  My body ached for her to touch me but Tori sat motionless and passive as she watched me through emotionless eyes. I whimpered, "Why won't you touch me?"

  "You aren't perfect, yet," Tori said blandly. She dismissed me with a wave of her hand and guards seized me. I screamed and begged, but Tori paid me no attention.

  My eyes came open, and I groaned. Did I seriously just dream about my boss? I had to get a grip. I had to see the woman the next day I could not have visions of me dancing naked for her flashing behind my eyelids. Even in the dream though Tori had confused me. At first, she was hot and demanding; then she was aloof and indifferent. Which was the real Tori?


  The next morning Tori seemed no different. I took stock of the woman as I watched her throughout the day. Some people had heard about the robbery and asked me about it as they knew I lived close by. No one seemed to know that Tori was even involved in the incident.

  "Tori?" Danny looked at
me in disbelief.

  With a nod, I assured him, "I'm serious. I would be dead if Tori didn't push me down."

  "Hard to imagine that," Danny said thoughtfully. "If she did all that, why do you think she's brushing it off?"

  I did not have a clue. I just shook my head. My eyes went to the glass wall of the meeting room where Tori was talking with the accountants about some new guidelines. She seemed as calm and cool as ever. Her hair was impeccably styled in her angled bob. She gave the appearance that nothing exciting had happened to her in her whole life. I knew differently, though.

  As I watched her, my dream came to mind, and I flushed as I remembered the feel of her kiss in the dream. Danny gave me a weird look, but I just shrugged it off.

  Maybe robberies were not what Tori considered exciting, I mused. I mulled over it for the next couple days before I realized that my thinking had shifted where the blond woman was concerned. Before I had viewed her as my boss, now I saw her as a woman. She was not just some cold, emotionless monster here to tear apart my work life. No, Tori, was warm and brave. She was also undeniably attractive.


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