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Mastering Her Will (Dirty Texas Love Book 2)

Page 4

by Shanna Handel

  His hand lowered to my buttock, grabbing it hard in his hand, his fingertips digging into the soft fleshy curve of my bottom. I gasped as his fingers dug deeper, sending me up on my tippy toes, pulling me into him and pressing me against him. My slip rising and the cool air rushing beneath.

  Holding me tightly, his hand squeezing my bottom, his other hand left the hem and slipped underneath, wrapping around my hip and grabbing it possessively. My arms lay limp at my sides as his grip on my bottom and hip tightened.

  His mouth found mine and his hard, hungry kiss melted my insides to a pool of lava. My already wet pussy was pulsing and throbbing. My constricted nipples rubbed against his dress shirt and chest.

  Standing on tiptoe, my arms wrapped around his neck, my mind was lost in the kiss. His tongue entered my mouth, exploring, possessing, sending thrills through me. His hands began to explore. The one squeezing my bottom now moving towards the cleft where by buttocks met. I froze, my tongue in his mouth, our lips pressed together.

  Slipping his fingertip underneath the strand of my G-string, he pulled it back, letting it go with a snap. Then a sharp slap on my bare butt cheek. I gave a gasp and a shudder. Ending the kiss, he pulled back, his eyes smoldering with desire. Hands moving upward, they wrapped around my sides, sliding up my silky slip, resting around the cage of my ribs. My heart was fluttering with excitement.

  “You’re such a beauty.”

  “Thank you,” I murmured.

  Tugging on a strand of my hair, a wolfish grin spread across his face. “Go lay on the bed.”

  Was it time? Would we finally be consummating our marriage? I pictured Jake tearing off his clothing, climbing on top of me, us fucking like rabbits. Dear God, please tell me it was time. My entire body was pulsing with desire, wishing, hoping to finally be fulfilled.

  I walked to the bed, throwing one last virginal glance over my shoulder. Arms crossed over his chest, Jake was hungrily watching my every move.

  Crawling up onto the high bed, my slip rose up, my bare bottom peeking out at my husband. I quickly turned over, settling amongst the pillows. My hair spread out beneath me and I lay my legs straight out before me. Trying my best to look sexy, I pulled one leg up, raising my knee in the air casually—giving him a peek at the crotch of my creamy silk panties—and put what I hoped was a coy look on my face.

  He gave a smile—he knew what I was doing. A feeling of shyness washed over me. Jake suddenly seeming so much more experienced than I did. I dropped my leg, folding my hands on my stomach. Giving a small chuckle, he walked over to the table by the door. To his black duffle bag. I tried to peek over his shoulder as he unzipped the bag.

  I could see him pulling black, silky strands from the duffle. I got up the nerve to whisper, “What are you doing? I thought… I thought we were going to… have sex now,” I stuttered out nervously.

  He strutted to the edge of the bed, cocking his brow. “Oh, we are. But I’d like to play with you a bit first.” He slid the long thin black silk pieces of fabric back and forth between his hands.

  “What are those for?” An army of butterflies took flight in my stomach, my pussy clenching at the prospects.

  “I’m going to tie you up.”

  “You’re going to tie me to the bed?” I squeaked out.

  “Of course. I even made sure to choose a hotel that had the appropriate head and foot board to do so.”

  Looking over my shoulder, I noticed for the first time the bars of the brass bed. “On our first night of marriage, our first night sleeping together, you are going to tie me to the bed?”


  “And do what with me, exactly?”


  I scooted further back against the protection of my pillows.

  “Everything?” I echoed in a small voice.

  “Everything,” he growled.

  Jake was moving towards me now, telling me to ‘lie spread’.

  Lie spread? What did that entail? I pictured myself spread across the bed, arms and legs open and out, straight as sticks, as if I was preparing to make a snow angel. I gave a nervous giggle.

  “Something funny?”

  “No, I just—”

  “Than do as I say.”

  The dark tone of his voice startled me. I quickly scooted my bottom down to the middle of the bed. Taking a deep breath, I lay on my back, pulling my slip down modestly, then spreading my arms out so my hands were pointing to each of the far corners of the bed. My feet followed, my legs parting, the cool air meeting my damp pussy. I smelled the musky scent of my own desire.

  My heart beat in my throat and I had never felt more virginal or vulnerable than I did now. What on Earth would he do with me?

  “Turn over.”

  Feeling shy, I hesitated, my nipples further tightening under his gaze.

  “You’re taking too long, little lady. Turn over on your stomach before I take off my belt. The next time I give you a command, you obey.”

  The idea of Jake removing his belt, the leather swishing through the loops of his trousers had my stomach clenching and my nipples tightening. I carefully turned over, trying to maintain some sense of modesty and hoping my slip would not ride up. My cheek lay on the pillow, my stomach pressed into the bed, hands and feet still spread.

  Jake’s long, deft fingers quickly tied my right wrist to the bed, leaving a long trail of silk ribbon between the two. The material was cool against my skin. I tugged discreetly testing the strength of the knot. The ties around my wrist tightened.

  Going to the other side of the bed, Jake tied my left wrist as he had done my right. He then moved to the foot of the bed, delicately tying my ankles to the shiny bars of the footboard.

  “All tied up. Cat got your tongue?” he asked, tickling my bare feet with his finger tip. I jerked my foot back, the silks tightening. He stood at the foot of the bed, his stare leaving me quivering.

  He could do whatever he wanted with me. He was never more in charge than at this moment. He was so big, so strong. And I was helplessly laying bound to this bed.

  “I thought it appropriate on our first night of fucking to show you how in charge I am of your body. And teach you a little patience. You were, after all, trying to disobey my wishes at every turn of our engagement, were you not?” He paced around the bed as he spoke, his hands behind his back, his lecturing tone stern. “I would say ‘no’, you would say ‘yes’. I say ‘wait’, you say ‘now’. Pressing that naughty pussy against my thigh every chance you got. Humping me like a dog in heat, weren’t you? It was killing you to wait, wasn’t it?”

  “Yes,” I whispered, my thoughts on the stone steps that day echoing through my mind. “I was beginning to think a girl could die from desire.”

  Chuckling darkly, he tugged on the knot of my right hand, standing over me at the head of the bed. “Nice and tight, just like I know your pussy will be.”

  “Jake Hargett! You have a dirty mouth,” I exclaimed, shocked by the words coming from my clean-cut husband. He had never spoken this way during our engagement. A thrill ran through me.

  “Not as dirty as my mind.” His fingers wrapped around my silk covered wrist, tightening until it was almost painful. “The things I have wanted to do to you, little girl. But I waited. And tonight, I get to do them all.” Unwrapping his hold on my wrist, his fingertips trailed the inside of my arm, lightly brushing over my skin. “I want to lick you, suck you, taste the sweet juices of your cunt. Spank your ass, pinch your nipples till you cry out. Make you come.”

  This Jake, husband Jake was new to me. So darkly handsome, so dangerous. So ready to pleasure my body. To claim me. My hips shifted beneath me, my sex begging to find some purchase, some friction to rub it to ecstasy. But it looked like my poor, little pussy was going to be waiting a bit longer. My husband was teaching me a delicious lesson in patience—one I feared might drive me crazy before I was given release.

  I was all out squirming by this point. Had I not been tied, despite my sham
e, I would have stuck my fingers right down into my panties and with a few hard strokes had myself coming. Right in front of Jake. Perhaps he knew this about me and hence—tied me to our honeymoon bed?

  “Can’t you untie me, flip me over and go ahead and do that thing you said, with your mouth? Please? I’m begging you. Give me just a little taste,” I asked hopefully.

  “Not a chance. You always want to rush things. Your body is focused on one thing—an orgasm. I’m going to make you wait, tease you, taunt you and give you a full experience. Only then will you get the ending you so desperately want,” he promised.

  Nerves ran through me much like I imagined electricity might when one sticks a metal fork in a socket. I hid my face in the pillow, unable to process what was happening. How had my husband reached inside my mind and discovered my wildest fantasies?

  His fingertips brushed over the goose pimpled flesh of the backs of my thighs, taking my slip with them. My silky slip rose up, my cheeks exposed. I lay my head to the side, my entire body tingling as I waited. What would he see fit to do with me?

  His trail continued, the silky material now high up around my waist. My legs and bottom were completely exposed, save for the tiny strings holding the slip of panties in place.

  “What to do, what to do, what to do with my Buttercup?” he sang, footsteps falling as he slowly walked around the perimeter of the bed. Stopping at my side, in my line of vision, his finger tugged at my G-string, snapping it back in place.

  I gasped, trembling. I pulled my wrists in towards me, the resistance reminding me I was bound. Bound to the metal bed frame. Bound for my husband’s pleasure. Bound for my own pleasure—through pain. “Ow,” I cried as his hand came down fast, slapping my skin.

  “The first lesson in marriage. Obey your husband or face the consequences.”

  “But I haven’t done anything,” I breathed, my mind focused on my stinging skin.

  “But you will. And then you will be sure to know what I will do.” Smack, another slap landed on my bottom. I breathed in.

  “Up on your knees.”

  Was there enough slack in the ribbons for me to obey his command? Best to obey first and find out second. I got up on my knees, having to scoot back a bit using the slack from the ribbons around my wrist to allow for the motion.

  My knees folded beneath me, arms outstretched, I was in the child’s pose I had learned in that one, embarrassing yoga class I had tried. The child’s pose being the only one I could master.

  “Up on your knees,” he demanded.

  I shivered at the authority in his voice. Leaning forward, my upper body resting on the bed, I stuck my rear up in the air. The slip betrayed me, falling down further, settling around my breasts. The cool air rushed against my bare bottom, stuck up in the air fully exposed. Exactly how Jake wanted me.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured. His hand came down again, the stinging slap of his palm marking me with pain. I let out a small moan.

  “You’re my wife now, Buttercup. I will spank you when you disobey me. And I will spank you when I know you need it.” His hand came down again, but harder than before. The slap was loud and had me hoping the room had been sound proofed. My eyes shut tight in pain. And pleasure.

  The curve of my bottom, where it met the tops of my thighs, was peppered with sharp, fast slaps. Right side, left side, right side, left side. I held in a cry, my skin burning, my pussy weeping and pulsing.

  “You know what, though? Now, that you’re my wife, sometimes I will just spank you because I want to.” A sharp slap on the center of my bottom came next. “Because I feel like it.” A hard spank landed on the center of my right cheek, making me lose my breath. His mouth moved to my ear, my face buried in the mattress as he whispered, “Because I know how wet it makes you.”

  And that was the moment Jake did his own dampness test on the crotch of my panties. I almost came as his finger lightly stroked, over the fabric, from my entrance, up my slit, and to my clit. He gave one gentle press on my button, then his finger disappeared. A deep guttural groan rose from within me, my thighs pressing together, squeezing my pussy, trying to create some relief.

  “So wet for me, little wifey. And you’ve barely been touched.” His breath was hot against my ear. I turned to face him, my eyes closing. His lips met mine, pressing hard into me. As he kissed me, his tongue forcing its way into my mouth, there was a heat behind the kiss I had not felt before. My back arched pushing my breasts further into the bed, my stinging bottom raising in the air.

  As he kissed me, his fingers wandered down my spine, heading for my bottom. My mouth stopped moving, frozen in mid kiss, curious where he was going next. I pulled back with a gasp of surprise when I got my answer.

  Jake’s fingers were following the trail of the string of my panties, between my buttocks. His finger stopped at the entrance of my bottom, resting there, right on my… bottom hole. His fingertip slipped beneath the G-String. The bare skin of his finger, touching the bare skin of my puckered rosebud.

  My eyes went wide as they met his. There was a smile of pleasure on his face. Eyes locked on mine, he slipped his finger down, plunging it into my pussy. My eyes shut tight, groaning as the walls of my vagina wrapped around his finger. He slipped it back out, slick with juices it traveled up my perineum, back to my bottom.

  “Jake,” I breathed, “I don’t know if I want—”

  Eyes on mine, ignoring my protest, his finger entered my bottom, up to his first knuckle. I gave a sharp gasp as my hole stretched, his finger filling me. I had to look away in shame. It was so taboo, so wrong, but so… possessive. He moved his finger in further and a strange thing happened. A wave of submission washed over me. “I will take you here,” his finger moved out slightly, then back in, causing my pussy to feel a throbbing emptiness, “not tonight, but one day soon.” Burying my face in the pillow, I was beyond words. The thought of having anal sex had never crossed my mind. But that little fact didn’t matter—it had crossed Jake’s. Conflicting emotions of excitement and fear at the prospect of him entering me… there… I couldn’t handle the idea right now. His finger pushed in where no one had gone before and already had me on the edge of shame and pleasure.

  Then it was gone. Clearing the thought of anal sex from my mind, I lowered my bottom, resting it on the backs of my feet. “Ow,” I cried, popping my bottom right back in the air after receiving a punishing spank.

  “Bottom’s up,” he chuckled. I felt Jake leave my side, walking towards the table. To his black bag. Peeking out from my hiding place on my pillow, my eyes followed him, turning over my shoulder to see what he meant to do with me. What else was in that bag?

  “Pretty is as pretty does.” Jake reached into his bag, pulling something out. Unable to get a glimpse of what he held, I lay my head back down on the bed. I wanted to bend my knees. I wanted to rest once more on my haunches. I did not want to receive another stinging slap, so I remained in position.

  Jake was back at my side. My skin erupted in goosebumps as he slowly grasped my G-string, gave it a hard tug, ripping the seam and pulled it from my body. “Lay down on your stomach and spread your legs for me, baby.” My curiosity as to what mysterious item he had pulled from his bag and hidden below the sheets left me as I prepared to obey his commands.

  Eager to have my punished bottom no longer high in the air, I quickly straightened out my legs, laying on my stomach. My face burning with shame, I spread my legs. The slip was useless, now essentially only covering my shoulders. Silly, it was barely enough material to even be considered ‘panties’, but I felt very naked now that they were gone. My bottom exposed and legs spread I knew Jake could see the rosebud he had entered, my open pussy, lips gleaming with wetness.

  I gasped with surprise and pleasure as his index and middle finger plunged within me. “Please… keep them in there,” I moaned, my hips gyrating, shamelessly trying to fuck his fingers.

  “Your little kitty is all wet, baby. You want me as much as I want you. But you�
�ll have to wait.”

  My fists clenched, my eyes shutting tight—he had all the power.

  His moistened finger left my pussy, trailing up my perineum again. All the muscles in my body tightened—he was going in there again?

  “Relax,” he whispered.

  I could do no such thing. Jake was going to put his finger in my bottom again. The foreign sensation had brought out such emotion in me, the stretching, the filling, the pulsing of my empty pussy, the wave of submission. I wasn’t sure I could handle it again. Not without an orgasm first.

  “No, no way, Jake,” I breathed.


  The familiar clicking of him unbuckling his belt—just as he did at the end of the day when he was undressing—made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Because this time, it was different. The sound of the metal buckle not my man undressing—it was a threat.

  “Jake—I just never… no one’s ever been in there before, you know?” I tried to talk my way out of what I knew was to come.

  “You don’t tell me, ‘no’. I made that clear. I love you. I would never hurt you beyond the temporary pain of punishment, or pleasure. You will learn to trust. You will learn to obey. Even if it means using my belt to teach you.”

  “No, please, Jake…” I begged. Deep down past the point of admittance, I knew I had wanted this for a very long time. The way Jake stood in our living room, hands on his trim hips, resting on the leather of the belt around his waist. There were too many times to count that my eyes had trailed to that belt… wondering what it would be like for him to lay me over the edge of the bed, taking the leather strap to my bare skin for punishment, or pleasure.

  Folding the belt in half, I jumped as he cracked it in the air, as if denouncing my disobedience. He drew back his arm, the leather whooshing through the air. He brought it down with a slap, the strap bit into my skin, a burning line of fire spreading across the center of both my buttocks. “Oh,” I moaned. The pain was delicious. The strap came down again, this time harder and on the more sensitive area of my sit spots. Two lines of fire crossed my bottom. My hips squirmed, and I let out a whimper. The leather whooshed through the air, causing my buttocks to clench tightly. The belt fell again, with a loud smack, the hardest whip yet. I cried out, tears stinging my eyes.


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