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Beyond Top Secret: A Zach Taylor Adventure

Page 16

by Brian Anderson

  Because the explosives would be part of a thin sheet of translucent material, Jake suggested covering two-thirds of a crate’s side. Since the sheets would also be impregnated with the new electronically activated adhesive, they could remotely enable the glue to adhere at the most opportune moment. Knowing FAPS’ could manufacture what Zach needed, Jake promised him the sheets would be at the El Dorado airport within thirty-six hours.

  With the explosive issue solved, the most important question remained. Where could the team get access to the crates to apply the sheets? Zach needed more information. He would send a team to check out the Guayana airport, and another team to get into the tunnel. Phil would be the perfect choice for a businessman and Linda has a way with men that makes them eager to talk. Zach decided those two were heading to the airport. Now for the real challenge, getting into the tunnel.

  Zach called the team back together to see if any ideas had come up. Leading off the discussion, he said, “Okay someone will need to make a run to El Dorado in the next day or so, the sheets are on the way. Linda and Phil, I want you two to check out options at the airport.”

  Phil said, “Linda and I can swing by and pick the sheets up on our way back from the airport.”

  “Good idea, Phil. Now then, in a perfect world, the crates would be set down on top of the sheets, and we activate the adhesive. However, it’s not a perfect world. Let’s see if there’s a way to apply them from inside the tunnel. So let’s hear what you got.”

  Barry had been quiet lately, so Zach was surprised when he spoke up, “Based on making some assumptions, the elevator is in the back of the gold store and those two goons probably hang out there to guard the entrance. I’ve done some research on the area and electricity can be iffy at night. We don’t have that problem here because of the backup generator, but I doubt the store has that luxury so the elevator at night may be risky. What if the power goes out when someone is in the tunnel? How long was the ride down, Zach?”

  “The ride itself was less than ten seconds. I don’t have a good number on how long it takes for the doors to open and close.”

  Barry said, “So we need a distraction that will occupy the guards for, let’s say, two minutes. That should give us more than enough time to get some cameras inside the tunnel.”

  Zach liked the idea, and said, “Okay, so now all we need to come up with is a distraction that is sure to engage both men. The only remaining questions are, is there a back door, or do we have to get them far enough away that someone can go in through the front? Tomorrow morning we do a little recon on the store. Barry and Shawn, I want you two to check it out since the guards haven’t seen you before.”

  The next morning Shawn and Barry climbed into the white SUV for a trip into town. Not wanting to raise suspicions, Shawn left the vehicle in old mode but dialed down the volume of the coughing and belching. In town, they found a place to park the SUV off Main Street. People running errands crowded the street, wanting to take care of business before the midday heat. There was a constant flow of cars and motorcycles going up and down the road. Seeing the same vehicle for the third time, Shawn thought about the time when ‘cruisin' the strip was a source of entertainment.

  The two men played the role of tourists and wandered down the street. They stopped and examined trinkets hung from racks in front of different stores. When they arrived at the gold store, the Mercedes was parked out front, and the men they saw on the monitor were inside watching TV. Not pausing to acknowledge the store, Shawn and Barry continued down the street until they found an alley between two buildings. They slipped down the opening and came to the backside of the buildings. While the storefronts were no bastion of modern architecture, they at least had the occasional coat of new paint. The backsides were a different story. Weathered, dilapidated wood in all shapes, sizes, and colors made up the bulk of the back walls. The construction must have used every piece of scrap wood for miles around. All the better, Shawn thought.

  At the back of the gold store, the door hung at a slight angle inside the frame. The gap between the door and frame was large enough that Barry had a clear view inside, an elevator without a door, only a folding gate. Next to the elevator was an entryway of unknown purpose and next to that was a large safe that could weigh close to a thousand pounds. Barry took pictures of the outside, pressed his phone against the gap and took several photos of the inside. Once Barry had more than enough pictures, the two men headed back to the SUV.

  When the team later reviewed the pictures, the consensus was the door next to the elevator must be a service entrance. More importantly, the outside images showed nails extruding from the untreated wooden planks. Years of rain, caused the untreated wood to swell and release the nails from their original tight grip. With a tiny electronic magnet, they would be able to remove them without leaving a mark or making any significant noise. If they could get both goons out of the building, they had an excellent entry point. The only matter left was deciding what type of distraction guaranteed both men would come out of the store. An epiphany slapped Zach square in the face, and he proclaimed, "We'll crash into their Mercedes, that should get their attention."

  A short while later, the white SUV pulled into Las Claritas and pulled off to the side of the road. Ray and Chris climbed out and followed the same route as Shawn and Phil to arrive at the rear of the gold store. Once in place, Chris signaled Zach, who cranked up the volume on the engine noise. Zach pulled up directly behind the Mercedes and positioned the directional speaker to point at the store.

  When Chris heard the vehicle, he used the electronic magnet to extract all the nails except the top two. With the task completed, he signaled Zach. The SUV kissed the back bumper of the Mercedes, setting off its’ alarm. At that same moment, Zach tapped an icon on the onboard computer. A deafening metal to metal crash that resembled a wrecking ball smashing into a steel building shook the structure of the store. The directional sound was barely heard elsewhere, eliminating a rush of curious bystanders. For the guard, Jose, it sounded like their car had just been demolished.

  The sound had the desired effect as both guards rushed from the store. On Zach’s signal, Ray pulled the board aside, and Chris squeezed through the opening. Opting for the entryway rather than the elevator Chris opened the door. Inside a ladder protruded four feet into the air precisely as he had hoped. The remainder of the ladder disappeared through a large hole in the floor. With a firm grasp on the side rails, Chris positioned his feet on the outside edge, then loosened his grip and slid down like a fireman down a fire pole. Within seconds his knees buckled slightly when his feet bounced off the floor. He looked around then moving at the speed of a cheetah Chris mounted a small camera to the front of the parked cart and another to a wall aimed at a trailer next to the cart. His mission complete, Chris returned to the ladder and began his ascent.

  While Chris was in the tunnel, Zach stood between the store and the vehicles and greeted the guards with an apologetic demeanor. The men were confused. The Mercedes didn’t appear damaged despite the loud crash they both had heard. After a brief exchange, the guards came to the same conclusion, the shock-absorbing bumper must be hiding the real damage. On hands and knees, the guards looked under the Mercedes expecting to find extensive damage.

  Zach shouted over the noise of the still running SUV, he apologized, then explained his brakes stopped working. Not able to understand the apparent lack of damage, Jose was unsure of his next course of action. Zach solved that problem when he got both guards full attention by holding out a roll of cash so substantial Zach’s thumb and forefinger couldn’t touch. Jose held out his hand palm up. The skin of his palm disappeared beneath the crisp one hundred dollar bill Zach placed in his hand. Jose looked at the lone bill and shook his head no.

  Zach hoped to drag this out for awhile, placed another bill on top of the last, with the same response. After the stack of bills had grown tenfold the second guard lost interest and headed back towards the store. Chris was exiting the serv
ice door when he got an alert on his phone. Not knowing how long he had, Chris abandoned the idea of getting outside in time and dove under the cot he had seen on his way in. Out back Ray held the board in place to conceal the opening in the wall.

  When the stack had reached ten thousand dollars, Jose shook his head yes and without saying a word headed back inside the store. When Zach checked his phone, he learned Chris was not out yet. Zach punched in a code, and the noise level of the SUV’s engine increased as he entered the store. Inside the guards were busy counting the money into two piles. The guards looked up when they heard Zach shouting over the engine noise.

  Chris heard Zach’s voice, rolled from under the cot, and was outside in a blur of motion. As Chris and Ray began replacing the extracted nails, Zach held up two more hundred dollar bills and said, “With the accident, I forgot why I came. Here’s another one hundred each, if you would inform Mr. Montenegro he is invited to dinner tomorrow night at Mr. Adam’s house.” The two men grabbed the bills nodded and went back to dividing up the money. Zach left, knowing the invitation would be declined, climbed into the SUV and headed for the edge of town. Waiting for him, Chris and Ray jumped into the SUV, and the three men headed back to the house.

  Meanwhile, at the Manuel Carlos Piar Guayana Airport, Phil and Linda watched as several cargo planes were unloaded. When Phil saw the use of a crate roller system and not a conveyor belt he knew what the team should do. In a gray three-piece pin-striped suit and shoes so polished you could see your reflection, Phil walked with an air of importance. Beside him in a tight red miniskirt and wearing a white button-up blouse Linda looked busy taking imaginary notes. From her appearance, it looked like she had missed a button on the shirt as her black lace bra and cleavage were prominently on display. The intentional wardrobe mishap had the desired effect. Not a single man they talked to could describe Phil’s appearance or the color of Linda’s eyes as they spoke to her breasts in response to questions. Phil and Linda were looking for the person in charge of the ground crew. In no time, they found themselves seated in the supervisor’s office. A pudgy, balding man sat behind the desk with his eyes in a continual roam from Linda’s breasts to her thighs.

  The supervisor introduced himself as Alejo Moreno and listened to what Phil had to say, with his eyes still riveted on Linda’s form. The only time Alejo’s eyes moved away from Linda was when Phil cleared a spot on the desk and laid down his briefcase. Opening the case, Alejo saw nothing but bundles of money. Taking out a one-inch stack of one hundred dollar bills Phil placed them in front of Alejo. Despite Linda’s sexy appearance, money trumped Alejo’s interest, and he stared at the cash and listened intently to Phil’s proposition.

  Phil explained he wanted his men to handle the transfer of cargo from a specific plane. Reassured Phil’s team was not going to steal the cargo and just wanted to personally oversee the transfer, Alejo agreed, on the condition the stack of money would grow sizably. Phil pulled five more bundles of cash from the briefcase, he handed Alejo another packet and told him the other four were his once the transfer was complete. To close the deal, Phil asked Alejo to place his thumb on an odd-looking rectangular piece of plastic, Phil’s phone. With a firm handshake and a thank you, Phil and Linda excused themselves and headed for the green SUV.

  Chapter 19


  When Linda and Phil returned to the house, they walked in on a lively discussion regarding another diversion tactic to get back inside the tunnel. Phil listened to the exchange for a few minutes and gathered the plan was to place the explosive sheets on the bed of the trailer. Phil decided he had heard enough and spoke up, “While it's not a bad idea, I see a couple of problems. It will only work if they transfer the weapons through the tunnel, and it only attaches explosives to the crates on the bottom of the bed.”

  “Welcome back Phil, you too Linda, so do you have a better idea?” Zach replied.

  “As a matter of fact I do,” Phil said, almost giddy, “we apply the sheets at the airport. That way it doesn’t matter how they transport them to the compound.”

  “Okay so how do you propose we pull that off?”

  “Glad you asked, but let me check on something real quick.”

  Phil sent Bigfoot the ground crew supervisor’s name, Alejo Moreno, along with his thumbprint and asked for a rush background check. As the minutes passed the team became restless waiting for Phil. Justin grabbed a pad of paper, tore off a sheet and passed it along. Creativity blossomed as each man produced a unique twist on the best type of paper airplane. On Justin’s signal, Phil was under an aerial assault. With six planes headed straight for his face, Phil did a duck and twist maneuver, tripped and landed face first on the floor. The room erupted in laughter as Phil straightened himself and checked his phone.

  His pride bruised, Phil indignantly said, “Real funny guys, here I am trying to solve the explosives issue, and all you can do is make me almost split my head open.”

  Phil read the message from Bigfoot and was relieved by what he saw. The text confirmed Alejo’s identity and went on to explain that Alejo liked to gamble, had only two minor legal infractions, and had no known affiliations with drug cartels. That was all Phil needed to hear. He felt he could rely on Alejo to hold up his end of the bargain.

  With a new sense of confidence in his plan, Phil regained his composure and continued, “I just received confirmation on using a person to help us, indirectly, apply the explosives. I gave the head of the ground crew at the airport fifty thousand dollars and the promise of another hundred thousand if he lets us be the ground crew for Amadeus’s plane.” The team reacted to the money with a chorus of whistles. “There are still a few details to work out, but the general idea is we attach an explosive sheet to each crate as it’s unloaded from the plane. That way we don’t have to worry about how they transport the weapons to the compound.”

  Internally Zach was anxious to hear more, but for future missions, he needed to address the current issue, which meant dressing down Phil. “So let me get this straight. You’re telling me you gave fifty thousand dollars to a man you hadn’t taken the time to check out. What if he wasn’t a viable option? Would you be that quick to give away money if it was your own? This message is meant for all of you,” motioning to the team as a whole, “while we have ample funds to grease palms, let’s not be cavalier about throwing money around. Sorry to pick on you Phil, but it’s a message the team needed to hear. Now let’s hear more of your plan.”

  “You’re right Zach. I’ll be more restrained with funds in the future. Back to the plan. The airport still uses crate roller systems instead of conveyor belts for unloading some planes. Working as the ground crew, we’ll make sure Amadeus’s plane uses a roller system. Then stealing a practice from the paper industry, we’ll turn single-ply into double-ply.

  “For those that don’t know, two single-ply sheets pass through a set of high-pressure rollers, and a single double-ply sheet comes out the other side. In our case, we will make the crate act as both a pressure roller and a single-ply sheet. We feed our explosive sheet through the rollers pressing the two together. Once we deploy our sheet over the length of the crate, we activate the adhesive, and you have a double-ply that carries a lot of punch. The real beauty is every crate will have an explosive charge.”

  “Sounds good except for one thing, I highly doubt the soldiers are going to leave the crates unattended. How do you propose we feed our sheets onto the roller without being seen?” Zach responded.

  “Well, I did say there are still a few details to work out, but overall I think the plan will work.”

  “I like it. We need to get a roller system here so we can work out the details. I’ll call Jake and see what he can do.” Zach headed off to make his call.

  In the middle of his conversation with Jake, Justin entered the room after knocking on Zach’s door, and said, “Sorry to interrupt, but I thought you needed to hear this. Amadeus will deliver the weapons to the Guayana airport in forty-two

  Passing the information onto Jake, Zach was assured a roller system would be there in six hours. Turning to Justin, he said, “We’re on the clock, time to get busy.”

  Six hours and three minutes later the buzzer indicated someone was at the front gate. The display showed their shipment had arrived. The driver identified himself with a code word only Zach knew. With the code validated the gate opened. When the truck came to a stop in front of the house, the entire team moved at lightning speed to unload all the components of a roller system. Based on past work experience, Shawn oversaw the reassembly of the unit. Within an hour a fully functional roller system had materialized.

  As the team gathered around, Phil took one of the previously delivered explosive sheets and fed it through a roller from underneath. Clay and Shawn picked up a dummy crate and laid it on top of the rollers. As the box rolled down the ramp, Phil demonstrated by feeding the sheet at the rate of the crate’s downward speed the two pieces became pressed together. When the container stopped at the end of the ramp, Phil explained this was the point where you would activate the adhesive.

  Everyone understood how to apply the sheet, but not how to attach it without being seen. One suggestion was to wrap the explosives around the rollers. While the concept eliminated the need for anyone to feed the sheets manually, there were two problems with the idea. First, the rollers would need to be in a locked position, so they didn’t turn while moving the roller system to the plane. According to Phil that would be necessary to ensure the end of the sheet was the first part to come into contact with the crate. If any other piece made contact first, it would cause the material to bunch up. With the rollers being free rolling that meant they had to design and build a locking device that worked on each roller.


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