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Letters from Becca: A Contemporary Romance Fiction Novel

Page 6

by Margaret Ferguson

  “You, sly dog,” John said, grabbing the whiskey from the bucket as David walked by.

  Becca grabbed four cups from their campsite while Marissa took the blankets from David and spread them out on the ground. The girls then plopped themselves down on one of the blankets, lying on their stomachs, whispering and giggling.

  John looked down at them and shook his head. They were all in their twenties and yet, the girls were acting like silly teenagers. Marissa looked up at him and giggled again, then looked away like she was embarrassed.

  David walked up to him, retrieving two cups from the blanket as he walked by. He tapped the cups on the bottle and John obliged. They turned when they heard the girls snickering again. “Women,” David said, exasperated. They sat on a fallen dead tree close to the water’s edge. David turned on the transistor radio and moved the knobs until he had a relatively clear signal. Duane Eddy was picking out Rebel-Rouser.

  John drank straight from the bottle, and then gasped. “You invited them, remember,” he said, taking another sip. “This was supposed to be a guy getaway.”

  David rolled his eyes. “Yeah, well, blame her for that,” he said nodding toward his wife.

  John scoffed. “Really? It’s her fault?”

  “You know how she is. You try telling her she can’t do something.”

  John laughed as a pair of arms wrapped around his neck.

  “You talking about me?” Becca asked over his shoulders.

  John hugged her soft, pale arms. “Yes, as a matter of fact I was,” he grinned, then turned, still holding them. “I told David that this was supposed to be a guy’s weekend.”

  Becca pulled free and gave him a little shove, then walked up to David and ran her finger under his chin. “But, if it was just a guy’s weekend, it wouldn’t be as much fun,” she said with a tilt of her head as she unbuttoned her shirt. She walked slowly backward as she continued to unbutton her shirt to reveal her bathing suit top. She shimmied as she took her shirt off and then tossed it to David.

  “Be right back,” David said, handing his cup to John as he chased his wife toward the beach.

  Becca screamed and laughed as he tackled her into the water.

  John watched them for a moment. Marissa walked up beside him. The cool evening air blew back her dark, wavy hair. She wasn’t wearing her glasses, and somehow she looked more… grown up. She turned to him and smiled. Her smile was infectious. He reached over and took her hand, pulling her to his side. “You want to go in?”

  “Swimming?” she asked.

  John nodded, putting the cap back on the whiskey and setting it beside him.

  “Um…” she stammered.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She shyly shook her head.

  John turned and took both her hands, tilting his head slightly, looking her in the eyes, though she continued to look down, embarrassed.

  “I’m afraid of the water,” she said softly.

  “All water, or just lakes?”

  Marissa shrugged. “Lakes, mostly.”

  John tilted her head back with his finger.

  “It’s stupid, really,” she added meekly. “I just am afraid of not being able to see the bottom. And if I touch the bottom I’m afraid of stepping on something…” she began. “Icky.”

  John smiled.

  Marissa looked up and a smile crept up the side of her lips. “I told you it was stupid.”

  “It’s not stupid,” he said. He stood, pulling her up beside him, and then suddenly lifted her into his arms.

  “What are you doing?” she laughed.

  John began carrying her toward the water.

  Marissa held on tighter and started kicking her feet. “John, no!” she squealed through laughter.

  John ignored her, carrying her into the water, turning and falling backward into it, taking them both under. When he came back up, she was still cradled in his arms, clinging to his neck. He looked into her eyes and suddenly he kissed her. He opened his eyes, his nose to hers as she held his face in her free hand.

  “That was nice,” she whispered.

  John kissed her again, slowly turning her in the water, spinning her as they laughed. He kissed her again.

  “Knock it off, you two,” Becca said, leading David from the water and landing on the first blanket.

  John kissed Marissa again, carried her from the water and laid her on the other blanket. He dropped beside her and shook his hair, spraying water all over her.

  David tossed them towels as he retrieved the whiskey. He pulled off the cap, gulped two gulps, and handed it to John as he passed by.

  “What do you want to do now?” Becca asked, as David dropped beside her. He rolled halfway onto her and kissed her passionately. Becca giggled and pushed him off.

  “What?” he said innocently. “You asked.”

  “No,” she clarified. “I was asking everyone.”

  John took a sip from the bottle and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He leaned over and handed it back to David, who poured some in a cup before handing the bottle back to John. Becca reached into the bucket, retrieved a 7 Up, and popped the top. She poured half into one cup, half into another, and handed one to Marissa. John held the bottle up and with a nod of his head offered it to Marissa. He had never seen her drink, and he wasn’t about to make her. She held up her cup, and he poured just a little bit into it. She reached up and tilted the bottle so that a little more spilled into her cup. Then he leaned across her to pour some into Becca’s cup before handing off the bottle to David again. He watched as Marissa sipped it carefully at first, unsure. She sipped a little more and smiled.

  “Not so bad,” she said.

  “Let me see.” John leaned in to kiss her again. He licked his lips and smiled. “No, you’re right, tastes good,” he added, before holding her head firmly and kissing her again.

  “Okay, guys!” Becca reprimanded.

  John drew in a deep breath, his forehead to Marissa’s. A small smile crept onto his lips. “Truth or dare.”

  Becca raised her eyebrows. “No,” she said emphatically, knowing instantly it could have a disastrous end.

  “Truth or dare,” David agreed.

  Becca turned to Marissa, who shrugged.

  “To be fair, you can go first,” John said, turning to Becca.

  David poured a full cup of whiskey before handing the bottle back to John. John raised the bottle in a mock toast to David’s raised cup, and they both took a long pull from their respective beverages.

  Becca sat up straight. “Okay. Hmm,” she said as she contemplated.

  “John, truth or dare?”

  John rolled onto his back. Of course she would pick on him. “Truth,” he said to the darkening sky.

  “What’s the longest time you’ve gone without a shower?”

  “That’s the best you could come up with?” He rolled back onto his side, leaning on his elbow. “A week. At scout camp. Your turn. Truth or dare?”

  Becca contemplated a beat. “Truth.”

  “What do you wear to bed?”

  Becca looked at David who smiled slyly. “Depends,” she smiled mischievously as she turned back to John.

  John batted his eyes. “Usually,” he reiterated.

  “Silky nightgown,” she responded. “Marissa,” she said, turning to her best friend. “Truth or dare?”

  “Truth,” she said.

  “Okay. Hmm. What’s your most embarrassing physical flaw?”

  Marissa looked down, her finger toying with a loose thread on the blanket. “Well,” she began softly, “I have a strawberry birthmark and it’s in a kind of embarrassing place.”

  “You have to say where,” Becca said, smiling.

  John grinned. “Or you have to show us.”

  Marissa blushed. “It’s on the inside of my thigh.”

  John grabbed her thigh playfully. “Show me.” Marissa batted his hand away, laughing.

  “Okay, Marissa, your turn. You pick someone,
” Becca said, sipping her drink.

  “Okay, David. Truth or dare?”


  John shook his head and took another drink of whiskey. “Of course.”

  Marissa smiled. “Sing a Disney song.”

  David laughed. “Really? I don’t know any Disney songs.”

  John pulled Marissa closer and whispered into her ear.

  “I can’t dare him that,” Marissa said, embarrassed.

  “Sure you can,” John prodded.

  Marissa looked at Becca, who was casting glances between her and John. Marissa shook her head.

  “Go on,” John encouraged her.

  “Go ahead,” David said. “I’m game.”

  “Skinny-dipping,” Marissa said softly, hiding her face.

  “What?” David asked.

  “She said skinny-dipping,” John stated for her, grinning big.

  Marissa peeked through her fingers, then looked up at Becca who was grinning as well, shaking her head.

  David stood up, and slowly took off his wet tennis shoes. “A dare is a dare,” he said. Slowly he began unbuttoning his shirt. The darkness had begun to envelop the night sky. The bright moon peeked through the clouds, reflecting off the water. As he removed his shirt the glow of the fire glistened against his hairy, muscular chest. He tossed his T-shirt at his wife.

  “David!” Becca exclaimed.

  David knocked back the rest of his drink, then unzipped his pants and dropped them.

  John clapped and catcalled while Becca laughed. Marissa hid her face in her hands. David turned and dropped his underwear. He left them in the dirt as he disappeared into the evening shadows and yelled as he dove into the cold water.

  Marissa finally looked up and they all laughed.

  “My turn!” he yelled from the dark. “John! Truth or dare?”

  John turned to Becca who slowly shook her head. “Dare,” he replied without taking his eyes off her.

  “You know what ya gotta do!”

  John took a long swig of the whiskey and stood up.

  “Ladies,” he said, kicking off his own shoes. “A dare is a dare,” he added, as he slowly pulled off his wet T-shirt, which he dropped at Marissa’s feet. Marissa stared in disbelief, but she didn’t hide her eyes, not just yet. His eyes stayed on hers as he slowly unzipped his jeans and slid them down. He grinned as he faced her, teasingly, slowly lowering his underwear, inch by inch, turning as he pulled them off completely before running to the water and diving in.

  Marissa and Becca turned to each other, giggling.

  “Becca!” John called in a singsong tone.

  Becca dropped her head to the blanket. “No,” she said, raising her head. “I quit.”

  “Can’t quit,” David called from the shadows.

  “Truth or dare, Becca?” John called from the water.

  “Dare, I mean truth,” she corrected quickly.

  “Oh, too late,” John and David both said, egging her on. “Dare it is.” The guys laughed. “Come on, Becca. Your turn.”

  Becca turned to Marissa, both of them fighting embarrassment and chuckling at the same time. “Okay,” she said, chugging down the rest of her drink, then slowly taking off her shorts. “Turn around,” she insisted.

  “The hell you say,” David answered.

  “Not you. John,” she clarified.

  “I’ve seen you naked.”

  “Yeah, when I was like, ten. Turn around,” she reprimanded.

  Becca walked closer to the beach. The clouds enveloped the moon, leaving only the fire to light their campsite. Slowly she turned back to Marissa and removed her top, then dropped it on the ground. She closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath before dropping her bottoms and slowly backing into the water.

  “Woo-hoo!” David exclaimed, then grabbed her. She screamed and squealed.

  Marissa sat on the blanket, unable to see anyone in the water, but hearing them giggling and splashing. Suddenly she heard her name. “Marissa,” Becca called. “Truth or dare?”

  “Marissa,” John called, followed by David.

  Marissa smiled, then downed the rest of her own cup, and slowly stood before the fire, her fingers nervously toying with her shirt buttons. Becca saw that her friend was undressing so she turned her husband’s head. When he kept playfully trying to peek, she kissed him until he closed his eyes and quit resisting, enjoying the embrace, forgetting there was anyone else there.

  John didn’t look away. In fact, he specifically remembered her not telling him to. And though she couldn’t see him, it was like she was looking right at him. Slowly she unbuttoned her shirt and slid it from her body. She tentatively took off her shorts, then her bra, and then her underwear. He cast a glance toward David and Becca, who were oblivious to the show he was privy to. He looked back at Marissa who stood naked by the fire. He had often imagined her naked. He was pleasantly surprised. She was slender and shapely. And tall. And stunning. She walked toward him, disappearing into the shadows as the fire was at her back. Marissa then walked to the edge of the pier.

  “Oh, my,” David exclaimed as he looked up.

  Becca looked at her friend and quickly turned her husband’s head away again. Marissa smiled, then dove into the deeper water. She surfaced just feet from John. John stared at her, stupefied, not even sure what to say.

  “Water’s cold,” she said.

  John gulped and nodded. “I thought you didn’t like standing in the water,” he said, inching his way toward her.

  “I’m not standing,” she smiled.

  John heard Becca and David giggle as they stepped from the water. He could see only their outlines briefly as David carried her naked past the fire. They were soon lost in the canopy of darkness that had fallen over their campground.

  “Truth or dare?” she said as she treaded water.

  “Truth,” he said, still moving toward her.

  “Have you ever skinny-dipped before?”

  “No,” he said. “Your turn. Truth or dare?”

  “Truth,” she answered quickly.

  “Who is the first boy you ever kissed?”

  “You,” she answered, then immediately asked. “Truth or dare?”


  “What was your first impression of me?”


  “Truth.” she replied.

  “You were homely.”

  Instead of being embarrassed, Marissa smiled sweetly.

  “Truth or dare?” he asked in the lightning round they were playing.

  “Truth,” she said, as she moved closer to him.

  “What wouldn’t you do on a dare?” he asked coyly.

  Marissa looked up as she thought for a moment before her eyes returned to his. “Nothing,” she replied with a sly smile.

  “Touch the bottom?” he asked.

  “Except that,” she winced.

  “Then you have a really big problem,” he reminded her. “How are you expecting to get out?”

  Marissa cringed, then slowly lowered her chin and then her mouth under the water.

  “Didn’t think about that one, did you?” he asked mischievously, now just a foot away from her.

  Marissa shook her head ever so slightly. They turned suddenly as they heard their friends noisily making love in one of the tents over the soft song playing on the radio. Slowly they turned back to each other. John closed his eyes. He didn’t want to hear that. He didn’t want to think about David’s hands on her. Him inside of her. He tried to concentrate on the music rather than their lovemaking. He looked deep into Marissa’s eyes. Or was it she was looking deeply into his?

  “Truth or dare?”

  “Truth,” he answered.

  “Would you ever lie in a truth or dare game?’

  John narrowed his eyes. “No,” he replied, perplexed. “Truth or dare?”


  John thought for a moment, now inches away from her. A small smile grew from the corner of his lips. “Touch the bot

  Marissa growled, took a deep breath and dropped straight down. When she came back up she exclaimed, “Ew! Ick! Yuck!” Then she splashed him. “That was really rotten,” she said with a smirk.

  He tilted his head. “You wanted to play.”

  “Truth or dare?”

  “Truth,” he replied.

  “Who was your first love?”

  John drew in a deep breath and glanced toward the tents.

  “You said you’d never lie in this game,” she said, slowly inching away from him.

  “My first love?” he asked.

  Marissa slowly nodded, waiting for his answer, sure that she already knew it.

  John shook his head slowly. “Well, I’m almost embarrassed to say,” he said with a sigh. “But it was Debbie who sat behind me in my old schoolhouse. She had red hair and freckles and the cutest little turned-up nose, and I used to sit by her in the classroom. She’d always share her blackberry jelly sandwiches. Her mom made the best blackberry jelly,” he said very slyly. “And she loved to share with me, if you know what I mean,” he said, winking dramatically. “I remember the kids all called her piglet because she was always wearing pigtails, and it used to make her cry, so I would beat them up on the playground.”

  “You were the class bully?”

  “Absolutely not. I was defending her honor.” He was close enough that he could feel the motion of the water she was moving with her feet and hands.

  Marissa splashed him playfully again.

  “Who was yours?”

  “Uh, Uh, Uh. Truth or dare,” she corrected.

  John rolled his eyes. “Truth or dare?”

  “Truth,” Marissa said, inching toward him again.

  “Who was your first love?”

  Marissa smiled faintly. “You were.”

  John seemed a little surprised. He smiled sweetly, staring into her eyes. He sighed, and then suddenly swam past her to the shore, where he walked out and straight to the blanket. He put on his pants, his back to her, carefully zipping them up. He then picked up the blanket, shook it off, and walked to the end of the pier.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  John looked down at her. “C’mon,” he said. “If you swim to the pier you don’t have to step down again. You can climb out here.” He shook the blanket again and held it up to block his view of her.


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