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Kiatana's Journey (Creatures of the Lands Book 1)

Page 19

by Natalie Erin

  “That was my purpose.” Lilja’s once high pitched voice now had a deep tone to it that made him sound wiser and fiercer.

  “May I ask where you learned how to take advantage of a cocky wolf?” Kikan bowed his head as if he were speaking to a king.

  “From fighting with my sister. I always got far too confident for my own good,” he replied softly. “She would always use that against me, but it seems I have mastered my own confidence now.”

  “It would seem so,” Kikan replied.

  The bushes rustled and by her smell Lilja knew that it was Kikan’s mate. The older wolf fell to the ground and exposed his gray belly to Lilja. The younger wolf stood over him in the traditional stance of power and an old female walked into the clearing. A look of shock fell across her face as she saw the two of them, closely followed by one of understanding.

  “Children,” she called. Five pups about ten moons old ran to their mother’s voice. “Show your respect to our new leader. He has bested the old.”

  The young pups all rolled over to show Lilja their tender stomachs. Lilja only stood there, a smile of joy spread about his face. He was on top of the world.

  KIATANA HAD JUST TAKEN a bath and cleaned the dirt off of her. She couldn’t believe how filthy she had been. The mud came out in clumps, and her green hair had been so horribly tangled it took forever to comb it out. Now that she was clean she decided to go for a walk alone. She needed time by herself and, she was reminded by a strong kick in the inside of her, with her unborn child.

  It was late afternoon and she spotted Ionan as a speck in the sky, with Keota upon him. Kia was grateful Ionan was able to distract Keota long enough for her to appreciate the forest again. If she really thought about it, he had been very helpful to her during these past few months.

  “Enjoy your flight, my friend,” she whispered to the dragon high above.

  She sat down on a flat stump near the stream. She couldn’t understand why carrying a baby made her so tired. She had been so full of energy before. She put a hand on her huge belly. It wouldn’t be long now.

  A person emerged from the trees and appeared in front of her. She went to get up but decided not to as she saw who the fairy was in front of her. Her hair was gray and long, and she wore a dress that trailed upon the ground to match her large, purple wings. Her eyes were pink, and she had a golden crown on her head.

  “Hello mother,” Kia said, smiling.

  “My dear,” The fairy cooed and she engulfed her in a hug. “I only just got your letter yesterday, and I hurried here as fast as I could. I assume you know what that means?”

  “Yes,” Kia said. “It’s my inauguration day.”

  “You are right,” she said. “It’s time you took the throne.”

  “Do we have to have some big ceremony or something? Because I think it’s a waste of time if we do,” she sassed.

  The queen laughed. “Still my Kia. No, my dearest daughter. Here will be just fine. All I have to do is put the crown on your head,”

  “That’s it? I’m not exactly dressed,” Kia murmured, looking down at her modest brown dress.

  “You don’t need to be,” said her mother. She held out the crown. “I, Carolinia, queen of all the Lands and ruler of all who inhabit them, now pass the crown on to my daughter, Kiatana. May she rule with great wisdom and strength all her days, until it is time to pass on the crown onto her child.” She placed the crown upon Kia’s head. It sparkled and Kia closed her eyes, holding her head up proudly.

  “You were once a princess,” said Carolinia with joyful tears, “but now you are a true queen.”

  “Thanks Mom,” she grinned.

  “I’m so sorry that I couldn’t be there for your wedding. But I’m so happy for you and Keota! A child! I’m so glad you found him. The first fairy to ever marry an Accompany! Well, you were never one to be ordinary.”

  “No,” laughed Kia. “Not me. But I’m glad that Casiff has found someone as well. He’s completely in love with Vixen.”

  “I’m very happy for both of you. An arranged marriage was something I never wanted for you.”

  “Is that why you left Malaki?” Kia asked, thinking scornfully of her father.

  The queen sat beside her and sighed. “After Flare was married and Nineva was banished, I stayed until you were fifteen and old enough to inherit the forest. I never truly loved Malaki. My parents told me I had to marry him like they promised his family, or they would take the forest and the crown away from me and give it to him. I couldn’t leave this beautiful land in the care of that cruel man.”

  “It’s all right now,” Kia told her mother. “We won’t have to worry about him again. He’s gone.”

  “Thank the Creator,” Carolinia said. “I heard what he has done to your forest. I’m so very sorry.”

  “How long will you be staying?” Kia asked her mother.

  “Until the baby is born. I can’t wait to see him. I’ve wanted a grandchild from you for a very long time, but not so soon! It was quite unexpected.”

  “I agree with that,” said Kia. “We probably should have waited, but it would have happened sooner or later.”

  Carolinia laughed and she hooked her arm around her daughter’s. They set down the dirt path, the sunlight enlightening the trail and making their wings sparkle.

  LILJA WAS HUNTING a rabbit to feed the pups back at camp. It was a few hours after he had defeated Kikan, and he planned to announce his new position as leader once he got back. Kikan had returned to his den to sleep. Lilja was surprised how pleased the old wolf seemed that Lilja was now the leader. Lilja knew that the Kikan had wanted to retire for a while now, but he couldn’t give up his position until another had proven stronger. Lilja wondered how his pack would respond, but decided it did not matter. He was leader now, and the only way he could be knocked out of the position was if another wolf challenged him, and he knew that none of the other wolves could defeat him in battle.

  The rabbit stood up on hind legs. He charged after it, but instead tumbled into a brown, snarling creature.

  It was another wolf on their territory! The wolf was female. She snapped at him and jumped high in the air, landing on his back and biting every inch of him she could. This wolf was desperate. Having enough, Lilja used his strength to spin her off of him. She paid no attention as she fumbled and snapped at his legs, screaming hysterically, “That rabbit was mine!”

  Lilja stopped and looked at the she-wolf. He knew that voice from long ago. He thought hard, then whispered, “Cornia? Is that you?”

  She stopped and stared at him. “How do you know my name?”

  “It’s me,” he whispered. “Lilja.”

  The she-wolf’s eyes widened and she hushed, “Lilja? Lilja who’s a member of the High Mountain Pack? My old playmate?”

  Lilja barely recognized her. Her brown fur was matted and her ears were bitten. She looked truly miserable. The only way he recognized her was the black fur that was splotched around her eyes and face, the one thing that he could compare to the pup he had once known and this sad, lonely wolf before him.

  “I’m not a member of the High Mountain Pack anymore. I now am the leader of Clear Plains Pack,” Lilja said.

  “You a leader?” she spat. “That’ll be the day. It seems everyone wants to forget the life we once had. Not that it matters anyway, because there is no High Mountain Pack anymore. Everyone’s dead or missing. Where’s Lottie?” she asked.

  “She’s living with another fairy now, near the Ice-Born Mountains.”

  “That’s so far away! Don’t you miss her?” Cornia asked.

  “I do,” he sighed. “I bet it’s quite a shock to see us apart. Do you have a pack?”

  “I’m stealing prey off your land, so what do you think?” Cornia snapped.

  Lilja wagged his tail. “You can come home with me, and be a part of our pack.”

  Cornia’s eyes widened. “Really? You want me to be a part of your home?”

  “Anyone from the H
igh Mountain Pack is welcome here, especially you,” he told her. “Follow me. I’ll lead you to our den.”

  Lilja returned to the pack’s home in the forest. Everyone looked cheerfully at him, and then grew suspicious of the new arrival. A prickly gray male known as Fang pushed rudely into him. “What is she doing here?” he sniped.

  “Don’t you know a leader when you see one?” he answered coldly. “She is a new member of our pack.”

  “You can’t do that! Who died and made you leader?” Fang accused.

  “Well certainly nobody died,” said Kikan’s mate, “But he is the new leader. Ask Kikan.”

  The whole pack turned their heads and Kikan said proudly, “It’s true. He beat me fairly. He’s now in charge of this pack.”

  There was stunned silence. For one horrible moment Lilja thought they were going to turn on him. Then cries of congratulations rang up and a lot of wolves started dancing. Lilja relaxed. Everyone seemed to approve of him.

  Cornia wagged her tail at him before going to lie down by some other females. “Thank you,” she whispered. Lilja’s heart gave a jump as he realized that behind all the dirt that was on her face, Cornia was very pretty.

  Lilja hiked up to a tall hill and kept watch over the land and wolves he loved, thinking of all his friends and where they might be now. A soft voice twirled around him and he felt a breath in his ear. He listened intently and heard the gentlest words whisper, “I’m proud of you, my son.”



  “Welcome back, young leader. We have missed you,” Ionan greeted, putting his large scaly head down to look at Lilja and his pack more closely. It had taken the wolves two days to reach the forest, just enough time to be there for the birth of the new prince.

  “Hi,” Keota smiled his goofy grin, his eyes widening. “Man, you’ve grown a lot.”

  “I’ve been getting that a lot. Where’s everyone else?” Lilja looked up at the Accompany.

  “They are all back at Kia’s cabin,” Keota answered. “We have to hurry. She could pop at any time now.”

  Ionan took the form of a deer and Keota climbed on clumsily. “Run with me young leader. We must make haste,” Ionan said, and bounded off. They rushed through the forest so fast that they appeared to be flying, hooves and paws lightly grazing the ground as they ran upon the grass.

  As the cabin came into view Keota launched himself off of Ionan’s back and ran into the small building. There was a large crowd gathered there, with so many animals in the yard that it was difficult to make room for the pack. Casiff was standing nervously by the front door, and headed inside when he saw the others. Ionan changed into a cat and followed Keota in. They didn’t even bother to close the door.

  “You can’t go in there! Foaling is a woman’s job!” Snow Drop protested as the males rushed in. She snorted angrily and began guarding the open door. Dragonstar beside her simply pretended to graze, at the most absolute calm.

  Lottie stood outside the door, her back to them. Lilja skidded to a halt and his pack did the same, bumping into each other and knocking each other over. He howled a greeting and Lottie turned. Upon seeing her brother she barked happily.

  “I can barely recognize you, brother,” she said softly as they stood together, tails wagging. “You are so handsome now.”

  “You look more like mom than you look like my sister,” he replied. Lottie looked at the pack of obedient and curious wolves behind him.

  “Who are they?” she asked inquisitively.

  “My pack,” he told her. “I’m leader since I beat Kikan.” There was a hint of pride in his voice.

  “I’m really happy for you.” She looked back and continued to examine the pack. Her eyes widened. “Cornia? Is that you?”

  “Great to see you,” Cornia said with a yawn. “Happy you’re alive and everything.”

  “Don’t sound so excited,” Lilja laughed at her, shaking his head.

  “You know Lilja, now that you’re leader you’re going to have to choose a mate…” Lottie whispered excitedly, making sure her old friend couldn’t hear.

  “Not now, Lottie,” Lilja whispered out of the corner of his mouth, glancing back at Cornia in embarrassment, and Lottie giggled.

  “OUT, OUT, OUT!” The sharp voice of Vixen came out through the open door. Casiff, Keota, Ionan, and several members of the forest were pushed out into the yard, Ionan changing back into a dragon once he was outside.


  “Coming!” Keota ran back into the house and closed the door behind him.

  “All he was doing was being annoying. I say in about five minutes they’ll kick him out again,” Casiff grumped.

  Sure enough, a short time later Keota came out of the cabin and was followed by Kia’s annoyed yell. “IF ALL YOU’RE GOING TO DO IS GET IN THE WAY YOU CAN JUST GET OUT OF HERE!”

  “I wasn’t trying to get in the way,” Keota said quietly as he walked over to the rest of the group. As soon as the door was closed he began to pace in front of it, stopping every so often to place his ear against the dark wood.

  “For goodness sake just sit down already. There is no need for you to panic,” Ionan snapped.

  Keota sat and clapped his shaking hands together. He then began to tap his foot against a small stone, and started running his tan hands through his hair nervously.

  “Knock it off already!” Casiff yelled, smacking Keota with his shoe.

  Keota fell over with a scream. “What was that for?”

  “You’re lucky he was the one that hit you and not me,” Ionan growled. “You need to learn how to sit still. You’re making all of us panic.”

  “Sorry, I’m just so nervous.” Keota said, rubbing his now red cheek. He got up and began to pace again.

  Time went by slowly for all of those outside the cabin. Finally, Keota jumped up from where he had been crouched in front of the door. “I hear it!”

  “What are you talking about, you fool?” Casiff yelled.

  “I hear the baby!” Keota banged on the locked door, acting like a complete madman.

  “I hear something too,” Cornia said, and she perked up her ears to listen closer.

  The door opened and the loud cry of the child drifted out. Keota ran into the house with Lottie, Lilja, and Casiff following.

  Vixen walked out the door and nodded at Ionan. She climbed onto his back and they took off into the sky urgently and with great speed.

  Kia lay exhausted on her small bed with the newborn in her arms. The child’s hair was green, but he had tan skin with golden eyes. “He needs a name,” she whispered to Keota as he came into the room.

  Keota couldn’t speak. His mouth was dangling open in amazement, his eyes wide with joy. Casiff hit him in the shoulder and he snapped back into reality. “A…a name?”

  “Um, yeah. I’m pretty sure ‘Baby’ isn’t going to cover it when he’s older,” Kia laughed, but it was only a soft, tired laugh.

  Keota thought, his eyes looking at the infant’s face. “What about Kennu?’” Keota stood next to the bed and he gently stroked the boy’s forehead. “It…it’s my middle name. I always liked it, and if you do…”

  “Yeah, it’s lovely.” Kia whispered softly. “Prince Kennu Abrilion Morimoti.” She raised the child just enough so Keota could take him. Keota did so gently and with great caution, staring in wonder. He was so pale…were babies supposed to be that small? Lottie and Lilja hopped up onto Kia’s lap in order to get a glimpse of the young prince.

  “Hello my friends,” Kia laughed, and she stroked the soft fur on Lottie’s back. “You have grown so much since I last saw you.”

  “Lilja’s the leader of his pack,” Lottie informed the fairy, never taking her eyes off the child.

  The queen smiled even deeper. “I’m so proud of you. I knew you could do whatever you dreamed to.” Kia wrapped her arms around Lilja in a congratulatory hug.

  Casiff looked at the sm
all boy in Keota’s arms closer, almost as if he were observing a minuscule object. “There’s the godfather,” Kia laughed from the bed.

  “What?” Casiff threw her a questioning glance.

  “I agree. You should be the godfather,” Keota said, oblivious to everything but the baby.

  “Really?” Casiff said, awed.

  “Why not? Vixen is already the godmother,” Kia told him. “We had it settled a week ago, so we thought…well, why not?”

  Casiff was shocked. Then his mouth opened and he whispered, “I’d be honored.” Casiff gave a bow so low it was almost comical.

  “Where is Vixen?” Lilja asked from Kia’s lap.

  “I don’t know, but Ionan is missing too,” Lottie added.

  “Vixen and Ionan are right here!” Vixen informed the group as she came inside. Ionan had his head near the window and Vixen opened it slowly, drawing out the moment. A small yellow butterfly sat upon Ionan’s nose and fluttered over to Vixen. “You know who you’re here for,” Vixen told it softly. It flew over to Kennu, naturally and of complete free will. The fragile creature landed softly upon the child’s nose.

  After staying there for a second it took off into the air again and changed, hitting the floor as a newborn baby lynx. “A Changer?” Keota looked over at Vixen. “Where is its Accompany?”

  “You’re holding him,” Vixen smiled at the small infant in Keota’s arms.

  “What on earth are you talking about?” Keota stared at Vixen in confusion.

  “Isn’t it obvious? Kennu is half Accompany,” Casiff said.

  “That’s wonderful,” Kia looked happily at the little Changer. “What’s her name?”

  “Allakenzie,” Vixen told them.

  “No, Allie,” The baby Changer demanded. She hopped up on Kia’s bed and started bouncing on the end of it.

  “Oh, how cute.” Kia stroked the fur on Allie’s small head in adoration.

  “She is only two weeks old, and her parents are gone. She has nowhere else to go,” Ionan said softly. “Vixen brought her back from Nesting’s Haven yesterday. She’s perfect for Kennu. I knew it the instant I saw her. She was clinging to me all the way here…”


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