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If You Love Me, I'm Yours

Page 20

by Lizzie Chantree

  He found the key to the back door in a pretty little ceramic dish painted with tiny flying birds on the inside, on a circular side table by the back door. Not the most security conscious idea, as anyone outside could see it. He’d have to have a word with Maud about that. Taking in all of the scenery as he stepped outside, he took a sip of his wine and then placed the glass on the garden table. He looked around the perimeter and had to admit that, unless you were actually already in the garden, you couldn’t see the back door from neighbouring properties as the hedge along the back was so tall. There were fences either side, partially hidden by fragrant planting similar to the design in the front garden. Maud obviously liked plants and had a good eye for colours and shrubs that worked together.

  He squinted as he noticed something towards the end of the garden and went over to see what it was. Nestled between the hedges was a pretty little gate. It was painted green to match, so unless you knew it was there, you probably wouldn’t notice it. He frowned and moved closer. There wasn’t a lock this side of the gate, so he wondered if it led to a neighbour’s garden. They’d have to be pretty close friends to have a linking door between their properties, but Maud had never mentioned them before. Without a lock, anyone could access the garden, he thought, getting irritated again about Maud’s lack of thought for her own safety. He pushed the gate open and stuck his head through. Instead of seeing a neighbour’s land, he saw a white-painted wooden building, with tall windows and a veranda. He stopped short in surprise and stepped into the other bit of garden. He felt as though he was intruding, but this seemed to be all part of Maud’s property, as there were fences surrounding the still-sizeable plot and similar planting around the borders.

  He noted the craftsmanship of the building and immediately felt drawn to look inside. It was exciting and his heart started beating faster. Then he paused. Why was this hidden behind a huge hedge? Surely you’d want to sit on this porch and look back on the beauty of the garden? Sure, the plants were beautiful surrounding the building here, but you still looked out onto those towering hedges. He tried to open the door, but it was locked, which he was begrudgingly happy about. Then he pressed his nose onto the glass to peek inside, and the bottom dropped out of his world. Maud had been lying to him the whole time.

  He felt the humiliation burn inside at how he had carefully explained how different artists worked and the tips he had given her to improve her work and become more confident. He drank in the scene before him and stood still in shock as he thought back. The mystery artist had been leaving art around way before his latest exhibition. He pictured Maud and Dot whispering in corners and thought about how Dot wanted to break out on her own. The colour drained from his face. They’d both been lying to him for months.

  He retraced his steps, threw the wine in the sink, locked the doors and gave Sally a chaste kiss on the cheek as he handed the keys back and got into his car.

  Chapter Forty-One

  Maud was finally starting to feel human again. Nate and Dot had been so kind and supportive lately. They’d made her realise that Tom had never really been her priority. She had kept him at arm’s length, even with Nate’s interfering. There had always been a side to him that had put her on edge instead of making her feel warm and bubbly inside. She’d never been able to work it out before as she was too overcome with having someone show an interest in her, after a spell of feeling incredibly lonely. She wondered if Tom gave off a pheromone that was way too strong for her. Instead of drawing her in, she’d put up barriers and run a mile. Other women, it seemed, basked in the scent and rolled around with him in it. The thought made her stomach turn over in disgust, as she pictured him and her best friend in bed together, right under the nose of her loyal boyfriend.

  Tom had actually had the audacity to tell her he was having to move back to his old school this week as a teacher had fallen ill and they needed full time cover, but that he’d definitely come to the gallery show she’d been helping Dot organise. He said he’d try and visit some weekends, but had to go where the full-time job was. He liked mingling with the rich and famous, he’d winked with a laugh, so he’d be back. Daisy had looked deathly pale and had cornered her in the staff toilets, where she had told Maud that she’d been checking up on Tom and he’d had to go back, as one of the dinner ladies from his last school was pregnant! Maud had been surprised as, instead of tears, she’d actually burst out laughing, and then so had Daisy. They’d looked at each other warily, made a very uneasy truce, as they had to accept they would be in the same building together, and then gone back to work.

  Maybe they could rebuild a friendship, thought Maud. It would never be the same as before, but perhaps it was time they both grew up. Maud knew Daisy must have been incredibly drunk to sleep with Tom. He’d taken advantage of her. It would take a while for the wound to heal, but Maud missed her friendship so much. It was the smallest thing, like a hug when she arrived at work, or hearing Daisy belly-laugh as she drained another drink at the pub and then made a silly face to make Maud smile.

  Hanging her jumper up on the coat hook and slinging her bag on the floor by the kitchen counter, Maud was surprised to see a wine glass on its side in the sink. She fleetingly wanted to stamp her feet and wished Dot would be tidier when she came round. She treated this place like a hotel lately. Maud knew she was keeping an eye on her, but wasn’t totally sure whether this was because she was her friend, or a business asset. Nate, on the other hand, had nothing to gain by turning up the way he did. Other than sex, of course. She thought Tom had put her off for life, but Nate kept touching her when she least expected it. Not really in a sexual way, but he’d stroke her arm or gently tuck some stray hairs behind her ear and then come up behind her and rub her tired shoulders into submission until she was practically purring with pleasure. It was embarrassing how easily he could seduce her, even after the trauma she’d experienced lately.

  She bent down and opened the fridge, then frowned when she saw the two steaks, salad and dipped strawberries. She stood up in confusion and then saw that the gate between the hedges was swinging open and her shoulders slumped in horror. Nate must have been here.

  She’d really wanted to confide in him, but Dot had held her back. With a sinking feeling, she realised that this had been the wrong decision and the food and wine told her that he’d been planning a surprise. Her mouth drooped in disappointment and she felt annoyed that she’d listened to Dot once again. Now Nate would feel stupid about teaching her about art, which she had loved and would always treasure, and he would feel angry that they’d lied to him. Rightly so... unfortunately.

  She’d been thinking about him incessantly recently and wondered how she’d feel if he had been sleeping with, or had feelings for, someone else, the way Tom had. She knew she would have been devastated and would have hidden from the world for months. No one would have been able to console her, whereas with Tom she’d just been humiliated and angry that he was such a toad. She’d formed a deep connection with Nate recently and she loved hugging him and listening to his voice. She was happy to find him at her door usually, but she assumed he’d got the key from Dot and decided to feed her up, as he was always telling her off for not eating enough these days.

  She grabbed her mobile phone and called Nate’s number, which went straight to answer phone. She left a message pleading for understanding and asked him to come back. Then she fired off a text to him and then to Dot, to tell her what had happened and to ask her to try and make him see sense. Maud knew he would be angry with Dot too, so she didn’t hold out much hope of that working either.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Dot was extremely frazzled but needed to have her best game face on and persuade everyone that she was the epitome of calm. Nate was refusing to talk to her and even though she had turned up at his flat with a personal invite to the show, he’d ignored her. She’d finally resorted to getting her parents involved. She’d eventually told them about her plans to represent other artists and, although they had t
hrown a bit of a flamboyant strop, they’d all shared a bottle of wine and she’d explained that she’d found an astounding new talent. Their curiosity was spiked and they’d pleaded, then resorted to trying to bribe her with fewer party guests, to make her share who it was. She was sorely tempted, as her party list was reaching mammoth proportions, but she’d laughed and revelled in being the centre of attention for once, before she told them they’d have to wait and find out at the gallery event like everyone else. They had pouted and cajoled, but she’d resisted, although it had been hard, as they’d tried to bribe her with a case of a very good vintage of wine from their cellars next. They’d also taken to popping in at the gallery unexpectedly and trying to catch her out, which was exhausting.

  After tonight, Maud still had two weeks of the school term to get through, but they’d decided to bring the opening forward a week as the press interest was crazy around the mystery artist now and they felt sure someone would discover who it was, or one of them would slip up under the pressure, if they didn’t act soon. Either that or the media would get bored with the story, as this had been going on for months.

  Dot looked around her gallery with such pride. It was full to bursting and she was glad she was standing on the podium, because as soon as the guests had arrived and seen who the work was by, it had been like a feeding frenzy in a piranha bath. She sent up a prayer that Maud would be able to cope with the attention once they found out it was her. Camille and Cosmo had grabbed her into a warm hug and told her how clever she was to have found the artist first. They also demanded to know who designed the divine jewellery collection that sat beside each artwork. The delicate belt buckles were designed to compliment the habitat of the animal staring out from each painting. The two works were bound together, with sculpted glass display cases for the buckles, pushing them up from the floor and towards the artworks. Dot had had them created specifically for their show and the scene was breathtaking.

  She looked around and sighed with relief when she saw Nate standing towards the back, with a brooding, dark look on his face. She leaned her head to one side to indicate a shivering Maud, who was pushed towards the far wall, just before the roped-off areas of the art installations. Nate looked to where she was indicating and he immediately dropped all of his own issues to protect Maud. Dot smiled in satisfaction and wished she’d had a minute to sort out her own love life with Elliott.

  All eyes were on Dot and she cleared her throat. She was glad she had decided to wear a moss green fitted dress with a deep V at the front, which was daring for her new style. Clinching her waist was one of her favourite belts with ivy and brambles tangling together, and tiny blackberries hanging like jewels from the interlinked vines. Her mother had gasped in delight and asked her to get her one, which had made Dot’s heart soar to heights it had never known before. She’d hugged her mum, who had looked confused by the tears in her eyes, and then pushed through the crowd to the podium.

  There were serious-looking bouncers everywhere tonight, to protect the guests and the art. Looking at the smiling, excited faces, she tried to steel her nerves. Maybe she could do with some of her old clothes to hide behind, but she squared her shoulders and decided that tonight the real Dot and Maud were stepping forward. She felt a momentary pang that Maud’s parents were not invited, but maybe it was for the best, as it was about to get even crazier here.

  Music had been playing when everyone arrived. It was the sound of rustling in the trees and birds singing with the utmost joy, and then scents of the forest were filtered into the room and people gasped in awe as the scene was set for a forest gathering of animals and nature. Dot spoke as the music faded and everyone stopped chatting so that the room was almost silent.

  Usually she liked to be the centre of attention, but Dot gulped, as sweat formed between her breasts. She began to explain how she had discovered an article about a new artist and fallen in love with their work, and then set out on a mission to find them. There were murmurs of approval from her guests and Dot started to relax. This was her arena and she would command it.

  She spoke clearly and looked around the room, seeing the faces of her family and friends and hoping they supported her new work. ‘While I was searching for this artist, I began to experiment with a new medium, wire and precious metals, inspired by the works I’d seen.’ A hush fell on the room and people were looking confused, and then from the work to Dot in astonishment. She grinned as she bet that they were wondering what the hell was going on. Was the artist Dot? Had she done this as a publicity stunt?

  Dot laughed at finally making them all shut up. ‘Funnily enough, the mystery artist everyone is looking for had already walked into this gallery, and I’d met her.’ A buzz of excitement rose again and flashbulbs popped in her face. Dot laughed and threw back her head, letting the tension drain away. She was in her element and she loved it.

  ‘The artist and I discovered a mutual love of art. We became friends and started working together. She had been unsure of her abilities, as had I,’ she gave a stern look to her family and friends who all looked at their feet, blushed and grabbed a glass or raised a drink to her and shamelessly cheered, ‘but in each other we found inspiration and mutual support. We decided to join my sculptural jewellery designs with her beautiful paintings, to form our first public art show,’ she continued once the revelry had died down.

  ‘Without further waffling or tantalising, I’d like to introduce you to our new exhibition, ‘If you love me, I’m yours,’ and, although we will not be leaving any more of my collaborator’s work on park benches, we are glad that the people who received these valuable works enjoy them and cherish them for the masterpieces they are.’ Everyone started shouting and asking who the artist was, but Dot held a hand up to ask for quiet. She could literally hear everyone hold their breath in anticipation. ‘Maud, would you come and take a bow?’

  As Maud stepped up, wearing a simple hip-skimming dress in smoky grey with an off-the-shoulder, bust-hugging neckline and a beautiful skirt that swished around her knees as she moved, she looked as though her heart might literally burst from fear. At her waist was the original belt that Dot had given her, and the flashbulbs exploded and people cheered as she held onto Dot for support, and smiled shyly at everyone.

  Dot imagined Maud’s heart must be hammering in her chest, as she was scanning the room as if she wanted to run, but Nate had put a gentle hand into her back as she’d turned and pushed her towards the podium, so she’d had no choice but to move forward. Dot looked on and felt some of the tension leave her body. Nate was behaving and all was almost well with the world. He’d ignored both her and Maud all week, so she’d been surprised, nervous and delighted, to see him here. Dot sighed as he placed a soft kiss on Maud’s exposed shoulder, as everyone else was facing forward, and then set her on her way, making her flush and then anxiously accept her fate as she moved towards Dot, who hugged her fiercely.

  After a short speech and more rowdy cheering, Maud and Dot spent an hour talking to press contacts until they were both dead on their feet. They supported each other as they walked about the gallery, arms around each other’s waists, as people stopped them to congratulate them on such profound work. Camille and Cosmo rushed over and flung their arms around them both, dramatically telling everyone in earshot how proud they were of Maud and their very own darling girl.

  Maud and Dot had told their story over and over now, and they were both sure everyone must be bored with it. They had drunk champagne and watched as red dots had appeared on every single piece, to show they were all reserved and sold.

  As the women chatted happily to the guests and tried to take in the enormity of what had just happened and how their lives might change, Dot noticed Nate leaning against a wall, one ear listening to what the people he was with were saying, while his eyes followed Maud’s every move.

  Even though he was annoyed with them, he had come to support them both. He’d kissed Maud’s shoulder and it had given her the strength to go up onto
that stage with Dot. Her lips twitched upwards and she looked at him and tried to convey how sorry she was. He smiled back and winked at them, making her heart swell and Maud’s cheeks flush.

  Dot had drunk a little too much and was feeling excited and giddy. Maud had originally asked Tom to be here tonight, but they’d moved the date forward so that he was still away. Probably sweet-talking his pregnant dinner lady, Dot thought with disgust. She would deal with him on Monday if Maud didn’t. For now, she was going to enjoy being the centre of these people’s world for a few hours, and celebrate their achievement.

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Maud had not expected this. It had only been just over a week after the show and it was still happening. She’d had the previous week off work, but now she’d have to go in and apologise for the chaos she’d caused. She’d thought that the art section of a few papers might mention Dot’s new show, as she was famous after all, but it was Maud’s face which was plastered across practically every paper locally. Each stated how a suburban schoolteacher was living a double life, and was actually the incredible new artistic talent everyone had been searching for. Then followed the tale Dot had spun in their shiny new press release. Maud had assumed no one would want to know more, once they found out it was boring old her and not someone famous, but she couldn’t have been more wrong. If she’d realised this might happen, she would have never left the very first picture in the park.

  Dot had woven a magical story of a girl who loved to paint, but was unsure of her talent. She wanted to share her art, but was afraid of rejection, so she left the paintings for people to pick up if they wanted them, with the tag line, ‘if you love me, I’m yours.’ The media had gone wild, and Maud was scared. People loved Dot’s story too, but she was already well known and from a famous family of talented artists, so they expected nothing less from her. Dot was ecstatic that she was finally part of her family’s artistic dynasty on her own merit and not just as the manager, and she kept calling Maud and crying as she was so happy.


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