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Page 12

by Nichelle Gregory

  There would be nothing left of her…nothing left of he—

  “We did it, Lona!”

  Lona slumped to the floor, exhausted.

  She was so cold. Her eyelids were so heavy but she kept them open with sheer willpower.

  She would not give in to the darkness…not yet.


  She didn’t even look up as Rue opened his cell door, pushing her body out of the way with the weight of the door. He crouched down beside her and Lona shivered with disgust as he stroked her cheek with his finger.

  “This took more out of you than I anticipated. I am sorry for that.” Rue stroked her hair. “I could save you. Just nod your head and I’ll take you with me. After one healing session, you’ll feel better.”

  Lona stared at him, her breathing laboured and slow. Even nodding her head seemed like too much of a task, even had she been inclined to do so.

  “I don’t see a nod.”

  And you won’t, you bastard.

  Rue shrugged. “Never mind. I planned to take you along with me no matter what. I kinda liked the way things worked between us.” He paused, listening to the jingle of keys somewhere around the corner. “We must hurry now. The guard will be down this end of the hallway any second.”


  Rage boiled up within Lona, making her entire body shake as she opened her mouth.


  Rue blanched in the face of her sharp cry. He jumped to his feet, cursing as he bent down to lift her up.

  “Nooo!” She would rather die than have him take her—death would be better than being kept under his control.

  “I should kill you for this!” Rue hissed once she was in his arms.

  He crushed her body against his as Lona closed her eyes.

  She didn’t have the strength to fight him anymore.


  Lona’s eyes flickered open to see a guard rushing forward and his voice sounded so far away as Rue lifted his hand and sent a blast of raw power down the hall. She squeezed her eyes shut, cringing as Rue laughed.

  There was a heavy thud along with a grunt of pain and she didn’t have to see to know that the guard had fallen. Her head jostled against Rue’s smelly shirt as he hurried towards the door she’d entered through unseen. Once he walked through it, Lona knew she’d never see Rafi or anyone else she knew ever again.

  Rue would make sure of it.

  There was no one to help her.

  Rue was in complete control of the situation—soon he’d be in complete control of her again.

  A piercing blast of light penetrated her eyelids with an accompanying wave of heat.

  “Put her down, Rue.”

  Each word felt like a nuclear blast of pure fury.


  “My, my, my… There must be something in the water around here. First Vander and now look at you, getting so territorial with these females.”

  Lona barely groaned as she was unceremoniously dropped to the floor, too dazed to react to Rue’s harsh treatment. Her eyelids flickered upwards to see Rafi and Maurelle with their palms outstretched, ready for battle.

  “Your abilities have weakened, Rue. Don’t take this any further.” Maurelle’s lyrical voice was calm and steady, as if she were talking to a wayward child.

  Rue gave a hard laugh.

  “There’s no way out of here. So let’s make this easy.”

  The sound of Rafi’s voice brought tears to Lona’s eyes. Whether she lived or died now seemed not to matter, as long as he was near her.

  “You know nothing in this life of ours is easy, but I never minded the hard stuff as long as I’m calling the shots.”

  “You’ve got three seconds to drop your hands and surrender, Rue.”

  Rafi’s voice was deceptively quiet, but Lona could sense the rage rolling off him in waves.

  “Surrender? That’s all I’ve done since becoming a Djinn. Aren’t you sick of surrendering your life for the good of the Brotherhood?” Rue scoffed in the silence that followed his question. “Don’t bother answering… I can see it in your eyes.”

  “You’re a disgrace to the Djinn Brotherhood.”

  Lona wouldn’t have recognised the menacing tone of Rafi’s voice if she hadn’t been staring him in the face.

  “Yeah, well, at least I’m not pretending I give a damn about it.”

  “You can’t overpower both of us.” Maurelle’s soft voice was edged with anger.

  “I don’t plan to. I’m sure Lona’s got enough reserve left in her to help me through that door. It’s amazing, isn’t it? How her unusual gift can heighten my own.”

  Rafi took a step closer. “If you do that again, you’ll kill her.”

  “Don’t come any closer.” Rue clucked his tongue. “She’s stronger than you think. Try to stop me and I’ll kill her on purpose.”

  Lona moaned as Rue directed one palm towards her. She could feel what was left of her draining away as the bracelets around Rue’s wrists began glowing brighter. He was gaining strength from her to use against Rafi and Maurelle and there was nothing she could do to stop him.

  She watched in horror as Rue slung a ball of blue light that went whizzing by her. It hurtled forward, heading directly for Maurelle.


  Lona tried to sit up as Rafi jumped in front of Maurelle, taking the energy hit himself. She screamed, fully expecting him to fall to his knees.

  Rafi stumbled but stepped forward, unleashing an animalistic roar of rage that filled the hallway and made Lona flinch. She covered her face as Rue was struck by two blinding balls of blue light in the centre of his chest. He didn’t have time to react before Maurelle followed suit, hitting him with two white spheres of light that shifted, growing larger and larger until he was immersed within the glowing, pulsating bubble.

  Rue howled and screamed as his body began to slowly disintegrate, until Lona could see through him. She longed to close her eyes, but she couldn’t look away from the brilliant vortex spinning faster and faster until Rue disappeared in a swirling mass of particles enveloped in light and wind.

  He’s dead.

  The knowledge and relief coursing through her body gave her the strength to lift her head in Rafi’s direction. She wanted to see his face up close once more. She longed to feel his touch upon her face one more time.

  I’m dying.

  She tried to say the words as he rushed to her side, lifting her up into his strong arms. Her mouth opened to try to tell him again, but he wasn’t looking at her. He was too busy asking Maurelle how to help her.

  It’s too late.

  Lona could feel her heartbeat slowing down.

  Using what energy she had left, Lona lifted her hand to touch Rafi’s chin.

  There…finally, he was looking at her with those gorgeous brown eyes she loved so much.


  I’m dying.

  The last two words were suddenly too hard to say and she was so very tired.

  Her eyelids fluttered closed as her heart slowed down even more.


  She felt Rafi’s arms tighten around her, his deep voice full of anguish.

  You saved me, Rafi.

  She wished she could tell him it was okay.

  She wished—

  * * * *

  Rafi could feel Lona slipping away from him and it broke him in half. With all his abilities he couldn’t save her.

  “Damn it, Lona, don’t you do this to me!”

  Her entire body trembled in his arms as he looked at Maurelle.

  “I’m taking her back to my beach house.”

  He didn’t wait to see if the other Djinn was following him as he transported Lona back to his own bedroom. The light on the nightstand came on with a silent command as he gently laid Lona on the bed. Ignoring the shooting pain in his head, he raised his hand in Lona’s direction, using magic again to replace her sodden sundress with a teal chemise.

  Rafi pulled up the duvet, tuc
king it around her body while keeping a close eye on the unsteady rise and fall of her chest. Her eyelashes looked impossibly long and so dark against her uncharacteristically pale cheeks.


  Lona, don’t go.


  He pushed her with his mind, sending her the message over and over until his head throbbed as much as his chest. A trickle of blood ran from his nose and he wiped it with the back of his hand, noticing for the first time that Maurelle was standing quietly by his side.

  “You can’t mentally push her any more, Rafi, without bringing harm to yourself.” Maurelle reached up to touch his shoulder.

  “I don’t care!” He pulled away from Maurelle and fell to his knees beside the bed. “If she dies, it won’t matter what happens to me.”

  Rafi took Lona’s hand in his and lifted it to his lips to kiss her fingers.

  “Lona needs you to live, too.”

  Rafi turned his face towards Maurelle, not surprised by the confirmation that she could read his thoughts.

  “She’s holding on, but if you’re not there when she opens her eyes…”

  Rafi knew she was right. He needed to keep it together, no matter the outcome, for Lona’s sake. If—no, when she opened her eyes, he would be there for her.

  The surge of adrenaline that had been keeping him on a razor’s edge dissipated, making him realise just how much pain he was in. His entire body felt like it was being stripped with a cheese grater.

  “She’s so cold.”

  “You should lie with her—she needs your body heat and to know you’re close by. I could stay until you’ve had some rest.”

  Rafi glanced away from Lona to look at Maurelle. The concern on her face sent another wave of fatigue through him.

  “No, that’s not necessary.”

  Maurelle nodded. “Then I will go. I’ll let Niri know what has happened, so that she can come and check on you both. Elfin medicine is best in these types of scenarios.”

  These types of scenarios…

  The female Djinn’s choice of words rattled around in his head.

  “You don’t think she’ll make it through this, do you?”

  “The human spirit is perhaps the most powerful spirit of all.” Maurelle turned her face to stare at Lona. “She’s still with us and each breath she takes will make her stronger. You being with her will make her stronger.”

  It wasn’t a definite answer, but it made Rafi feel better.

  “Rest now, Rafi. I shall return as well to see how you both fare.”

  “Thank you for showing me where Rue was being held and helping me defeat him, Maurelle.”

  “It was the right thing to do.” Maurelle held his gaze without blinking. “I won’t forget how you stepped between me and a glowing sphere of pure pain, either.”

  Rafi shrugged.

  It had been the right thing to do.

  Maurelle smiled as her form began to shimmer. “Rest, Rafi.”

  Her voice faded with the rest of her body, leaving Rafi alone in the room.

  He stood, stripped and walked to the other side of the bed to slip between the sheets. Moving closer to Lona, he leaned up on one arm to caress her hair spilling out all over his pillow.

  She was so still.

  Rafi wished she’d open her eyes for just a moment.

  Yeah, well, genies don’t get to make any wishes.

  He froze as Lona’s eyelids began to flutter.


  Joy of unparalleled heights soared through him as Lona struggled to open her eyes. “Shh! I’m here. Just rest, I’m here.”

  She seemed comforted by his words. Her eyelashes once again rested on her cheeks as she drifted back to sleep.

  Rafi caressed her face as his heart unwound a notch.

  She was going to be all right. He couldn’t accept anything but the best possible outcome. No way was he going to suffer again through the anguish of losing the woman he loved.

  Rafi paused, the full brunt of his feelings concerning Lona coming into crystal-clear focus. His finger slipped across Lona’s cheek to outline her lips.


  Lona turned onto her side and Rafi scooted even closer to her, wrapping his arm around her waist. Her soft curves fitted his body perfectly.

  She fits me perfectly.

  But love?


  Rafi closed his eyes, exhaustion pulling at him from all sides. He took in a few deep breaths, struggling to relax his mind and body.

  “I love you, Lona,” he whispered against her hair.

  He fell asleep with a small smile on his lips.

  Chapter Twelve

  Lona opened her eyes to find Niri sitting on the edge of the bed with a mug in her outstretched hand.

  She was alive and Rafi…

  Lona turned her head to see Rafi lying next to her.

  “Is he okay?”

  Lona shifted her attention away from Rafi’s face to Niri’s.

  “He sleeps to recover. You must drink and sleep to recover, too.”

  Lona slowly shifted into a sitting position, feeling incredibly weak and tired.

  “Drink this.” Niri handed her the mug, filled with some fragrant, steaming liquid.

  “What’s in it?” Lona looked into the mug and back at Niri.

  Niri smiled. “Would it matter if I told you the names of ingredients you’ve never heard of?”

  Lona took a sip, surprised to find the hot brew had no taste at all, despite its pleasant smell.

  “Finish it all and sleep. When you wake, you’ll feel a lot better.”

  Niri nodded her approval as Lona continued to drink from the mug.

  “I’m so glad you were not mortally injured.”

  Me too, Lona thought, but she was suddenly too sleepy to speak.

  Niri took the cup from her just before it slipped from her fingers. Lona settled back against the pillows as Niri held the mug to her lips, making sure she finished the last swallow.

  “Good…good. Now, sleep…sleep…”

  Lona woke up to the sound of Rafi’s heart beating steadily beneath her ear. Is this a dream?

  She opened her eyes in the sunlit bedroom and smiled.

  It wasn’t a dream…she was alive, safe in Rafi’s arms.

  She slowly stretched her limbs, expecting soreness or some remnants of the

  overwhelming fatigue she’d felt hours before, but nothing hurt. In fact, she felt full of energy, grateful for every muscle moving in coordination as she desired. She snuggled against Rafi’s warmth, lifting her head from his chest to stare at his handsome face. He looked so peaceful and sexy with the rugged five o’clock shadow highlighting his jawline.

  “Rafi?” Lona reached up to touch his chin and Rafi drew in a deep breath as he turned his body towards hers. His arm tightened around her, but he didn’t open his eyes.


  He was apparently still sleeping.

  Sleeping in the buff.

  She glanced down at her own body to see the silky teal chemise hugging her frame. The soft material rode up, revealing her nakedness underneath as she admired the deep colour. Lona sighed, enjoying every sensation of Rafi’s skin on hers. She lifted her leg over his hips as she rubbed her face against his chest.

  This is heaven on earth—

  Lona froze as Rafi mumbled in his sleep. He shifted his hips closer to her, making her aware of his hardening cock between them.

  Her body’s response was immediate. A rush of heat whipped over her skin as desire and longing unfurled within her. Lona kept her eyes on Rafi’s face as she slid her hand between them to trace her finger around the ridged crown of his cock. She loved the rigid, velvety texture of his skin beneath her fingertips. Her hand wrapped around the shaft as she remembered how good it felt inside her. The scent of her thigh-dampening arousal wafted up between the sheets.

  She wanted him—wanted to celebrate life in the most basic of fashions.


  Lona smiled at Rafi as he opened his eyes, squeezing his rock-hard length in her hand. She held his sleepy gaze as she caressed his cock with slow and gentle strokes. After what she’d been through, she didn’t want to talk. She only wanted to be with the man she loved.

  The revelation filled her with joy as Rafi moved over her to settle between her thighs. She ran her hands up his thick arms as he leaned in to her wetness to kiss her smile. He pulled away only long enough to help her strip the silky chemise from her body.

  Lona arched her back as Rafi’s mouth fell upon her breast. She gripped his hair as he nipped and licked the sensitive peaks, wanting him to take her before she begged him for it. He seemed to sense her urgency as he moved away from her breasts to settle on his knees. Lona yelped as he yanked her forward, spreading her thighs wide. She moaned as he rubbed the head of his cock up and down her soaked pussy.

  “Rafi, please…”

  He smiled as he slowly sank into her.

  There were no words for the sensation of him filling her body, so she mewled and moaned her pleasure. Her legs went up around his waist as he began moving within her, taking her with him as unrelenting passion claimed them both. Lona closed her eyes as the blissful inferno surging up in her made it hard to breathe. She cried out as Rafi stroked her faster and deeper, letting her legs fall from his waist as she climaxed. Her eyes fluttered open as the force of her orgasm drew a cry of delight from her throat. She gripped the sheets, whimpering as the orgasmic shudders continued to ripple through her and Rafi came with a rough groan.

  Lona let out a lusty laugh as Rafi shifted his weight and slipped from her body to lie next to her.

  “That’s a helluva way to wake up… Good morning.”

  Lona smiled, feeling bashful about her brazen behaviour now that she was momentarily sated. “Good morning.”

  “I would ask you how you’re feeling but, judging from the rosy glow on your cheeks and the way you pounced on me before I was even awake, I’d say you’re good.” Rafi leaned up on his arm to kiss her. “Very good, in fact.”

  His deep, sexy voice made her blush even harder as she grinned.

  “Hey, I didn’t pounce!”

  “No, you grabbed my co—”

  Soft knocking made them both look at the closed bedroom door.


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