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Gridlocked (Bounty County Series Book 3)

Page 13

by Maren Lee

“It’s kind of about you. Got a tip. Someone called and said a black Ford Escape parked in front of our house was loaded with drugs.”

  “What?!” Molly said, surprised she was being brought into this at all.

  “That’s Molly’s car. We were just in it. Promise you, it’s loaded with nothing. Get dressed, Molly.”

  Wesson dragged Cole out of the room. She could hear Wesson questioning him in the living room. “Why the fuck would someone call and say it’s parked in front of our house specifically. This is fucking suspicious as hell, Cole.”

  “They didn’t say ‘our house.’ They said Wesson Campbell’s house. I know, it’s suspicious. But we’re following up. I’m sure it’s fine.”

  “Who is ‘we’?”

  “Me and Justin.”

  “You brought the fuckin’ drug dog? To check out a car in front of our house? Molly’s car?”

  “If she consents to us searching her car, we won’t need to break out Avery. And then you guys can go back to doing whatever it is that you’re doing. But, I gotta say...holy shit, man. Had no idea you had the ability to pull that caliber of tail.”

  “She’s not tail, Gert. Shut your fuckin’ mouth right now.”

  Shit. A drug dog? To search my car? What on earth…?

  Molly came out in her cat jammies, walking a bit more gingerly than normal. Yeah, that’s gonna hurt in the morning.

  “Come on honey, let’s go outside.” Wesson grabbed a hoodie hanging by the door and wrapped it around her shoulders as they walked outside and down the driveway. Molly was never going to tire of Wesson’s chivalry.

  “Can we look in your car, Molly?” Justin asked. Good night. Justin was a tall drink of water. And ridiculously good looking. And apparently also really good in bed, from all the stories she’d heard from Chloe. It was hard to look him in the eyes knowing what he’d done to her friend.

  “Of course.”

  “Molly,” Wesson interrupted. “Rule number one: don’t consent to a search. Ever.”

  She laughed. “Why wouldn’t I consent? I have nothing to hide.”

  “You’re sure?” he asked.

  “Of course I’m sure, Wesson. You know me.”

  “So you’re consenting?” Cole asked.

  “Yes, I’m consenting.”

  “Keys?” Justin asked.

  “It should be open.”

  “It’s open?”

  “Yeah, it’s open.”

  “Molly, I know we live in Imminence, but you should never leave your car unlocked,” Justin scolded.

  Wesson cleared his throat. “That was my bad. We were uh. Kind of distracted.”

  Molly laughed. Distracted was the right word.

  Justin popped open the passenger side door and looked in. He pulled out his Maglite and turned it on, looking all around the front interior. He bent his 6’5” frame down and Molly had to keep herself from checking out his ass as he looked under the passenger seat.

  “Got something,” Justin mumbled as he pulled out that ‘something’ covered in plastic.

  “Fuck, Molly,” Wesson breathed out.

  “What?” She was clueless. “What is it?”

  “Honey, that is a fucking brick of heroin.”

  What the hell? Molly had never even seen heroin before. She didn’t even know it came in a brick.

  “What’s it doing in my car?”

  “I don’t know, baby, but I’m not sure we’re gonna like what happens next.”

  “This yours, Molly?”

  “No. Why would that be mine?”

  “Make a little extra money on the side? Maybe one of the inmates at the state pen got you to start smuggling into the prison?”

  What the…?

  “Shut your fuckin’ mouth right now, Hunt,” Wesson growled.

  “Justin, you know I wouldn’t do something like that.”

  “Do I? This whole town is on a fuckin’ bender lately. Been wondering how it’s been spreading. Maybe someone the whole town trusts is in on it.”

  He can not be serious! Molly was starting to get pissed.

  “Justin, you fucking talk to her like that again, I'll knock your fucking teeth down your throat. She said it's not hers. Shut your trap.”

  Justin raised his hands, acknowledging he was going to shut the fuck up.

  Cole came behind her and pulled her wrists into handcuffs. “Molly Mooney, you’re under arrest for possession of heroin.”

  Oh no.

  “No no no, you guys. No. This isn’t happening. She doesn’t even have shoes on! It’s not hers. It’s mine! Take me!” Wesson screamed, desperately.

  “No, Wesson! It’s not mine, but it’s not yours either. You don’t sacrifice yourself for me. I’ll bail myself out. You figure out who did this to me. Call Lane. She’s getting herself a paying client for once.”

  “I’ll get you out of this, mark my worth, Molly.”

  “I know you will,” she put on a brave smile and then he kissed her.

  “You need some shoes before these assholes take you in.”

  “Watch it, Wesson,” Justin grumbled out.

  Seriously, I thought we were friends. What a jerk!

  “Fuck off, Hunt. You know you’d be the exact same way if I were arresting Chloe right now.”

  “I didn’t bring shoes appropriate for pajamas. All I have are heels.”

  “Let me get you a pair of my flip flops. Be right back,” he said to her and then turned to Cole. “You do not fucking leave with her until I am back with shoes. I’m following you to the station and I’m calling Brenden.”

  “Dude, your woman has a brick of heroin in her car. What are we supposed to do about that?”

  Molly’s stomach lurched. What are you going to do? Stay calm. Stay calm. Wesson will help you.

  “Doesn’t it seem like whoever tipped you off was probably the person who planted it in her unlocked car? Sounds pretty suspect to me. Did you fuckers even trace the phone call?”


  “It'll get done. Promise, Wess,” Cole said.

  “Once we dust for prints, we’ll know more.” Justin was blunt. “Until then, we’re holding her.”

  “You're being a real motherfucker about this Hunt. When she's proven innocent, you damn well better apologize to her. It's taking everything in me not to cold-cock your ass.”

  “If she's proven innocent, I’ll apologize,” Justin replied, crossing his arms.


  “You better dust her car door. You find a print other than hers or mine, you’ll have your man,” Wesson tossed off as he walked toward the house.

  “Real sorry about this, Molly,” Cole apologized. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can’t afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.”

  “I know, and you heard Lane is coming, so I’m covered.”

  “She’s the best. You’ll be in good hands.” Cole nodded.

  “Be right back, baby.” Wesson ran inside.

  Moments later Wesson returned with giant flip flops. They were too big, but it was better than going barefoot. Shit. Is this really happening? Tonight went from one of the best nights of her life to one of the worst in the blink of an eye.

  “Don’t worry, darlin’.”

  “Kinda hard right now, Wess. Scared shitless.”

  “Don’t like hearing you swear because you’re scared. Much prefer how you were swearing earlier tonight,” he gave her a small smile. How on earth can he make you blush at a moment like this, Molly? she asked herself. “I know it’s not yours. It’s definitely not mine. We’ll beat this.”

  “Thanks, Wesson.”

  He kissed her softly and then helped her into Cole’s squad car so that she wouldn’t bump her head.

  “Right behind you, honey. Calling Lane now.”

  “Thank you.”

Wesson shut the door and Molly was alone. Hands cuffed. In the back of a police car.

  What the fuck do I do now?

  Chapter 12

  Molly was placed in a conference room furnished with the same furniture manufactured at the state prison. Not uncomfortable. Just not...attractive. The room didn’t look like the interrogation rooms on television cop dramas. It just looked like a crappy conference room where boring weekly staff meetings might be held.

  She’d been there approximately twenty minutes by herself. Still hadn’t been booked or fingerprinted or placed in orange like she was expecting. Cole had been kind and had taken her handcuffs off so that she could sit more comfortably. He apologized for Justin being a dick. She hadn’t seen that side of Justin before. Did he really think she was some heroin peddling drug dealer?

  Lane came bursting in, out of breath, clearly just coming from exercising. Even dressed in yoga pants and a racer-back tank top, her pale skin flush with pink, she was gorgeous. “Oh my god, Molly. I try to go to the gym during my only moment of free time - which, by the way, is freaking 10 at night! - for the first time in forever so that I can finally get rid of this post-baby belly and I get a call from Wesson telling me you’ve been arrested?! This is why I don’t exercise!” Lane threw her hands up in the air and then plopped down on the chair across the table from Molly. “What. The. Fuck. Woman.” It wasn’t really a question.

  Molly sat up defensively. “I’m sorry! It’s not mine! I didn’t even know heroin came in a brick! I swear! I've only seen it on that show Intervention, you know when they have it in the little needles!”

  “I know it’s not yours, girl! Sheesh. Give me a little credit. Let’s start by walking through the night. Hold on. I need paper.” Lane got up and opened the door to the conference room. “Wesson!” she shouted.

  Wesson is here. Thank god.

  “Get me a fuckin’ legal pad, a pen, and a green highlighter. Stat.”

  “We don’t take orders from you, Lane. Especially not when you’re sitting with our suspect.” Molly could hear Justin’s voice out in the bullpen. Douche canoe.

  “Justin! I’m gonna call your wife! You are gonna get cut. Off. Mark my words,” she threatened. “Now get me some fucking paper, you asshole!” Lane screeched. Note to self: don’t piss Lane off.

  Molly could hear a grumble and then Wesson ran over.

  “Here you go, Lane.” He peeked over Lane’s shoulder as he handed her the office supplies she asked for. “Hey, baby. You doing okay?” he asked Molly.

  Molly shrugged again. “I guess.”

  “Let me know if she needs anything, Lane. Seriously. I’m working some shit out here. We’ll get this figured out.”

  “I know you will, Wesson,” Lane replied.

  Thank god I didn’t end up in jail a virgin, Molly thought. And then suddenly she realized the ridiculousness of having that thought at this moment and burst out laughing as Lane shut the door.

  “What is so damn funny, Molly? You are about to get booked for possession of heroin. This is serious, woman.”

  “You don’t have to tell me that! I just can’t believe the timing of this. I’’s just….ugh. It’s too much.” Tears began streaming down Molly’s face.

  “Hey, hey, hey. If there’s one thing I’m confident in, it’s my ability to cross examine Justin and make him look like a fool at trial.” Lane winked at her.

  Molly smiled through the water sitting on the edge of her eyelids. “Thank you. I’m not a drug dealer. But now I’m worried about my job, Lane. I have to report any arrests to all the Boards. How am I going to make a living if I lose my license?” Molly knew she should be more worried about losing her freedom, but dammit, she’d worked hard to have this career.

  “You’re not going to lose your license because this is all a huge misunderstanding. Let’s go through the timeline. This is what I’m good at. What did you do today?”

  “I woke up. Got ready. Went to work. Was there all day. Went home. Showered. Changed. Drove to Wesson’s. Picked him up. We went to Gino’s for dinner. I had the antipasto salad. Wesson had lasagna. We went back to his place. Did some stuff. Then Cole came barging in to Wesson’s bedroom and probably saw my boobs. And now I’m here.”

  “Oh. My. God.” Lane was clearly having a revelation.

  “What?!” Molly asked, hopeful that Lane saw a way out of this.

  “You and Wesson did it?! You’re not a virgin anymore?” she asked, too loud for Molly’s taste.

  Oh. So that was her revelation. Well, so much for Lane having a way to get the charges dropped.

  “Shhhhhh! Keep your voice down! Yes, we had sex tonight. And so now I’m sitting here thankful that I’m not going to end up in jail a virgin but I’m still in my jammies and my vagina hurts really bad!” she pouted. How is this my life right now? Molly silently screamed in her head.

  “He as big as a soup can like Jake said?” Lane wiggled her eyebrows. Molly didn’t know the sex-and-tell protocol, but she figured this was okay territory for girl talk.

  “I didn’t measure, but it was...thick.”

  “High five!” Lane reached across the table.

  “I’m about to go to jail, Lane. Should we be high fiving right now?”

  “Sounds like you got epic dick, so yes. Yes, we should be high fiving right now.” Lane smiled. Molly couldn’t help but laugh. She was glad one of her best friends in the world was a badass criminal defense attorney. If Lane was confident, Molly would be too. Molly let out the breath she had been holding and gave Lane a weak high five across the table.

  “Okay, back to work,” Lane continued. “Did you lock your car last night?”

  “Yes. I always lock my car.”

  “Except tonight.”

  “Yeah. Except tonight.”

  “So it was locked while you were at the office today?”

  “Yes. I remember because I was trying to leave and couldn’t find my keys in my purse and was worried I had left them on my desk. But then I remembered that I had used them to lock my office, so I searched deeper in my purse and found them at the very bottom, covered up by my makeup bag.”

  “Okay, good recall. Then you went home. Could you have been distracted at home and forgotten to lock your car?” Lane asked.

  “No. My neighbor Janice was out in her front yard sunbathing and when I got out of my car, she shouted at me, ‘Honk if you think my tits look amazing right now!’ and I hit the lock button, which honked the horn and she busted up laughing.

  “How are we not friends with Janice?” Lane asked.

  Molly laughed. “She’s about 75 years old, but she’d love to be included in a girls’ night. She’s even more raunchy than Sierra.”

  “You’ve been hiding Janice from me all this time?! I am offended, but looking forward to meeting her.” Lane smiled. “Okay,” she continued. “You got ready, then got in the car and drove to Wesson’s. Did you get out of your car when you got there.”

  “No. Well, yes. But I picked Wesson up. We drove my car to dinner. So I got out of the driver’s seat and moved over to the passenger seat so Wess could drive.”

  “Ahhhh, romance.” Lane sighed. “Dinner.” Right back to business. “Did Wesson lock the car door at the restaurant?”

  Hmmm. Molly wasn’t 100 percent certain. “I’m not sure. I think so. But I can’t remember.”

  Lane got up and walked to the door, swinging it open. She shouted again, “Wesson!” Molly heard feet running through the hall.

  “Yeah, Lane.”

  “Did you lock the car when you got to the restaurant tonight?”

  “I’m. Uh. Not sure you’re allowed to question me right now, Lane,” he said, looking down the hall to where the others were gathered.

  “Answer the fucking question, Wesson.”

  “Jesus, Lane. There’s a protocol for a reason.”

  “Yeah, and that protocol is going to keep Justin from getting laid for
a week at least. Just you wait. You want your woman out of here, you tell me if you locked the fucking door at the restaurant.”

  “Yes! God damn it, Lane! Yes. I locked the door at the restaurant. I thought I forgot to lock it so I turned back and hit the button again and saw the lights flash and heard the horn honk. So yes. I know I locked it at the restaurant. Plus, Molly was standing at the passenger door when we were leaving the restaurant, waiting for me to unlock it and I worried that she was cold. So yes. Yes, I locked it.”


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