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What Sinners Love

Page 18

by Eva Ashwood

  When he pulls away, I catch the gaze of one of the nurses behind the receptionist counter. Her eyebrows are somewhere near her hairline, but I just smirk and look away, not offering any explanation. I refuse to blush or apologize. She was the one who was looking.

  “We should go check on Gray,” I say quietly, and the guys nod.

  When we step into his room, I’m not sure why I suddenly feel nervous, but I do. There’s a twinge of lingering fear that something will go terribly wrong, that fate will snatch him away from me. But the worry drains out of me when I catch Gray’s gaze, my breath hitching in my throat. His chestnut brown hair is a little tousled from sleep, but his cheeks have regained a lot of their color. He’s sitting up, his posture strong.

  “My parents are back. They just left to get breakfast,” he says when we come in, his voice still groggy. “You just missed them.”

  “Lucky,” Declan murmurs, flopping back down on the couch. He gives Gray a grimace. “Sorry.”

  “It’s fine.” Gray huffs a laugh, then looks back at me. “They weren’t exactly pleased that I took a bullet for some ‘random girl,’ but fuck them if they think that. I’ll defend the woman I love anywhere, anytime.”

  My heart clenches. I want to tell him thank you for saving my life, but words won’t cut it. He knows how I feel, knows I love him back, but a small part of me feels like it isn’t enough.

  Like it’ll never be enough after everything he did.

  “Hey. Come here, Sparrow.” His brows furrow, and he pats the bed next to him.

  When I reach his hospital bed, he pulls me close. His skin is warm against mine, his rich, spicy scent familiar in my nostrils. He leans in without hesitation, and just like Elias and Declan did a few minutes ago, he kisses me as if it’s the most normal thing in the world for us.

  I melt into his touch, being careful not to touch him where his wounds are, but wanting nothing more than to sink into his body, to fall back into the bed with him and let him peel my clothes off.

  He pulls away, sucking in a breath. His eyes are dark and the room is suddenly hot, but I know that there will be much more time in our future for those things. Once he’s healed up.

  “Right now,” I whisper, trying to get my pulse back under control, “you need to focus on getting better.”

  “Yes, nurse.” He winks at me, waggling his eyebrows and making me laugh. When a knock sounds at the door, he glances over and calls out, “Come in.”

  Max steps into the room, and I smile when I see her. I sent her a text last night after we got to the hospital, and I knew she’d want to come see how Gray is doing. But when I see the man following close behind her, I stiffen.

  It’s Aaron.

  My eyes narrow in suspicion, but Max stops me with a quick frown, holding up a hand. Gray tenses next to me, and I don’t have to look over at the other Sinners to know that their reactions are the same.

  “It’s okay. He’s on our side. He’s with us,” Max says. She brushes her dark hair over her shoulder as she glances back at Aaron with warmth in her eyes. “For real. He was able to give the police some information that linked Cliff to his father’s illegal business dealings. The cops arrested Cliff last night. They can’t convict Alan for anything because he’s dead, but at least his asshole son can be held responsible for some things.”

  A wave of relief washes through me. Cliff may not be quite as smart or savvy as his father was, but he’s definitely as cruel, entitled, and vindictive.

  He won’t be able to hurt us anymore, though.

  I stand and come around the side of the bed, studying Aaron as I step closer to him. He looks a little rough around the edges, but there’s something lighter in his eyes too. Something that almost mirrors the relief I feel. He told Max that he fell in with the Saints after he changed schools in his senior year, but maybe he was never truly one of them.

  Not in the ways that made them so fucking awful.

  “Listen,” he says, glancing around at everyone in the room. “I didn’t know. I knew Cliff could be an entitled fuck sometimes, but I… I thought that was it.” His jaw clenches. “I told Max the thing about the hooker because I’d just found out about it myself. I overheard Shane giving Cliff shit about it one day, and it sounded pretty fucked up to me.”

  Max steps closer to him, linking her fingers through his. It’s a gesture of support and solidarity, and my gaze flicks from her to Aaron and back as he continues.

  “That was when I started to question things a bit, I guess. And when Max asked me why I was friends with them, it hit me like a punch in the chest. Why was I? I couldn’t come up with a good answer to that. The shit Cliff did?” He grimaces. “The shit his father did? I can’t believe I ever associated with someone so fucking depraved.”

  “I believe him,” Max adds softly. She catches my gaze, her hazel eyes shining with sincerity. “We talked a lot after he helped the cops gather evidence against Cliff. And the thing is, we may have had a bit of a rough start, and neither of us has been perfect, but I believe him. I hope you guys can see him as something other than just a Saint too.”

  A small smile pulls at my lips. I know she’s thinking of me and the Sinners, and how inauspicious our beginnings were. There was a point in time where if someone had told me I would end up declaring my love for all three of these men, I would’ve told them they were bat shit crazy.

  But here I am, in love with three Sinners.

  And here Max is, on her way to falling for one ex-Saint.

  I hope like hell she’ll end up as happy as I am.


  “Are you okay? Watch your step.”

  “Sparrow.” Gray stops walking long enough to level me with a deadpan look. “I’m fine.”

  I grimace. I’ve never really been the hovering type, but it turns out it’s not that easy to get over almost losing one of the men you love. Gray’s recovery has been mostly smooth, and the doctors felt good enough about his progress to release him from the hospital today. But I can’t stop myself from worrying that every little movement or strain might re-injure him somehow or set his healing back.

  “Sorry, sorry. I know.”

  I hold up my hands and step back, allowing him to walk across the threshold and into our house without me watching him like some kind of mother hen.

  Declan and Elias share a look and chuckle as they step inside after him. When I follow the two of them into the foyer, Gray catches me around the waist, pulling me toward him.

  Worry flares inside me again—is he going to pop his stitches? Is he straining himself?—but it fades away quickly as he presses his lips to mine in a possessive kiss. When we break apart, he rests his forehead against mine.

  “Don’t ever be sorry. I like that you care,” he murmurs. “I like it a whole hell of a lot. But it’s okay. I’m okay.”

  I smile, closing my eyes for a moment and inhaling his spicy, addictive scent. “I know. I’m glad you’re home.”

  His chuckle rumbles in his chest. “Me fucking too. I can’t wait to sleep in my own bed again.”

  “Speaking of bed.” I pop my eyes open and press one more quick kiss to his lips before pulling my head back. “The doc said you should stay off your feet as much as possible for the next several days. So let’s get you into bed now.”

  “I like the sound of that.” He lifts one eyebrow as he slides his hands down over my waist to grope my ass shamelessly, and I bat his hands away even as my skin heats up.

  “Not on your life, buddy. The doctor also said you need rest. And whatever you’re thinking of, I’m pretty sure it’s the exact opposite of resting.”

  “I dunno.” He gives me a lopsided grin. “There are a few scenarios I can think of where I’m flat on my back the entire time.”

  He leans in again, pressing a kiss to my neck this time, just below my ear. I never knew what an erogenous zone that is, but it’s like I can feel the pressure of his lips directly on my clit. I shiver, hoping he hasn’t noticed my body’s reaction t
o his touch.

  But, of course, no such luck.

  He growls and kisses my neck again, sucking on my skin in a way that makes my core clench.

  When he steps back, his gaze slides to Declan and Elias before shifting back to me. There’s something both sweet and devastatingly sexy in his voice as he says, “Come on, Sparrow. I just got home. We’re all together, all still here. I think that calls for a celebration.”

  My pulse seems to skyrocket. The look he shared with the two other men was casual, but it’s impossible for me to miss the meaning in it.

  We’re all still together.

  We should celebrate.


  I’ve been daydreaming about all four of us together ever since that night on the rooftop, and my imagination has already come up with some hot as fuck images. If we hadn’t had Alan breathing down our necks, I’m pretty sure we would’ve explored this a whole lot sooner, but now…

  Gray’s right.

  We made it out of this mess alive. We did it. And even though I’m serious about making sure he doesn’t fuck up his recovery from the gunshot wound, I don’t want to waste another second.

  I want my Sinners.

  All of them.

  “Let’s get you to your bedroom,” I say again, but the tone of my voice has changed so much that I know he can hear the innuendo in it. The heavy desire.

  “Yes, nurse.”

  His blue-green eyes flash with something that makes my entire body hum with excitement, and I step away from him to turn toward Declan and Elias. “Will you help me get Gray upstairs?”

  I don’t know why I’m even bothering with the charade anymore. I can tell from the expressions on both men’s faces that they’re well aware of what I really want. I might as well just say, will you all come upstairs and fuck me?

  Because that’s sure as hell what I hope will happen.

  “Sure, Blue.” Elias grins, tugging his full bottom lip between his teeth.

  “Yeah, of course.” Declan nods, and the two of them step forward to help Gray.

  They barely do anything as he makes his way up the stairs. They really don’t have to—because despite my worry, he’s doing amazingly well. But they stick close by his side until we all enter his bedroom on the second floor. The bed is set against one wall, and Gray walks stiffly over to it before sinking down on the end of the mattress.

  He watches me as I cross over to him, tilting his head up a little as he looks up at me. And just as I expected, without me even needing to say anything, the other two Sinners move too. Declan and Elias come to stand on either side of me, and Gray watches with heated eyes as they begin to press kisses to my neck, my shoulder, my jaw, and my lips.

  Our gazes stay locked as his friends touch and kiss me everywhere they can reach, and I know he can see the change in my expression as euphoria fills me. It feels so fucking good, almost dizzyingly so, as I lose track of which hand belongs to which man and just give in to the sensations.

  Both of them peel my shirt off together, and Elias unhooks my bra before Declan slides it off and tosses it away. Elias’s mouth drops to my breasts, drawing my nipple between his teeth, and Gray groans at my sharp inhale.

  He reaches down to stroke the bulge in his pants lightly with one hand, his gaze devouring me as Declan and Elias continue to touch me everywhere.

  When Gray brings one hand to the waistband of my jeans, popping my button open, I push on his chest lightly, urging him to move upward on the bed. He does, ending up with his back against the headboard as Declan, Elias, and I all climb onto the large mattress too. I take advantage of the opportunity to pull off their shirts, letting my fingertips linger on the ridges of their abs and the broad muscles of their shoulders.

  I crawl forward to pull Gray’s shirt off too, but when I catch sight of the large white bandage on his stomach, some of the heat bleeds out of me, concern worming its way back into my heart.

  “Hey.” He catches my hand, tugging his shirt from my grip and tossing it away before bringing my fingertips to his lips and kissing them. “I’m okay. Better than okay. Don’t stop, Sparrow.”

  I nod, forcing down the lingering fear and worry. It helps that Declan comes up behind me at that moment and kisses the side of my neck while his hand slides down my stomach and slips inside my pants.

  His large finger drags through my wet folds before circling my clit, and the noises of appreciation from Gray and Elias are almost better than the sensation itself. I swivel my hips, seeking more friction, and he gives it to me immediately, working my clit faster as he grinds his hard-on against my ass.

  Elias and Gray are shedding the rest of their clothing, and watching them watch us as they strip almost makes my eyes roll back in my head. I ride Declan’s hand with zero shame, so fucking turned on that I need an orgasm as an appetizer just so I can make it to the main course.

  When it comes, I drop my head back against his shoulder, letting pleasure overtake me in waves as Gray kneels in front of me and fists his cock. Elias’s lips find mine, and he kisses me through the last few tremors of sensation.

  Declan slides his fingers out slowly, then drags them up my body and presents them to me as Elias and I break our kiss.


  My pussy clenches hard, already desperate for more, and I lift my head to wrap my lips around Declan’s fingers, sucking my own arousal from them as Gray smiles at me, stroking his cock harder.

  “You’re gonna fucking kill us,” he groans, sounding pleased.

  “No.” I release Declan’s fingers with a wet pop. “No dying. That’s literally the only rule I have.”

  The Sinners all chuckle, but the atmosphere in the room seems to shift a little at the reminder of how close we all came to doing just that. Declan sheds the rest of his clothes quickly, then he and Elias work together to get rid of my pants. When we’re all naked, Declan lies down in the middle of the mattress and catches me around the waist.

  “Come here, Soph. I want to feel you wrapped around me.”

  He doesn’t have to ask twice. I drop my head to claim a kiss as I straddle him, sliding my pussy over his cock and coating him in my arousal. The air in the room seems heavy, and I swear I can feel the heat of Gray and Elias’s gazes as they watch the two of us.

  When I break our kiss and glance over, I whimper softly. Gray is stroking himself, his cock is hard and thick in his grasp. The expression on his face is hard, his jaw set—but I know it’s not anger. It’s not even jealousy.

  He’s turned on. And he’s trying to keep himself from losing it too soon.

  Elias is jerking himself off too, kneeling on the bed on our other side, and when I slide a little higher and fit the head of Declan’s cock to my entrance, everyone seems to hold their breath. I sink down slowly, letting all three of them watch as my pussy stretches to accommodate Declan’s shaft.

  “Fuck.” Gray curses under his breath, slowing his strokes and fisting the base of his cock in a tight grip. “Jesus, that’s hot. Ride him, Sparrow. I want to see.”

  Oh shit. Now I’m about to be the one who can’t keep it together.

  The sound of his rough voice makes my pussy clench, and Declan groans as my walls flutter around him. Doing my best to keep my movements slow and even, I rise up and sink down, then do it again. And again.

  Heat builds inside me, a warm pool in my belly that expands outward with every glide of Declan’s cock inside me. Gray is fucking his fist again, and Elias crawls closer to press his lips to mine as I roll my hips against Declan’s. I kiss him back deeply, fucking his mouth with my tongue as I pant against his lips.

  When he breaks away, I miss the feel and taste of him immediately. I lose sight of him for a moment as I close my eyes and ride Declan, but my eyelids spring open again when I feel the heat of Elias behind me.

  “I need to be inside you, Blue,” he whispers. “Fuck, I think I’ll die if I don’t.”

  His words are low, but Declan hears them anyway. Instead of telling
Elias to fuck off, Declan pulls me down to kiss me. At the same time he slants his mouth over mine, he grips my hips, lifting me off his cock.

  Presenting me to his friend, I realize.

  Letting Elias take what he wants. What he needs.

  A shiver of arousal runs down my spine, and I moan softly as I feel the slow press of Elias’s cock sliding into my wet pussy. He’s a slightly different size and shape than Declan, has a different way of fucking me, and the contrast between the two of them is debauched and delicious. They’re sharing me, in the most literal definition of the word, and I fucking love it.

  Elias’s hips collide with my ass as he fucks me from behind, and I kiss Declan with wild abandon, losing myself entirely in the sensations flooding my body. They switch again, and as my body adjusts to the feel of Declan’s cock, I glance over at Gray again.

  He’s rolling his thumb over the rounded head of his cock, spreading precum over the smooth, dark skin. The look on his face is one of such tortured pleasure that I can’t take it.

  “Come here,” I whisper, my voice hoarse.

  Resting one hand on the mattress next to Declan’s head, I reach for Gray. Declan grunts softly beneath me, his hips rising to meet mine as he fucks me from below. Elias is playing with my breasts, his lips trailing kisses over my shoulder and the back of my neck.

  I’m surrounded by my men, and I want Gray to be a part of this, not just an observer. I want to touch all of them, to close the circuit and let the heat that flares between me and each of the Sinners burn us all to ash.

  Gray rises to his knees and moves closer. When my fingertips brush over the head of his cock, he hisses out a breath.

  “I’m not gonna last long if you touch me, Sparrow,” he grits out. “Watching you? Watching the three of you? Fuck, I’m so hard I’m about to explode.”

  I’m about to respond when Elias slides one hand down, slipping it between my ass cheeks. He slips a finger inside the tight ring of muscles, and I arch against him, white-hot arousal spiking inside me.


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