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One True Master: Desire Island Series - Book 1

Page 12

by Claire Thompson

  “Certainly I would,” Ella said. “Skylar’s got something. I sensed it the minute we connected. And Maya’s shared with me how she’s already bonding with the rest of the staff. They all really like her.”

  “I think she’d be a great addition,” Ryan agreed. “She’s certainly easy on the eyes.”

  “That she is,” Caelan agreed, a world of possibility opening suddenly in his mind.

  “Finish out the week,” Ella counseled. “If things progress as they have been, perhaps we can make her an offer.”

  After the meeting, Caelan met Skylar in the water room. She looked so lovely, kneeling up, her hands behind her head, her beautiful breasts thrust proudly forward.

  “I want you to lie down on the platform,” he said, pointing toward the wooden pallet that served as a bondage table for use with the fucking machine.

  Her eyes widened as she took in the apparatus, but she got dutifully to her feet and lay on her back.

  As he strapped her in place, he said, “We’re going to work on orgasm control. You need to learn that your orgasms belong to me now.” He secured her legs, spread wide, knees bent, to the large eyebolts embedded on either side of the platform, using rubber straps to hold her open and tie her down. She looked incredibly sexy, bound, spread and completely vulnerable.

  “Don’t ask for permission to come because it won’t be granted. I’ll let you know when or if you are to let go and climax. Until that time, focus on self-control, no matter what I do to you. Are we clear?”

  She lifted her head, her eyes wide and fearful as he brought Maestro closer, positioning the huge rubber phallus between her legs. “Yes, Sir,” she managed breathily.

  He slid a sterile protective condom sheath over the phallus and squirted plenty of lube on both it and the small rabbit ears attachment that was strategically placed to provide direct clit stimulation.

  “I’m going to turn on the machine now. Your sole job is to resist orgasm. Harness it and control it until your Master sets you free.”

  He flicked the switch to the lowest setting and the machine whirred to life. The phallus eased forward, the bulbous head penetrating the spread, bound young woman. She yelped and then moaned as it filled her. Once he was sure she was handling it okay, he increased the speed, causing the phallus to pump slowly in and out of her cunt as the rabbit ears tickled her sensitive clit.

  It was a beautiful sight—his bound slave girl being fucked by a relentless, powerful machine over which he alone had control. His slave girl! Not just a trainee or a play partner, but his personal slave to mold and train as she craved and he longed for. Yes, they were very new together. And she was only scheduled to stay until the end of the week.

  But if he had his way, over the remaining few days, he would bind her so thoroughly to his will and to his heart that she would never want to leave.

  It wasn’t long before she trembled in that telltale way he was learning signaled her impending orgasm.

  “Fight it,” he reminded her. He knew from working with others that it was nearly impossible to resist orgasming with Maestro after a certain point. It was his job to make sure he brought her right to that edge before pulling back. She might not make it this first time around, but he was a patient man. He would work with her until she mastered her own impulses—a necessary step for a true sex slave.

  He didn’t want her to fail, and so he kept a careful watch. It wasn’t long before her breathing segued into rapid panting, her fists clenched with the effort of resisting, her eyes squeezed shut. Sensing her rising climax, he calculated just how long she could endure without falling over the edge.

  Just before she crossed that line, he flicked off the machine. Her body, which had been arched and rigid with her efforts to stave off her climax, collapsed against the platform as she let out a long, low moan and then began to cry.

  Her sudden and unexpected tears tore at his heart, even though he understood their reason. He was there at once, releasing her bonds and lifting her into his arms. He kissed away her tears as he carried her to the recovery couch.

  “I don’t know why I’m crying,” she said, half-laughing at the same time. “That was maybe the hardest thing I’ve ever done—not letting myself come. I didn’t even know I could do that.”

  “Don’t worry about the tears,” he said, smiling tenderly at her as he settled with her on the couch, cradling her in his arms. “They’re just a release valve for the intensity of what you experienced.” He stroked the hair from her face and then lowered his hand to cup her cunt, which was swollen and hot to the touch. His cock ached with the need to fuck her.

  She shuddered at his touch, still over-stimulated from the session. “You please me, slave Skylar,” he murmured, gazing into her eyes. “You were so sexy, trembling and moaning, doing your very best not to come. I don’t know if you can get this, but when you suffer for me like that, it satisfies something deep in my dominant soul. It makes me want to take you further—to see how far you can go, how far I can take you.”

  “Oh, Sir,” she breathed, her eyes shining, her cheeks flushed. “I want that, too.”

  “Even if it’s anal play?” he teased, though as he did, he recognized that was still an area that needed focus.

  Some of the dreaminess fell away from her features, a look of resolve entering her intelligent green eyes. “Even anal, Sir,” she replied with conviction. Then she flashed an impish grin and demanded, “Kiss me, you fool.”

  Laughing, he dipped his head to kiss her mouth. She brought her arms around his neck as she parted her lips for his tongue. After a long, sweet kiss, Caelan rose from the couch, Skylar still in his arms. He set her down on her feet, steadying her as she got her balance. “Let’s go upstairs. You’ve earned that orgasm.”

  After dinner, they took a walk together along the beach. They sat in the cool sand as the sun dipped down below the horizon. Caelan draped his arm loosely around Skylar, pulling her closer.

  She leaned her head against his shoulder. “I never want to leave this place,” she said wistfully, her eyes fixed on the water. “I love what’s happening between us.” She lifted her head to regard him. “But what happens at the end of the week?”

  “What do you want to happen?” Caelan replied. “Because if you’re able to stay longer, you can stay as my guest. Ella and Ryan are fully on board with that.” He held his breath, not sure what she would say.

  Her face broke into a broad, happy smile, her eyes shining. Then she sighed, her face clouding. “Eventually, I have to return to my stupid job and my stupid boss and my stupid life,” she added morosely. Just as quickly, she brightened again. “But I still have another week of vacation left. If you’re sure you can swing it, I’d love to stay. I need to.”

  Caelan’s heart lifted in his chest as if it were filled with helium. “Nothing would make me happier.”

  “I think maybe the universe was sending me a message, letting me win that contest,” Skylar continued, again focusing on the waves ebbing and crashing gently against the sand. “Coming here for training was what I needed—what’s been missing from my life. For the first time, I feel truly at home in my own skin, as if I’m finally where I’m supposed to be.” She turned to him again, an awestruck expression on her face. “I feel like I’ve known you forever, instead of just a few days. I feel known by you, in a way no one else has ever known me. It’s like we skipped past the preliminaries—the months of casual dating and hanging out on the weekends and went straight to the heart of what really matters.”

  “Ella was just saying how a couple of days of intensive BDSM interaction equals a month in vanilla time. By that reckoning, after two weeks, we’ll have spent over half a year together, in BDSM time,” he added with a grin.

  Skylar threw her head back and laughed. Caelan laughed too and soon they were both gasping for breath, tears of crazy joy rolling down their cheeks. When they finally quieted, Caelan took Skylar’s face in his hands, lowered his mouth to hers, and kissed her.

/>   The next morning after positions training and breakfast, Caelan met Skylar in the water room, his heart quickening with anticipation. Normally, a new trainee wasn’t advanced enough for this level of intensive water play, but he sensed Skylar was receptive and ready. In just the short time they’d been together, her training had moved forward so quickly. At first Caelan had chalked it up to her natural receptivity and desire, but now he understood that it was the emotional connection that had bloomed so unexpectedly and readily between them that had made the difference.

  When you loved someone…

  Whoa. Surely it was too early to speak of love? And yet, a small voice in his heart whispered, “It’s never too early to speak of love.”

  That was it, wasn’t it? That was the crucial ingredient here that made this experience with Skylar so unique. For the first time in his BDSM training career, he’d let his heart overtake his head. Or no—it wasn’t a matter of letting it—he’d had no choice in the matter as he’d fallen, head over heels, for this wonderful woman.

  The developing trust and love between them had changed the experience from one of professional satisfaction at sharing his passion for BDSM to something deeply personal. His heart, empty and silent for so long, was suddenly full of joy and newfound possibility. And that made all the difference.

  Not quite ready to admit the extent of his feelings, he said instead, “A crucial part of any D/s relationship is trust. It doesn’t happen immediately, but grows through shared experience. For this exercise, I want to put you in the submersion tank for a session on trust and letting go. I’m going to get into the tank with you. I will hold you under the water for a safe but extended period of time. You will not resist me in any way, mindful that I hold your life in my hands, but also your trust, which I promise I will never abuse. Are you ready to try this exercise, slave Skylar?”

  She stared with wide eyes at the tank, which looked like a huge fish aquarium, the sides made of thick, durable plexiglass. Demonstrations were sometimes held in the water room, the clear sides of the tub allowing for full viewing.

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered tremulously.

  “Take off your collar and leave it on the platform,” he instructed. As she did so, he removed his boots and shucked his clothing. He suppressed a grin as she bit her lip, her eyes fixed hungrily on his groin. Time for that later.

  Focused on the task at hand, he said, “You won’t be able to use a safeword, obviously, when your head is underwater. Instead, if I’m not picking up on your distress, which is unlikely, you will use a hand signal. Raise your hand out of the water and do a V with your index and middle finger, like this.” He demonstrated and she nodded her understanding, her eyes wide with trepidation, though her lovely, fully-erect nipples indicated her arousal as well.

  If she’d only been his trainee, he wouldn’t have climbed into the tub with her, instead standing beside the tub to dunk and raise her. Indeed, it was rare that he deemed a sub ready for such an intense experience during their first week of training. But he sensed that Skylar was ready. And as her lover, he much preferred to hold her in his arms.

  He climbed first into the tub, using the pool ladder installed for the purpose. Though the plexiglass walls were high, the actual water level wasn’t much above that of a regular bathtub. He settled himself against the back wall in the warm, soothing water and gestured for her to enter.

  Skylar climbed into the tub and he had her lie back against him, cradled on either side by his legs. He pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her torso as he dipped his head to murmur in her ear.

  “I’m going to submerge you on the count of three,” he said, his pulse quickening with lust and power. “I’ll keep you under until it pleases me to let you up. Your goal during this exercise is to let go. To trust that I will keep you safe and bring you up well before you’re in any actual danger. That said, this is our first time with this, so if you need to use your hand gesture, do it. You won’t be punished for that. I would just caution you again to make sure you’re absolutely at the point where if I didn’t let you up, you’d come to harm. If you’re just scared, draw on your trust and your submission and let go of the fear. Can you do that, Skylar? For me?”

  She let out a long, deep sigh. “Yes, Sir. Yes, please, Sir.”

  Her words and the underlying desire they evidenced thrilled him in a deep part of his heart that hadn’t been touched for as long as he could remember. Was it possible to fall in love so quickly? Even as the question flitted through his mind, his heart, body and soul already knew the answer.

  Letting her go, he said, “Take a deep breath and hold it.” Once she had done so, he lifted his hand to cover her mouth and nose, applying enough pressure to prevent any water from inadvertently getting up her nose. He placed his other hand on the top of her head. “On the count of three. One… two… three.”

  He pushed her head gently beneath the water, causing her body to slide forward a little between his legs. He held his own breath, starting at the count of ten to allow for her having held her breath for several seconds before he pushed her under. At twenty-five seconds, her body tensed, her right hand finding and gripping his thigh. He smiled a little—she was nowhere near the danger zone. The average person could hold their breath safely for two minutes. Keeping her down, he kept counting until he reached thirty. Though she continued to grip his thigh, she didn’t raise her hand above the water.

  Pleased with her first effort, he let go of her head and face and pulled her up out of the water. She drew in a huge, gasping breath and began to cough.

  Gently drawing her back against his chest, he soothed, “You’re fine, Skylar. You did very well your first time under. This next time, I want you to focus on not tensing your body as you did. It’s fine to place your hands on my thighs, but I’ll know you’re accepting and trusting more if you can keep your body and mind relaxed and open. This is about trust, Skylar. It’s a process. I don’t expect you to be perfect. We’ll get there together.”

  She had calmed as he spoke, her body relaxing against his. Unable to resist, he cupped her luscious breasts and gave them a gentle squeeze. He rolled the fat nipples between his fingers, nearly forgetting their exercise as his cock throbbed against her lower back.

  Recalling himself, he released her breasts and sat up straighter. “Take a deep breath,” he said, and then covered her face, counted to three and pushed her under. They did the exercise several more times, and each time he held her under a few seconds longer, thrilled as she steadily improved, no longer tensing or thrashing, but accepting that he would bring her back up safely.

  “That’s enough for today,” he finally told her. “Eventually, I’ll bind you with rope and chain before lowering you into the water. It’s a powerfully intense experience.”

  Skylar hugged herself, sucking in a breath. “It sounds amazing, Sir,” she breathed.

  “It will be,” he promised. “And you’ll be ready for it sooner than you think.”

  They climbed out of the tank and dried themselves off. He picked up the training collar and buckled it around her slender throat. He could already visualize the exact collar he would one day present to his lovely slave girl. It would be soft, supple and beautiful, just like her.

  Chapter 13

  It was hard to believe she’d made such a huge change in her life. Harder still to believe she’d already been on the island a month. She was pulling her own weight, too, which was important to her. With Skylar’s background in sales and a natural penchant for design, Mistress Ella had enlisted her to work in the business office, updating the website and island brochures. Unlike her old job, the work on the island was challenging and fun, and she had a personal stake in its outcome.

  Master Caelan had shifted his focus from one-on-one submissive training to holding group sessions to teach specific skills with impact toys and the art of rope bondage. His classes were very popular, and Skylar enjoyed serving as his model for some of the demonstrations.

bsp; Despite the huge upheaval, everything had gone smoothly and naturally, as if it was truly meant to be. It was as if her life up until now had been heading along the wrong path, her rising sense of discontent a symptom of that wrongness. Once she made the decision to move to the island, everything had fallen into place.

  The call to her boss had been easy, if a little uncomfortable. When she’d offered to give the company two weeks’ notice as a courtesy, Mr. Connor had said not to bother. “The boys will absorb your accounts, little lady. They’re serious go-getters. You just go off and have your babies or whatever it is you’re planning to do.”

  The comment would have infuriated her a month before, but she’d only laughed, thanked him sweetly and ended the call.

  Caelan had gone with her back to the mainland to empty her cubicle and pack up her apartment. They’d sold her car on Craigslist the same day she’d listed it. The lease on her apartment was up at the end of the month, another sign from the universe that she was doing the right thing. She planned to donate the furniture, which she’d bought used and no longer had a need for. She still owed on her student debts, but the staff slave salary she’d been offered was surprisingly generous, especially considering the free room and board.

  They’d spent some time with Rhi and Master James, both of whom were thrilled for her, and assured her she was making the right decision. “You’re different,” Rhianna had mused at the end of the evening. “You’ve changed, in a good way. You’re calmer. You’ve got that submissive glow about you. I’m so happy for you, Skylar.”

  For the first time in her life, Skylar felt entirely comfortable in her own skin. She was exactly where she needed to be. And even better—she was in love.

  Tonight’s auction party was the first in which she’d signed up to actually participate. Nervous anticipation shivered along her spine as she knelt in the line of slaves waiting to go up on the block. Caelan had teased her that he might end up buying a different slave girl for the night.


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