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Home Ice

Page 14

by Rachelle Vaughn

  He pulled on a Red Valley Razors tee shirt, shoved their wet clothes into the bag and then laced his fingers with hers.

  “Do you wanna get out of here?” He nodded towards the door.

  “Sure.” He was so amazing that she would have followed him to the ends of the earth and back again. In sweats.

  With his free hand, Ben grabbed a couple of extra towels for the seats of his car. He unlocked the door and they went out to say their goodbyes.

  On the walk to the main house, Ally became distracted with thoughts of the night to come.

  Was she ready for this?

  Oh yeah.

  She couldn’t remember ever wanting anything more.

  Was this really happening?

  Oh yeah.

  His voice echoed in her head. Do you wanna get out of here?

  Oh yeah.

  She was already there.

  They went back into the house bundled in matching red fleece. When they came through the French doors, Laina looked up from loading the dishwasher.

  “Hey Laina. We’re gonna call it a night.” Ben held fast to Ally’s hand.

  “Well, you two,” Laina shook her head in disbelief, “We’re glad we could make today a memorable event for you. Are you sure you won’t stay?”

  Ben declined. He wanted to get the heck out of there. And fast. “It’s getting late anyways. I’m just gonna take Ally home now.”

  To my place.

  Ally was about to protest. It wasn’t that late and she had already arranged for Izzy to stay the night with Gram. Then it dawned on her that Ben wasn’t telling Laina the complete truth.

  “Okay.” Laina closed the dishwasher. “I’ll tell Cody you said goodnight. He’s upstairs putting the boys to bed.”

  “Thank you for dinner,” Ally said warmly, forcing her thoughts to the present. His lips had been so warm. And soft.

  “It was nice to meet you.” Laina leaned into another awkward hug between her pregnant belly and Ally.

  Ben gave Laina a kiss on her cheek and they waved a final goodbye.

  The extra towels made for a tighter squeeze in the seats of his car and her arm rested against his after she got in. He started the ignition and eased them away from the curb.

  “I’m actually glad that happened,” Ben said as he drove towards the freeway.

  “You are?”

  “Yes. Because all I’ve thought about all evening was taking you home and having you all to myself.”

  Ally tried to swallow but her mouth was dry.

  “I’d like that.” It was all she managed to get out.

  She hung onto her seat as he sped through traffic, weaving in and out of the cars that wouldn’t move into the slow lane to let him pass. It was exhilarating - the power of the engine as he pressed down on the gas pedal. Would he be this exciting in bed? Exhilarating and powerful?

  Ally hadn’t been with a man since her first time in high school. It had been with her science lab partner in the front seat of his pickup truck. They had used a condom from health class and it wasn’t exactly the “fireworks and lightning storm” that a girl wished for of her very first time.

  Riding in Ben’s car, Ally’s thoughts were filled with the feel of Ben’s wet body against hers and the taste of his kiss. Luckily, the ride back to his house was short. He pulled into the driveway and as they waited for the garage door to open, her stomach quivered in anticipation.

  Once inside the house, he took her hand and led her down the hall to his bedroom. It was dark now and the room looked different in the shadows. He flicked on a lamp next to the bed and it bathed the room in a soft yellow glow. He turned to her and cupped her face in his hands and leaned down to kiss her. His lips were soft against hers. She felt a flutter below her belly and reached up to his neck to pull him closer. She ran her fingers through his damp hair and she drank him in.

  He let out a moan and slid his hands under her sweatshirt to caress her back and pull her closer to him. Her damp skin warmed under his touch making her shiver. Sliding his hands to her waist he kissed her ear, neck and then collar bone.

  “It’s been a long time since I’ve been touched. I...I mean really touched,” she said to him with pleading eyes.

  His own eyes filled with tenderness and he brought her lips to his. “I’ll be gentle.”

  When he took his shirt off, her eyes traveled over his muscular chest. This time she let her hands follow. His skin was cool and smooth when she ran her hand over his pectorals and rubbed one of his nipples under her thumb. She traced her fingers over the contour of his sinewy abs. He was magnificent in the glow of the lamplight. Nothing but pure glorious lean muscle. Toned to perfection from long hours on the ice and in the gym.

  Suddenly she couldn’t wait until she could feel his skin on hers. She pulled the sweatshirt over her head and tossed it on top of his shirt on the floor. He sucked in a breath at seeing her in her bra again. This time it wasn’t going to stay on for very long.

  Running his fingers over the lace bra, her nipples stiffened at his tender touch. She bit her lip as desire began to pulse through her. She reached behind herself and unclasped the bra, releasing her breasts from their bondage. He leaned down and took a pert nipple in his mouth outlining it with his tongue. Then he gently sucked on the peak until she let out a cry. He helped her out of the rest of her clothes then stood back and ran his eyes over her body.

  “I can’t believe how beautiful you are.”

  “Make love to me,” she breathed.

  He guided her to the bed and took of his pants and briefs before sliding under the sheets next to her. She wound herself around him and felt his erection against her thigh. He moved his hands over her skin, exploring every inch of her softness.

  He stopped suddenly and Ally worried she might have done something wrong.

  “I love you, Ally,” he exhaled like he’d been keeping the words to himself for too long and couldn’t wait for them to be heard out loud. “I love you and every minute we spend together.”

  “Oh, Ben.” How she had waited to hear those three little words her whole life. “I love you, too. A little too much, I think, because I can’t imagine a life without you in it.”

  A happy life, at least. Or a life worth living.

  “I want you with me always. I don’t want to know a life without you in it either.”

  He kissed her, hard. Then, he reached over to the night stand for a condom.

  She opened herself to him, and not being able to wait a second longer, he slid himself into her. He tried to be delicate as not to frighten her although he wanted to devour her whole. With each thrust, he filled every inch of her. They fit together perfectly. Her soft curves and his hard muscles. She knew he was the only one for her. There would be no one else now.

  She wrapped her legs around him and clenched his hips bringing him even closer. Her body quivered as she came closer to her climax. He shuddered as he came to his full release and collapsed next to her on the bed. Exhausted, they both fell asleep in each others arms.

  * * *

  The next morning Ally awoke to the sun streaming through the huge bay windows of Ben’s room. The sheets were tangled around their legs and in an instant she became aware of her naked body. She pulled the sheets up over her bare breasts and looked over at Ben lying next to her. She felt a throb between her legs from the night before. He squinted and smiled over at her.

  “Good morning, sleepy head.” He propped himself up on an elbow.

  “Hi,” she said, mindful of her morning breath.

  “Sorry I was so…fast, last night.” He ran his hand over her tousled hair. “I just couldn’t wait any longer to feel you.”

  “Well maybe you’ll just have to make it up to me this morning,” she said slyly. “And you are in luck because I have the whole day off.”

  “Why are you covering up?” He frowned at her modesty. “You look great laying here naked in my bed.”

  Shyly, she smiled and shrugged.

  “It’s okay, as long as it’s me you’re covering up with.” He smirked and climbed on top of her.

  Ally marveled at the fact that Ben made her feel almost dainty. And being five feet nine, she had never felt that way before. But his tall, muscular frame enveloped her and made her feel the perfect size.

  They made love again. This time in the light of the morning sun. The rays of sun were warm on their bodies but the ceiling fan cooled them. Now that it was light, she noticed much more about him. His tan skin, a freckle here, a patch of hair there. She ran her finger over a scar on his wrist.

  “You have a lot of these.” She kissed the puckered seam of skin.

  “Yeah, occupational hazard, I guess.”

  “How’d you get this one?”

  “Let’s see.” He remembered back to a past hockey game. “It was February of ‘05. We were playing the Ontario Flurry and there was a dog-pile in front of the net. Somebody’s skate sliced me right above my glove.”

  Traveling down his body, she noticed another scar on his stomach.

  “And this one?” She proceeded to kiss it as well.

  “Mmmm. Laceration courtesy of Aleksi Nikkola’s skate blade. Eight stitches.”

  Another kiss. This time she traced the scar with her tongue.

  A moan rumbled in his chest. “You keep this up and we might never leave the house.” He pulled her on top of himself and kissed her.

  “Hmm. Sounds good to me.” She didn’t want to leave his bed or the house for that matter.

  * * *

  Later, they showered together in his giant bathroom. For once, Ally let someone do something for her for a change. She let Ben soap up her body and wash her hair. It felt exhilarating being with him and doing regular mundane things. But they weren’t mundane when he did them. Nope, it was downright blissful. The way he massaged shampoo into her scalp until it was foamy. The way he caressed her back and shoulders when he ran the bar of soap over her glistening skin. The way he kissed her nipples before suckling on her fingers and wrapping his tongue around each one until they were moist. Pure bliss. She felt like a princess and his marble shower was her castle.

  Ally returned the favor and slowly glided the bar of soap over his body and began kneading his muscles. He groaned with pleasure.

  “Are you sore all the time?” she asked, moving her hands over his shoulders.

  “During the summer I’m pretty good. During the season it’s a whole different story. Some days are better than others.”

  “Does this feel okay?”

  “Oh, yeah. The guy who gives the team massages doesn’t look anything like you.”

  She giggled, imagining his hairy masseuse.

  He basked in her tender massage and then he pulled her to him and they came together among the slippery suds.

  After using nearly all of the hot water, Ally stepped out of the shower and dried off. “Can I borrow something to wear while my clothes are in the dryer?”

  “I’d like you to stay naked just the way you are now.” He slid his arm under the towel and around her hips.

  “Ben!” She swatted him with her towel. “Please,” she begged. “I need a change of clothes.”

  “Fine. Let’s find you something to wear.” He exaggerated his defeat with a sigh.

  Ben pulled open the door to a huge walk-in closet next to the master bathroom. He flicked on the light switch and Ally couldn’t believe what her eyes saw inside. Her whole entire house could fit into his closet with room to spare. There must have been hundreds of shirts and pants neatly hanging on the racks. And he had just as many shoes lined up on the floor.

  “I think I just died and went to closet heaven.” She ran her fingers along the rows of suits and looked around in awe. “Are you sure you’re not a lawyer?”

  “Hey! We have to wear a suit on game day and on the road. So, with eighty-two games a season, that’s a lot of suits.”

  “Okay, Mister Boston Legal. Whatever you say.”

  “Don’t mock me. You know that me being a sharp dresser is what attracted you to me in the first place.” He came up from behind her and slipped his arms around her waist.

  “As I recall, you were wearing a sweaty jersey when we first met.”

  “True. I’m a man of many looks.” And the look he was giving her now meant she wasn’t going to need any clothes to wear.

  “And I love them all.”

  Ben leaned down and buried his head in her damp hair. “You lost your strawberries,” he said after breathing her in.

  “Huh?” She turned around and looked up at him with an adorable bewildered look.

  “You have smelled like strawberries from the first moment I saw you and now they’re gone.” Her strawberry scent was just a memory and now she smelled like his soap. He didn’t know which he liked better.

  “Oh.” She was surprised he noticed. “It’s the shampoo I use.”

  “Mmm. I miss it.”

  “Now I smell like you.” She cuddled close to him in the closet surrounded by his clothes.

  “There’s someplace I’d like to show you.”

  “Are we going out on the patio again?” she asked, remembering the last time he told her he had something to show her.

  “No. Somewhere different this time.”

  After her clothes were dry and they were both dressed, Ben drove them out of town and up past August Lake to the park on the hill overlooking the dam.

  Ben took each turn of the winding road with ease. He loved to drive fast and pushed his car to the edge, but she still felt safe and secure with him. He was always in control, but not in a controlling kind of way.

  Once they arrived at the vista point and were out of the car, Ally looked around in awe. The lake was beautiful in the distance surrounded by Manzanita trees with their red bark and twisting branches and White Fir trees rooted in the red clay.

  Ben stood behind her, watching her blonde hair flutter in the breeze.

  “Wow. I haven’t been up here since I was a kid.”

  “I come up here every chance I get. Usually on the day after a game so I can think about what went wrong. You really haven‘t been here since you were a kid?”

  “Yeah. It’s a shame. I kind of forgot it was here. Izzy isn’t much of an outdoorsy type and it‘s too much of a drive for Gram. When I was little, my Gramps would take me out on his fishing boat and we would spend the day on the lake. It was fun even when we didn’t catch anything because it was so beautiful out here.”

  “What happened to your parents, Ally? I know Gram raised you by herself after your Grandpa died, but where were your parents?”

  “They died in a car accident when I was little.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Me too. I don’t remember them because I was only three. My Grandparents were watching me for the weekend while my parents went to Reno for their five year wedding anniversary. It was dark and they lost control of the car on the way there.”

  They stood looking out at the lake in silence together. It was Ally who finally spoke first. “We’ve suffered a lot of loss, me and you.”

  “Yeah,” he tightened his arm around her, “but look at how much we’ve gained along the way.”

  She smiled at him because he was right. “I’m grateful. This is your special place and you’re sharing it with me.”

  He circled his arms around her waist and pulled her back to his chest. “Now it’s our special place.”

  “It’s perfect.”

  He sighed. “I’d better take you back to my place to get your car so you can get back home to Gram.”

  She smiled at his thoughtfulness. “Thank you. I wish this weekend didn’t have to end, but it’s time to get back to reality, I guess.”

  “We can have weekends like this all the time after the season ends. We’ll have all summer to spend together and you’ll probably get sick of me.”

  “Ah, that is too good to be true. And I could never get sick of you. Especially not after last night. Th
ank you.”

  “For what?” he asked, resting his chin on her shoulder.

  “For bringing me here. And sharing everything with me. Your life and yourself. I can’t remember the last time I was this happy.”

  “I love you, Ally.”

  When his words came from behind her, she turned to face him. Flecks of gold glistened in his brown eyes. “I love you, too, Benjamin Price.”

  Then he kissed her while they stood on top of the world.

  Chapter Eleven

  Make or Break

  It was game day in Red Valley. The town was abuzz with pre-game wagers and speculation. For a team riddled with injuries, the Razors were trying their damndest to claw their way into the playoffs. In order for them to make it to the playoffs, for a chance to win the coveted Gordie Prince Cup, they had to win tonight’s game. A lot was at stake tonight at the NorCal Center. Including the futures of the players and even the careers of the staff and coaches. If tonight’s game wasn’t won, fingers would be pointed and someone would have to take the blame. It just might cost someone their job.

  That morning after Ben woke up, he went through the motions of his pre-game routine. He had his game day breakfast of cereal, toast and a banana. He grabbed a protein shake for the road and drove to the rink where he had a video session with the coaches, a thirty minute morning skate, which was a good way to get the players’ legs moving when they were stiff and tired, and then a shower. Then he went out for a bite to eat with the guys followed by his customary two hour nap. After that, he got up and dressed in a suit and tie and hit the drive-thru for coffee.

  He had one more stop to make before going to the NorCal Center.

  Good. She’s home.

  Ally’s car was in the driveway and Izzy’s roadster was parked on the street. The gang was all there.

  After he knocked, Izzy answered the front door.

  “Well, if it isn’t Mr. GQ standing on our doorstep.” Izzy purred, fingering Ben’s Armani tie.

  “Hi Izzy. I just came by to wish Gram a happy birthday before I head off to the game.”

  “Come on in, handsome,” she motioned him inside. “I’ll tell Ally you’re here.”


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