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The Greek Myths, Volume2

Page 51

by Robert Graves

  Argus – bright hound, 171.d son of Medea, 156.e Panoptes – the bright one, all eyes, 33.e; 56.a the Thespian, 148.h, i; 152.i

  Aria – oak tree, 21.i,7

  Ariadne – ariagne, most pure; or high fruitful mother of the barley, 27.i,8; 38.h,3; 79.2; 88.h,10; 90.a, b,1; 92.12; 98 passim; 101.d; 104.4; 114.6; 160.a; 170.o

  Aridela – the very manifest one, 98.s,5

  Arion – lofty native, 16.f,5; 33.4; 75.3; 106.l; 138.g,7 King of Miletus, 137.l the Musician, 87 passim

  Arisbe – ? from aristo and baino, she who travels best, 158.m; 166.f

  Aristaeus – the best, 21.i; 28.c; 82 passim; 154.b

  Aristeus – see Aristaeus

  Aristippe – best of mares, 27.g

  Aristo – good, 117.d,7

  Aristomenes – best strength, 74.0; 146.6

  Armenus – union, 154.l

  Arnacia – sheepskin, 160.d

  Arnaea – ewe, 160.d

  Arne – ewe-lamb, 43 passim; 91.a; 148.b

  Arrhippe – best of mares, 136.b

  Arsinoë – male-minded daughter of Minyas, 27.g daughter of Phegeus, 107.f, g nurse of Orestes, 113.a

  Arsippe – ? arsipous, she who raises the foot, 27.g

  Artemis – ? high source of water, 14 passim; 21.b, d; 22 passim; 37.c; 41.d, e,4; 43.c; 50.4; 69.2; 72.i; 77.a, b; 80 passim; 81.9; 89.a,2; 98.s, u,7; 100.2; 101.b, k, l; 108.k; 111.c; 116 passim; 117.2; 125 passim; 126.1; 142.a, l; 145.j; 161.d Alpheia – whitish, 22.2 Anäeitis – of the planet Venus, 116.j Aphaea – not dark, 89.4 Arician, 101.l Brauronian, 116.5 Carian, 57.2 Caryatis – of the walnut, 86.b Cat, 36.a Cordax – of the rope dance, 109.p Cydonian, 109.i Dictynna – of the net, 116.c Eileithyia – she who comes to the aid of women in childbed, 15.a,1 Elaphios – hindlike, 125.1 Ephesian, 22.1; 100.f; 116.5; 131.d,3,5 Famous, 121.c, e the Hanged One, 88.10; 91.3; 98.5 the Hind, 125.1,3 the Huntress, 110.d Hyacinthropos – nurse of Hyacinthus, 91.3 Hyperborean, 155.d, e Lady of the Lake, 89.b Lady of the Wild Things, 22.1,6 Laphria – despoiling, 22.6; 89.b,4 Lygodesma – bound with willows, 116.l Metapontinan, 43.e Olympian, 22.1 Orthia – upright, 103.b; 116.c, k, l,4 Orthosian, 141.h Persuasive, 60.k Saronian, 101.g Saviour, 98.x; 134.g Stymphalian, 128.d Taurian, 100.1; 116.b, c, j; 117.a Tauropole – bull-killer, 116.c, i, j; 131.c Thoantea – of Thoas, 116.c Tridaria – threefold assigner of lots, 72.5 Trivia – of the three ways, 116.c Wolfish, 114.h

  Arthur, King, 31.3; 82.2; 95.5; 98.3; 103.1; 154.3

  Aruru, 4.2,5; 39.8

  Ascalaphus – short-eared owl, 24.j, l,12; 134.d the Orchomenan, 148.i

  Ascalus, untilled, 169.6

  Ascanius – tentless, 168.o

  Asclepius – unceasingly gentle, 3.b; 21.i, n,9; 41.d,3; 50 passim; 51.g; 74.b, k; 90.4; 101.k, m; 133.11; 140.a; 166.i Agnitas – purifier, 50.h Cotylaean – hollow-of-the-hand, 140.d,1

  Ash-nymphs – see Meliae

  Ashlar, 30.4

  Ashtaroth, 11.1

  Asius – miry, 158.m

  Asopus, R. – ? asiapaos, never silent, 66 passim; 67.f, i,4; 76.b; 81.d; 109.b; 151.d

  Assaracus – ? assaros, disdainful, 158.g

  Astarte, 56.2; 58.2; 68.4; 73.7; 164.2

  Asterië – of the starry sky, or of the sun, 88.1; 109.b,3; 130.a

  Asterion, R. – of the sun, 16.e

  Asterius, on – of the starry sky, or of the sun giant, 88 passim; 98.c,2 son of Cometes, 148.i the Lesser, 89.a

  Asterodeia – goddess of the sun, 152.c

  Asterope – sun-face, 109.b; 158.n

  Astrabacus – sure-sighted remedy, 116.l

  Astraeus – starry, 40.b,2

  Astyanax, or Scamandrius – king of the city, 168 passim

  Astydameia – tamer of cities, 110.c; 138.h; 142.e; 143.i

  Astynome – lawgiver of the city, 162.l

  Astyocha, Astyoche – possessor of the city, 110.g; 141.g; 142.e; 158.g, l; 160.z; 162.e; 166.i

  Astypalaca – ancient city, 137.p

  Asvins, 16.6

  Atabyrius (non-Greek word), 67.1; 93.1

  Atalanta – unswaying, 80 passim; 141.d; 148.i; 152.i

  Athamas – reaper on high, 24.3; 27.a; 70 passim; 151.f; 157.d; 169.5

  Athene – ? inversion of Anatha, Sumerian – Queen of Heaven, 4.b; 5.a; 8 passim; 9.d,1,2,4,5,6; 16.c, d, e,3,4; 17.3; 18.l; 19.b; 21.e,9; 22.7; 23.1; 25 passim; 30.b; 33.b,5; 35.b; 39.g,1,10; 50.e,2,3,6,7; 58.g; 66.g; 70.7; 73.f, h; 75.c,3; 89.4; 97.4; 105.g; 106.j; 114.b, m, n,2,4; 115 passim; 116.h, i,1; 119.a; 124.d; 128.1; 134.c, g; 139.b, e,1; 141.b, c,1; 142.1; 143.g; 145.h; 148.h; 158.e, i, k; 159 passim; 160.p; 165.c; 167 passim; 168.f, g,2; 170 passim; 171 passim Apaturia – guardian of deceits, 95.d Chryse – golden, 161.j Colocasia – of the red water-lily, 111.h Coronis – of the raven, or crow, 25.5 Girder-on-of-Arms, 121.e,5 Goatish, 50.6 Iton – of the willow, 88.7 of the Just Deserts, 140.d Laphria – despoiler, 9.2 Mother, 138.g,6 Narcaea – benumbing, 110.b,1 Onga (Phoenician word), 58.f Polias – of the city, 47.4; 48.b,1 Sciras – of the parasol, 96.i Warlike, 115.a

  Atlas – he who dares, or suffers, 1.d; 7.d, e; 33.d,7; 39 passim; 41.e; 73.i; 77.1; 108.b,4; 125.1; 130.a; 133 passim

  Atreus – fearless, 106.2; 109.q; 110.c, g, h; 111 passim; 112.a, b, e, g; 117.a.2; 118.a; 146.d; 161.d

  Atropos – she who cannot be turned, 10 passim; 60.2; 66.k

  Atthis – ? actes thea, goddess of the rugged coast, 94.f,1

  Attis (non-Greek word), 79.1; 105.6

  Atymnius – insatiate of heroic praise, 88.b; 89.9

  Atys – ? short for atchyes, luckless, 136.g

  Auge – radiance, 141 passim

  Augeias – bright ray, 90.3; 122.c; 127 passim; 134.9; 138 passim; 139.e; 141.b; 148.i; 152.b, d

  Autolycus – very wolf, 17.j; 67.b, c,1; 119.f; 135.b; 151.d; 160.c; 167.d; 170.10; 171.5

  Autolyte – stampede, 43.g

  Automedon – independent ruler, 16.a

  Automedusa – cunning itself, 110.e

  Autonoë – with a mind of her own, 82.e

  Auxo – increase, 13.3

  Avanc, 148.5

  Ay-Mari, 131.3; 151.3

  Azan – land of Zeus, 64.c

  Azeus – temple servant, 121.f

  Baal, 30.4; 60.1; 170.3

  Bacche – raging, 27.b

  Balius – piebald, 81.m,4; 163.m

  Banbha, 24.3

  Bateia – of the bramble, 158.c

  Baton – blackberry, 106.k,5

  Battus – tongue-tied, 82.1

  Baubo – soother, 24.d,9

  Baucis – over-modest, 41.5

  Bel, 1.3; 4.5; 60.1; 73.7; 103.1,2

  Belili, 4.5; 60.1; 86.2

  Bellerophon – ? beleëphoron, bearing darts, 67.4; 70.2; 73.5; 75 passim; 95.d

  Beltis, 1.3

  Belus – baal, lord, 56.b,3; 58.a; 60 passim; 61.a; 65.a; 165.k

  Benthesicyme – wave of the deep, 16.b,1; 47.c

  Beroe – ? pheroë, she who brings eggs,18.k

  Bia – force, 8.3

  Biadice – justice by force, 70.d, f,2

  Bias – force, 68.f; 72 passim; 94.c

  Biton – bison, wild ox, 84 passim

  Blathnat, 91.1

  Blodeuwedd, 91.1; 112.1

  Boeotus – herdsman, 43 passim

  Boreas – North Wind, or devouring, 1.a,2; 12.5; 25.5; 47.c,4; 48 passim; 63.3; 96.6; 109.d; 137.m, o,5; 138.5; 150.j,4; 154.e

  Borimus, 150.e,1

  Bormus – plaintive, 150.e, f,1

  Bran, 6.2; 28.1,6; 50.1; 57.1; 120.1; 134.1; 138.4; 146.2; 170.8

  Branchus – hoarse, 96.j,5

  Branwen, 25.5

  Breseus – he who prevails, 162.j

  Brian, 24.3; 132.5

  Briareus – strong, 3.b,1; 13.c,1; 131.g,2; 132.h

  Brigit, 21.4; 23.1

  Brimo – raging one, 24.6; 105.1; 150.1

  Brimus – raging one, 24.6; 150.1

  Briseis – she who prevails, 162.h, j,6,8; 163 passim

  Britomartis – good maiden
, 89.a, b,2

  Brizo – charmer, or soother 21.4

  Bromie – roaring, 27.b

  Brontes – thunder, 3.b,2; 21.d; 22.d,5

  Broteas – gory, 108 passim

  Budeia – goddess of oxen, 121.a

  Bunomus – ox-grazing, 159.v

  Bunus – hill, 156.b

  Busiris – grave of Osiris, 132.f; 133.k; 134.6

  Butes – herdsman, 18.k; 46.a,3; 47.a, b,1,4; 50.5; 102.c; 132.q; 148.i; 154.d

  Buzyge – ox yoker, 121.a

  Cabeiri (non-Greek word), 149.d, e,3

  Cacus – bad, 132.l, m,6; 134.7,8

  Cadmus – from the east, 14.c,5; 24.a; 27.6; 36.d; 52.a, c; 58 passim; 59 passim; 67.6; 76.c; 105.i; 106.m; 132.o; 152.e, g

  Caeneus – new, 78 passim; 80.c; 102.c, e; 143.d,4; 148.k

  Caenis – new, 78 passim

  Calais – of changeful hue, 48.c; 148.i; 150 passim; 155.i

  Calchas – brazen, 160 passim; 161 passim; 162.h; 163.b; 165 passim; 166.a, g; 167 passim; 168 passim; 169 passim

  Cale-fair, 13.3; 105.h

  Caleb, 88.3

  Callidice – fair justice, 171.k

  Callileon – handsome lion, 11.g

  Calliope-fair face, 18.i,7; 28.a; 147.b; 160.i; 163.g

  Callipolis – fair city, 110.e,2

  Callirrhoë – fair flowing, 107 passim; 132.a; 158.g; 169.k

  Callisto – fairest, 22.h,4; 72.i

  Calus – fair, 92.c

  Calybe – cabin, 158.l

  Calyce – rosebud, or ear-ring, 64.a; 161.g

  Calypso – hidden, or hider, 170 passim

  Cameira – sharer out, 42.4; 54.1; 60.2; 93.2

  Cameiro – sharer-out, 108.f,9

  Campe – crooked, 7.e

  Canache-barking, 43.h,4

  Candaon – ? shining, 41.d

  Canethus – [dedicated to] the Basket-goddess, 96.f

  Canthus – pack ass, 148.i; 154.f

  Capaneus – charioteer, 50.f; 106 passim; 160.r

  Caphaurus – camphor, 154.f,7

  Capys – gulper, or snatcher, 137.g; 158.l; 167.e

  Car (non-Greek word), 1.5; 7.4; 57.a,2; 82.6; 86.1,2; 95.5

  Cardea, 34.3

  Cardis – ? Cardian Zeus, 138.m

  Carius, 57.2

  Carmanor – servant of the Moon-goddess Car, 18.7; 21.b; 90.b; 136.b,1

  Carmenta – Car the wise, 52.a,5; 86.2; 132.o,6

  Carnus – trumpet, 146.k

  Carpo – withering, 13.2

  Carya – nut-tree, 86 passim

  Caryatis – of the nut-tree, 57.2

  Cassandra – she who entangles men, 90.5; 112 passim; 158 passim; 166.i; 167 passim; 168 passim

  Cassiopeia – cassia-juice, 73 passim; 88.b

  Castor – beaver, 62.c,1; 74 passim; 80.c; 84.1; 103.a,3; 113.d; 119.f; 148.i

  Catreus – catarrhoös, down-flowing, 90.a, b,1; 93 passim; 111.f; 159.j; 171.3

  Caucon – ? croaker, 138.h

  Cecrops – cercops, face with a tail, 16.c; 24.4; 25.c, d,5; 38.1; 43.b; 47.b; 94 passim

  Cedalion – he who takes charge of sailors, 41.b

  Celaeno – swarthy, 159.q

  Celeus – caller; hence: sorcerer, or woodpecker, 24.e, l,5,10; 47.c; 56.2

  Celmis – smelting, 53.c,2

  Cenchrias – spotted serpent, 67.4

  Centaurs – (see Centaurus), 7.7; 50.5; 63.3; 81.h, l,4; 92.10; 102 passim; 126 passim; 134.a,8; 143.3

  Centaurus – ? one hundred strong, 63.d,3

  Cephalus – head, 23.1; 25.d; 40.b,2; 47.b; 89 passim; 118.b

  Cepheus – cepeus, gardener, 60.a; 73 passim; 80.c, d; 140.b, c; 141.a; 148.i

  Cephissus, R. – river of gardens, 16.e; 24.l; 85.a

  Cer – fate, or doom, 82.6

  Cerambus – horned beetle, 38.e,11

  Cerberus – ? ker berethrou, demon of the pit, 28.c; 31.a,3,7; 34 passim; 97.c; 103.c; 108.7; 132.4; 134 passim; 139.c; 151.c

  Cercopes – faces with tails, 136 passim

  Cercyon – boar’s tail, 49.a, b; 96.j,3,5

  Cercysera – distaff wielder, 160.j

  Cerdo – gain, or weasel, or vixen, 24.7; 57.a,1; 118.5

  Ceryx – herald, 25.d; 47.f

  Ceto – sea monster, 33.b, g,2,7; 133.b

  Ceuthonymus – hidden name, 134.d

  Ceyx – sea-mew, 45 passim; 142.g; 143 passim; 144.a; 146.a

  Chaerias – welcomer, 142.g

  Chalciope – brazen face, 95.a; 137.p, r; 151.f; 152.c, d, f

  Chalcodon – brazen path, 100.d; 104.f; 137.p

  Chalion – ? chaliphron, thoughtless, 164.e

  Chaos – yawning, 1.a; 3.a; 4.a, c; 11.1

  Chariboea – grace of cattle, 167.i

  Charis – grace, 13.3

  Charites – graces, 13.a,3; 105.h,5

  Charon – fierce brightness, 28.c; 31.a; 134.c

  Charybdis – sucker down, 148.1,9; 154.11; 170.t, v,1,9

  Cheimarrhus – torrent, 75.d,6

  Cheiron – hand, 43.c; 50.c, e, g,5; 63.d; 81 passim; 82 passim; 126 passim; 133.l; 148.b, e,2; 151.g,5; 156.e; 160.i, l

  Chem, 73.8

  Chiade – snowflakes, 77.1

  Chimaera-she-goat, 17.j; 34 passim; 73.5; 75 passim; 105.e; 123.b,1

  Chimaerus – he-goat, 159.q

  Chione – snowqueen, 47.c; 48.c; 67.b

  Chlidanope – delicate face, 82.a

  Chloris – greenish, 68.f; 77.b; 110.a; 170.o

  Chnas, 58.1

  Chocre – sow, 24.7

  Chon, 118.2

  Chromia – embellisher, 64.a

  Chrysaor – golden falchion, 33.b,5; 73.h; 132.a, f,4

  Chryse – golden, 158.b; 161.j

  Chryseis – golden, 116.h; 162.l,6,8; 163.b

  Chryses – golden, 116.h; 131.e; 148.j; 153.3; 162.l,8; 163.b, f; 166.g

  Chrysippus – golden horse, 29.1; 105.e,2; 110 passim; 111.a

  Chrysothemis – golden order, 112.d,1; 113.e, n,3,7; 160.t,7

  Chthonia – of the soil, 47.b

  Chthonius – of the soil, 58.g,5

  Chylus – juice of a plant, or berry, 50.c,2

  Cilix – ? cillix, an ox with crooked horns, 58.a, d,1; 88.d

  Cilia – she-ass, or dice made from ass’s bone, 158.l; 159.g,5; 168.d

  Cillus, Cillas, Cellas – ass, 109.g, i,7

  Cinyras – plaintive cry, 18.h,5,7; 65.a,1; 77.2; 160.g,11,12

  Circe – falcon, 28.5; 42.3; 56.2; 89.e,5; 132.p; 148.3,9; 152.b; 153 passim; 154.b; 170 passim; 171.k,4

  Circinus – the circular, 92.c,9

  Cisscis – ivy woman, 168.3

  Cisseus – of the ivy, 158.o; 168.3,5

  Cissia – ivy, 164.c,2,3

  Cleia – famous, 27.2

  Cleisithyra – locker of the door, 169.l

  Cleite – renowned, 149.f, g

  Cleitonymus – famous name, 160.m

  Cleitus – renowned, 40.b

  Cleobis – cleo-bios, famous life, 84 passim; 159.4

  Cleobule – famous counsel, 109.f; 160.l

  Cleodaeus – famous warrior, 136.g

  Cleodice – famous justice, 125.c

  Cleola – wholly famous, 111.f

  Cleolaus – famous people, 136.g

  Cleomenes – famous strength, 159.4

  Cleon – famous, 110.c

  Cleopatra – glory to her father, 45.2; 48.c; 74.a; 80.d, i; 150.l; 158.g

  Cleothera – noble beauty, 108.f

  Clete – chosen, or invoked, 164.b,1

  Clioproclaimer, 147.b

  Clotho – spinner, 10 passim; 60.2; 108.h

  Clymene – famous might, 39.a; 42.d; 80.c; 93.a, c; 109.f; 111.f; 112.f; 170.o

  Clymencus, or Clymenus – famous might, 64.a; 111.p,5; 121.a; 138.m

  Clytaemnestra – ? praiseworthy wooing, 62.c; 74.b; 112 passim; 113 passim; 114 passim; 117.5; 159.c; 160.z; 161 passim; 162.t

  Clytia – famous, 108.b

  Clytië – famous, 108.f

; Clytius – famous, 35.e; 135.b; 158.1

  Cocalus – spiral shell, 92.h,12

  Coeus – intelligent, 1.d; 14.a,2; 133.3

  Comaetho – bright hair, 72.5; 89.1,7; 91.1

  Cometes – long-haired, 117.h; 148.i; 162.t; 169.k

  Connidas – knowing man from Mt Ida, 95.f

  Copreus – dung man, 110.c; 123.g; 127.d, i; 135.e; 163.h

  Cordelia, 73.2

  Core – maiden, 24 passim; 27.11; 76.1; 78.1; 96.i; 132.s; 134.b; 136.4; 170.q

  Corinthius – club man, 110.c

  Corinthus – club man, 96.b; 148.6; 156.b,4

  Coroebus – ? feaster on ox chine, 147.a,3

  Coronea – of the crows, 70.i

  Coronis – crow, or raven mother of Ascelpius, 21.i,9; 47.4; 50.p, m the Hyad, 27.2

  Coronus – crow, or raven, 50.1; 78.a; 143.d; 148.i

  Corunetes – cudgel man, 96.a

  Corybantes – crested dancers, 21.i,5; 30.a,1

  Corythus – helmeted, 141.d; 158.f; 159.v; 160.w

  Cottus – son ofCotytto, 3.b,1

  Cotytto (non-Greek word) 3.1; 27.2,3

  Cranaë – rocky, 94.1

  Cranaechme – rocky point, 94.1

  Cranaus – rocky, 94.f

  Cratus – strength, 8.3

  Creiddylad, 73.2

  Creon – ruler, 105.k; 106.k, l, m,7; 107.i; 118.b,3; 121.c; 122.a; 135.e; 156 passim

  Cresphontes – stronger slayer, 146.k

  Cressida – chryseis, golden, 162.8

  Cresus – Cretan, 100.g,1

  Crete – crataie, strong, or ruling, goddess, 88.e,1

  Creteus – ruler, 88.1

  Cretheis – ruler, 70.2; 81.g, q,5

  Cretheus – ruler, 68.e, f; 70.d; 88.a,1; 148.a

  Creusa – sovereign being mother of Ion, 43.b; 44.a,1; 47.b Naiad, 82.a daughter of Priam, 158.o

  Crimissus, R (Cretan word) – ?, 137.g

  Cristinobyl, Empress of, 148.5

  Cronus – crow, 1.d; 6 passim; 7 passim; 11.b; 12.a; 16.a, f; 25.4; 28.1; 30.a,3; 31.c,2,6; 39.e; 51.k,6; 53.5,6; 54.a; 57.1; 84.2; 105.5; 108.a; 109.2; 111.4; 118.c; 129.2; 132.e,4,5,6; 134.1; 138.i, o,4; 139.1; 151.g; 164.5; 170.5,8

  Croton – dog tick, 132.t

  Crotopus – thumping foot, 147.a,1

  Crotus – rhythmic beat, 26.d; 126.g

  Cteatus – he who gains possession, 138.a

  Ctesippus – possessor of horses, 142.l; 143.i

  Cuchulain, 63.3; 75.5; 91.1; 103.1; 132.1; 162.8; 164.3

  Curetes – young men who have shaved their hair, 7.c,1,4; 22.6; 30.a,1,3; 53.b; 90.d; 95.5; 97.1; 158.b

  Curissia – dirge, 167.i

  Curoi, 63.2; 91.1; 162.8

  Cyamites – son of a bean, 24.l


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