Angels Blood

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Angels Blood Page 45

by Gerard Bond

  Dark studied Wollfen watching as his brow furrowed at the news. With that many enemy soldiers around Kassandrea, they wouldn’t be able to just ride in. It was probably also true that stricter checks were now in place around the Isogorrean encampment since Wollfen and company had marched into Port Cholandra so easily to cause so much damage. That seemed like an age ago to her.

  “How long has the siege been in place?”

  “It would have to be three months now. For some reason the Isogorrean army took a long time to set themselves in place. We have a notion they may be having supply problems.”

  All of it was interesting news but it really didn’t address the problem of getting in.

  “The easiest way for me to get into Kassandrea would be to teleport in. But unfortunately I don’t know anyone personally there with magical abilities and I need to be able to focus on someone I know to be able to transport there.” Night wondered if she could help.

  “I know of a couple of people, could I be of help?” Wollfen looked at her.

  “I’m afraid not Night, the crystal needs someone well versed in elf energies and I haven’t taught any of that to you, to do so would take many months before you could even attempt a small jump. I’m sorry Night but I have to decline.” Night nodded.

  “What if I imaged a person to you?” Wollfen thought on this.

  “Yes that may work, good thinking Night. We will try that in a little while. I will need to rest afterward, so we will do it back in the room okay?”

  Night nodded in the affirmative.

  “So when do you think you will take off if all goes to plan?

  Kane wanted to be able to make preparations in the meantime.

  “I don’t expect I would be fit enough for at least another week.”

  “Okay that gives me an idea of when to have things ready for you. In the meantime I would like to take you out sometime soon to have a look at what I have put in place here.”

  Kane was looking for approval and acknowledgment of his achievements.

  “Yes Kane, I am very interested in seeing what you have managed here. From what I understand you did quite well against a rather large Isogorrean contingent a few months ago. Maybe if all else fails we might be able to have a poke on the flank of the siege forces at Kassandrea with your permission.”

  Kane’s chest puffed at Wollfen's inferences of confidence in him.

  “I am sure that we could accomplish something along those lines.”

  “Good! Well I’ll leave you to it, I can feel I only have a bit more energy left so I’ll retire and take Night with me to do some exploring. Will you be coming too Dark?”

  “Of course my dear, I have to watch over my poor sick wolf don’t I?” Wollfen smiled.

  “Yes poor me needs to be waited on,” He winked.

  Back in the room Wollfen sat on the bed and crossed his legs. Night kicked off her boots and followed suit, sitting opposite and facing each other.

  He reached out and held his hands on the sides of Night’s head, closing his eyes he began to concentrate. Dark meanwhile had also sat on the bed next to Wollfen and watched on. All of a sudden Wollfen stopped and opened his eyes. Night did too wondering what was wrong.

  “Dark? Do you want to learn a bit about how to read mind images?” Dark didn’t hesitate.

  “Of course, just tell me what to do.”

  “Move in behind Night as if you are cuddling her from behind, that’s it. Now place your hands underneath mine. I will direct what happens at first and once I feel you have reached stability I will release you to allow Night to control what you see okay?” Dark was a little nervous but she was ready. “So Night, you okay with this?”

  “Of course.”

  Wollfen slid his fingers over Dark’s hands on Night’s head and closed his eyes again. Night began focusing on the persons she knew in Kassandrea, the Queen and Borlynn in particular. Wollfen saw the images merging and solidifying in his mind’s eye. Now he enveloped them there in her mind. The essence of each person could be seen even in just the reflected image and Wollfen searched for that special quality they needed to have for him to focus on them magically. If they didn’t have the talent for magic there would be no output of light from them. Without that he wouldn’t be able to teleport.

  After a few minutes Wollfen messaged Night in her mind, ‘No luck, I’ll let you have Dark now.’ Night sent out a feeling of understanding and he slowly withdrew his hands. Dark was on her own in Night’s mind. He sat back and watched. Night sitting there eyes closed facing him. Dark’s hands were on her head from behind, both of them quiet and unmoving.

  Dark had opened her mind and found herself drawn in by the strong but gentle pull of Wollfen’s presence, a sort of mental holding of hands and she felt safe. She felt like an onlooker as images of people materialized before her and Wollfen’s essence surrounded everything. It was amazing to watch him at work and Dark watched totally engrossed as each image would materialize and then light up then fade as they were manipulated. She had little understanding of what was happening but it was grand anyway.

  In what seemed to be no time at all she felt Wollfen leave and now she was alone there in Night’s mind. It was almost like a blackness; but warm and inviting. Then an image formed again, this time it was Night’s face looking and smiling at her. Dark smiled back, she wasn’t sure if Night could see her but the image mouthed some words, ‘I see you’. Dark felt giddy at that, this was exciting.

  Night’s image changed as a hand materialized and Dark watched as she blew her a kiss. Dark thought she felt something on her cheek from that. Now Night’s head retreated and her whole body formed, Dark watched as she danced to some unheard music. Night’s nude form was perfect in every way and Dark wanted to reach out to touch it. It seemed so real.

  Now the image distorted and changed. Before her unfolded the evening of passion Dark and Night had enjoyed against Wollfen. Only this wasn’t just an image, Dark could feel it too, the rise of passion and urgency was just as it had been. She wasn’t just seeing the image, she was feeling it too, her mind filled with wonder and lust. Night was aware of exactly what was happening and before Dark could get carried away with it, she changed it again.

  Night gave Dark an entire panorama of images, a rolling ocean with sun shining brightly overhead and off to one side mountains falling into the sea. Dark gasped as she realized she could feel the sand between her toes and looking down she realized they were both nude. Night took her hand and ran into the ocean, the cool waters splashing over her body causing a range of sensations. She couldn’t believe she was feeling all of this. Night was giving Dark a true understanding of the power of her magic.

  On the bed Wollfen was sitting back watching on. He wondered what Night could be doing as he heard Dark moan out loud from time to time. Whatever it was, he was sure Night was putting on a good show. They must have been sitting there an hour before finally Dark’s fingers moved and then slid from Night’s head. Her eyes opened wide and she had a look of astonishment on her face. Wollfen smiled, yes, Night would have done a good job of it. Night turned and smiled at Dark.

  “I hope you enjoyed that.”

  Dark nodded her head excitedly.

  “That was incredible! I had no idea one could do that! Thank you Night, it was wonderful.”

  Dark leaned forward and kissed Night gently on the lips and they hugged.

  “Well I’m off now. You two can experiment for awhile, I’m sure you will come up with some interesting stuff.”

  Night lifted herself off the bed and picking up her boots, excused herself and left the room.

  Dark moved forward and straddled Wollfen’s lap, then she took his hands and placed them on her head.

  “I want to see if I can do it for you okay?” Wollfen grinned.

  “Just don’t fill your head with images of me being chased around an enclosure by a pack of rabid orcs.” Dark’s eyes lit up.

  “Oh, I could do that couldn’t I?” He laugh

  “Ah I shouldn’t be giving you ideas eh?”

  Dark pinched him for good measure. She closed her eyes, letting her mind open to him. Wollfen responded by carefully pushing his mental presence forward and he was there. At first the images were muddy and out of focus, but then they became clearer. It was him, lying on this very bed and Dark was lying against him but something was different. Night was there too behind her, moving caressing. Wollfen watched on as the scene unfolded, he was watching Dark showing him her time with Night.


  The scene took him by surprise but he kept watching. It unfolded in real time for him and he felt the charge of energy she felt, the passion and love she experienced and also towards the end the infusion of warmth into his own body. Now he understood what had happened. Wollfen let go of Dark’s head and looked deep into her eyes.

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Don’t say anything for now. I could have kept it from you and you would never have been the wiser, but I love you truly my wolf and I want you to know what I did, why I did it and how it made me feel.”

  He nodded in a gathering understanding. She felt no guilt and she had total trust in his ongoing love. She was also showing him she wouldn’t betray that trust by keeping secrets.

  All of a sudden he felt small compared to her. He couldn’t return that openness. He felt the guilt of what he had done with Madeira even now after Dark had been totally open with him. All he wanted to do was curl up and hide now for being weaker than she. That man he had been almost four hundred years ago was still there deep down and he was ashamed. Three hundred and fifty years of this life’s journey and he still had so far to go. Would he ever earn the right to enter the afterlife?

  Night sat with Solynne at the fireplace. She was talking with her friend about those times before the war, how things had turned out so differently. Here they were seven months on, Solynne five months pregnant and so dependent on others around her now. Night smiled at her out of the blue.

  “You are lovely Solynne, I am so happy for you.” Solynne looked into Night’s eyes then she held out her hand and took Night’s into her own.

  “What is it Night?” She shook her head.

  “You know for over a year now we have been so busy that there hasn’t been time to just sit back and think about things, look at one’s life and such. Loranda is back in Port Volarus recuperating.”

  Night paused and Solynne urged her on.

  “There is something you aren’t telling me.”

  “I don’t know why but I was so glad to take this mission with Wollfen and leave Loranda behind. I felt like if I stayed I would be tied down to her future life. You know how I love my wandering ways. I should have been a nomad. But I love Loranda so, I am having trouble dealing with those two important things in my life.” Solynne wasn’t really sure she understood.

  “I thought Loranda would be fine? She can still continue on normally with only one kidney can’t she?” Night nodded.

  “Yes, but for some reason I see her as weak now, oh Solynne what is wrong with me?”

  Solynne didn’t spend much time thinking about it at all.

  “Do you think you feel your freedom to roam or maybe escape from something is threatened if the possibility of having to stay in one place comes to fruition?”

  Night thought about that, is that what she been doing all her adult life? Running?

  “I guess that’s a possibility. I can’t be sure.”

  “You can't think of anything?” Night shook her head not looking, thinking about it.

  “Nothing comes to mind.”

  She couldn’t open up to Solynne now that she was talking to her. Solynne followed up with a simple statement.

  “There is one person here who will be able to get to the bottom of your problem rather quickly. You need to have a heart to heart with Wollfen, you know he loves you and will do what he can to set things right.”

  Nodding, Night decided she might try that. She would try again with him.

  Night reached forward to Solynne's belly.

  “May I feel?” Solynne grinned and lifted her shirt in response, she was very proud of her growing bump. Night felt over it now, the skin was firm and smooth. Solynne placed her hand over Nights.

  “We started off as the eight of Wollfen’s pack and while I am saddened to know that Justin and Keera are dead I am still glad I know all of you. All of you are the most important people in the world to me bar none. I would die for any of you, you understand that don’t you?” Night nodded in reply.

  “As I would for you Solynne.”

  “Yes and I know it too, any of us would do so, we are a special group of friends and I think I am so lucky to be a part of it.”

  Night was warmed by that thought. She had left her family far behind a long time ago and it was these people here that were deepest in her heart. To her these five were her real family.

  Wollfen awoke again later that afternoon as Nightwing slid in next to him in bed. Dark was asleep on his other side and he was curious as to what Night was doing.

  “Hey, what’s up?”

  Night snuggled into him and lay there for a bit without answering so he put his arm around her. This wasn’t normal behavior from her at all. Then she took in a deep breath and sighed.

  “I need some real direction in my life Wolf. I have been spending the last couple of hours with Solynne and her unborn baby. I realized I have a yearning for what she has. Well I think I do, but I also know it can’t be for me either.” Wollfen thought that a bit strange.

  “Okay, I understand that you aren’t interested in men like other women, but you know, that doesn’t have to stop you from being with one to have a child.” Night shook her head.

  “I never told you why I have no interest in men. It isn’t something I just found out one day.”

  Night stopped talking and stared off into space for a bit and Wollfen waited patiently. He knew not to press her. She turned back to him and he could see tears were starting in her eyes.

  “I haven’t spoken of these things with anyone ever. I tried with Solynne but I couldn’t get it out. She said I should try with you. What I am going to tell you will be the first time I have managed to speak of it. Please be patient, this is going to take a lot.”

  “Take whatever time you need, I will not pressure you.” She nodded and went on.

  “When I was 14-years-old, I was being escorted back to our estate having been to some meeting held in another shire. My father had gone on ahead on some important matter and he had left me with a contingent of his trusted guard.”

  Night stopped again and she swallowed hard. Wollfen half guessed what was coming next.

  “It was a two day ride back to our estate and that evening we made camp. The men spent the evening drinking and having a good time. I was on my own and I confined myself to my tent.”

  Night stopped again, he could tell the hardest part of all was coming up for her, she pushed out a breath and then continued.

  “Later that night when I was asleep, some of the guard came into my tent. They, they took me, all of them. I was pack raped by my own father’s guard.”

  Night started sobbing quietly into Wollfen’s chest and he put both arms around her squeezing gently. He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. He had always wondered why she had stayed on the move for so many years, now he was getting an understanding.

  “You never told your father?”

  She shook her head and Wollfen noticed Dark had awakened, she was lying there listening quietly. He contemplated Night's words and realized as to why she had run away at such an early age. Night continued on still choked up by her emotions.

  “I didn’t say anything or make a sound. When we returned the next day to the estate I locked myself away in my room for a week till I healed and no one would know. I was so ashamed of what had happened, I couldn’t face anyone. I only lasted six months, I ran away then and I haven’t ever been back
. I have visited my father from time to time whenever he was at Kassandrea or some such place, but I simply have never been able to set foot on home soil again.” Night continued to cry quietly.

  Dark had been lying there listening, she had felt Wollfen stiffen and become tense during the story, she knew he was getting very angry. Would he do something?

  “I am so sorry and my heart goes out to you. I am angry too. Night look at me,” Night turned up her head to Wollfen her eyes red. “You have no reason to be ashamed. What happened is not your fault at all, do you hear me?”

  Night nodded and fresh tears flowed. Wollfen encouraged it, she needed this, all of this had to come out. He wondered how it would change her? This sort of blackness carried around for so long. A dark secret that would eat away at a person never did any good. Nightwing would be able to start healing with their support. Dark swapped sides and held Night from behind and she appreciated it. Night was an emotional mess and all her defenses were down. Sniffling, Night had her final say.

  “Every man since then who has ever come near me has made my skin crawl. The only person I have learned to be comfortable with is you Wollfen. I trust you like no other. I have always known you to have a true heart.”

  That caught Wollfen by surprise, he didn’t know how to reply at all. He leaned across and gave a soft kiss on the forehead again, it was lame but it was better than nothing. He got to thinking, getting it all out was just the first step, Night would also need to deal with what happened still. But for now he decided to let it rest, one major hurdle at a time was best. He would bring it up with her again sometime soon. He looked down at her and wiped her face.

  “We all love you Night and you are safe here.”

  “Thank you, I hadn’t thought about it in years. It only came to the front of my mind when I saw Solynne pregnant and I started thinking about it. I was thinking about babies and such. I was going to discuss something else but that’s what came out.”

  “Do you still want to discuss this other thing?” Night shook her head.

  “No not right now, but I will, we have time right?”


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