Angels Blood

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Angels Blood Page 46

by Gerard Bond

Wollfen responded in the affirmative. His energy levels were rather bad and he knew that a few more days of rest for him was needed. They would be here for awhile.

  The next couple of days went by quietly. Wollfen and Dark sometimes stayed in the room to play but a lot of the time he spent near the fireside talking with Solynne and Kane. He even managed to break the ice a little with Vaughn. He was a funny one, it was almost like he had latched onto Dark like a puppy and was never far away. Time would tell how things went. Speaking to Kane, Wollfen had not come up with a plausible plan for getting into Kassandrea.

  “If we can somehow get you to the gates surely we can arrange for them to be opened for a bit?” Wollfen thought about that.

  “Actually if I can get to the gates up close I won’t need to worry about them being open. I will be able to teleport that very short distance to inside without needing someone’s beacon.” Kane picked up at that.

  “Well then we just need a diversion really don’t we?”

  “Mm if by diversion you mean to attack them I don’t think that we should throw away any lives just to get me inside. That’s too high a price to pay.”

  They both went quiet again for a little while, both thinking it through, there must be a way.

  “I have an idea, I will have to mind touch with Night again and this time project into Kassandrea and try to scan the population. Maybe there is someone there I know that I haven’t thought of, it has to be worth a try.”

  Kane nodded, it was more than he had been able to come up with.

  “Alright, Solynne could you chase up Night for me and bring her here?” Solynne agreed and moved off. “Kane, once I have done the scan if I find someone I think I will move quickly. They may be on the move and I might lose them again. Could you prepare supplies and clothing starting now?”

  “Yes that is no problem, how many people will you take?”

  “Lets see, Night, Dark, Vaughn and one other. Ask Burkhard if he wishes to come. If not then I will want a replacement, five will be the size of the party.”

  Kane excused himself and made off. At least something was going to happen now, winter could be so boring.

  Solynne came back with Night in tow and Wollfen gestured for Night to sit before him.

  “Hey Night, I want to use your magics to compliment mine. I am going to try and do a scan, it’s a long shot and probably wont work but I want to try. I know there aren’t any strong magic users in Kassandrea but who knows?”

  “I agree it’s better than not trying at all.”

  Wollfen extended his hand and Night took it, there wasn’t much preparation needed. Eyes closed and focused, Wollfen expanded his mind in the direction of Kassandrea and almost immediately he found a strong beacon, who could this be? Focusing more he closed in on it and found to his surprise a sorc, she was familiar too and then it hit him who she was, damn! He immediately withdrew and cut off all ties hoping he was fast enough. He couldn’t afford to give away his position to her and have everyone here put in danger.

  Coming out of his state Wollfen immediately started barking orders,

  “Quickly! We must all prepare now! I may just have stirred up a hornet’s nest. I found a beacon alright, it’s the sorc who captured me in Port Cholandra and I am sure she will start searching for my beacon now too and if she finds me soon she will know the location of this eastern army.”

  The others started rushing about, even Burkhard was there and ready.

  “Okay, we have no time to waste, say your goodbyes people we move in one minute. Kane, you will need to start extra patrols towards the west looking for any movement by Isogorrean forces. I am sorry if I have made your position more precarious. I had no idea I would find an enemy sorc that I knew.” Kane responded dismissively,

  “It’s no problem. I almost welcome the idea of taking on more Isogorreans. We are well established here.” Wollfen grabbed his upper arm.

  “Good man, I am sure you will handle whatever may be thrown at you.” Wollfen turned to his gathered group. “Okay everyone, I’m going to have us teleport directly to the sorc in question. We will be giving her a very rude shock, but remember the surprise will only last a moment. These Isogorreans are experienced campaigners. Any questions?”

  He looked around. They all had their swords out and were ready.

  “Good, then let’s join hands and get going.”



  Wollfen deliberately came in too fast just as he had done in Port Volarus. The shock tactic would prove very effective. He had no idea how many people would be in the tent, there was a thunderclap of sound as they materialized in the middle of it. There were six of them. The five sorcs had gathered around their leader. He had been aware she was searching for him but she found him too late. He was here and now dictating the terms. Wollfen held the High sorc in his mental bonds and gave her a blast of mental energy knocking her silly. He held her there though controlling her physically. His companions around him had rushed forward and held swords to the throats of the other remaining sorcs. His voice boomed out,

  “If they move, kill them!”

  The statement was made to put real fear into the sorcs, it worked and they stood still. Turning, he went to the tent flap and had the High sorc follow him. She wasn’t fighting much at all. She was only barely conscious.

  “Night I need your input right now. I’m tiring.”

  Night moved over to Wollfen and took his hand, imbuing him with some magical energy. He turned back and made the High Sorc walk to the tent flap, which was just as well, a voice came from beyond.

  “High Sorceress? Is everything all right? We heard a loud noise.”

  Wollfen worked the High sorcs mind and made her utter a response.

  “Yes, yes, we were experimenting, please ignore what you are hearing, now be off with you!”

  “Yes your highness, please forgive me.”

  Wollfen then gave the High Sorc another mental blast and as she was knocked unconscious she fell to the floor. He moved quickly and gave each of the rest of the sorcs a mental blow. They lay about oblivious to all around them.

  Night immediately spoke up.

  “Now what do we do with them? They have all seen you and me and will be able to find us wherever we go.” Burkhard stepped forward.

  “I will do it, just give me the word.”

  Wollfen shook his head,

  “No Burkhard, I will not condone killing in cold blood.” Wollfen looked at Night. “I will need to drain you of what magic energy you have right now. I am going to need it to have some of my own in reserve to get into Kassandrea.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “A simple process, I am going to remove their capacity to be sorcs. They will be normal humans again. It isn’t pleasant but it’s certainly preferable to killing them.” Night looked on in wonderment.

  “You can do that?” Wollfen nodded.

  “Yes, but it isn’t something I do lightly.”

  Wollfen bent over the first sorc and placed his hands around her head. Closing his eyes he went to work. It took a few minutes but he was done. Night’s curiosity got the better of her and she spoke up,

  “You really should tell me how you do that sometime, I find it fascinating. I really thought that mind shields always protected one from being manipulated in any way.” He nodded at her.

  “Another time yes and I will explain why I am able to do it in this instance too.”

  Wollfen went back to his work bending over the limp form of another sorc. The others stood there and watched. After dealing with the fourth sorc Wollfen turned to Burkhard.

  “Have a look outside and check the weather. Also see if you can work out the direction of the walls of Kassandrea.”

  Burkhard moved over to the tent flap and began peeking out. The snow was falling heavily and of Kassandrea he could see nothing. Turning back inside Burkhard made his report of what he found. Wollfen thought for a bit.

��Damn, I shouldn’t have used up all of your magic energy Night. I would have gotten you to use one of the sorc robes to go for a walk.” He turned to Dark, “Well my dear, I think you are going to have to go out and find us the path to Kassandrea, are you up to it?” Dark grinned.

  “You doubt me?”

  She turned and went to one of the sorcs and started pulling off her robe. They were clothed underneath obviously out of practicality, it was cold in the tent even with the potbelly stove going. She quickly donned the robe over her clothes and slipped her sword inside too. Now she was ready.

  “I won’t be too long I hope, I’ll keep in contact via mind touch.” Dark kissed Wollfen full on the mouth.

  “Take care.”

  Dark nodded, turned and left. Wollfen turned to the others.

  “We will need to gag these for when they awake. Once we leave I don’t know how long it will be before they are discovered.”

  The others started tearing strips of cloth from the sorcs robes and tying their mouths, Wollfen surmised they should be out cold for at least another twenty minutes so they really should only bank on that. They finished gagging the sorcs and all they had to do was wait for Dark’s return.

  Meanwhile outside Dark was moving along slowly in the heavy snowfall. The cold was biting her lungs and she kept the hood of her robe mostly closed against it. Keeping to the shadows of the tents she moved along watching for sentries and then giving them clear space. It took time for her to get anywhere as she had to change her direction repeatedly. Going around one tent she ran into a soldier doing a pee and before he could react Dark stuck him in the neck with a dagger. He went down silently. She stretched out his body right on the edge of the tent and covered him up with snow. Hopefully he wouldn’t be found for a while.

  Dark spent another five minutes finding her way to the edge of the encampment. Luckily for her the sorc tent was near the front line and she was able to see the high walls of Kassandrea looming out of the darkness ahead. She stopped and returned the way she had come, at one point losing her way and having to retrace her steps but it was to no avail, all the tents looked the same. She reached out with her mind and almost immediately she felt Wollfen. Then she saw his beacon and she was on her way again. Another minute and she was back.

  “I have found the way, we will have to move fast. I left one of them dead in the snow.”

  Wollfen turned to the others and signaled. They all fell into line behind him. Dark turned around again and they made their way out. She moved quicker now knowing where the sentries were posted and they made good time. They all saw the high wall at the same moment. All they needed to do was find the gates. There was nothing for it but pick a direction and go along the front lines without being spotted.

  The time was late so there wasn’t much movement around the camp and they were able to get pretty far. At one stage they had to eliminate a sentry before he set an alarm off and Wollfen was conscious of the fact that it was only a matter of time before one of the bodies or the bound sorcs were found. There was still no sign of a gate and he really hoped they were going in the right direction along that featureless wall. There was a cry from behind them. Vaughn spun about and put the agitator down with a well-aimed crossbow bolt. There was nothing for it but to run. Wollfen whispered loudly.

  “Run for it!”

  Burkhard and Nightwing took the lead. They picked off any sentry that turned to them as they went. People were stirring in their tents and Dark would send a bolt into them from time to time whenever a head popped out. Their one saving grace was the swirling snow and poor visibility. They headed straight for the base of the wall hoping that none of the Isogorreans would spot them. The group were all firing crossbow bolts behind them as they went in an attempt to keep the soldier’s heads down. It was about four hundred yards to the wall. It seemed so much closer Wollfen thought to himself. Well of course it would be that distance, the Isogorreans would have no interest in getting hit by catapult fire from the ramparts.

  They couldn’t be sure what direction they were taking in the snow with such little visibility but they did have an advantage of hearing the commotion behind them. It didn’t take long to reach the wall and they hugged it, Wollfen urged them all along, they had to keep going. A couple of Isogorreans on foot materialized out of the falling snow and they were quickly dispatched.

  “Keep your eyes peeled they are risking coming close to the wall!”

  Five soldiers appeared in front of them and there was a quick sword fight. But with Vaughn shooting them down with his crossbow as well, they made short work of them.

  The cries from behind were getting louder and they needed to fire off bolts at regular intervals as more and more soldiers came out of that swirling snow in the night. Wollfen spotted the gate, they had chosen the right direction. A dozen more Isogorreans materialized behind charging at them and three were cut down by bolts. There was a clash of swords again and they all fought in earnest. Neither side was getting the upper hand. Slowly Wollfen allowed the Isogorreans to push them back and he shouted loudly into the wind. Surely the Kingdom’s own sentries would hear the commotion?

  Wollfen beat on the shield of his opposing number with the flat of his sword, more to make a loud noise than to try and strike him down. Foot by foot they got closer to the gate. The Isogorreans weren’t paying attention. Then all of a sudden a flight of arrows flew home cutting all nine down in front of Wollfen’s party. Then there was a call from behind.

  “Come to the gate. When you come through you will throw your weapons down, do you understand?” Wollfen cried back.

  “Yes we hear you and understand.”

  They turned and quickly went to the heavy gates which folded inwards. This city had no moat, it had never needed one. Overhead they heard some catapults firing loads off into the dark, obviously to discourage any potential attackers. The gates swung back enough for them to file through quickly and it was shut again with heavy timbers falling back into place to lock it. The party lay down their arms as Kingdom soldiers took station around them.

  “Identify yourselves.”

  “My name is Wollfen and this is Dark Bruadar of the Nightclan Berengah. The others are also my companions, Nightwing of Windere seconded to the Queen herself and also Vaughn of Port Cholandra and finally Sergeant Burkhard of the southern army under the command of Lord Raz.”

  The officer of the guard gave them the once over before speaking again.

  “Please state your business and who it is you wish to see.”

  Protocols had to be followed. Nightwing spoke up. She had dealt with this sort of thing when she had to try and get an audience with the King.

  “Inform the Queen that her special counsel, Lady Nightwing and entourage have arrived with news of the Kingdom’s armies afield. Now be quick about it man. We don’t want to be standing outside all night do we?”

  The officer shook his head and ordered a runner off for instructions then he turned back to the five.

  “I hope you understand that I cannot simply give you free reign to walk around in the city. We have already had problems with insurgents.”

  Wollfen and company nodded in return.

  “Could we at least find a place to be out of the weather?” The officer nodded and motioned for them to follow.

  “This way.”

  He led them to a small waiting room running next to the main gates and they all went in and sat at the bench there. It was an hour before the runner returned with news. He approached the officer and there was a short discussion, at which point the officer turned to them.

  “You are to follow this runner immediately to the central court to address the King and Queen, they are awaiting you.”

  Night turned to Wollfen and they gave each other a look, well that was easy. They moved off following the runner while some soldiers escorted them to their destination. It was a half hour walk before they got there. Wollfen had forgotten how big this city was. It had been over twenty years since h
e had been here.

  The secondary set of gates were open at the inner castle grounds and they were ushered through without stopping. On they went inside the castle proper and they continued their journey through a long corridor to a side door that opened onto the main throne room.

  There they were left for another guard at the door to deal with. On their approach he motioned for them to stop and he disappeared inside. A minute later he returned and spoke.

  “You may enter immediately.”

  Wollfen and Night walked side by side as they entered the throne room. At the end of it sat the King and Queen on their thrones with a small entourage of court officers on either side. The group walked to within five yards of the foot of the thrones and stopped. All kneeled and paid their respects to the crown.


  The King looked at this motley crew before his eyes. The woman stood next to a rather tall man of eminent bearing and it was to him that the King turned.

  “I take it you are Wollfen?” Wollfen nodded.

  “Yes my lord, I am he.” The King was impressed.

  “Well my dear man, your reputation precedes you. I have been informed of some of your exploits and not a lot of them recent. You seem to be in good health for a man of sixty.”

  Wollfen realized that the Kingdom had been digging through records on him, but for what reason? What would have triggered it?

  “I am afraid sir that you have me at a disadvantage. I do not know to what particular incidents you may be referring.” The King smiled.

  “It matters not, I understand you have news of our armies? I was under the impression that apart from my navies on the coast here and on the south coast that I was alone?” Wollfen shook his head.

  “No my King, you are far from alone. In fact only a week’s ride from here lays an army of five thousand Kingdom soldiers all well trained and under the command of one of my lieutenants who have already been responsible for eliminating an entire army contingent of the Isogorrean forces in the east.”

  “That is very interesting news. We have had rumors filter through of the Isogorreans having a setback there, but have not been able to get any definitive news on that front. Do you know of the numbers they lost there?”


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