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Fertile for the Alpha (BBW Billionaire Shape Shifter Paranormal Erotica)

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by Sierra Wolf

  A Naughty by Nature Short Story

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  Copyright © Sierra Wolf 2014

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion of this book may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author. This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, businesses, events, and places are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  This story is intended for adult readers (18+) only. All sex acts contained herein are consensual.

  Kindle Edition.

  Rebecca hurried down a hallway, cursing the whole time. Why did she think she could have slept in for another 5 minutes? Every time she tried, she inevitably wound up sleeping for 30, making her late for work. And it just so happened that there was another accident on the road to work, making her even later than usual. Of course, to top it off, her boss had asked her to report to her office as soon as possible for some big news.

  Ugh. Not good. Dr. Baxter, the head of the anthropology department was a pompous old man who not-so-secretly thought that academics should still be in the hands of males only. But was it really her fault that it was her sister’s birthday last night, and she had to take as many shots as she did? Rebecca felt another wave of nausea wash over her as she smelled a fog of Sambuca around herself. She must have spilt some on her hair last night. There just hadn’t been any time to shower.

  Hurriedly, she pressed onward, rounding the last corner to Dr. Baxter’s office. She wondered just what he wanted. After all, Rebecca’s focus, the study of werewolf society, was not well received by the populace. Most people were terrified of them, and a majority of governments relegated the werewolves to certain areas which they were allowed to inhabit. Despite her best efforts, Rebecca had yet to be invited to those areas to study them.

  No sense prolonging the inevitable, she thought. Dr. Baxter hated people who were late. With a heavy sigh, she pushed the door open. Dr. Baxter was at his desk, speaking on the phone. As soon as he saw her, he waved her in and hung up.

  “Dr. Dunn, so glad you could meet with me today.”

  The disapproval he had of her appearance was vivid in every word. Rebecca had been so busy lately, she just didn’t have the time to hit up the dry cleaner’s just yet, and so she wore a black shirt (hoping the wrinkles would be less obvious), and a pair of plain khaki slacks. She had an incredibly curvy body, which made it difficult to maintain an air of modesty and professionalism required in the academic field. She made do by dressing as conservatively as possible, coming off dowdy for the most part. It was better than being trashy, she supposed, but sometimes she wished she could look at little sharper. Like now.

  For they were not alone in the office. There was someone else sitting in one of the big wingback chairs, and he stood up now to greet her. He was tall and well groomed, dressed in a charcoal suit that set off the blue in his eyes. She could tell that he was quite fit under his tailored clothing, and the tan indicated a life led outdoors. There was something mysterious about his facial features, something regal that she couldn’t place about it. Immediately she blushed as she realized how hard she was staring at him. He was incredibly sexy, but his first impression of her would be that of an alcoholic. Damn it.

  “Dr. Dunn, a pleasure,” the handsome man said, reaching out his hand.

  She leaned forward, muttering a greeting under her breath. His hand was large and warm, the handshake strong. But as she looked up into his face, she gasped. The blue had changed to gold, reflecting like an animal’s at night. Her mouth dropped. Could it be?

  “I see you have found me out,” he said with a laugh. “I am indeed a werewolf.”

  Rebecca quickly shut her gaping mouth, looking down at the floor. How could she have been so rude? Dr. Baxter gestured for her to sit, so she moved into the chair, trying hard not to look at the stranger. Now that it was confirmed, she could see it; the way his hair spread across his chest where he had left his shirt unbuttoned, or the canines of his teeth as he smiled. All her life she had studied werewolves and their culture, and yet it took her so long to figure it out!

  “Now, I’m sure you are wondering why you have been called here today Dr. Dunn. Mr. Fitzpatrick here has given us at the university an incredible opportunity; a chance to visit his pack and study their culture. There have been a series of… vandalism, in the designated werewolf zones, and he hopes that if we could publish our studies, maybe the community will see his kind as people too, to speak frankly.”

  Her eyes widened at the name. Mr. Fitzpatrick. As in, Cain N. Fitzpatrick, alpha billionaire of one of the biggest packs in the country. His family had dominion over thousands, fuelled by a medieval heiarchy and old money that had spanned human history. Many of the greatest minds in the world had lived among humans as werewolves, and a surprisingly large amount from the Fitzpatrick clan. Of course, humans were more than happy to make use of their inventions and technology, even as they shunned the werewolves, Rebecca thought sadly.

  “We would be happy to have you at my family estate for as long as you would like Dr. Dunn. Everything will be at your disposal. All questions will be answered, and nothing will be hidden from you. I give you free rein.”

  Rebecca turned to the billionaire. This was an incredibly generous offer. Nobody thus far have had free access into a pack to study their society, and she was already getting excited about everything she wanted to ask about. So many scholars dream about this kind of opportunity! She thought. She definitely had to accept.

  “Thank you,” she said softly.

  “I am happy to do so, if it means our people will be safe,” he replied, worry apparent in his face. He was so protective of them, she marvelled, feeling a deep surge of emotion at his loyalty to his pack. This kind of affection didn’t exist in human society anymore. Once again she began to feel excited.

  “Shall we start next week then? I think that will be enough time for me to assemble everything.”

  “Perfect. Here is my card. On it you will find the address for you to reach my home. Thank you both for your time. ”

  Cain Fitzpatrick stood up, inclining his head to Dr. Baxter and Rebecca, and turned to go. As Dr. Baxter continued to explain in greater detail about the project, Rebecca could only glance at the card. Her mind was working feverishly, thinking of all that she would need to pack. In amongst her professional excitement however, there was also a warm feeling pulsing in her body as she remembered Cain’s rugged good looks.

  That night, when she got home, all she could think about was the lycan billionaire. Rebecca’s hands had moved down to her pussy before she was aware of it, rubbing her swollen clit with her thumb. She wondered what it would be like to have a werewolf for a lover: were they stronger than other men? Or perhaps wilder in bed? Of course, Rebecca had had sex before, she wasn’t some kind of nun, but the men she slept with had been out of loneliness and convenience, and none were quite as handsome as Cain Fitzpatrick.

  Just thinking about how his eyes changed as he touched Rebecca made her shiver with delight, her nipples stiffening with desire. She closed her eyes, imagining his body in front of her, his thick wolfish cock rising towards his rock hard abs. Her pussy tingled with pleasure at the thought, traveling up towards her brain. She rubbed faster, bucking her hips upwards in an instinctual movement as old as time. Her delicate fingers quested deeper, sliding past her own slick lips into the velvety warmth of her pussy. Christ, that felt good. How long had it been since she’d been so turned on by the sig
ht of a man? Too long, she decided.

  She pushed her fingers in and out now, moving quicker as her desire grew. With her other hand, she began to squeeze and massage her breasts, focussing on her puffy pink nipples. Arousal spread throughout her body, as her nipples and clit continued to be worked by Rebecca’s deft hands. She squeezed her eyes shut, thinking only of Cain, wondering just how wide he could stretch her open, fill her up, make her feel whole.

  With a cry, she came, the pressure overflowing to breaking point and spilling into the very tips of her fingers and toes. Shivers wracked her body as she curled up against the intense pleasure of her climax. Waves of desire broke over her body, making her gasp with shallow breaths. She hadn’t come like this in years, and all from touching Cain for just a moment! It was a long time before she could fall asleep, visions of wolves and men floating through her mind.

  When Rebecca drove up to the compound the following week, she wasn’t sure what she should expect. She knew the animosity that existed between the two groups, and she felt more than a little wary at the thought of being the only human amongst a bunch of werewolves. Stop it! This is just the kind of thinking that has brought so much trouble upon our two groups, she chastised herself, but she couldn’t erase her unease completely.

  She was waved through quickly, the gates closing firmly behind her. Rebecca continued to drive for another fifteen minutes, before finally pulling up to a luxurious palace, cause it really was that big. She gaped, trying to figure out just how many wolves occupied those rooms. Suddenly there was a tap at her window, and there was Cain Fitzpatrick, bending down to her and smiling.


  She stepped out quickly. This time she had tried to dress a little nicer, in a burgundy v neck sweater and jeans that actually showed her ass off nicely. Cain had dressed down at home too, in just a button up and dark slacks. Nonetheless, he had a polish that the rich could only have.

  “Uh, hi. Wow. This is huge,” she said like an utter idiot.

  “It is. We have our full pack of one hundred and forty lycans here right now actually, so the Fitzpatrick estate is at full capacity.”

  That was a lot of wolves. She wanted to ask if she’d be safe, but knew it would be rude. Cain motioned to a servant who came forward to grab her bags, then walked inside. Rebecca quickly followed, her head craning to look at the splendid statues and architecture that adorned the palatial home.

  “Now I’m sure you’re wondering what brings so many of us together this week. The reason is that we are having a special yearly ritual, which I’m sure you’ll be excited to attend.”

  “Oh wow, yes, I’m honoured!”

  “Of course, something like this is quite like a celebration for us, hence why we have gathered together. Think of it as a… family reunion of sorts.”

  “I won’t be intruding on anything, will I?”

  “No no, don’t worry,” Cain replied, stopping to look at her. “In fact, if you’d like, I want to ask you if you’ll have the honours of performing the rites tonight.”

  Her eyes widened at the thought. She hadn’t dreamed in a million years that she’d be allowed view werewolf society for herself, and now she was being asked to participate!

  “I…what is it? I don’t know if I’ve studied all of your rituals,” she admitted ruefully.

  “I wouldn’t worry Rebecca, if I may call you that,” he said. When she nodded, he continued, “You’re already a natural, and all you will have to do is follow my lead. Now if at any point you feel uncomfortable, there will be others ready to help take your place. Will that ease your worries?”

  “Yes,” she replied, perking up, “yes it would!”

  Cain had led her to her bedroom now. He opened up two heavy doors, and she could see that it also held a small library and a study where she could write down her findings. A warm cheery fire blazed, and there was a tray of food beside it on the table.

  “In case you hadn’t eaten before you arrived,” he said with a courtly bow.

  “Thank you,” she said wandering in to explore. He was almost about to leave, when she remembered one last question: “What ritual is it?”

  “Our fertility ritual.”

  With that, he left, leaving her blushing. What on earth was a fertility ritual? Come on Rebecca, you know just what it is! You have a doctorate in this field. Still, it did nothing to ease her embarrassment. Truthfully, it was all because of her fantasies about Cain. After that first night, they became longer and more vivid. Had he seen some trace of that on her expression when she saw him?

  Rebecca sat down to eat as she tried to work through her own feelings. She felt a very physical connection to Cain Fitzpatrick, it was true, but it was hard to tell if he felt the same way. She also knew what a fertility ritual was, and generally what they included. A part of her desperately wanted to, just so she could have Cain for the night, but was it wise to get so close to her subject?

  A servant maid stepped into her room, stopping her internal debate. She carried a long cloak in her hands.

  “This is for you to wear,” she said. “Take off everything else please.”

  Rebecca looked up in surprise. Was it already time? She must have been thinking for hours now, because night had fallen. She changed quickly under the maid’s impassionate gaze, pulling on the cloak so she could be naked as little as possible. Not exactly the kind of attitude to have when you’re participating in a fertility rite, she thought drily. When she had changed, the maid took Rebecca’s hair and braided it, weaving strands of flowers and leaves into her hair.

  “Let’s go.”

  Rebecca followed the servant maid along the silent halls. She had to take small steps to keep the cloak from billowing, but luckily nobody else seemed to be around. They exited the mansion, weaving their way through the gardens and into the forests that bordered it. Now she could start to hear movement, and howls. She shivered, pulling the cloak tightly around her.

  They came to a clearing, where a long, stone slab rested atop a small hill. Large stone carvings of wolves guarded the edges of the clearing. It was filled with wolves of every color and size, their gazes fixed on Rebecca. She gulped. Where was Cain? She turned around to ask the servant, but she too had changed, loping off to join the crowd.

  Rebecca walked up towards the slab uncertainly. What was she supposed to do here? Why hadn’t she bothered to ask or find out? One of the wolves started to come toward her. He was large, larger than all the rest, and his dark pelt was beautiful and shiny. He circled around her, sniffing a few times, then barked with pleasure. The rest of the group responded, some even sitting up from their haunches. It was incredibly loud, and Rebecca became even more disoriented until the wolf nudged her onto the slab itself.

  As soon as she did, the wolf changed, morphing back into human. Her eyes widened. It was the very first time she’d ever seen it. The fur receded quickly, and the wolf began to shrink. Within moments, he had become Cain again.

  “Oh,” she breathed, taking in the sight of his naked body. She felt a wetness dampen between her legs as she saw his cock rising proudly between his legs. Whatever was happening, she was thrilled to be a part of. Cain stood up fully and turned toward the crowd.

  “Welcome everyone. May I present this year’s offering, Rebecca Dunn.” He looked down with a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, we’re not going to sacrifice you or anything.”

  Rebecca nodded and turned toward the clearing, where all the wolves were slowing changing back into humans again. Cain placed a hand on her shoulder.

  “You can take off your cloak now,” he said softly.

  She undid the clasp slowly, embarrassed to have her plump body out on display in front of everyone. Cain drew the cloak aside, then pulled her arms away, revealing her body to the crowd. She shivered, but didn’t move her hands back. Slowly he leaned in to look at her.

  “What’s going to happen?”

  “I’m going to make you mine for the night Rebecca. Will you say yes?�

  “Yes! But… in front of everyone?”

  “Don’t worry, they won’t be looking for long.”

  She only caught a glimpse of his eyes, dark with lust and hunger for her, before he leaned down and captured her lips in a kiss. Rebecca gasped at the intensity of his kiss, his whole body moving over her in one motion. They pulled back and came together, deeper each time, tongues twining in a passionate duet. Her arms reached up automatically to his neck, and his around her waist. Heat burst through her core as they kissed, igniting her arousal once again.

  She felt both his hands on her now, exploring her waist, over her hips, and down the curve of her butt. As he reached up towards her delicate breasts, Rebecca couldn’t help but moan. Every bit of her skin was sensitive to his touch, and she could feel it long after his hands had moved on.

  His hands found their way to her heavy breasts, the nubs already stiff from desire. I’m actually doing this in front of everyone, she thought, her head cloudy with bliss. His fingers pinched and rolled her sensitive peaks expertly, drawing both pain and pleasure in a dizzying mix. Dipping his head, he took a puffed nipple into his mouth. The sensation sent Rebecca’s head reeling backwards, pleasure galloping wildly through her body.

  “Oh Cain,” she cried out. His tongue felt amazing. It dragged along the swollen nipple, stiffening it even more. His other hand cupped her other breast, making sure that it wouldn’t be neglected. He rubbed his rough fingers across the nipple. The friction was delicious, and she arched her back for more. Pleasure rocketed down her spine towards her pussy, which tightened in response. Her ache was becoming too great.

  “Tonight you are my mate Rebecca,” he told her. Rebecca nodded eagerly. She would do anything to get his mouth back onto her. But Cain had other ideas. He pulled back slowly, savouring how she was laid out, splayed, before him.

  Rebecca blushed. She wasn’t used to a man staring at her naked body with such lust. In the past, she would fumble around in the dark with a guy, each trying to scramble out of their clothes with the least amount of awkwardness. This was something different altogether. It didn’t even bother her that others were watching.


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