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Nurse Errant

Page 17

by Lucilla Andrews

  He was very nice. ‘I’m always pleased with success. This time I’m particularly pleased. He’s a good patient, Lesley. I think you’ll make each other very happy.’

  ‘Bless you, Joe. I’d love to see him. I promised him I’d leave that to him. I suppose I had better keep that one?’

  ‘I do know that’s the way he wants it. He’s talked about you, as I know you.’ He sounded as if he was smiling. ‘According to him, love’s a great thing and I ought to try it sometime.’

  I could hear Paddy in those words. ‘Joe ‒ he is going to be all right?’

  He hesitated. ‘He’s going to need glasses for some time, if not always. And it’s still pretty early to give a definite opinion beyond saying the operation was as successful as one could have hoped. That suit you?’

  ‘Joe, wonderfully! I’ll send all my eye patients to you! God bless you ‒ and that I do most sincerely mean.’

  I had to wait again. The waiting was not the agony it had been before. It was bad enough. Paddy did not telephone or write so much as a postcard.

  My monthly free weekend came round. The temptation to rush up to London and call in at Hilary’s was almost unbearable. I tried to switch weekends with Janet as I preferred working. That did not come off, as she had a cousin’s wedding in Scotland fixed for her own following free weekend, and to alter mine would have meant altering the whole rota.

  Christmas was a matter of days away. On Saturday morning I went into the market-town to do some belated Christmas shopping and buy all the cards I should have sent off days before. Ann was back at work, and when I returned home the house looked bleak and empty.

  We always left our back door unlocked. I went in that way, and was slowly depositing my parcels on our kitchen table and wondering how to kill the rest of my weekend, when I heard steps in our hall.

  I looked round, and stayed still with my head twisted over my shoulder.

  Paddy was in the hall door. Paddy in his usual country clothes, looking a little pale, but otherwise just as he had always looked, apart from the expression on his face. No man before had ever looked at me in that way.

  As he came towards me I saw he had a pair of glasses in one hand. He put them on the dresser and held out his arms.

  I went to him. Neither of us spoke. There was still nothing that needed to be said.

  A long time later, from a long way off, I heard urgent knocking on the back door. Paddy raised his head, I glanced round. Lindy Yates was watching us open-mouthed from the still-open back door.

  Paddy let me go, his eyes alight with laughter. I went to Lindy, too happy for self-consciousness. ‘Darling, what is it?’

  ‘Please, Nurse, I only came to say the vicar said if I saw you could I ask if you’d play dress rehearsal tonight? And, please, it’s at seven, and the vicar says if it’s all right not to bother to let him know, but if it’s not would you give him a ring?’ She took a long, much-needed breath, peered round me to look at Paddy, then back up at my face. ‘Nurse!’ Her eyes shone. ‘Are you going to want lots and lots of extra cupboards after all?’ she demanded hopefully.

  I hugged her. ‘Lots and lots, darling! You must come and tell me exactly how many and where to put them!’

  ‘I will, Nurse! I will!’ She bounced with pleasure, and shot off with pig-tails flying to regale the village with some magnificent gossip.

  ‘Angel, there’s nothing for it.’ Paddy was ‒ incredibly ‒ nervous. ‘You’ll have to marry me now. The village will have the date fixed, the names of our offspring, and wedding presents chosen before young Lindy gets through.’ His arms tightened round me. ‘Will you let me make an honest woman of you, sweetheart?’

  ‘Paddy, darling, I thought you were not one of the marrying kind?’

  He rubbed his face against mine. ‘Angel, you know I’m a shocking liar. And didn’t I myself tell you never to believe one word I said in those days?’

  ‘And this day?’

  His eyes were alight with more than laughter. ‘This day and every day, my love, I’ve no more lies for you. I can’t do without you, Lesley. What man could manage without his guardian angel? Ask anything you like of me, but don’t ask that,’ murmured Paddy.

  ‘I won’t.’

  ‘Then let’s have no more talk.’ He kissed me hard. ‘I’ve done far too much of that.’ He kissed me again. ‘And nothing like enough of this.’

  Also by Lucilla Andrews

  If you enjoyed Nurse Errant, you will also want to read these other stories by Lucilla Andrews.

  The Print Petticoat

  A moving story of heartache and hope in the Maternity Unit of a busy 1950s teaching hospital.

  Joanna Anthony is a dedicated Nursery staff nurse at St Gregory’s Hospital. The nurses and doctors share laughter and tears as they tend to the mothers and babies in their care.

  There is time for romance, too. After five years together, is ambitious Dr Richard Everley finally ready to settle down with Joanna? And what of the two other young doctors who have more than a professional interest in her?

  It takes a serious illness for Joanna to understand where, and with whom, her future really lies.

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  The Secret Armour

  There’s romance for Nurse Maggie on the wards of a 1950s teaching hospital. But is she in love with the wrong man?

  Nineteen-year-old nurse Maggie Howard is completing her training at St Benedict’s Hospital. Life on the ward is hard and the Sisters are strict, but Maggie and her set mates, Alice and Rose, love their work. That’s not all that Maggie loves, when against all advice she falls for a dashing patient, David Corford.

  Maggie will experience happiness, heartache and misunderstandings. And throughout the emotional ups and downs, young houseman George Hartigan is always there to provide a shoulder to cry on.

  Will Maggie risk her career and future happiness over her love for a handsome patient?

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  The Quiet Wards

  Young nurse Gillian Snow is blamed when a dangerous drug goes missing during her shift on the ward of a 1950s teaching hospital. But who took it?

  Twenty-one-year-old Nurse Gillian Snow finds her career in jeopardy when a dangerous drug disappears from the drug cupboard under her care. The situation also affects her romance with dashing house-surgeon Peter Kier.

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  In the summer of 1940, Clare Dillon is a V.A.D. in an English military hospital, nursing the wounded as the bombs fall.

  Twenty-year-old Clare must rise to the challenge of nursing in wartime. Whether giving comfort to a dying soldier, or assisting in a birth during an air raid, she has to remain clear-headed and professional.

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  Young probationer nurse, Frances Dorland, is dealing with the ups and downs of 1960’s hospital life when she meets an understanding older man ‒ the Professor.

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