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Slivers of Skye (The Skye Chronicles Book 2)

Page 5

by Anna Moranski

  “No.” he whispered to himself. He knew as much as he wanted her in his arms and in his life again it was still not best for her to be there. He had to put her first.

  Chapter Five

  Skye stood in shock staring at her worst nightmare. It couldn’t be true. She had to be dreaming. She wished she was only dreaming but she knew she wasn’t. She shook her head and fought to hold back the tears that threatened to spill.

  “You have got to be kidding me!” Skye exclaimed. Gary looked at her shocked and was unsure at her reaction.

  “Skye what’s wrong?” Gary asked.

  “It’s yellow!” Skye said pointing to the dress in front of her. Gary looked to the dress that Skye had been staring at as if it were an enemy she had suddenly come face-to-face with.

  “Yes, it is.” he agreed still clueless as to her reaction. Skye looked to him.

  “I don’t wear yellow.” she sighed covering her face.

  “Yellow is a common color for fairies and elves.” he said. Skye looked to him with a roll of her eyes.

  “When I was dating Maddox he joked about me wearing yellow. I believe I threatened his life if he ever even joked about me wearing yellow… and here it is in front of me.” She signed shaking her head. “I don’t know if this is irony or just a sad joke.” she mumbled.

  “You’re mother worked hard on this dress.” Gary gently reminded her. He was always trying to keep the peace. It wasn’t a hard job to do with them, but feelings could easily be hurt. Skye realized if she didn’t wear the dress her mother worked hard on for the ball that her mother would be upset.

  “I know she did and I’m so grateful at how wonderful she is. I just think she’s never going to truly understand me.” Skye muttered.

  “From what I remember about Earth and hell even here, parents don’t always understand their children and vice versa. The thing is we try.” Gary said in his loving voice.

  “Yellow.” Skye whispered then closed her eyes summoning patience.

  “This may be my fault a little.” Gary said. Skye was about to ask what he meant when Cloud walked into the room with a huge smile on her face.

  “Do you like it?” Cloud asked hopeful. Skye gave her mother the best reassuring smile she could muster and nodded.

  “It is very impressive. You really shouldn’t have worked so hard on a dress for me. Thank you.” Skye said hugging her mother. Luckily Cloud squealed happily not knowing her daughters true feelings.

  “I was just about to tell Skye how you came up with the inspiration for the gown.” Gary said.

  “Yes, how did you?” Skye winked to her father, then looked to her mother.

  “Beauty and the Beast!” Cloud said. “Your father told me that was your favorite movie growing up. He drew a picture of the girl and beast dancing together and I thought the dress was so lovely. I thought it would be a great surprise for the ball. To create your fairy tale dress.” Cloud said looking lovingly to her husband.

  Skye looked at the dress and gasped. She was surprised she had not noticed. It was an exact replica of the yellow gown Belle wore. She shook her head.

  “Wow! That’s amazing. I can’t believe I didn’t notice it.” Skye had to smile. She knew she hadn’t noticed right away because the color alone had frightened her but now she actually thought it was beautiful. She looked to her father with a sad smile. She felt horrible about overreacting.

  “I just wanted it to be special for you.” Cloud said.

  “It is more special than I could express. You two are the best parents ever for being so creative for me. I don’t deserve you.” Skye walked into their arms and hugged them.

  Behind them Kel and Buck walked in. Kel gasped seeing the dress. Skye quickly turned and gave her a warning look. Kel bit her lip. She was dying to make fun of Skye for having a yellow dress, but she could see Cloud was too happy and wouldn’t ruin that.

  “Don’t be jealous.” Skye said.

  “Oh, of course not Kel! I have your gown ready as well!” Cloud took her hand and lead her into the next room where her bright pink gown was waiting. Skye almost laughed but ended up choking as she tried to hold it in. Kel flipped Skye off from behind her back so that Cloud could not see her.

  “Are you okay?” Gary looked to Skye with a disapproving, yet amused smile.

  “Fine. I just need some water. It’s beautiful, Kel.” Skye said and left the room quickly so that Kel couldn’t throw something at her.

  Skye walked into the kitchen and smiled when she saw Mike standing there. He was looking out the window. She snuck up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. He let out a small laugh and turned in her arms wrapping his arms around her as well.

  “Hello beautiful.” he said starring into her eyes.

  “Hey that was my line!” Skye joked. Mike bent over and kissed her lips softly.

  “See your dress?” he asked. Skye’s lips tightened as she faked a smile.

  “You knew didn’t you?”

  “Only the color. I wanted to wait to see you in it before I saw the dress.” His smile made her laugh. He looked so guilty.

  “It’s okay I’m not going to yell about it. It was actually sweet of them to design it after one of my favorite childhood movies. Who could really complain about that?” Skye said.

  She leaned her head onto his chest and held him tighter. He let out a breath and stroked her back gently. Leaning his head to rest on the top of hers he couldn’t resist a small kiss on her head.

  “I’m going to be the envy of the ball you know?” Mike said. “When I walk in with you on my arm, every heart will stop.” Skye looked up at him with a smile.

  “Sounds like you enjoy that idea.”

  “Oh, I do. To be with the prettiest girl there? Who could ask for more?” Skye laughed.

  “You have to stop being so sweet. It hurts my teeth.” He rolled his eyes at her response.

  “Don’t you like me sweet?” He brushed his lips over hers softly. He kept his face directly in front of hers staring deeply into her eyes.

  “I do.” she admitted.

  “Then you are stuck with me being sweet. Besides I don’t really know how to be anyone else. I’m just me after all.” Skye lifted her face and pressed her lips onto his.

  “I like being stuck with you.” she whispered against his lips. Mike grabbed her and lifted her against his body kissing her harder. Skye’s arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him closer as well.

  She didn’t want to let go of him, but she could feel him releasing her already. When she felt him trying to let her down she wrapped herself around him tighter. He groaned into the kiss. Skye pulled her head back slightly to look into his face.

  “Something wrong?” she asked innocently.

  “You drive me crazy.” His voice was rough from need. The lust in his eyes was unmistakable.

  “I want to drive you crazy, crazy like me.” Skye kissed him once more.

  “I need to get ready. I have a very hot date tonight.” he said letting her go. Skye nodded.

  “I hope you can handle her.” she said smiling.

  “Oh, I plan on it.” He kissed her forehead leaving her alone in the kitchen. Skye grabbed a glass of water and turned to see Buck standing behind her.

  “Been here long?” Skye asked.

  “Not really. I started to come in but then you were trying to take advantage of poor Mike so I waited.” Buck’s masculine smile always made Skye laugh.

  “Nothing wrong with that.” Skye said.

  “Nope. Nothing at all.” Buck grabbed a drink and looked at Skye. “I need to tell you something.”

  “Is everything okay?” Skye asked concerned with his tone.

  “Yes. Better than okay actually.” He looked around then looked back to her. “I’m going to ask Kel to marry me.” Skye gasped loudly.

  “Are you serious?” she whispered trying to keep her reaction quiet.

  “Yes. I love her and I’ve been so happy with her.” Buck’s smile
caught her attention. He usually looked as if he were going to joke or was amused, but this smile was pure happiness.

  “Wow. Buck I’m so happy for you. It seems fast to me but apparently everyone here jumps into these things. I think my human instincts are more powerful than my supernatural ones.” Skye said.

  “You’ll learn to be more elf than human. But you are right, supernaturals do move faster. Life is short for humans, for us we can live much longer. Why live it alone when you can be with the person who completes you?” Buck said.

  “Wow. I’ve never heard you be so romantic and hopeful.” Skye hugged him. “I’m so happy for you.” she said stepping back.

  “Thank you Skye. Just don’t say anything yet. I’m going to do it tonight at the ball.” He winked as he walked away.

  Skye stood in the kitchen reliving his words in her mind. Her best friend was about to marry the man who made her happy. A happy demon at that.

  Skye felt a moment’s bitterness that her demon couldn’t be like Buck. She felt horrible for focusing on Maddox when she had a wonderful man upstairs.

  Skye shook her head and knew she had to rid herself of the memory of Maddox. She had to be her own person again. Part of the person she wanted to be was a person who was confident in a new relationship and not focused on the one that could have broken her.

  Chapter Six

  Skye stood in front of the mirror in her room staring at herself in the bright yellow, yet gorgeous, gown. She took a moment to marvel at the fact of how much her life had changed in the past year. She had gone from being basically an orphan to having her parent’s full time. She went from feeling completely out of control in her life to feeling as if she could take on the world if she had to.

  Skye sighed as she thought of her other change. She was single, but then fell in love with a demon whom she gave her body and heart to, only to have it broken. She mourned him every day for the longest time. Skye had to admit, at least to herself, she still mourned the death of that relationship. She knew as her first love he would always have a place in her heart. Skye also knew that her heart was starting to mend and Mike may have something to do with that.

  “It’s time.” she whispered to herself. Skye grabbed the lily sitting on the table and pinned it in her hair. A small black lace veil came down the side of her face only slightly. She had to appreciate that her mother allowed her to have some black on at least.

  “Look at you!” Buck said from behind her. She spun around and rolled her eyes with a smile.

  “It makes mom happy.” Skye explained. He nodded looking her over.

  “Well you are quite the vision. Exquisitely beautiful.” He winked playfully.

  “Oh Buck you’d best behave.” Skye laughed.

  “Hey I know a hot girl when I see one, but no one takes the place of my sexy woman downstairs.” Skye was happy to hear him say it. Kel deserved to be treated like a queen and she finally had someone doing it, demon or not.

  “Well, thank you.” Skye did a small curtsy and almost fell over. Buck grabbed her arm stabilizing her.

  “Don’t do that.” he said with a laugh.

  “I’ve been practicing but these heels are hell on my feet. How do girls wear these evil contraptions?” Skye muttered while she straightened herself out.

  “I know your mom will be busting with pride to see you and I think it’s great you want her happy. My question is, are you happy?” he asked cautiously.

  “I am.” Skye said letting a small breath out. “I’m not over the freaking moon about wearing yellow,” she said sticking her tongue out, “but it is Belle’s dress so I can’t complain too much.”

  “Your date is downstairs waiting on you. I volunteered to come get you.” Skye raised an eyebrow at the statement.

  “Why you?”

  “Because I’m not afraid to piss you off and tell you to hurry the hell up that everyone’s waiting on you.” He smiled his ‘eat shit’ grin. Skye flipped him off, but then slipped her arm through his.

  “You’re helping me to not fall on my ass going downstairs, right?” Buck laughed but obliged her. They walked slowly down the stairs together. Once near the bottom everyone came into sight.

  They were standing around dressed up in their amazing gowns and Gary dressed in his suit, looking like a handsome king which made Skye smile. Her mother was in a bright peach gown, looking lovely as ever, with a huge smile plastered on her face.

  Skye’s eyes then met with Mike’s and the look on his face was priceless. He was looking at her as if she were the most beautiful girl in the world. At that moment Skye felt it.

  Mike walked to the bottom of the staircase and took her hand gently in his own. He took the small corsage he had and slipped it onto her wrist. Skye giggled and looked into his questioning eyes.

  “I feel like we are going to prom.” Skye answered his unspoken question.

  “We skipped our prom so maybe this is our way of making that up.” Mike said.

  “I think this will be better though. No snobby preppy girls there to annoy me.” Skye paused and wondered if that were true.

  “I’m sure it will be wonderful.” Mike said quickly before she could put more thought into the matter. He didn’t want her even more nervous about the ball than she already was.

  “I’m with my favorite people so I know it will be.” Skye said looking around the room.

  Kel and Buck were arm in arm looking into each other’s eyes happily. Gary and Cloud were proudly watching their daughter. The love and acceptance surrounding her was almost overwhelming after a lifetime of being alone.

  “I’m the luckiest girl ever.” Skye whispered.

  “I believe that’s me actually.” Mike said. Skye looked at him and couldn’t resist laughing.

  “So you are the luckiest girl ever, huh?” Mike squinted playfully at her and wrapped his arm around her hugging her to his body.

  “Funny girl. You know what I mean.” He kissed her head then turned to her family.

  “Are you ready?” Cloud asked in her cheerful voice. Skye nodded, but her nerves were not on board with leaving yet. Skye ignored the natural impulse she had to run away and forced herself out the door with her family.

  Chapter Seven

  The enormous castle came into view before they were even close to it. Skye had never seen any building as tall or wide as the castle. It was lit up with so many bright colors. It looked more beautiful than she could have imagined.

  As they neared the castle more people crossed their path. She had met several of her parents’ friends but had not yet been out in society around so many people. Gary warned her that everyone was curious to meet her. She didn’t truly believe that statement until she noticed how many people couldn’t help but stare at her.

  They all smiled looking friendly with kind eyes towards her. It calmed her slightly that they seemed to approve of her, but she wondered how they would have accepted her had she worn her usual clothes, the clothes she sorely missed.

  Mike looked into her eyes with a huge smile across his face. Skye couldn’t help but smile back at him. He seemed so positive about everything. She needed that in her life. She needed him to be the Yin to her Yang.

  Just before they made it to the castle doors Mike stopped her, pulling her into his arms. Skye looked at him questioningly, but waited for him to speak.

  “They all believe we are still engaged.” he said. Skye’s eyes went wide for a moment then she nodded.

  “Of course they do. They don’t know anything about my real life do they?” Skye questioned.

  “Only the basics. We can tell them that we are only just dating and we are not engaged if you want to. I just didn’t…” he lost his words. Skye took a deep breath then shook her head slightly.

  “It’s a special night. I can play the dutiful princess that is going to marry her adorable elf boyfriend. Are you okay with all of this? Since it’s…” he spoke up finishing for her.

  “It’s not real. I’m fine. I have
you. Our future isn’t written in stone. We may not be completely lying about what is going to come in our future. Besides I’d have to be an idiot to not stand proudly by your side.” Skye rolled her eyes at him.

  “I may be a princess here but I’m still me. I’m Skye. I’m the girl who loves to wear ripped and torn black clothes. I’m the girl who rides bikes and skateboards. I’m still me. I’m playing the princess part for my family.” Mike nodded to her words.

  “You are still the Skye I fell in love with.” He kissed her lips softly then took her hand in his own and led her inside the castle. Skye plastered a flawless smile on her face. She hoped it wouldn’t be too long of a night.

  Chapter Eight

  Mike held Skye in his arms as they danced slowly around the ballroom. Skye tilted her head back and laughed happily. The sound made Mike’s stomach tighten. He was relieved to see she had loosened up and was having fun. She had been nervous and reserved at first. Soon after though, she was able to just be herself.

  He pulled her close to him and looked deeply into her bright beautiful eyes. He knew she was what he wanted in his life. He loved her and knew she had feelings for him, yet she didn’t love him. His heart clenched at the painful thought.

  Skye leaned her head against his chest and relaxed in his arms. He let out a sigh of contentment. He knew she cared for him and that was enough for him for now. He would get her to fall in love with him. Mike knew she only needed some time. He was willing to give her anything she needed.

  “Mike?” Skye’s voice interrupted his thoughts.


  “Thanks for tonight. I don’t think I could have done this without you.” She raised her head and looked at him. “My parents seem so happy and that’s all I wanted.” She glanced towards her parents who were also slow dancing on the floor.


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