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The Haunting of Annabelle

Page 4

by Carl East

  “What made you take advantage of me while I slept, Richard?” she said with eyes down, pointing the gadget towards him once again.

  At first, Richard didn’t move forward to speak. He stayed where he was until he saw Annabelle’s eyes turn up towards him once again. She saw his face was earnest, and Annabelle was sure that if she could see his cheeks properly, they’d be blushing. Then he spoke.

  “I have missed the contact of a woman, the embrace and closeness one can only get from the intimacy of being together. I knew it was wrong, which is why I did it while you were asleep and I apologize.”

  “Apology accepted. I just wish you’d allowed me the privilege of actually knowing you first. That’s not to say I would’ve allowed it anyway. I have to tell you though, that I’ve never experienced anything so intense in all my life. Um…if I asked, would you…do it again?” she said, not quite believing she’d said it.

  At that moment, the clouds blocked the moonlight from streaming into the room, and Richard faded away.

  Chapter 16

  In that moment, she felt the bed dip down and the covers were pulled away. Annabelle unconsciously reached for them, and then hesitated. Shortly thereafter, they were gone and she was exposed. She lay there looking around the room, and then felt her breasts being touched. At this point, she closed her eyes, and then felt the unmistakable feeling of a mouth covering her right nipple. She opened her eyes and looking down, she saw and felt her nipple being moved and squeezed.

  Then there was a break in the clouds and moonlight lit up the room. Annabelle saw Richard covering her body and pulling her nipple between his phantom teeth. She was tempted to reach a hand down but knew that she wouldn’t feel anything of substance. The break in cloud cover was soon gone and Annabelle watched as Richard’s figure faded away once more.

  She was overwhelmed at the feeling of his lips working their way down to her stomach. Small nips were taken at various places and a wet tongue came back to soothe the spot. Teeth gently grabbed at the tuft of hair atop her mound, and she gasped at the feeling of a nose tickling her belly button. Seconds later the lips drifted away and Annabelle felt hands grasping her legs to move them apart. She tensed, not knowing what to expect, when suddenly she felt a broad tongue licking her womanhood. She let out a sigh of pleasure and unconsciously raised her hips to intensify the pleasure. Large hands grasped her buttocks and the tongue slid over her clitoris to send waves of pleasure up through her body. She felt his lips sucking at the small fold of protective skin.

  “Oh God, oh yes…please don’t stop,” she whimpered.

  Her eyes opened to see the full moons light bathing the room, and she looked down to see Richard’s head sliding back and forth between her legs. The sensation was driving her crazy with lust and she wished she could pull him into her closer. Just then, a flash of lightning illuminated the bedroom followed by the sound of distant thunder. A storm was approaching. She knew that her mysterious lover would fade away from her sight when the thunderclouds passed beneath the moon. When Richard faded away this time, Annabelle didn’t expect to see him again that night, but the pleasure he was giving her continued. A movement on the bed and then she felt her legs being spread as the mattress dipped. He was changing position and Annabelle opened her legs wide because she knew what was coming next. Suddenly a broad velvet head was at her moist entrance and she felt it part her womanly lips and forcefully slide its way in.

  She was so wet at that moment but even so, the fit was extremely tight. She gripped the pillow at her head as Richard pushed his impossibly full member deep inside her. She pushed forward as he pushed to meet her and then she felt powerful hands underneath her body as she rose off the bed. Anyone watching this event would have sworn that Annabelle was now floating in midair with nothing holding her up, but she knew better.

  Suddenly, she was in a sitting position a foot above the bed with Richard still inside her, and with a powerful grip, he started to raise her up and down, working to penetrate her faster. She looked down her front but could only see the bed, and as she started to climax, there was a loud clap of thunder that drowned out her scream of ecstasy. Repeatedly, she rode his member and after reaching her second explosive climax, they drifted down— still joined—onto the bed.

  She was gasping for breath when he pulled his still rigid member from her and invisible hands lifted her to her knees. She felt him behind her, strong hands holding her waist as he invaded her body once more. He reached down, covering her with his body, and she felt his fingers cupping her breasts as he began to move. Oh, the sensation of someone making love to her from behind, and turning to see no one there, was the strangest feeling she’d ever experienced. The thoughts coursing through her mind made her dizzy; she’d never believed that ghosts could interact with the living let alone communicate.

  She also knew that if she ever told anyone what had happened to her she’d be committed. She gritted her teeth and gripped the pillow once again, as Richard picked up speed. Her buttocks were being moved with each forward push, but the accompanying slap of thigh hitting buttock was missing. When she came again, he must have sensed it, for suddenly she could feel the object inside pick up speed and then pulsate as if ejaculating. She was still trying to catch her breath when she felt the coolness of his body leaving hers and she slumped to the bed.

  After several minutes she turned onto her back and looked around the bedroom, she could see no one. Then she felt something touch her leg and knew that he was still there.

  It was raining very hard outside and after composing her thoughts, Annabelle reached again for her gadget.

  “Richard, I don’t know what to say. That was incredibly fulfilling and I only hope that it was as pleasurable for you.”

  She turned on the machine still looking at and around the bed but could not see him. Turning it off and rewinding she hoped that he hadn’t left. His voice was faint but there was a reply.

  “You have the most beautiful body and it gave me more pleasure in death than I have ever experienced in life. My only hope is that you will let me make love to you again—soon,” he whispered.

  Her heart skipped a beat and she wondered where they would go from here. There was something she needed to know.

  “Richard, do you want me to notify the authorities regarding your wife? You’ll have closure once that’s done and you’ll be able to cross over?” she said, before turning it on.

  “I believe so,” was his response. “I’ve been alone for a long time and until now, had nothing in my life but vengeance to keep me here.”

  They talked for a while after that, and Annabelle recorded all the information he gave her for the authorities. Her eyes were heavy when she felt his hands gently pull the covers in place. She held her breath when she felt him slide in behind her and enclose her in his arms. She fell asleep that way, feeling cherished for the first time in her life.

  Chapter 17

  Annabelle was walking the catwalk once again in New York. She enjoyed the attention and perks but knew deep down that this would be the last time. The flash of the cameras lit up the room and the dress she wore sparkled from the lights reflecting on it. She didn’t hear the comments from the designer or his assistants about her glowing complexion. The murmurs of the crowded gallery on her special appearance she didn’t hear either. Soon the shoot was over, and as usual, there were drinks for the models in the changing room. Annabelle had made the decision that this would be the opportune time to tell everyone what her plans for the future were.

  “Ok girls, I believe our very own Annabelle wishes to say a few words,” said the premier designer Annabelle had always admired.

  The room went quiet.

  “Thank you Michael. First of all I’d like to say it has always been a pleasure working for you. You and your assistants have always treated me with respect and appreciation for the jobs that I have done. Girls, it’s been a pleasure working with you also, but I believe my time has come.”

l people began to speak and object but Michael nodded with understanding, and held his hands up for silence. Annabelle continued.

  “I’m thirty-five now and feel that it’s time for a change of careers, so I’m stepping down.” She reached out gently to touch his cheek, “Michael, you’ve been an inspiration to me and a guiding hand throughout my career and for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.” Leaning over she kissed his cheek and turned back to the girls. “I hope you all have the same opportunities in your careers as I did. I hope you find the happiness that comes from hard work and just being the best you can be,” she smiled through the tears slipping down her face.

  Michael led the applause and they gathered around to wish her well. It was hard for Annabelle to leave that day, but as she closed the door, she knew another life awaited her.

  Later at the police station, she spoke to a detective, conveying to him the information that Richard had passed on to her. When asked how she came by this information, she explained her purchase of the estate and how she came by her conclusions. She kept the details of Richard’s contribution to herself. She just told them that he’d come to her in a dream and informed her of where his wife could be located. Of course this was all taken down, but hardly any of it was believed. However, police policy was to take any new leads seriously and follow up on the investigation. Annabelle wondered what they would think if she’d told them the absolute truth.

  After all that, Annabelle had errands to run, pick up more clothes from her condominium and let her housekeeper know that she’d be away for a while. She’d decided to keep the property as she still had numerous friends in the city and would like to be able to visit occasionally. The condo was an investment, and if she decided, she would easily be able to rent it out. The area she lived in was in high demand and she could command a premium price.

  She informed a few close neighbors of her plans and gave them the telephone number and address of the estate where she could be reached. Saying her goodbyes was unexpectedly tearful for all of them. She consoled them and herself, that once the estate was completed, they could come for the grand opening.

  Annabelle’s agent was resigned to her decision and the plans she had made. He wished her well and advised her to keep in touch. By mid-afternoon, she was boarding the train once again and on the way to her new home.

  Chapter 18

  By the time she arrived in the country, she felt tired but elated. Driving the road to her house she couldn’t help being excited to see if Richard was still there. Running up the steps and turning the key, she called out that she was home, but of course she didn’t get a response.

  She’d have to wait until dark before she let her hopes slowly sink. She was informed by the police that they did locate his wife in a nearby state. However, they wouldn’t say what the charges would be until a full investigation was conducted. Not knowing what effect this would have on Richard, she continued to hope that she would see him again.

  Taking the travel case up to the owner’s suite, she took a warm shower, which relaxed the tired muscles in her body. Yawning, she crawled into bed and sighed at the softness of the sheets and finally settled down for a quick nap.

  She was woken later by a sound, but when she looked, she saw nothing. Turning her gaze to the window she tried to determine the time but the sky was already dark. She must have been asleep for several hours and then the realization struck her.

  “Richard, are you here? Do you want something?” she said, quickly putting the recorder on.

  She waited for a few seconds and then started the machine to play back.

  “My wife has been arrested, and I am free to leave this plane of existence. I expect the doorway to open up any time now, and wanted to thank you and say goodbye before leaving.”

  “You’re welcome Richard. I hope you find peace,” she replied with sadness in her voice.

  As luck would have it, the sky was clear and Annabelle knew that as soon as it got dark, the last full moon of this month would be shining its light through her window.

  “Are there any people you know on the other side that will be waiting for you?”

  “My mother and father I hope, but I don’t fully know what awaits me,” he replied into the machine.

  Minutes later, the full moon came from behind the only large cloud in the sky, and shone its light into the room. Richard’s outline appeared and Annabelle could suddenly see him clearly. Her eyes met his and she smiled tearfully as she saw the concern in his face.

  “I hate to leave you this way,” he said and suddenly reached out for her.

  She stepped forward hoping to grasp his hands when he was suddenly surrounded by a shimmering light. His body managed to cover the bright light invading the room and grasping her hands, he turned to the light.

  Annabelle tried to see what he was staring at but the light was so bright. His one arm surrounded her shoulder, and at first she couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary, but then it opened wider and she could just make out the outline of an oval door that was slowly opening.

  The intense brightness of this light seemed to affect Richard more than the moonlight. His body came sharply into focus and as his lips moved, she began to hear him speak.

  “It’s so beautiful Annabelle, and I can see my parents waiting for me,” he said, and he tightened his arm around her shoulder.

  She felt his fingers in hers and Annabelle smiled. She could feel the warmth of the light spread throughout her body, a type of warmth she’d never experienced before. Richard turned his face back to hers and placed a kiss on her lips. He began to pull her towards the opening door, saying that he wanted her to see what he was seeing.

  Annabelle wasn’t sure about this, but she was in love with him and couldn’t resist his lead. They stood at the edge of the opening and they positioned their heads across the threshold. Beyond was a brilliant white light and at the far end were her grandparents waving frantically to her. Her golden retriever, Hone was racing towards her. Annabelle’s face lit up with joy and she began to take a step forward, when suddenly Richard stopped her.

  He turned her away from the threshold with hands tight on her shoulders.

  “You can’t come with me,” he said. “It’s not your time.”

  “But I love you,” Annabel replied, trying to push her way forward.

  “I beg you, no. I love you too much to allow you to do this. It wouldn’t be right,” he said forcefully.

  Shaking her shoulders, he forced her to look at him and she knew he would never let her enter into the light with him. Looking in his eyes, the tears streamed down her face when his forehead touched hers.

  “We’ll meet again,” he whispered. “Time passes quickly where you are and before you know it, we’ll be together again. I have it on the highest authority.”

  With one last kiss, he released her shoulders and walked away—and the door suddenly disappeared. She was alone again.

  Six months later

  Annabelle was finally happy again. She’d made a successful transition from being a model to owning a wonderful property. The grand opening of her bed-and-breakfast went off without a hitch. She’d been booked solid these past months and looked forward to the transition of the seasons. Fall would arrive with the changing of the leaves from green to amber, and soon after, the snow would arrive. She was sitting in the library next to the fireplace when she heard the front door open.

  Footsteps on the marble brought her out of the chair she was sitting in and she left the room heading to the entrance.

  “Hi, have you got a room available for a couple of nights?” a male voice asked.

  She was scanning the reservations and then began to reply. She then lifted her head, putting on a smile. Her voice trailed off as the book slipped through her fingers.

  “We have one left...”

  “Is something wrong?” he said, coming quickly to her side.

  Annabelle stood there in shock, unable to comprehend what she was seei
ng. It was Richard—standing before her.

  He leaned forward and placed a hand on her shoulder trying to steady her stance.

  She looked at his fingers on her shoulder and raised her face to whisper, “Oh no, I’m sorry, it’s just that you remind me of someone that used to live here,” still unable to stop staring.

  “That’s funny, that’s exactly why I’m here. You see, I’ve recently been tracing my ancestry, and I discovered that a cousin lived here a long time ago. I thought I’d check the place out and see if I could find out anything about him, it’s always fascinated me to see where the family originated.”

  She managed to gather her composure and said, “I’d be happy to tell you all you need to know, perhaps I could join you later for a meal and I’ll fill you in.”

  “That would be wonderful,” he replied.

  “In the meantime, would you please follow me? I’ll need your name and address here in the registry book,” she said.

  She silently watched him as he completed the paperwork and credit card information. After that, she called one of her assistants to take him up to his room.

  Annabelle turned the book around to face her. His name was Richard Granger.

  The End


  About the Author

  I was born in Hull, England. I’ve been writing for some years now mainly for the pleasure of it all but with the advent of self-publishing I’ve entered a whole new world. I hope you enjoy my stories as much as I enjoyed writing them. If so I’d love to read a review from you just to show me that you did at least enjoy the story.

  Discover other titles by Carl East at

  Title 1 – Hell’s Gate


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