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The Dhampir Dimension

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by Viktoria Alukard

  © 2018 Viktoria Alukard. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system , without permission in writing from the publisher. ISBN 978-1-54394-799-1 eBook 978-1-54394-800-4




















  A message from the author:

  Welcome to the world of Viktoria Alukard. I was born in October 1989 and raised in Texas, before heading out in 2008 to pursue a career in the United States Navy as an Electrician’s Mate, where so far, ten years later, I have attained the rank of, and am currently an EM1, stationed on the west coast in Southern California.

  As you delve deep into the universe of The Dhampir Dimension, you will become familiar with the protagonists, the polarizing vampire “dhampir”, Enttu Tepes, and the magnetizing human female, Regina Avelino-Brighton, later assuming the role and personality of her alter-ego, Tesla. What is special about these very two characters in specific, is that I have conjured their existence within my mind since 2007 when I was graduating high school in my junior year. They were part of another series I would have published by now, had I not given up the belief in myself and decided to delete a 300-plus page document. That was unfortunate, and least to say, highly unwise. Well, somewhere in early 2018, we will say, late February, they danced out of my subconscious into my third eye and once again, in the depths of my depression I was dealing with, they ignited the passion in me to write once more, and to reincarnate their existence onto paper. And this this time, they came back, revamped, and this time, here to stay, immortalized in my heart, and I am very positive, also soon in yours, the reader of this book.

  I can genuinely and unabashedly tell the world, that even in my times of despair, loss of hope, and even tactile happiness, what always kept the drive pulsating in my veins, besides obviously, my close family, has always been my vampires. Enjoy or despise this book, from my mind and heart, to the universe, and blessed be!

  -V. Alukard, 2018.

  A Special, Heartfelt and Sincere List of Persons to Whom I Owe My Gratitude, and some of you inspired the characters contained herein:

  My mother, Julia, for always being open minded, open hearted, and my anchor and light to keep pushing me towards all my successes in this astral plane.

  My son Luke, my pride, and joy, and keeping me in touch with my inner child, and imagination.

  My father, Victor, who always worked very hard to provide for us, and none of this would be possible had you not have been around in our lives. You are our rock. <3

  Yvette Hernandez and Marlene Diaz, my sisters, who painted my childhood with the abundant colors of joy, happiness, fun, cheer, sunlight, laughter, and the gold of our close bond, thicker than blood.

  My sister, Melanie P., for the awesome memories in high school together. You were always the one person who always understood me and never ever judged me, and you are an amazing friend and mother.

  Liz Garcia, from the Controversial Bookstore in San Diego. Your positivity and belief in me and this book were the catalyst, baby girl! It was written in the stars. And everyone at the Controversial Bookstore in San Diego!

  To Jake and Ashley “Boston” Contois, my 90’s party gang, going on excursions for unicorn Slurpee’s, trips to the beach, Avenged Sevenfold, east coast pizza, Red Sox, basically emulating all things Boston, and being amazing, lifelong friends. I love and miss you both dearly.

  From the Military-

  USS Kearsarge Family:

  To CDR Denise Davis, for the tough love, and ultimately, an example of strong woman to emulate. To EM1 Carla Berry (RET), for those awesome times in EE01. To EMCM Christopher Feye, the “daddy” to us young mindless heathens in E-Division who never failed to kindly put us in our place, but so nicely, we didn’t even know you were cussing us out. To EM1 Joy Hockenberry for your leadership and guidance. To EM1 Shaun Joseph, for the companionship, the acceptance, the “truth bombs” though you always meant well, for being very relatable, and a listening ear. To EM1 Grant Patterson, for the blessed memories, and your kind heart and selflessness I had the fortune of knowing. To EM1 Melody Measharvey, a very young but very inspiring, tough as nails chick. To EM2 Nuvaro Shavers for all the sound advice from your wise ass. To EM2 Quang-Vu Le, for the help and great food, and the morning Vietnamese coffee that made EE04 a tolerable place to work at. To MMCS E.J. Falcon, my forever sea dad, for the times down in forward pit that are unforgettable, and always looking out for your Sailors and those you cared about. THUNDERSTRUCK! To MM1 John MacDonald, MM1 Dustin Connor, MM1 Matt Richards, MM2 Haley Jane Cassina, and MM2 Kenneth Jeter, and everyone else in the forward and aft pits from 2008-2013. To sparkies’ Daniel Strickland, Luke Jones, and Stefan Mocanu, I will never forget you.

  COMLCSRON ONE Family: 2014-2017

  GSCM Jay Lusung, for being a strong and benevolent leader who truly cared of the wellbeing of us all. To EMCS (RET) Patrick J. Ernst, for your blessing to me that ultimately paved the way for the future blessings in the Navy, and for kicking my ass when I needed it, thank you so much for your faith and friendship. To GSMC Jim Mazon, my chief, for being a nice guy overall and never running out of patience with me. To EMC Carlo Magno Gallardo-Hugo, for taking me under your wing and was there even at my worst, you are a loyal friend and mentor. To EMC Marie Lou Dalby, such a hardworking and pretty lady, a breakthrough in the world of Naval engineering, and one of my many inspirations, you have accomplished so much at so young! To BMC Allen Soto, EMC Lidia Dorame, and EMC Jessica Henry. You guys are more than just a Chief, you are all amazing human beings! To my partners in crime, GSEC Cody Street, and to ABH1(RET) Ralph Ferrer, my all-time favorite Filipino. All those times we went out for lunch to Jollibee, driving fast in Ralph’s Subaru, going to hang out with Cody and his family, and Wispy always along for the ride, are beautifully engrained in my memory, and it was truly the highlight of my time there. To my sparky sister, EM1 Jessica Buchanan, for your contagious charisma and radiating beauty that lights up the room, no pun intended. To Taylor Harrell, April Duncanson, and Shamar Sims, my girlfriends and lunch buddies from the command.

  Finally, my friend, mentor, soul sister, and a primary example of what a strong and gorgeous military mother looks like, LSC Raquel Pingeton. In rain or shine, I know I can always count on you, and even today. You are indispensable in this world.

  USS San Diego, 2017-present:

  To EMC Cody Guidry, for your resourcefulness, your altruism for the sake and well-being of E-DIV.

  To EM1 Jia Lu, for your friendship and troubleshooting expertise. You are a delight to work with and more than just a leader, you are a great person to be around. Thank you for all the electrical knowledge I learned from you, the spam musubi and rice parties for lunch, and the scary movie nights in EE02.

To EM1 Kentrell Wells, for the relaxed, optimistic vibes you brought into our lives and always lightened our moods, and to IC1 Buck Wallace, for your sense of humor that clicked so well with mine, and you taking the time and patience to truly understand and getting to know me.

  For everyone in EE02 for making it bearable, and for the good, bad, and great times.

  To Leslie Granadeno, you are a very precious and beautiful soul, never forget how much you’re worth, no price tag on you! To “Boats” Brandon Shaw. To April Lynne Murillo, for never fading away <3

  Finally, to Jessica Roza, Kristel Smith, Jeannie Hackett, Brogan Layne, and the ever-expanding MCN family. Thank you all, and I am proud to know you.

  -Love, Viktoria, formerly, but in my heart, and in y’all’s, always and forever, an EM for life!



  The body cloaked in a black cape was still twitching in agony, in a crimson, viscous pool of blood reflecting the moonlight, with his mouth open slack to the firmament. It was a freezing, blustery night, so cold that the gusts of wind burned the snow trekker’s cheekbones. All he remembered was a thin, slender blue hand pulling him up from the ground, and then vanishing in a swift evanescence, with no memory as to how he had suddenly got there, or the body of the dead man lying next to him. He exhaled a visible breath into the night, not being able to feel his lips anymore. The frozen white diamonds from the moonlight reflecting off the glistening snow lay before his path into the pine forest outside of his city, as he painfully treaded on through, clutching his side where he had been shot right through the liver and in the lower back. He had also been staked through his chest, but the wound had since then coagulated. It took a lot to kill this superhuman, lone survivor.

  He continued his path into the pine trees topped with layers of snow from the fall the day before and kept on his path until he reached a circle on the ground made of laid out pine branches and needles with a form of an upward crescent moon at the bottom of the pine circle, that made the night air smell like freshly axed evergreen. He sat on the tail of his cape that look very much like the dead man’s and began to meditate in the middle of the forest circle. It wasn’t long before his body began to sway on its own from his own heartbeat, and a rush of energy, from his base all the way up to his crown chakras coursed through his body. It created a tingling, euphoric sensation, where he was weightless. When he opened his eyes, he was in shock at his own success.

  Before him, there was a staircase made of marble, and everything around him was a tinge of blue that darkened everything around him, which when he took a good look at around his ambient, there were no longer pine trees nor the forest, nor the burning city on the distance. The circle he was in a moment ago was now a glowing circle made of golden light beneath his feet. The grand staircase in front of him invited him to climb up its steps when the edges of the steps lit up with electric blue light, illuminating a path of about one hundred steps, that started off normally, but then winded sideways and upside down the further up the path led forth to. He ascended the first ten steps before the stairway winded in an upside-down spiral, with nothing but an abyss, with all the Universe’s stars, constellations, and galaxies below the stairs where he would fall eternally if he made one wrong step.

  “There are no laws of gravity on this dimension” a faint voice that was not his mind reminded him.

  He was curious as to know if this was a telepathic message, as he was very in-tune to know this thought wasn’t his. A gut feeling sinking to his stomach made his gaze look left out of his peripheral very slowly at a blur that on the left corner of a platform before the spiral stairs. When he slowly turned his head, he stared in awe at horror at the two oversized and abysmal black eyes staring back at him, one of those “watchers” as they were known to him, was the conveyor of the telepathic message. The watchers were harmless creatures from all over the Universe that could be seen on this dimension or higher, from what he had learned in textbooks, from but were nevertheless hideous, even to someone who’s diet was mainly blood.

  “Go on” the watcher silently conveyed, and he went on, hoping to not run into any more of them. As he walked his way through the upside-down spiral staircase, he noticed how neither his cape nor his waist-length silver hair had fallen upside down. Gravity really did not apply to this place he was in, to the destination he was getting to. On other seemingly normal stairways in which the steps were upright, his trench and his hair flew straight up, as if he had been upside down. Nothing made sense here and at the same time it did, not that he minded because the view was spectacular on the way to the golden glass palace ahead about half a mile into the distance. Galaxies and nebulas surrounded him everywhere, with breathtaking supernovas occurring in his present time, and pink and blue tailed comets zipping by very close to him. A Saturn-like planet that was a green color was so close, he could almost reach out and touch the planetary rings, and above him, unidentified aircrafts flew high above, with a glittering array and a rainbow of colors that twinkled from their undercarriages. He had only seen these types of crafts before in dreams or astral projections. The galactic sky was a black and speckled with neon gases that ranged from blue, to violet, to greens and golds.

  The last stairway before reaching the glass palace, the steps below him were made of transparent glass, and then finally he had arrived at the gold slabs with crescent moons that were the gates, where two white-winged guards with gold skin and golden hair awaited. They looked at each other then looked at him. He bowed down in reverence to them.

  “You may enter” said one of the guards, and the gold slabs opened, and he proceeded into an outside cosmic court, where the entire floor was made of glass of a living blue color that glowed, strangely, with no source of light beneath it. He saw the Grand Moon Goddess in the gazebo, staring melancholically back at him, she in a simple white sleeveless gown made of silk, chiffon, and strings of light. She had seemed as if she was already awaiting his arrival. He bowed down to her again and set down a stone made of selenite at her feet.

  “My Goddess Selene,”

  “My dear child,” she said in such a melodic voice that echoed through the vast walls of the courtyard, with a gentle deepness in her tone of a sage, “You very well know that it is not your time yet. Other than that, without being cleared by Alucard or Sekhmet, I can’t allow you to stay. You have a task, from Sekhmet and I.”

  The projecting man bowed his head down to the Goddess, before she gently cupped his face with her delicate hands and thin blue fingers, to comfort him, and keep him from delving too deep into sorrow. He looked straight into the Goddess’s violet eyes with such tragedy, it even pierced her soul, as she was in a very metaphysical way, a mother by design.

  “I know the pain you carry, and that you will carry. But I never neglect my children, believe in me.”

  Her voice echoed poetically, handing him a crystal dagger made of the same living blue material as the floor tiles. He took the cold dagger, as she cupped her small blue hands around his, hers being ice cold, and his…surprisingly warm.

  “You will succeed my child, and that doubt you have in your mind…you already know the truth, all you have to do is see it for yourself”

  He knew exactly what she meant, but still the words came out of him in agony and vain, the painful question he already knew the answer to,

  “Are Nayeru and Vanya here?”

  Selene looked at him disconcerted, “You will not meet them in here just yet, you haven’t died. You know that by the laws of the Universe you are still immortal unless you are to face the wrath of daylight,”

  “So then, why are my wife and daughter dead?” the man inquired, with a deep solemnity to his voice, as he painfully swallowed a lump of emotion back to the pit of his stomach.

  “Your time to go and dwell here is not now. You are going to go back, and you will find your purpose and the answers on everything you must accompl
ish. By laws of humanity, all of us are a damned species, and even through our efforts and merits of peace with the humans, including your wife whom I know she was everything to you, we are condemned to be the left hand of God, of this Universe. That dagger in your hands…it will be your saving grace. You know I am always with you. You and the rest of the Selenians have always been very loyal for centuries, and I know I will never be betrayed by you, unlike the Dragul, who had a chance and the mercy to become a part of a divine realm. Instead they willingly chose to be sentients of Dracula, who is no more than a puppet of Basilisk, whom they keep provoking and invoking with the currents of negative energy that surround their ever-quarrelling atmosphere. That dagger is made of cosmic material of the stars and moon, a true bane to evil. Use it wisely, Enttu, I am sending you back,”

  “Selene…” he barely let out her name, before clouds of blue light formed out of nothingness and began to gently swirl around him, strands of his platinum mane partially covering his eyes.

  Selene stood graciously with her arms outstretched to the sky with her eyes shut, speaking in an unrecognizable tongue, that created a wind that ruffled her silk white and gold sleeveless gown and her long, sleek lavender hair.

  “Lord Alucard!” she commanded into the air, and out of thin air, from somewhere in the cosmos that danced above, the strike of an elusive singing bowl was the last thing heard or remembered, for an unknown amount of time that may have as well amounted to eons.

  CH. 1


  “Today, in the year of our lord 1894, we, the citizens of Meytros, and only one Meytros for us all, celebrate the end of every single last Tepes roaming around Romania, they have been killed off, from both clans of whatever they called themselves. A vampire is a vampire and vampires are no more!” shouted a priest robed in a long black tunic that reached his feet, with red piping down the middle. It was the 24th of December to be exact, and the snowfall turned the city of Meytros into a winter wonderland, with white diamonds of the moon reflecting off the blankets of snow on the ground and rooftops, which illuminated the city.


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