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The Dhampir Dimension

Page 44

by Viktoria Alukard

  “Pathetic,” he growled at her in a triple voice akin to a demonic possession.

  Vanya’s face darkened with fear, at how her father could have survived the bullets of daylight, given his vampiric weaknesses to sunlight. He slashed her with his claws just enough to cut into the surface of the skin on her face, which left it marred with four long incisions that cut one of her eyelids. She screamed out loud, enraged by pain, as he licked her blood off his claws, needing to feed again. He wasn’t expecting the blood memories that came with drinking his own daughter’s blood, and he was taken aback by the horror when it soon turned out to be more than he bargained for.

  An image of cages full of crying children and women appeared, and then he saw his very own daughter pawning them off to sick criminals and pedophiles in exchange for large sums and briefcases full of money. What Enttu never dared to do for his own psyche was to drink the blood of pedophiles, because he couldn’t stand the thought of these sick individuals harming innocent children, and the images of their crimes would have driven him to commit suicide by sunlight. He had a call to answer to. So, as it turned out, his own daughter Vanya was one of the culprits behind the human trafficking and missing young girls in Bucharest, that the Supernatural Unit was left to solve these cold cases. The images took another sick twist, when she saw Vanya torturing a young woman with wavy long blonde hair that was strapped down to a steel bed. She jammed IV needles into the veins on her wrists, and the tubes carried her blood into a container that resembled a soft drink fountain, except full of blood. She cursed weakly at Vanya, who left her strapped to the bed as she bled out into the container.

  “My brother would have never let you keep on living! Enttu will avenge me!”

  Vibekka. His dear sister, the one who didn’t condone violence and had gone off away to escape the wars that ravaged their existence. Vanya had done away with her own aunt, Enttu’s beloved younger sister. The last image he had seen of this scene was when Vanya shut the door to a cobblestone building in the middle of nowhere. He caught a glimpse of a green street sign before a single lane highway that read “Andreasson Road” posted directly above an American-designed stop sign.

  Sekhmet had come for Vanya, as the reanimated vampire who resembled the perfect demonic combination of the ancestor and the descendent that she dubbed “Enttucard” finished absorbing the blood memories. Vanya choked Sekhmet, and kicked her in the stomach repeatedly, feeling the frequency of the tiny heartbeat that she hoped to terminate violently.

  “He was never a good father to me, so he won’t be one to your children either. You’ll thank me later!” Vanya sneered, as she held a throwing knife over Regina’s flattened, lower abdomen, subdued from her strength. Even Sekhmet was struggling against the girl, because Basilisk’s influence was strong. Regina got the hint from her hatred-fueled dialogue that she had unexplainably become pregnant with Enttu’s child, even after she took a contraceptive on the two occasions of their sexual encounters. She tried to kick Vanya off, but it was too late when the other girl lifted her arm to give her the torque to drive the blade right through her belly, injuring her and murdering her unborn baby. She closed her eyes tightly as the tip of the blade punctured the skin of her belly, before a sudden wet warmth splashed all over her face, neck, and chest.

  She screamed out loud, thinking that the blade had gone through her, she opened her eyes to the surprise of a decapitated and twitching corpse of Vanya, spurting blood through the hole in her neck. Enttu, who had partially taken on the appearance of Alucard, held his own daughter’s severed head dripping with blood in one hand, and held his bloody katana in the other. He shoved the body aside, and he tossed her severed head over the side, into the black hole around the obelisk down below.

  When he went to Regina’s side, he helped her onto her feet, and his arms slipped around her waist as his tongue shoved between her welcoming lips in a languorous, passionate kiss. Their hard appearances from the influence of the demi-gods had softened to that of their normal immortal selves, as Sekhmet and Alucard slumbered in their minds until dusk was to come.

  “I love you,” he whispered to her.

  His hand moved down to her belly, where he felt the first initial vibrations of the tiny life that had survived the first battle of the many to come, and he kissed her even harder, gripping her in his arms so tightly that she almost suffocated. With the sky above them transforming into the lighter grey of daylight, Basilisk in liquid form was seeping back into the portal, but it remained open when daylight made its grand entrance, meaning he was still lurking beneath the obelisks. For the first time in ages, Enttu looked up to the sky, and felt the soft morning light envelop him, and it didn’t scorch him to death. He only appeared translucent white under the soft white-gold rays of sun that danced in his platinum blonde hair and twinkled in the facets of his sapphire eyes. His fangs retracted back into his rosy lips, as he scanned his city of Bucharest in its apocalyptic, yet scenic entirety. Many of its skyscrapers had collapsed, and roofs had shaved off from the rumble, yet plenty of trees were still standing on their own.

  Him and Regina levitated down as two black sylphs embracing each other, and he saw the corpse of Vittorio pinned between a car and a wall. His inner gut feeling told him that Vittorio was going to endure the same fate he had, and it would only be a matter of time before the power of the Celentano family also bared its fangs. He had wished the same thing for Marc, who was unjustly murdered by his own daughter. In retaliation of everything she had done, unable to believe that this young woman was a product of his own blood, Enttu killed his own daughter by decapitation, before history repeated itself. It took such a drastic action on his part to end the vicious cycle, and it took fighting off the remaining good that he had in his heart to do it. He succeeded in carrying out the grueling test of character that Sekhmet prepared him for, to fight back against the viscid beast under the spires that would be back soon.

  He made deep, hard love to his muse in an abandoned hotel where the rooms and beds were still in undamaged shape, and she moaned in response to his long, stroking thrusts that ravaged her from the inside. She sunk her claws into his back and spread his blood across his skin with her fingers, as he spread her thighs and drove himself even deeper for her womb to swallow his length. He made sure to please her well, because if this was the day that one or both would die, he would want this sweet, raw and emotional memory of their skin brushing against the other in a sensual rhythm of their affection.

  The only safety they could afford was in each other, and the duvet that draped over their slender, naked bodies. Not even the safety from the height of the tenth floor from the only hotel that didn’t crumble could keep them completely concealed. From Basilisk, evidently, as he awaited dusk to strike back. Vampire slayers were scattered all over Romania, and for now, too occupied with the “vombies” that roamed stupidly around cemeteries and emerged from abandoned hospitals. One grand nemesis down, and plenty more to go was a fact that Enttu was already living with. If he stayed alive, as long as his scion sprung forth from him, the bloodshed was infinite, and him and Regina existed as the heroes and the villains in tandem.

  He awakened at noon, with an arm under Regina’s breasts and another hand that reached for his katana. The least a predator could do was to let them sleep as they were killed, but of course, werewolves, uncivilized and brawny, broke everything they breathed on. Malakae awaited outside in the parking lot of the building as his two lycanthropic sentinels scaled up the side of the hotel and broke the window of the balcony. He was beaming ear to ear, assured that his vendetta would be carried out to its grand finale. The werewolves disappeared into through the broken glass, and blood curdling screams and growls echoed in the gusts of a befallen city.


  “What the fuck,” she cursed in a loud whisper.

  She walked aimlessly straight up ahead on the bumpy surface and felt strange as it seemed to shift from side to
side with every step she took.

  “How the fuck did this ship appear out of nowhere?” Mawu asked herself.

  In the hangar bay were several men and women who seemed to be frozen in suspended animation, living skin and bone, but paused in time. It still had the smell of spent jet fuel, burnt rubber, seawater, metal, and WD-40 lingering in the air. There was a banner hanging from the rail of an upper walkway in the second level above the vast hangar bay, yellow forklift trucks, and stacks of tires. The blue tarp banner, in gold letters read “USS San Diego, LPD-22.”

  She felt panic arising in her veins and escaping her lungs in shallow pants. The inside of the ship was austere, grey, heavily scented with metal and dust, and full of various electrical boxes. Mawu almost collided with a group of sailors down the passageway who were in suspended animation, frozen in a running pose, and their facial expressions full of dread and panic.

  She continued onwards, and felt the air get colder, almost arctic in temperature as if she was walking into an ice box. In addition, the air seemed to ripple as she neared the inside of the ship. The dhampir female waved her hand in front of herself, and indeed, not only did the air ripple in invisible waves, her hand distorted the air in such a way that a deep purple light was given off with each ripple. She shone the flashlight from her cell phone on the floor and adjusted her eyes to the darkness here. Perhaps not using the light here was the best thing to do if she was to proceed further.

  She proceeded down a dark ladder well, only guided by the cold metal railing loosely securing the thing in place. Her steps were loud on the flimsy metal stairs, and the air still vibrated even stronger down here, as if there was a vortex of heavy, burdening energy that pooled here. Her legs were becoming heavy like lead as dizzying energy continued to radiate through her. With her nocturnal sight, she focused, and was able to distinguish a figure moving closer to her in the distance. The figure was only illuminated by her aural-seeing ability, and it was a small recognizable figure of a four-foot extraterrestrial being, but she stayed en guarde as she couldn’t sense if it was friend or foe.

  The entire body of the ship shook violently sideways, and suddenly, a maroon light bled illumination over everything in the passageway she was in, and Mawu grabbed the bulkhead so she wouldn’t lose her balance. The gigantic black eyes of the alien met the Mawu’s and were full of tragedy in the momentary glance, before the being fled out of her sight, and ran left, with a streamlined ray gun in its four-fingered hand. Electronic blasting sounds of the futuristic sounding firearm were heard not too far away, followed by foreign and organic alien sounds, and struggle. Mawu was curious as to what was going on and ran towards the scene.

  Before she could advance further, a cold and bony hand wrapped around her arm and jerked her back, almost causing her to fall back, had she not planted her heels firmly to the ground.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing? You don’t know what’s up ahead!”

  Mawu spun around when the male behind her released her, and her jaw dropped to the ground when she saw none other than the tall, sinewy cloaked dhampir, Enttu Tepes, with some short-haired female that resembled Nayeru his former wife, standing next to him. Mawu felt her cheeks flush with anger, and she was about to slap Enttu so hard that he’d fall on his behind, but he clasped her wrist before she could strike him.

  “What the fuck are you doing here!? You know I’m going to kick your ass when we get off this ship, right!” she protested.

  “Well, one minute we were fighting Basilisk, and the next minute, we get sucked into the portal that brought us to here. How about you, and do you mind explaining your involvement with werewolves?”

  They didn’t argue for long, as they were cut short, when the slimy grey body of Kyorg the alien was thrown right at their feet, dismembered and spilling out a gel-like goo from his wounds. His weapon was still in hand, and Enttu grabbed the pistol, examining its design, and the red LEDs where the safety would be. They didn’t have much time to think, due to a crawling blob of waving tentacles approaching them from the red-lit passageway. It was covered in a thick black slime and sounded sloppy and wet when it moved. Him and Regina had seen another one of these things back in Bucharest in the Magalesti Cathedral, and now they were embarked onboard a U.S. Naval ship.

  “How the fuck did that thing make it on here?!” Regina panicked.

  The voltage was at her fingertips, and she was ready to go into combat. The dhampir pulled the trigger on the ray gun, and it was surprisingly light to use, with no recoil. The ammunition was composed of blue plasma bullets, that penetrated the blob, and caused it to shriek in pain. Without second thought, she withdrew some voltage lingering in the electrical boxes and transformers in the p-way, and then furiously unloaded a surge of intense power into the blob. It was more than enough electricity to make the blob explode and decorate the bulkheads with black goo that dribbled down in slimy puddles. The ship jolted again one more time, and that is when all the lights in here unexpectedly came back on with their full lighting capability, and the fluorescent bright lights stung their vampire eyes. No sooner were they becoming adjusted to the lights, when the frozen Sailors were now regaining consciousness, and control of their bodies. Many of them were beginning to reanimate back into normalcy, and cacophony and distress filled the p-ways.

  Overwhelmed by the crowd of the distressed ship’s crew running amok, Enttu grabbed Regina and Mawu, and they plastered their backs to the bulkhead. Luckily, no one from the crew had noticed them yet, or they were too panicked to be paying attention. Sailors pushed past them, tripping and pushing each other out of the way. The door nearby that led down to Auxiliary Machine Room 1 flew open and violently slammed against the bulkhead, and a mob of maddened Sailors came flying out like bats out of hell.

  “Everybody run! There’s fucking killer roaches down there!!” said a small white female Sailor, pushing out of the way of the crowd, and running up the ladder that Mawu had come down from.

  “IT’S THE APOCALYPSE!!” screamed a male in a shrilly, high pitched voice at the top of his lungs.

  When the last of the engineering Sailors had come from Aux 1, Enttu pushed some of them out of the way, only then catching the attention of some and earning a few expletives. He didn’t even make it down the first ladder, when the disgusting chirping and buzzing of flying wings was heard on the way up. The patent black backsides of the insects covered the third deck like gargantuan moving sequins. He unloaded another clip of the ray gun at the insects, and even hit the flying ones with perfect marksmanship. Their carcasses crashed on top of the pool of black fragments and goo, and successfully, he had killed them all off. The sailors and Regina who were standing outside the open door of Aux 1 witnessed the entire extermination, and clumsily, they all clapped for the dhampir, who looked back at them questioningly.

  “Nope, there’s more!” yelled a male, who ran out of the scene.

  Soon enough, the cheering Sailors dispersed much like the roaches, as the flying bugs came straight for the dhampir. He had no ammunition or time left, so he did the next smartest thing that was his last option remaining, and jumped out of the threshold, dogging the metal watertight door to Aux 1 down, entrapping the mutant insects. They came crashing against the surface and exploded into liquid clouds of goo as they crashed against and cannibalized each other. He looked to Regina and Mawu and told them to run, but they refused to leave him behind. Another jolt rocked the ship to and from, and Regina broke Mawu’s fall. Many sailors tripped and fell as they were on their way up to the forecastle and the flight deck. A sudden announcement made brought everyone to a dead standstill.

  “USS San Diego, this is your commanding officer. Currently, and I don’t know how to explain how this is happening, but we are sitting off the coast of San Diego, California. And it does not look pretty out there. According to Harbor Police, it’s been dark for three days. The remaining ship’s crew, except for the medical tea
m, muster on the foc’sle. Medical team, whatever remains of it. Start loading bodies into the morgue,”



  Pronunciation Guide













  Songs that go excellently with this book:

  Avenged Sevenfold- “Afterlife”

  Lacuna Coil-“Daylight Dancer”

  Avenged Sevenfold-“Hail to the King”

  Fields of the Nephilim-“Moonchild”

  Therion-“Symphony of the Dead”

  Avenged Sevenfold-“The Stage”

  The 69 Eyes-“Stigmata (Gothic Remix)”

  Darzamat-“Vampiric Prose”

  Marina and the Diamonds-“Immortal”

  Moonspell-“Everything Invaded”

  Tristania-“Beyond the Veil”

  Nine Inch Nails-“Terrible Lie”


  Calvin Harris-“Awooga”

  Lacuna Coil-“Fragments of Faith”

  Bloodywood-“Ari Ari”

  Moonspell-“Night Eternal”

  HIM-“Wicked Game”


  Moonspell-“Everything Invaded”


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