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Distant Children_Book 1_Invasion

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by Darold Higa

  Huffington stared at the data tank in disbelief. The numbers didn't add up. 800 warp bubbles should have meant a fleet of 800 ships. How could 800 ships fire so many missiles? Or if that number was wrong, how did 3,000 ships go undetected on his long-range scanners? Add on top of that the 60 squadrons of Hurricanes and the numbers made the outcome inevitable. He silently watched as one by one the icons representing his heavy carriers disappeared. The Hurricanes ripped through his fleet, destroying a large number of his support craft and auxiliaries. Huffington waited for the phantom fleet to close to beam weapon range to take out his heavier capital ships, including his battleships, battle cruisers and heavy cruisers. Instead, the enemy fleet quickly sped away. Without his carriers, fleet logistics ships and picket ships his own fleet would be decimated by any followup engagement. During these war games, simulation after simulation had proven that capital ships without adequate escort were only able to inflict damage at a very high cost. His fleet would be forced to withdraw from the battlefield. Silently swearing, he vowed never to call Captain Linodan "Little Princess" again.

  "Communications, please send the 'end exercise' signal to Acting Commodore Linodan. And also send my congratulations for inflicting debilitating casualties on the 7th Fleet. Please tell her that I respectfully request her attendance at an After Action Report debriefing at Newport Federal Space Patrol Headquarters in 24 hours." Admiral Huffington slumped into his command chair and began replaying the battle simulation recording in his data tank. There were two questions that demanded answers. First, how did Linodan's fleet shake the 2nd and 3rd Fleets and manage to strike so far behind enemy lines? Second, how did she manage to deploy the firepower of a full fleet while only exhibiting the attack signature of a few hundred ships? As the data tank displayed Linodan's fleet exit from bubblespace something caught his eye. He replayed the sim recording a second time, and then a third time. There--he understood what had happened: she had stripped her fleet down to only her fast attack craft, lowering her fleet's sensor profile, allowing her to lose the 2nd and 3rd fleets and strike deep into Renspan territory. That answered his first question as well as explained how she managed to remain undetected for so long. It was certainly a very risky move, but its sheer audacity had caught his 7th Fleet entirely by surprise. As for the second part of the puzzle, she had placed her entire supply of missiles into the normal space immediately surrounding her ships with all targeting information pre-programmed, relying on the missile's internal computers for navigation. When her fleet entered bubblespace, the missiles had been pulled along as part of the bubblespace of her ships, and when she dropped out of bubblespace they were immediately launched. The result was to maximize her initial strike at the cost of sacrificing her ability to maintain a sustained offensive. Very clever, and it also explained why the AIs thought the fleet was much larger. By ignoring standard operating procedures, she had managed to multiply the strength of her fleet fourfold and engage in a deadly raid deep behind enemy lines, forcing a heavy carrier fleet to retreat from the battlefield while taking no significant casualties of her own. Shaking his head slowly, he muttered, "It's a good thing she's an ally."

  4563 July 05

  Royal Spincoran Navy, 93rd Fleet (Provisional), HMS Relentless, Commander’s Quarters

  In Orbit Above Newport

  Renspa Federal Republic

  Alicia struggled over her dress clasps with a sigh. Her own pride had meant that she had declined the option of having a female adjutant, a decision that she regretted every time she had to change into royal attire. She could not stand court ceremonial regalia. One of her main reasons for escaping court life was the constant attention to infinitesimal detail involving clothes. Hours of preparation for a few minutes of audience, and then the cycle would start all over again. She grew up with the kind of scrutiny that made her naval dress uniform reviews at the academy seem trivial in comparison.

  Despite her best intentions, Alicia found herself once again playing the infuriating role of Princess. Why the citizens of a free democracy would be so obsessed with the comings and goings of allied royalty was beyond her. She silently cursed the governor of Newport for hosting this “Royal Ball.” She was of course the Crown Princess of House Linodan, heir apparent to the Platinum Throne of Spincora, but on Spincora she managed to avoid these kinds of spectacles. From an early age she had made it clear to her mother, the court, the media and anyone else who would listen that she was not fond of court life, and her abdication of ascension rights to her sister Ekaterina had managed to clear her of some of her courtly responsibilities. It had not completely spared her however, and every reminder of that fact only served to irritate her more.

  “Princess, that scowl is most unbecoming. I heard the Princess had the smile that launched a thousand ships.”

  In her anger, Alicia had failed to notice that her executive officer was waiting just inside the hatch to her cabin. After a quick glance, her attention returned to adjusting her hair in the mirror, her eyes fixed on the complex task of completing her costume.

  “Largo, if it is your goal to make me even more irritated than I already am, you are succeeding. Oh yes, I do love you dear, but could you please use the intercom before coming in here?”

  Largo had been a childhood friend, and so their relationship was hardly formal. The media speculated to no end on the romantic ties between the two, but they had remained the best of friends, and had remained as such both at court and in the academy. No other member of the Narthian navy, even admirals, would dare treat her this way. While she did believe in protocol, the invisible barrier that separated her from others was part of her hatred of court life. As annoying as Largo's teasing was, that informality was reassuring to her. It was an informality she could only really share with Largo and her youngest sister, Henrietta.

  “My apologies, your highness. I did actually use the courtesy button, but as usual it failed to get your attention.”

  Alicia spared a moment to glance towards the grinning figure leaning against the wall. He was obviously enjoying a second jibe at her expense. Largo wore his naval dress uniform with the jacket unbuttoned and his sword hanging loosely to the side. Always playing the rogue, she thought to herself. Well, it certainly did look good on him, even if it did earn Largo the ire of high command. With mild disdain she turned her thoughts back to matters at hand. She was his superior officer and his status as Count meant he should know better. She chided him, “do you really consider that appropriate for an escort of the Crown Princess of Spincora?” As much as she enjoyed his mischievous nature, this was a diplomatic mission and she decided that if she was going to suffer, it was only fair that he should suffer as well. With a playful shrug, Largo buttoned his jacket.

  "Everything is a game to you, isn't it?" she said with feigned annoyance in her voice. She smiled at him and promptly kicked him out of her cabin as she finished dressing.

  Admiral Huffington studied his data tank. This time the scowl on his face was caused by the hilt of his ceremonial sword pressing into his side. He silently cursed the governor for hosting this party. With elections coming up, it had made sense for Governor Zelman to host an event with Princess Linodan. The media would be there in full force, with plenty of photo opportunities. The Princess' remarkable looks and intensity had already won her considerable popularity in the Federal Republic. In fact, in the latest polls the media had put her popularity squarely ahead of most of Federal Republic politicians--particularly the Governor. Her younger sister, the Princess Henrietta, along with Henrietta's pop music band were probably even better known. His own teenage granddaughter, Mary, was an obsessed fan of the aptly named Silver Spoons. Throw in her mother and the middle sister, and the House Linodan was a formidable political force. Huffington shook his head. It was hard to imagine that a mere 50 years ago Renspa and Spincora were such bitter rivals, locked in intergalactic war. It wasn't until both sides began using planet-killing weapons that both sides backed away from the brink of mutual annihilatio
n. It took another 40 years for relations to become civil. Yet, in a period of a year, Spincora and Renspa were firm allies and the women of House Linodan were household names, the result of a massive political effort by the Royal family to patch relations. Poor Governor Zelman, Huffington thought to himself, you are way out of your league.

  Admiral Huffington eyed the data tank one more time. It was time to dock the fleet and head down to the reception. The Second and Third Fleets were already docked. "Order all ships to begin docking procedures." Huffington hesitated for a moment. "Belay that order. Inform carrier groups 1 and 2 to maintain combat readiness and perform standard patrols while groups 3 through 8 dock. Once 3 and 4 refit, have them swap patrol positions with 1 and 2. Keep rotating units to maintain a 2 group patrol at all times. Ms. Cadwell, you have the flag." Satisfied, Admiral Huffington left the CIC on the New Angeles and headed for the shuttle bay.

  4563 July 05

  Grand Reception Hall at the Newport Oceanside Hotel

  Newport City

  Renspa Federal Republic

  Alicia stepped off of the red carpet and into the Grand Reception Hall at the Newport Oceanside Hotel. She wore an elegant white dress that was complemented by a navy blue shawl and an ornate tiara. With one hand demurely on Largo's arm, she gracefully glided towards the protocol officer.

  "Announcing Her Royal Highness, Princess Alicia Linodan. Crown Princess, House of Linodan, Royal Republic of Spincora. Captain of the Spincoran Royal Navy, Commander of the Starship HMS Relentless, Acting Commodore of the 93rd Fleet. Her Royal Highness is Escorted by His Excellency, Count Largo Bronsi. Count, House of Bronsi, Royal Republic of Spincora. Captain of the Spincoran Royal Navy, Executive Officer for the Starship HMS Relentless and Staff Officer of the 93rd Fleet."

  After that introduction the protocol officer looked short of breath and a bit nervous. Renspans didn't appear to be very well versed in protocol, and when the complexity of Spincoran royal titles was thrown in there was little doubt that this poor officer was afraid that by some tiny mistake he could spark a new intergalactic war. Alicia smiled at him warmly and nodded. The protocol officer relaxed noticeably, so much so that he almost missed his cue to announce the Governor.

  "You seem to have that effect on these poor Renspan fellows," Largo said with a low chuckle as they regally walked the hall. Without missing a beat or breaking her smile, her hand exerted a crushing grip on his arm. Largo did his best to hide his wince.

  Alicia looked about the great hall that was playing host to the reception. It was an immense, two-tiered room. The floors and walls were covered in marble, and giant crystal chandeliers were hung overhead. Large round tables were arrayed across the main floor. An area in the center remained clear, obviously for dancing. The media had been relegated to mezzanine seating on the second floor. To Alicia's disappointment, there was no live orchestra. In honor of her, she had imagined, they were playing Blue Danube by Strauss. At some point she had mentioned to a reporter that she really enjoyed the Waltz. From that point, it had become her "theme song." She had long given up attempting to explain that it wasn't really her favorite song.

  Largo escorted her to her seat, and Alicia gracefully slid into her chair. After a brief round of introductions, she took a moment to glance around. While it was obvious that by Renspan standards this ballroom was luxurious, something felt off to Alicia. As she looked at the art hanging on the walls, the gold trim, the statues, and the wall decorations it hit her: it was too cold and sterile. Every piece of artwork looked like it had come from roughly the same time period and the same aesthetic school. Everything was also very well coordinated. For Alicia, it lacked authenticity. Everything there seemed to be some interior designer's interpretation of what a royal palace was like. It was luxurious, yes, and it was tasteful, but it lacked sincerity. In some ways it made her nostalgic for the grand hall of Domus Aurea, the Linodan palace on Nova Roma. For just a moment, images of the countless times Henrietta, Ekaterina and herself playing hide and seek there came to mind. Each item of her ancestral hall was from a different era; each sculpture or painting was lovingly placed there by the many generations of Linodan matriarchs. A real palace, she mused, would reflect the personality of its inhabitants.

  Alicia decided she had already spent too long looking at her environment. She turned her attention to the other members of the table. Seated around her were Admirals Marina Johnston, Shelly McKinley and of course Edward Huffington, the commanders for the Federal Space Patrol's Second, Third and Seventh Fleets, respectively. Also seated at the table were several CEOs including Dale Sanchez, the head of Newport Cybernetics, the Renspan company that had won the contract to refit the computer systems aboard the Linodan Fleet. It was the upgrade of the computer cores onboard her ship that had prompted the joint military exercise with the Space Patrol. There were still a few software glitches, something that would require Newport Cybernetics civilians to be onboard her ships for at least another two weeks. Her thoughts were interrupted by the Governor.

  Alicia rose as the governor approached and kissed her hand. "Welcome, welcome your highness! I certainly appreciate that you give us this opportunity to let us show you Newport hospitality!" The governor was a tall man with good looks, and a well manicured voice and equally well manicured handshake. After the handshake, the Governor introduced his wife Miranda, and they all sat down.

  Looking at Largo sitting next to her, smiling and chatting with the Governor's wife, it had struck Alicia at the number of men who held positions of power here in Renspa. While she was quite familiar with the fact that the Renspans prided themselves on gender equality, she was impressed that Conflict Equilibrium Theory was practice, not just propaganda. The faces sitting at her table were proof enough, clearly men played significant roles in the military, in government and in commerce here in Renspa. Even the Renspan President was male. Spincora was still locked in its gynarchistic ways, and only a few males played significant roles in politics or the military. In Spincora, the utter failure of the United Federation Government during the First Great Migration completely discredited patriarchal society. Mistrust of patriarchal society and the strong female symbols of the Gaianist religion meant Gynarcism was deeply rooted among the thousands of worlds of Humanspace. The Federal Union, however, clung to Conflict Equilibrium Theory. Alicia thought back to her social science classes at the academy. Professor Bukhov loved to discuss how Conflict Equilibrium Theory was an emergent consequence of the Long Dark Night. In Conflict Equilibrium Theory, all political and social forces are in balance. Multiple forces called Wuxing are locked in perpetual struggle, and from this perpetual conflict comes balance. This dynamic balance produces social order. Adherence to this philosophy allowed males to come into positions of power in the Federal Union over the past hundred years. In Spincora, by contrast, most Spincoran men are relegated to the roles of assistants in politics and the military. Only in the corporate world have males been able to achieve anything close to parity. Perhaps, she thought to herself, we can learn a few things from these Renspans when it comes to governance.

  "Ah, your Highness, I received word from President Hamilton that he was called away due to a death in his family, and will be unable to attend tonight." The governor paused briefly to allow an image to be taken by an official photographer, then continued. "He did send his apologizes for his inability to attend, and he hopes that he will have another chance to meet you before you return to Spincora."

  "Well, I will make sure to send my condolences to the President. And I would like to thank you again for hosting this wonderful banquet. I know that Spincora and Renspa will have a fruitful relationship, and of course, we hope that Newport and Nova Roma will be able to build bridges as well."

  The governor beamed. Having such a popular celebrity and political figure sing his praises would be transmitted all across Newport, helping him with his flagging poll numbers. "Oh yes, my daughter is a huge fan of Princess Henrietta! I certainly hope her band will consider doing
a concert here in Newport!"

  Alicia smiled. It was apparent that Silver Spoons was wildly popular here on Renspa as well. The popularity of Henrietta's neoclassical punk band had spread across the worlds of the Royal Queendom rapidly. Henrietta might even do more for Spincoran-Renspan political relations than the Linodan Fleet visiting Newport, Alicia mused. She made a mental note to ask the queen mother and her sister if they would agree to such a concert. Henrietta loved traveling as much as she loved that band, so she knew it wouldn’t be a hard sell at all.

  "I think that would be a wonderful idea. My granddaughter would be thrilled." Admiral Huffington entered the conversation. "Governor, the House Linodan has probably produced the three most formidable individuals in Humanspace. Queen Alexandria is a shrewd leader, Princess Henrietta has charmed our youth, and Captain Linodan is one of the most impressive military strategists I have ever seen." The other two admirals nodded in agreement. Admiral Huffington stood, and spoke loudly, projecting his deep voice over the conversation of the other tables. "I propose a toast. To House Linodan!"

  Everyone stood and raised their glasses to several cheers. Alicia bowed slightly, doing her best not to blush. Largo looked at her and chuckled, and promptly drained the glass of champagne. Mercifully, once everyone had been seated again the first course appeared. The meal was delivered simultaneously to everyone at the table by immaculate waiters donned in white shirts and bow ties. Alicia noted that the menu was skillfully prepared. The chef had managed to alternate between Renspan and Spincoran dishes. Instead of focusing on exotic but clichéd delicacies usually served at dinners such as this, she had chosen dishes that represented the character of both nations. Cured salmon with caviar and delicate greens, and a light consommé were a clear homage to the food of Nova Roma, while the hearty pork and potato stew in pastry and beef medallions in wild mushroom and wine reduction represented the hearty fare favored here at Newport. The sommelier also managed to pick wines that contrasted the national origin of each course, so that with each Spincoran dish went a Renspan wine and vice versa. Alicia was impressed with the consideration that had gone into the menu, and she found herself beginning to appreciate the Renspans more and more. Renspans had a unique sense of balancing contrasts, a fact that was well reflected in the delicious banquet prepared for them.


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