Growing Up Bin Laden: Osama's Wife and Son Take Us Inside Their Secret World
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growing food, 96
hatred for, 71–72
hunting by, 98, 101
land for, 258
malaria for, 102
mischief by, 69–71
money for, 116–17
monkey of, 134–35
in mosque collapse, 211–12
Mujahideen and, 112–13
Najwa for, 116–18, 189–90
Osama’s time and, 189–92
Osama’s training for, 99–100, 213–14
pigeons for, 117, 118
political activities and, 77, 213–15
rebellion from, 60, 255–56
respect from, 136, 190
safe houses for, 239–40, 311
Sakhr with, 199
school for, 71–72, 95, 108–11, 127
as signatories, 136
snacks for, 110, 116–17
sports for, 44, 101, 110–11, 120–22
status and, 214–15, 302, 304
suicide missions and, 262–63
swimming for, 101, 120–22
training camps visits for, 195–97, 214, 305
tree houses for, 96, 115
violence against, 71–72
without water, 61–62
weapons training for, 194–95, 210–11
for wives, 69, 258–59
bin Laden women. See also specific bin Laden women
endurance training for, 99–100
joke from, 20
sewing for, 202
simultaneous births for, 75–76
in Sudan, 101
swimming clothing for, 98–99
swimming for, 98–99
weapons training for, 269
The Bin Ladens (Coll), 288–89
bin Ladin, Randa Mohammed (Osama’s half-sister)
advice from, 275
death of, 286
Black Hawk Down, 145
Black Hawk helicopter attack, 145, 316
boys. See also bin Laden sons; sons
girls v., 5–6, 31–32
rape of, 131–32
burqa, 52, 153, 269
Bush, George W., 285
9/11 and, 285
children. See also boys; daughters; girls; Osama (childhood); specific children divorce and, 6–7, 120
explosives and, 237
Fatima and, 268
of Grandfather bin Laden, 40
for Islam, 50, 52, 75
in Kandahar, 228–29
mentally challenged, 228–29
of al-Qaeda, 237
younger, Osama’s fatherhood with, 67
bin Laden sons v., 118–19
Islam for, 222
Churchill, Winston, xiv
CIA, 310
civil war
in Afghanistan, 149, 155
war with West v., 223
criminals v., 159
Taliban and, 238
war v., 237
Clinton, Bill, 135, 310
retaliation from, 237–41
USS Cole and, 312
for Afghanistani women, 153–54
for bin Laden family, 187
modesty in, 6, 15
for Najwa, 15–16, 21, 26–27, 187, 269
of Omar, 31–32, 175
of Osama with Omar, in Afghanistan, 175
for al-Qaeda trainees, 195
swimming, for bin Laden women, 98–99
of Taliban, 175
Coll, Steve, 288–89
culture. See also clothing
birthdays in, 74, 310
crow fable, 23
decisions in, 82
disability in, 159–60
divorce in, 41
girls in, 56–57
marriages in, 12, 56, 259–60
music/poems for, 199–200
patriarchy in, 56–57
poverty v., 178–79
respect and, 45, 136, 213, 230, 241–43, 288
touching in, 94
al-Damazin (Sudan), 97
Danish embassy attack, 317
daughters. See also specific daughters
Najwa and, 61, 95, 270
Osama’s fatherhood for, 67, 101–2
Dawoud, Osama, 121
“Declaration of Jihad,” 310
for Allia/Grandfather bin Laden, 40, 167–68, 291, 301
bin Laden, Ali, and, 120
children and, 6–7, 120
in culture, 41
for Khadijah, 104, 120, 308
of Osama parents, 40, 168
Osama/Najwa and, 267, 282
for women, 168
Abdul Rahman and, 133, 188–89
bin Laden sons and, 133–34, 187–89
Mujahideen against, 133–34
for Omar, 176, 184, 188
Prophet Mohammed against, 133, 188
about cow, 227
political/militant activities v., 224
romantic, for Omar, 200
Taliban and, 175
bin Laden sons’ mischief and, 70–71
among al-Qaeda trainees, 197
rudeness of, 166–67
sympathy from, 116
without water, 61–62
Dustum, Abdul Rashid, 155
education. See also mosque(s)
for bin Laden sons, 71–72, 95, 108–11, 127
cruelty in, 71–72
extra classes for, 111
for girls, 109–10
for Najwa, 6–7, 17, 21, 22
of Omar, 71–72, 108–11, 275–77
of Osama, 19, 29, 302, 303
sex segregation and, 109–10
wealth and, 110
Egypt. See also Mubarak, Hosni
Abdullah, Abdullah Ahmed, from, 77
al-Banshiri from, 77
al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya v., 130–31, 144–45
Egyptian Jihad, 311
Egyptians. See also Abdel Rahman, Omar; Atef, Mohammed; al-Jihad; al-Zawahiri, Ayman Muhammad for political/militant activities, 77, 144–45, 304
Eid, 44
Fahd. See al-Saud, Fahd bin abdul Aziz
Faisal, King, 19
Fajr (dawn prayer), 18
family farm
animals at, 43–44
in al-Damazin, 97
harvesting sunflowers at, 97
at al-Kuttiya, 97–98
longing for, 68
Mujahideen at, 83–84
Osama and, 43–44
raid at, 83–84
royal family and, 84
Farouk training camp
attacks on, 238–39
friends’ deaths at, 240–41
retaliation on, 238–41
visit to, 238
Fatima. See bin Laden, Fatima
Fisk, Robert, 224–25
for bin Laden family, 186, 215
disrespect v., 248
for escape, 255–56
fruits for, 98
growing, 96
hunting for, 98, 101
for Najwa (childhood), 5
for Osama with Omar, 165
political/militant activities v., 223–24
poverty and, 223–24
rationing of, 215
Sa’ad and, 214, 215
soft drinks, 60
water, 61–62, 186
front lines
Abdullah to, 77, 305
for land, 220
lookout at, 220–21
receivers at, 220
weapons at, 219–20
wounded at, 219
al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya
Abdel Rahman for, 130–31, 308
Egypt v., 130–31, 144–45
Mubarak assassination attempt and, 135–36
Ghanem, Ibrahim (Najwa’s father), 292–93
Ghanem, Nabeeha (Najwa’s mother), 5–6, 13, 292
Ghanem, Naji (Najwa’s brother)
bsp; Najwa and, 3–4
Osama and, as children, 9–10, 166
snake story of, 166
Ghanem family. See also specific family members
Omar to, 230–31
Ghriba synagogue attack, 316
boys v., 5–6, 31–32
education for, 109–10
Omar and, 57, 258–59
as property, 56–57
Prophet Mohammed and, 57
sons v., 45–46
belief in, 38, 64, 91, 103, 105, 141–42, 191
graves v., 174–75
helicopter attack and, 36
Grand Mosque attack, 303
Grandfather bin Laden (bin Laden, Mohammed Awad) (Osama’s father)
abuse from, 168–69
Allia’s marriage with, 8, 40, 278, 301
Aziz and, 39–40
background on, 292, 301
character of, 38–40
children of, 40
death of, 9, 42, 167, 292, 302
divorce and, 40, 167–68, 291, 301
family of, 292
generosity of, 169
Jeddah for, 39
journeys for, 39
marriages of, 8, 40, 167–69, 278, 291, 301
Osama’s fatherhood v., 171, 190–91
unveiling wives by, 169
wives of, 8, 40, 167–69, 278, 291, 301
work of, 39–40, 168
graves, destruction of, 174–75
grenades, 208, 210–11
Haadi, Abu, 207–8
advice from, 254
death of, 286
9/11 and, 284
parting from, 280
plan v., 256
warnings of, 277–78, 279–80, 284, 311–12
Hadith, 17
Haj attack, 303
Hamdan, Salim Ahmad Salim (Sakhr al-Jadawi)
accusations against, 197–98
alias for, 198
with bin Laden sons, 199
with Omar, 216–18, 235
as Osama’s friend, 198–99
skills of, 198
Hamza. See bin Laden, Hamza
“hat game,” 44–45
Hatim, 140–43
accidents and, 6, 45, 243–44, 259
modern medicine v., 60, 102, 141
of Osama, 102, 159–60, 172
helicopter flying, 33
heroin, 158
Abdullah and, 57
Afghanistan story of, 33–34
Najwa and, 58, 181
Nile and, 121
for Omar, 47, 57–60, 86, 92, 181, 231–32
for Osama, 33–34, 43, 57–59, 113–14, 243–44, 253
humor, 35, 42, 59, 62, 163, 166
hunger, for bin Laden family, 202–3, 215, 223
Hussein, Saddam
cash demands from, 79–80
Fahd v., 80
Kuwait invasion by, 80, 306
scorn for, 79
Ibrahim, Mohammed, 139, 141, 143
attacks in, 316, 317
Bali nightclub attacks in, 316
Inside the Kingdom: My Life in Saudi Arabia (bin Laden, Carmen), 288
Iran, 25
Iraq-Iran war, 79
as stopover, 142–43
Kuwait’s invasion by, 76
al-Qaeda attacks in, 317
Iraq-Iran war, 79
Isha (evening prayer), 18
Islam. See also Muslims; Nourallah, Mullah; Omar, Mullah Mohammed; specific Islamic organizations, members of Islam
Asr for, 18
children for, 50, 52, 75
for Christians, 222
drugs and, 158
Eid and, 44
Fajr for, 18
Grand Mosque attack v., 303
Haj attack on, 303
infidel governments v., 247–48
Isha for, 18
lectures v., 221–23
Maghrigh for, 18
modernization v., 43, 60
National Islamic Front, 135
puppies and, 229
Wahhabi sect, 174–75
for world, 222
Zohr (midday prayer), 18
Islambouli, Khalid, 136, 295–96
Islambouli, Showqi, 136
al Islambouli, Mohammed Shawky, 295
Islamic awakening. See Salwa
Islamic Jihad
militant groups for, 308
al-Qaeda for, 193
America v., 177, 193–94
Jihad against, 313
against Palestinians, 194
plane attack and, 316
Salwa from, 29, 302
Six Day War, 29
Jalalabad (Afghanistan)
appearance of, 150
exploration of, 153–54
homes in, 150–53
Peshawar v., 153
women in, 153–54
arriving in, 15–16
description of, 16, 17
for Grandfather bin Laden, 39
home in, 16, 304
Omar’s return to, 274–75
population of, 16
“prisoners” in, 42–43
Jews. See also Israel
Abdel Rahman against, 131
Ghriba synagogue attack on, 316
monkeys v., 134–35
Jihad, 29. See also Islamic Jihad
against Israel, 313
nonviolent v. violent, 72
Osama for, 242–43, 248–49
al-Qaeda for, 193
against Soviets, 30
criminals within, 131–33
al-Zawahiri for, 129–30, 144, 308
Johnson, Paul, kidnapping/death of, 317
Jordan, 29
attacks in, 317
Kabul (Afghanistan)
home in, 207
location of, 206
postwar condition of, 207
roads to, 206
Kandahar (Afghanistan). See also Omar, Mullah Mohammed
Allia’s visit to, 250–54
children in, 228–29
flight to, 207–8
home in, 208
meetings in, 194
military base/home in, 208–9
move to, 201, 205–8
pollution in, 209
restaurant in, 209
toilets in, 209–10
hotel attack in, 316
U.S. embassy attack in, 236–37, 311, 316
Khairiah. See bin Laden, Khairiah Sabar
Khalis, Younis
for Afghan peace, 154
heating system for, 154
Khartoum (Sudan)
Allia’s visit to, 103
appearance of, 93–94
arrival in, 93–94
attack on, 239
daily routine in, 95–96
family visits to, 103–4
home in, 94–95, 106–8
leaving, 137–45, 180–82
Omar/Sa’ad to, 231–34
Osama’s fatherhood in, 96, 98–100
outings from, 97–100
sex segregation v., 109–10
Khobar Towers building attack, 309, 316
Khomeini, 25
Khost training camp (Afghanistan), 240–41
Khuwaylid, Khadijah bint, 49
memorization of, 42
for Najwa, 17
on wives, 49–50
al-Kuttiya, 97–98
Hussein’s cash demands from, 79–80
Hussein’s invasion of, 80, 306
Iraqi invasion of, 76
Ladin. See bin Laden, Bakr
London, attack in, 317
al-Madani, Shafiq
boat naming after, 81–82
death of, 81–82
soccer and, 81
Maghrigh (sunset prayer), 18
mahram (traveling companion), 105
Al-Majlis Al-Afriiki Ta’leen Alkhaas (African Council for Special Teaching), 95
of Abdullah, 127–28, 294
annulled, of Osama, 293, 309
arrangement of, mothers for, 12–13
of Atef’s daughter, 271–73, 278
of al-Attas, Allia, 8, 40, 291, 301
of al-Attas, Muhammad, 168, 291, 301
begging women v., 69
of bin Laden, Kadhija, 259–60
of bin Laden, Khairiah Sabar, 52–53, 305
of bin Laden, Mohammed, 271–73, 278
of bin Laden, Osman, 281
of bin Laden, Siham, 53, 305
to bin Laden, Khadijah, 50–51, 304
in culture, 12, 56, 259–60
of Fatima, 259–60
to first cousins, 12
of Grandfather bin Laden, 8, 40, 167–69, 278, 291, 301
of Najwa, 13–14, 41, 302
for Omar, 286, 295
political activities and, 37
thoughts about, 12–13
Massoud, Ahmad Shah
Northern Alliance and, 216
Taliban against, 155, 216–17, 219
against terrorism, 155
mathematical skills, 42
crow fable v., 23
pilgrimage to, 22–24
holiness of, 54
home in, 68
move to, 54, 305
Omar on, 68
Koran and, 42
oral history v., xiii–xiv
modern conveniences
Osama against, 43, 60, 115, 125
toilets and, 227–28
modern prescription drugs
asthma v., 60, 141
malaria v., 102
Mogadishu attack, 308
Mohammed (Fatima’s husband)
death of, 296
as escort, 268–69
marriage of, 259–60
Morocco attacks, 316
attendance at, 17–18, 43, 47–48
collapse of, 211–12
Grand Mosque attack, 303
lectures at, 221–23
Osama’s attendance at, 17–18, 43, 47–48
Osama’s speaking at, 84
prayers at, 18
women and, 18
mother(s). See also specific mothers
marriage arrangement and, 12–13
of Najwa, 5–6, 13
Najwa as, 41, 282–83
rada (milk mother) as, 105
Mubarak, Hosni, 130, 286
assassination attempt on, 135–36, 145, 295, 309
Mujahideen, 30
in Afghanistan, 72–73, 303, 304
arrest of, political activities against, 83–84
bin Laden sons and, 112–13
definition of, 72
against dogs, 133–34
at family farm, 83–84
influx of, 178, 192–94
loyalty of, 112–13, 144
Mullah Omar as, 158–59
Muslims as, 72–73
older v. younger, 178–79
Osama and, 106, 112–13, 303, 306
as outcasts, 112
Sudan for, 144–45
U.S. for, 73, 77
Muslims. See also Christians; Jews
America and, 193–94
blame for, 213