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Love's Spark

Page 23

by L A Cotton

  “Shit, man, even I thought that was hot.” Zac fell into step beside me, and I jammed my hands into my pockets. “I hadn't meant for that to happen.”

  “You're in love with her, aren't you?”

  Was I?


  I was.

  “You don't have to answer. It radiated off you. Off her.”

  My head snapped up. “You- you think she's in love with me?”

  He shook his head and laughed. “Damn, Smith. Are you blind?”


  The turnout at Lincoln Park was impressive. Teenagers huddled with their friends, new and old, while their coaches hung around the tent. Our staff had coached four teams, and four were from neighboring areas. I was busy finalizing the first round when Keylon approached me. “Yo, Coach. She's not here yet. She said she'd try to come.”

  I ruffled his hair. “She'll come.”

  I hope.

  All of the boys from GHS had attended the summer program. Spending five days a week with them for the last month, I’d witnessed more than once their affection and respect for Sharn. They’d talk about her in a familial sense. Particularly Keylon. I’d heard him tell his family and friends that Miss M was coming to see them play. Without Sharn, he might have never made it here. I knew it, he knew it, and the proud look on his mom’s face suggested she knew it, too. I'd underestimated his skill, though. He didn't just have a natural talent—he was born to play.

  “Hey, we ready to start this thing?” Zac said as he grabbed the megaphone.

  “Yeah, let's bring it in.”

  He blew into the whistle strung around his neck and lifted the mouthpiece to his lips. “Coaches and teams, over here, please.” Zac handed me the megaphone, and I stepped out from under the tent. “It’s good to see everyone here. Welcome to our annual tournament. I hope everyone’s ready to play some ball?”

  The sea of people in front of me cheered.

  “We’re playing a straight forward eight-team single elimination tournament. Team one and two, you're up on field one, team three and four, field two. Teams five through eight, hang tight and cheer on the others. Quarters, semis, and then final are tomorrow. Let’s play ball!”

  The crowd dispersed. I was overseeing the tournament and therefore remained neutral, although deep down I hoped to see my kids from GHS kick ass. Half of them were on Jase’s team and the other half were on Zac’s team.

  The teams dispersed onto the two small diamonds, and the audiences settled in for the game. My eyes scanned the crowds looking for Sharn. I knew the large crowd that had turned up to support the event would swallow up her tiny figure, but I was hoping she’d seek me out. Nervous energy zipped through my blood stream. My plan meant some serious humiliation, but she was worth it.

  Now I just needed her to show.

  Chapter 27

  ~ Sharn ~

  “So, what are you going to do?” Livy shouted over the music.

  I shrugged. “I want to go, but what if I’ve got it all wrong?”

  “You’ve got it bad, don’t you? Keefer Smith…I still can’t believe it.”

  The bar was crammed, but the four cocktails we’d drank our way through had given me a nice buzz. It felt great to reunite with my best friend.

  “What? He’s hot, and we spark.”

  “Spark? Am I missing something?” Livy’s forehead crinkled.

  “You know when you meet the guy. The one. The spark.” I giggled. Then I hiccupped.

  Livy’s eyes flashed with something, but I wasn’t sure what. “Yeah, I know. So you sparked? With Keefer? Keefer Smith? The same Keefer Smith who didn’t talk in high school, let alone date?”

  “I know. Crazy, right? But there wasn’t just sparks. There were damn Fourth of July fireworks!”

  She smiled. “I think I need to meet him. Soon.”

  I laughed, sipping on my drink.

  “Hey, let’s dance. I haven’t danced in ages.” Livy grabbed my hand and started yanking me through the crowd. She stood a few inches taller than I did, even with my skyscraper heels.

  The dance floor was small, but we managed to weave our way into the middle. Calvin Harris and Florence “Sweet Nothings” started playing, and we danced to the fast-paced beat. It soon faded into Rihanna’s “Where Have You Been,” and as I moved in time with the music, an arm enveloped me and I felt a hard chest behind me. I spun around, coming face-to-face with a wall of abs. I looked up and a guy was grinning down at me. I scowled. “Not interested.” I flung my hair over my shoulder, turned around, and continued dancing.

  Livy leaned toward me and giggled. “Nicely done.”

  We continued dancing, and I let my mind and body succumb to the tempo, so much so that I almost missed him. Almost missed him sweeping an arm around me and drawing my body back into his. Almost missed the familiar smell of his cologne, his breath tickling my ear. But I didn’t. I was aware of him standing behind me as if my body was attuned to his.


  He silenced me, touching his finger to my lips. I wanted to ask what was going on; why he hadn’t been in touch, but instead, I danced. I let myself glide up and down his solid body. He didn’t move apart from his hands that grazed over my waist, sending shivers zipping through me.

  He gripped me tighter, as his lips danced across the soft spot just under my ear. “Come. Next week. Come. I know you want an explanation. Answers. Come. Please,” he pleaded.

  I was so enamored; I couldn’t find the words within me to respond. Eventually, he relaxed his hold on me and whispered, “You look beautiful.” He pressed one more kiss—so gentle that I almost didn’t feel it—to my neck and released me.

  Emotion surged through me. Want. Desire. Frustration. He’d begged me to go to his damned tournament, spun me tighter than a cotton reel, and then left me. Again. It was becoming a theme with him. But—Oh. My. God—the sparks.

  Livy was perched on a bar stool when I found her. I hadn't even realized that she'd walked off. “He's hot. Hell, you're hot right now. And you're questioning if he's interested?” Her lip tugged up into a small smirk.

  “He hasn't called me for over a month. Nothing. Zip. He gives me emotional whiplash, Livy. He walks away, no explanation, then swoops in and that happens. Every damn time.” I slumped against the bar, still reeling from my moment with Keefer.

  “But he wants you to go to this tournament?”

  I nodded.


  An idea hit me. “I need a makeover.”


  “Are you sure about this?” Livy said as I stood in front of the one remaining mirror in the house. Boxes were scattered everywhere, ready for the moving truck. “I think so. Do I look as ridiculous as I feel?”

  Livy appraised my outfit: white and navy girls-fit Yankees jersey, black leggings, and white canvas baseball shoes with a Yankees cap pulled over my curls. “He'll love it. You're going to be late.”

  I glanced at my watch—nine forty-five—I was already late. Getting there before ten would be impossible. Nothing like making an entrance. Livy handed me my bag and the flyer.

  As we headed downstairs, I took a deep breath and said, “Keefer Smith, eat your heart out.”

  We both laughed, but a frown replaced my smile when I spotted the white envelope lying on the doormat. Mom's handwriting had delicately written Sharn & Russ across the middle. My stomach sank right into my toes.

  “What is it?” Livy asked, noticing my face paling as I stared down at the small envelope.


  “Are you going to open it?”

  I picked it up and said, “No.” Tucking it into my bag, I added, “Let's go.”

  Forty-five minutes later, after driving around the block three times to find a parking space, Livy gave up and pulled over for me to get out. “You go; I'll drop the car home and walk in. It's crazy.”

  She wasn't wrong. Cars filled the small parking lot and lined the streets surrounding Lincoln Park. As I climbed out of the car,
my heart began to pick up pace. I tried to push the doubts from my mind. He wants you here. It means something.

  I could see the baseball fields. Well, I could see the spectators. There were people everywhere. I spotted Keylon’s family over by the second field and Jared's dad next to them. Zac stood out—taller than most—shouting at the team up to bat. My eyes searched for Keefer, and when I found him talking to two guys by the other field, the world around me slowed.

  “Miss M, over here. Keylon said you'd come,” a voice called, pulling me from my trance.

  “Hi, Otis. How's your summer going?”

  “Too quick. Coach has worked us hard. But it's better than sitting around all day.” He stepped back and frowned at me. “Since when are you a Yankees fan?”

  I blushed. Damn, these kids missed nothing. “Hmm, I wanted to look the part,” I stuttered, but Otis just shrugged. “Come on, Miss, Keylon’s team is winning.”

  I followed him into the crowd of spectators, losing Keefer in the process.

  An hour later and I was all talked, cheered, and clapped out... And no closer to finding Keefer. Livy had texted to say she'd be by later after something had come up. After his team—Keylon’s team—won, Zac announced a recess before the second bracket of games started.

  “Miss Macer?” an Afro-Caribbean voice called from behind me, and I turned to find Ms. King standing there. “Hello,” I said.

  “My boy looks free out there.” The words hung between us as the deep lines around her eyes furrowed.

  “I don't know much about the game, but Coach Smith sees something special in Keylon. He could go far with this. If he works hard and stays out of trouble, he could go all the way.”

  She blinked at my words. “Thank you. For everything.” She turned and headed back toward her children.

  “Do you have that effect on all the parents?” Zac stepped up next to me.


  He looked me over and said, “Keefer's gonna drop when he sees you...looking like that.”

  A slight smile played over my lips. “Speaking of, do you know where I can find him?”

  He fidgeted with his hands. “He's, hmm, busy organizing the next games. You should come watch the other boys. They're on the other field in ten. He'll find you. Come on.”

  I blew out a frustrated breath. “Fine, lead the way.” Either something was up or Keefer was avoiding me. A sick feeling started to spread through my stomach. What if I had it all wrong?

  Noticing my hesitation, Zac said, “Hey, don't worry. He wants you here.”

  But doesn't want to see me? I wanted to ask. Instead, I followed Zac to the other field and nestled in among the player’s friends and family.

  Halfway through, Keylon found me.

  “Hey, Miss M, you’re here. I told the others that you'd come.” He looked so proud; it made me smile.

  “Well done on your game. You looked like you were enjoying it.”

  A huge grin broke over his face. “I love it, Miss M; Coach thinks I could go all the way.”

  “Good for you, sweetie.”

  “I gotta run. Coach needs me.”


  “Hey, Keylon do you know where-” He didn't give me time to finish as he vanished into the sea of people. I decided Keefer would have to wait. The last thing I was going to do was trawl the park for him dressed in my girly major league getup.

  Almost an hour late, the game was over. Our team lost, but they took it like men—shaking their opponents’ hands. Even Kenny managed to congratulate them. People didn't start to disperse and I still hadn't caught a glimpse of Keefer. So I waited. My phone had vibrated twice during the game, so I checked for messages. When I turned my focus back to the field, I noticed the spot where the boys had been congregating was empty, and my eyes did a quick scan for them, for anyone who I recognized. Keylon's family was still rooted to the sidelines, as was Otis, Jared's dad, and Kenny’s brother. Before I could work out what was happening, the crowd started to cheer and the eight teams entered the field. But only one face stood out to me. Keefer.

  I couldn't tear my eyes from him as he laughed and joked with two of the other coaches. The whistle that hung low around his neck, and the clipboard in his left hand made him seem all official. It suited him. Zac handed him a megaphone, and he stepped out in front of the gathered crowd. “First and foremost, thanks to you all for coming out here today and supporting our teams. Okay, so on to results. At the end of the first round. Winner of game one: The Baseballing Boyz. Game two: The Home Runners.” A huge cheer broke out near the families of the boys. I joined in. “Game three: The Cool Catchers. And game four: The Pitching Pundits. Well done to all our winners. Quarters start tomorrow morning. Semi and final will be in the afternoon.”

  Zac approached Keefer and leaned into to tell him something. Keefer pursed his lips and nodded. “Now for a couple of special announcements.”

  My heart picked up a beat.

  “First things first, I'd like to welcome the man who makes all this possible, Coach Jefferson.”

  I followed Keefer’s outstretched arm and found the older man who he was pointing to. The tall man with salt and pepper hair raised a hand and smiled.

  “I’ve had the pleasure of working with him for almost four years. Coach has decided to take a backseat for the foreseeable future and is handing over the reins I couldn't be more proud to continue his legacy.”

  Who was this guy, and what had he done to Keefer? The slight quiver in his voice suggested that he wasn't as calm as he appeared, but he was speaking—in public, to a big crowd. After giving the mass time to applaud, he cleared his throat and took a deep breath. I watched him pull his cap off and run his hands through his hair. He was nervous. His eyes searched the crowd as if he was looking for someone. Me?

  “This year I had the pleasure of working down at Gainesville High. All of the boys who I worked with are here today.” I laughed along with the crowd when the boys waved and saluted. “And I met a teacher who they respect and admire...” He paused and my world seemed to shrink around me, my heart pounding with each word. “I'm not always good at saying what I really want. But there's an old saying, actions speak louder than words. So I hope this will say all I need to.”

  My face scrunched with confusion as I watched the boys step out of their teams and line up in front of the crowd. I counted them off. Seventeen of them, plus two faces that I recognized as Otis’s brother and Kenny’s friend. The crowd around me seemed to part slightly, creating a clear path from me to the field. Keylon's knowing smile propelled me forward a few steps. And then my eyes found Keefer’s. He looked sheepish as he watched me, as if waiting for my reaction, and my lips cracked a small smile. He nodded along the line of expectant faces and then in one swift movement, the boys pulled off their jerseys to reveal plain white shirts. My eyes widened as I read the single letter printed on each of them. And then Keefer ripped off his jersey to complete the question.


  A small laugh escaped my lips, and my feet started carrying me forward. I could feel the crowd watching me, but I only had eyes for Keefer. With each step I took, he moved on toward me. Until we were standing in front of each other and I looked up at him. “Hi.”

  His eyes roamed down my body and lit up with desire. “Hi. You look…wow. You look amazing.”

  “I thought you’d like it.”

  “I more than like it,” he said, entwining our hands between us, pressing his forehead to mine. “I’m sorry. I know I have a lot of explaining to do, but right now all I want to do is kiss you.”

  I nodded, and he dipped his head and his lips found mine. At first, he seemed to be holding back. He pressed them gently to mine. I was vaguely aware of the cheering, but it wasn’t until the crowd erupted that I started to pull back. He whispered against my lips, “Don’t even think about it,” and then he kissed me.

  Chapter 28

  ~ Keefer ~

  My hands wouldn't st
op shaking. In fact, my whole body quivered with fucking nerves. Everyone was watching. Everyone. Parents, kids, Coach, even Zac and the guys stood—eyes as wide as saucers—watching the scene unfold. I guess I hadn't considered how the crowd would react. Only Sharn. This was all for her.

  The crowd started to part slightly, and as the last two or three people stepped to the side, my eyes found her.

  My heart almost stopped.


  She. Was. Beautiful.

  And I was fucked.

  I noticed the jersey hugging the curve of her waist. My eyes raked in her tight, black pants, baseball sneakers, and the cap pulled on her sexy curls. Longing shot through me and I had to fight back the urge to stride toward her and kiss the shit out of her. Her eyes widened with surprise as the boys stood in a line next to me, and I noticed her lips form an O. They'd been in on my plan for a little while. It might have been a little bit questionable bringing them into our relationship like this, but I didn't technically work for the school anymore, and I'd only asked them to wear the jerseys. They meant so much to Sharn; it felt right to include them. After all, without them, our paths might have never collided.

  Sharn started moving toward me and the pounding of my heart in my ears drowned out the cheers and catcalls. I could only see her. My body moved instinctively until I was looking down at her. She stood a good few inches shorter than me in flat shoes. But none of that mattered. I muttered like a mumbling idiot when she looked up at me through her thick lashes and said hi. I was too busy groaning at the visual of her in that jersey. Talking could wait; I just wanted to kiss her.

  I wrapped my arms around her and scooped her up. My body sagged with relief the second that my lips collided with Sharn's. I felt peace. I felt like I was finally home. My grip tightened on her petite frame as she tried to pull back after she had realized that we still had an audience. There was no way that I was letting her go.

  No fucking way.

  She managed to break free enough to gasp. “Keefer, wha-what is all this?” Her voice was breathy, as she looked up at me through glazed eyes.


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