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The Girl From Number 22

Page 41

by Joan Jonker

  ‘Can I remind yer, Barbara,’ Pat said, ‘that in the cloakroom yer were talking about Jenny having eyes yer could swim in, and hair yer could get lost in. Now ye’re saying she doesn’t hold a candle to a ruddy ciggy holder!’

  The night had started off well, and so it continued. Jenny thought she’d never laughed so much in her life. With no worry on her mind, she let herself go, and revelled in her new-found freedom. Tony kept his promise and divided his time between Jenny and her friends. The only time a smile left his face was when he saw another bloke ask Jenny to dance while he was on the floor with Barbara. ‘He’s got his eye on yer, Jenny,’ Pat said. ‘I think he’s fallen for yer.’

  ‘Don’t be daft, I hardly know him. He’s a nice lad, but that’s about it.’ However, her friend’s words gave her food for thought. ‘Pat, if he asks me if he can take me home, I’m going to tell a little fib and say I’m going home with you. It’s not that I don’t trust him, anything like that, I just don’t want to get too friendly with him and give him ideas. So will yer back me up if I say I’ve promised to go home with you and Barbara?’

  Pat nodded. ‘Of course I will. And I’ll tell Babs, so she doesn’t put her foot in it. I think ye’re right, girl, it pays to be careful. He’s probably a really good bloke, but I agree yer should get to know him a bit better. After all, it’s late and dark out, so better to be sure than sorry.’

  Jenny felt relieved, but at the back of her mind was the thought that she might be jumping the gun. ‘Ay, Pat, it would be the price of me if he has no intention of asking if he can take me home. It would serve me right for being big-headed.’

  However, when the last waltz was announced, Tony wasted no time. Before she knew it, Jenny was in his arms, on the dance floor, and he was asking, ‘Can I take yer home?’

  ‘Oh, I’m sorry, Tony, but I’ll be getting the tram with Pat and Barbara. We made arrangements to stick together, and I’d feel mean if I backed out.’ Jenny felt awful telling lies when Tony had been so good, and he looked really disappointed. ‘Perhaps next time, eh?’

  ‘I’m sure yer mates wouldn’t mind if I took yer home. D’yer want me to ask them?’

  ‘Leave it for tonight, Tony, please. I work with them, and I don’t want to be the one to break our arrangements.’

  ‘Will yer be going to Blair Hall through the week?’ Tony was doing his best not to let his frustration show. He’d taken a liking to Jenny when he first set eyes on her, but Danny had stopped him from getting close enough to ask for a date. And now it was Jenny’s workmates who were the obstacle. ‘If yer are, then tell me what night, and promise yer won’t bring yer friends. It’s not that I don’t like them, but it would be nice to have yer to meself for a night. I could have every dance with yer then.’

  Jenny rolled her eyes. ‘I know yer’ll think I’m making excuses, but bear with me. Yer see, I have a very strict father. In fact, he’s a lousy father, and he gives me mother a dog’s life. If he’s in one of his bad moods, I won’t go out and leave me mam alone with him.’ She could see the doubt on Tony’s face, but told herself she couldn’t do anything about that, for what she was telling him wasn’t all lies. ‘I know yer go to Blair Hall nearly every night, so I’m bound to meet yer there. I won’t say what night, ’cos as I’ve said, I can’t always be sure of getting out. But I promise I will definitely be there one night next week.’

  ‘Without yer mates?’

  Jenny sighed inwardly, and wished she had the courage to say what she really thought. That he was a nice enough lad, but she didn’t want to get involved with anyone right now, and would prefer to come and go as she pleased. After being held back all her life, she was enjoying her first real taste of freedom tonight, and she really didn’t want to be tied down. ‘I doubt they’ll be with me, for they’re not keen on Blair Hall.’

  The music came to an end, and Jenny was pleased to see her two friends standing on the edge of the dance floor. Pat had her coat draped over an arm, and Barbara was swinging her handbag. ‘We got yer things out of the cloakroom, Jenny,’ Pat said. ‘Save yer being caught in the rush.’

  There was little Tony could do but wish them good night with a smile on his face. ‘See yer at Blair Hall, Jenny. Don’t let me down.’

  She smiled and waved a hand. ‘See yer, Tony.’

  Pat waited until he was well out of earshot. ‘He’s got it bad, kid. Yer’ll have a job getting rid of him if yer don’t want him.’

  ‘It’s not that I don’t want him, Pat. How do I know whether I want him or not when I hardly know him! It’s just that tonight is only the second time I’ve seen him, and I don’t want to be rushed into making a date which I might live to regret.’

  ‘It’s not for me to tell yer what to do, girl,’ Barbara said as they walked towards the tram stop. ‘But if I was in your shoes, I’d grab him with both hands. I think he’s smashing. Nice to look at, dresses well, and can certainly move on the dance floor. What more can a girl ask for? If you don’t want him, kid, then pass him over to me and Pat.’

  Pat chortled. ‘Yeah, you pass him over to us, kiddo, and we’ll tear him limb from limb.’

  They had just reached the tram stop when a tram that would take Jenny home came trundling along. She hopped on board, and waved when Pat called, ‘We’ll finish this discussion in work on Monday, kid.’

  Annie was smiling when she opened the door to Jenny. ‘Hello, sweetheart. Have yer had a nice time?’

  Force of habit kept Jenny’s voice low. ‘I’ve had a smashing time, Mam. Did you and Ben enjoy the picture?’

  Annie nodded as she closed the door quickly to keep the cold out. ‘It was a good picture, and yer brother was well pleased with himself. Now get in by the fire and warm yerself through.’

  Jenny was surprised to find her brother sitting in the fireside chair. ‘Where’s me dad? Isn’t he back from the pub yet?’

  ‘Yer father’s in bed, sweetheart.’ Annie took Jenny’s coat and hung it up. ‘He came in about half nine, with a bag of chips. I couldn’t smell beer on him, so I don’t think he’d been to the pub. I made him a cup of tea, and when he’d finished the chips and drunk his tea, he took himself off to bed. Never spoke one word to me or Ben.’

  ‘There’s something wrong, Mam,’ Jenny said, warming her hands in front of the fire. ‘It’s not natural.’

  Ben chuckled. ‘I don’t care whether it’s natural or not, I just hope he stays like that. I was in this chair when he came home, and I expected a clip round the ear. But he didn’t say a dicky bird, so I stayed put. Me dad sat at the table to have his chips, then waltzed off to bed. If he stays that way it’ll suit me fine.’

  ‘Is there any tea left in the pot, Mam?’ Jenny asked. ‘I could do with a cup to warm me up.’

  ‘There’s none in the pot, sweetheart. I was waiting for yer to come in before making a fresh one. I’ll put the kettle on, and while we’re waiting for it to boil, yer can tell us what sort of a night yer’ve had.’

  ‘Then I’ll tell yer about the picture,’ Ben said. ‘It wasn’t half exciting. I was sitting on the edge of me seat at times.’

  On her way out to the kitchen, Annie winked at her daughter. ‘If he was to tell yer the truth, he’d say he had his eyes closed for most of the time.’

  Ben was indignant. ‘Ah, ay, Mam, no I didn’t! I had to sit a bit sideways ’cos the woman in front of me was the size of a mountain. And she had a ruddy big hat on.’

  ‘Oh, I know the feeling, our kid,’ Jenny said. ‘That’s happened to me as well, and yer get a kink in yer neck moving it from side to side.’

  ‘I think anyone as big as that woman should have to pay for two seats.’ Ben’s head nodded in agreement with his words. ‘The woman behind me was moaning because she couldn’t see the screen, either.’

  When Annie carried the cups of tea through, she asked, ‘Did yer meet anyone nice at the dance, sweetheart? Did yer get asked up?’

  Jenny thought carefully, for she didn’t want to let her mothe
r think she hadn’t enjoyed herself. But at the same time she didn’t want to give her ideas if Tony was mentioned. ‘I had a great time, Mam, and so did me mates. We all got asked up to dance, and we laughed a lot ’cos they’re very funny. I really did enjoy meself.’

  ‘I hope yer’ve made arrangements to go out with yer friends again, sweetheart. Yer need to get out and about more often. The Lord knows yer deserve it. In the future, you and Ben go where and when yer please.’

  ‘I know one thing,’ Ben told them. ‘Next time I go to the flicks, I’ll make sure the usherette doesn’t stick me behind a fat woman with a big hat on.’

  ‘I know I shouldn’t encourage yer to make fun of people, son. Particularly people older than yerself. But I’ve got to be honest and say the woman was getting on my nerves as well. She had a bag of sweets, and every time she wanted one she would take it out of the bag and then rustle the paper to close it up again. I’ll swear she did it on purpose, just to let everyone know she had those ruddy sweets.’

  ‘I heard the man sitting next to her telling her off,’ Ben said. ‘I felt like giving him a pat on the back for being so brave, ’cos he was only half the size of her.’

  Mother and children were so used to doing everything quietly, they didn’t make a sound as they climbed the stairs. But there was a difference from other nights, for they all had a smile on their face.

  Ada was carrying a shovelful of coal up the yard when she heard her neighbour’s back door open. ‘Is that you, sunshine,’ she called, ‘or are yer letting yer fancy man out, hoping he won’t be seen?’

  ‘Chance would be a fine thing, girl,’ Hetty called back. ‘Not that I’d have any inclination for a fancy man, I’ve gone past that. I’ll stick with my feller. Yer know what they say about the devil yer know being better than the devil yer don’t know.’

  ‘Yeah, I know that saying, sunshine.’ Ada’s smile was wide as she tried to imagine her mate having a fancy man. Hetty would run a mile if a bloke looked at her. ‘I’m just putting some coal on the fire, making meself a cuppa, then resting me legs for a while. D’yer fancy coming in to keep me company?’

  ‘Ye’re early with yer cuppa, aren’t yer? Yer don’t usually make one until just before we go to the shops.’

  ‘Well, it’s like this, sunshine, I feel like throwing caution to the winds today. Yer know what I mean, ’cos yer must have had days like that yerself. When yer feel like saying sod the washing, and letting yer hair down.’

  Hetty’s chuckle came over the yard wall. ‘Yeah, I’ve often felt like going mad and breaking eggs with a big stick.’

  ‘Then I’m safe to invite yer in for a cuppa, sunshine, ’cos I haven’t got an egg in the house until we go to the shops.’

  ‘Have yer got any biscuits?’

  ‘I think I can manage one each. Will that tempt yer?’

  ‘I’ll be over in ten minutes, girl, so have the room nice and warm.’

  ‘What are yer doing in the yard, anyway?’ Ada asked. ‘I came out for a shovel of coal, which I’m still holding like a lemon. What did you come out for? It’s no use putting any washing out, it’s freezing.’

  Hetty screwed up her face before saying very quietly, ‘I was going to the lavvy, girl.’

  ‘What did yer say, sunshine?’ Ada held her tummy while she shook with laughter. She’d bet any money her mate was blushing. ‘I didn’t quite catch what yer said.’

  ‘I’ll tell yer later,’ Hetty called as she scurried down the yard. She was freezing now, but would be a damn sight worse when she’d sat in the lavatory which gave no protection from the wind and cold. Oh, to live in a house with an inside toilet.

  A short while later, the two friends faced each other across the table. Both had their hands curled round a cup of hot tea. ‘When we go to the shops, girl, shall we call in and see how Annie’s getting on? It wouldn’t be out of our way, we’ve got to pass it to get to the greengrocer’s and Irwin’s.’

  ‘Oh, we can’t do that, sunshine, she’d be embarrassed. She won’t have the hang of things yet, and she’d die if we walked in and she was trying to serve. Besides, I wouldn’t like Andy to think we were going to be a nuisance.’

  ‘I thought it would be matey, like, to show a bit of interest. And Andy wouldn’t get a cob on, he’s too nice for that.’

  But Ada shook her head. ‘We can call in next week, when she’s got a bit of confidence. Besides, she’s coming here when she’s finished work, to tell us how she got on.’

  ‘Yeah, ye’re right, girl, as usual. She would probably get all hot and bothered if we walked in.’ Hetty took a sip of tea. ‘The goings-on in her house are funny, don’t yer think so, girl? I’ve never known anyone like her husband, he’s queer. For years he’s knocked Annie and the kids around, done some terrible things to her, and then suddenly he’s as quiet as a mouse and doesn’t open his mouth to them! There’s something fishy there, if yer ask me.’

  ‘I’ve got me own ideas on what the queer feller is up to,’ Ada said. ‘People like him, who think they’re the pig’s ear, and lord it over everyone, they don’t change. Not unless there’s a good reason behind it.’

  ‘What d’yer mean, girl? What good reason could Tom Phillips have for changing from a loud-mouthed drunkard to a quiet man who doesn’t go to the pub every night or knock his wife and kids around? I mean, I’m glad he has changed, for Annie’s sake, and the two children’s, but I still think there’s something fishy going on.’

  ‘I agree with yer, sunshine, there is definitely something fishy going on. Men as old as Tom Phillips don’t suddenly change. As I said, I have me own ideas on what he’s up to, but I’m not saying anything in case I’m wrong.’

  ‘What d’yer think it is, girl? Go on, yer can tell me. Yer know I won’t repeat it to anyone. I’ll be the soul of discretion.’

  ‘What about when ye’re in bed with Arthur, and having a little natter before yer put the light out? And yer think to yerself, well Arthur doesn’t speak to no one, so there’d be no harm done.’

  Hetty got on her high horse. ‘My Arthur doesn’t go round telling tittle-tattle! He hardly speaks to anyone. He doesn’t even go for a pint unless it’s with your Jimmy. So who would he have to gossip to?’

  ‘Don’t be getting yer knickers in a twist, sunshine, ’cos I know for certain that Arthur has got more to do than gossip. And you have my heartfelt apology for bringing his name into the conversation.’

  Hetty made a clicking sound with her tongue. ‘Yer’ve no intention of telling me what yer think, have yer, girl? If I had something to blackmail yer with, then I would. The trouble is, ye’re too ruddy good to be true.’

  ‘Listen, sunshine, ye’re me best mate, and if I had anything to tell, then yer’d be the first one I’d tell it to. But I honestly don’t know why Tom Phillips has changed. What I do have is an idea of what he might be up to, but I don’t know anything for certain. And Annie, God bless her, hasn’t a clue about what’s going on.’

  ‘Well, why can’t yer tell me what yer think? If ye’re not right, then there’s no harm done, ’cos no one but me would know what yer had in yer head.’

  ‘We’ve got Christmas on top of us, sunshine, and that should be enough to keep our minds occupied. A few weeks after the holiday, I’ve got a feeling we’ll all know what Tom Phillips is up to. Whether it’ll make life better for Annie and the kids, well, we’ll just have to wait and see. It’ll all come out in the wash, sunshine, believe me.’

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  ‘And yer think ye’re going to do all right in the shop, do yer, Mam?’ Jenny’s face was alive with interest. That the mother she adored was going to have a life of her own made her feel very happy. ‘And the man was nice with yer?’

  ‘He’s a real gentleman, sweetheart. His name is Mr Saunders, but he told me right away to call him Andy.’

  Ben’s eyes were shining. ‘Did yer serve any customers, Mam? I’d love to work in a shop, but with being a boy, I suppose I’m better off servi
ng me time as an apprentice. The money’s good when I get to twenty-one, and I’ll always be sure of a job.’

  ‘Ye’re much better off having a trade, son, yer did the right thing. I know yer don’t earn much now, but yer’ve always got to think ahead, to the future.’

  ‘Me dad still doesn’t know about yer working, does he, Mam?’ Jenny asked. ‘Are yer going to tell him?’

  Annie shook her head. ‘Not unless I’ve got to. If he knows I’m earning a few bob, he’ll give me less housekeeping every week. He’d be the one to gain by me working, not me. So unless he finds out for himself, I ain’t going to tell him. My few bob every week will make life a lot easier. I’ll be able to pick and choose what we have for our meals, and spend a few coppers on meself. I could do with something decent to wear. The few clothes I’ve got make me look like a real frump.’

  ‘It’s not before time, Mam,’ Jenny told her. ‘Ye’re still a young woman, yer’ve got a nice face and figure, and it’s about time yer started to do yerself up.’

  Annie chuckled. ‘The few bob I earn isn’t going to stretch like a piece of elastic, sweetheart, but if I put some coppers away each week, I’ll soon have enough saved to buy something half decent for meself. And I’ll be able to help you and Ben out if yer find yerselves skint in the middle of the week.’

  Jenny’s mouth set in a stubborn line. ‘Mam, me and Ben get enough pocket money for the time being, so forget us and see to yerself. And I hope me dad never finds out, ’cos as yer said, he’d drop yer housekeeping.’ Her brow creased. ‘Speaking of me dad, what’s happened to him the last week or so? No shouting or bawling, no clouts or blows, and no rolling home blind drunk. I thought he was sickening for something at first, but there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with him.’

  ‘Your guess is as good as mine, sweetheart. But I have to say I don’t care what’s happened to make him change, I’m just hoping he stays that way and doesn’t go back to being a drunken bully. I’d be the happiest woman in the world if he never spoke to me again, and I didn’t have to be looking over me shoulder all the time.’


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