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Page 6

by Lynn Hagen

  Kendrick curled his legs under him and settled back into the cushions of the overstuffed couch. He ignored Einarr’s request as the movie started. He wasn’t sure what the demon was up to. They’d watched quite a few movies together, and he’d never asked Kendrick to sit close before. What was the demon’s motive? Why was he being so insistent tonight?

  He really was worn out from his hectic and emotional night. Kendrick felt his eyelids growing heavy. He tried to smother his yawn with his hand as he focused on the television. Something touched his ankles, and Kendrick nearly jumped. It was Einarr. The man had pulled Kendrick’s feet into his lap and was massaging his ankles. Kendrick was so tired that he didn’t protest.

  In fact, he began to slump farther onto the couch. He slid sideways and rested his head on the soft arm. Einarr’s fingers moved up Kendrick’s legs, working the tension from his calves. It felt wonderful.

  Kendrick had never gotten a massage before. Einarr’s fingers dug gently into Kendrick’s calves, but that wasn’t what Kendrick was paying attention to. He was becoming hard having Einarr touch him. Those strong fingers began to move in a circular motion, and Kendrick wished it was his cock that Einarr was rubbing instead.

  “You still awake?” Einarr asked.

  Kendrick should play sleep. He should. He wasn’t sure what Einarr was up to, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to know.

  Oh, who was he kidding? Yes he did.

  “Barely,” Kendrick said. “Tired.”

  Einarr’s hand skimmed up Kendrick’s leg and stopped just short of his butt before it slid back down. Kendrick tried to hold back the shiver that made him shake slightly. Einarr’s fingers tightened on his legs. Kendrick had no idea what the movie was about and didn’t care. All he could focus on was the overwhelming presence of the demon sitting with him. He tucked his hands under his head and gazed at the television, pretending indifference.

  But that didn’t last long. Einarr pulled at Kendrick’s legs.

  “What?” Kendrick asked as he looked over his shoulder. He was stunned to see the hunger that burned in Einarr’s blue eyes. “What do you need?”

  “You,” Einarr said as he tugged once more on Kendrick’s legs. Kendrick slid up and then over to Einarr. The demon grabbed Kendrick’s waist and settled him on his lap. “No matter how hard I fight this, I can’t stop wanting you.”

  Einarr slid his hand around the nape of Kendrick’s neck and pulled him close. He felt the man’s breath on his lips. Kendrick parted them. The kiss was unexpectedly sweet. At first there was no tongue, just a press of lips, an exchange of breath. But then Kendrick was opening his mouth wide, begging to have Einarr possess him. His breath was stolen as the demon’s tongue and teeth did things to him that left him weak and clutching at the man’s shoulders.

  Einarr’s hands skimmed up Kendrick’s back, and Kendrick found himself moaning. This was exactly what he’d been looking for. This was exactly what he’d dreamt about. Einarr was an exceptional kisser, and Kendrick knew that one kiss would never be enough. His hard cock pressed against his zipper as he ground his ass against Einarr’s sculpted thighs.

  There was no way Einarr was going to kiss him and then they would go back to watching the movie. Kendrick had wanted this man since first laying eyes on him in the demon realm. The attraction had been instant, and he’d felt sparks fly between them.

  Kendrick skimmed his hands over Einarr’s broad chest as Einarr’s hands slid to cup Kendrick’s ass. The man squeezed, and a pulse of need shot through Kendrick’s body. He panted into Einarr’s mouth as he sucked at the man’s tongue. When Einarr turned and pressed Kendrick’s back into the cushions, Kendrick didn’t stop the man. This was what he wanted.

  He slipped his hands under Einarr’s shirt and reveled in the feel of the man’s warm skin. Einarr’s stomach was nothing but ridges and valleys of perfection. He moved his hands higher and sought out Einarr’s nipples, tweaking then between his fingers. Einarr groaned as his hips shot forward. Kendrick wrapped his legs around Einarr’s waist, pulling the man closer before the demon finally broke the kiss.

  Kendrick turned his head to the side and hissed when Einarr shoved his shirt up and licked at Kendrick’s chest, teasing his nipples just as Kendrick was teasing Einarr’s. He wanted their clothes gone. Kendrick wanted to feel Einarr’s hard length rubbing against his naked skin.

  He pulled at Einarr’s shirt, and the demon allowed Kendrick to pull it free. He gasped and ran his hands over Einarr’s chest, mesmerized by how honed the man’s muscles were.

  “I’ve never cared what anyone thought of my body before,” Einarr said as he leaned back and allowed Kendrick to explore.

  “But you do now?” he asked.

  “Very much so,” Einarr admitted as he flexed his pecs, making Kendrick smile.

  “Are you fishing for compliments?” Kendrick tweaked one of Einarr’s nipples and watched as the man’s eyelids fluttered.


  “Compared to my body,” Kendrick said as his fingers traced the hills and valleys of Einarr’s stomach, “it’s perfection.”

  “What are you talking about?” Einarr asked. “Your body turns me on in every way imaginable.”

  Kendrick felt himself blush. “Really?”

  “I desire it so much that I can’t keep my hands to myself,” Einarr said. “I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you.”

  Kendrick’s heart fluttered at Einarr’s confession. He made a confession of his own. “Me either. You’re always on my mind, whether you’re here or not.”

  “I am?” Einarr sounded pleased. He cleared his throat. “I heard you say my name when I saw you masturbating.”

  Kendrick’s mouth fell open as he stared up at Einarr. “Y–you saw that?” He’d never been so embarrassed in his life. Although he imaged Einarr being there, to hear the man say the words aloud made the skin on his face and ears burn.

  “Do you know how beautiful you looked?” Einarr pressed forward and nuzzled Kendrick’s neck. “It took every ounce of willpower I possess not to go to you.”

  “Why didn’t you?”

  “I was fighting what I felt for you, trying to protect you from my life,” Einarr said. “It isn’t pretty, Kendrick. It’s violent and chaotic.”

  “But everyone deserves to have someone they can go to and forget their troubles, forget the world exists.” Kendrick worried his lower lip. “I–I can be that person for you.”

  “Why?” Einarr asked. “Why would you want anything to do with my life? It’s not safe for you, and other than sex, how can you benefit from being around me?”

  It stunned Kendrick that Einarr had no clue what a relationship consisted of. The guy thought the only thing they could share was sex. “We can be lovers, yes. But we can still be friends. It’s important that we’re friends. Don’t you ever have the urge to talk to someone after a crappy day? Do you have someone you can call when you have good news or because you just feel like talking?”

  Einarr frowned. “No. I have my brethren, but they have their own lives.”

  This was so damn sad. “And you have me and my family,” Kendrick said as he smoothed his hand over Einarr’s stomach and then let it drop farther until the backs of his knuckles glided over the man’s jean-clad erection. “We might be few, but we’re fierce.”

  Something moved behind Einarr’s blue eyes. “You want to share your family with me?”

  “I want to share everything with you, Einarr.” And that was the honest truth. Over the past few weeks Kendrick had gotten to know the demon, seen his softer, more playful side. Even though Einarr tried to block him out, Kendrick had seen who Einarr truly was.

  And truth be told, he’d started falling for the demon.

  “I can’t live outside my apartment building,” Einarr said as he ground his cock into Kendrick’s hand. “That’s where I draw my strength.”

  Kendrick chuckled. “I didn’t say anything about us moving in together. Slow down, big boy. One day at
a time.”

  “I can do one day at a time,” Einarr said before he flipped the flap of his jeans open. Kendrick slipped his hand inside and wrapped his fingers around Einarr’s erection. It was thick, hot, and throbbing fiercely in his hand.

  Kendrick was investing himself in this man. He hoped like hell that Einarr would do the same.

  Chapter Six

  This was a huge mistake. Einarr shouldn’t have talked Kendrick into watching a movie with him. That hadn’t been his intention at all. He’d planned on seducing the human and damn if it hadn’t worked. Kendrick was lying under him, arching and writhing, as if the man couldn’t wait to be fucked.

  Einarr framed Kendrick’s face before lowering his head. He stared into the man’s gorgeous green eyes and then licked at Kendrick’s lips until the human opened for him. He plunged his tongue deep as Kendrick’s hands continued to massage and play with Einarr’s cock. He lapped and sipped from Kendrick’s mouth, his fingers tightening around the man’s jaw. Kendrick whimpered and moaned.

  Kendrick pulled back and licked his lower lip as he gazed up at Einarr. Those kiss-swollen lips had Einarr growing even harder.

  “Maybe we should go upstairs.”

  Einarr bit at Kendrick’s jaw and smiled. “Everyone is asleep,” he said. “Besides, I like the idea of having you in front of the fireplace. The crackling fire…kinda adds to this moment, yeah?”

  “Oh my god.” Kendrick’s smile widened as he rubbed his fingers over Einarr’s jaw. “You’re a romantic.”

  One of Einarr’s brows rose slightly. “I’ll deny it if you tell anyone.”

  Kendrick moved closer, his lips barely touching Einarr’s. The human drew in a breath, and Einarr liked that they were breathing the exact same air. He leaned in a little closer, their lips an inch apart before Einarr moved back, teasing Kendrick. He smiled when Kendrick did. The man hooked his hand behind Einarr’s neck, drawing him closer.

  “Don’t tease me when it comes to kissing me,” the man warned. “You’re kisses are to die for.” Kendrick’s eyelids slid down until they were mere slits. Einarr wondered if the man knew just how devastatingly beautiful he truly was.

  No one had every complimented him on kissing before. Einarr’s ego was stroked as he gave a soft chuckle and then closed the distance, their tongues tangling as he reached between them and unfastened Kendrick’s pants. He teased his hand back and forth just under the waistband as Kendrick tried to maneuver his body so Einarr’s fingers would go lower.

  This might have been a mistake, but Einarr was too fascinated with Kendrick, wanted the man so badly that there was no way he could pull back now. Kendrick was the light to Einarr’s darkness, hope in his dismal world. Kendrick was everything Einarr was not. He knew he needed to walk away, but the selfish part of him refused to go—refused to leave Kendrick alone so the man could find someone else to share his beautiful soul with.

  God help him, but Einarr didn’t have the strength to walk away.

  He pulled back from the kiss and worked Kendrick’s jeans free. Einarr gazed at his lover’s long and slim cock before wrapping his hand around the hard shaft. He nuzzled Kendrick’s neck, licking, biting, sucking as his fingers played at the head, and smoothing the pre-cum around.

  Kendrick’s breath hitched, his back arched, and he made sensual sex noises in Einarr’s ear. For the first time in Einarr’s life, he wished he was a different man, someone worthy enough to deserve someone wholly good like Kendrick. He felt like a vagabond trying to seduce an angel.

  Einarr moved back and then stood, undressing. Kendrick turned onto his side, biting his lower lip as he watched. For some strange reason, Einarr began to peacock, taking his time so Kendrick could take in every line, every hard-earned definition to his body. He even turned slightly so Kendrick could get a good eyeful of his ass.

  Kendrick grinned. “You are truly a work of art.”

  And Einarr’s ego was stroked once more. “Me?” he asked as he let his jeans fall to the floor. “This old body?”

  Kendrick turned to his stomach, lifted his arm, and held his hand out. Instead of taking Kendrick’s hand, Einarr pulled the man from the couch and placed him in on the rug in front of the warm fire. The glow from the fire cast shadows over Kendrick’s face, making him seem even more angelic, a bit mysterious, and downright breathtaking. The green in Kendrick’s eyes grew darker as they filled with hunger—a hunger that matched what Einarr felt. He scooted down the rug and lowered himself until he was between Kendrick’s legs. Locking eyes with the man, he pressed a kiss against his lover’s inner thigh and then moved to kiss the other one.

  Kendrick’s lips were slightly parted as he watched. There was also longing in those dark orbs, begging Einarr to take his hard cock into his mouth. He knew he would want one more kiss from his lover. One more caress. One more moment to laugh. One more moment of talking about nothing and everything. He wanted one more of everything with this man. He began to wonder if he could make this work between them somehow.

  In the mood to tease, Einarr rubbed his chin over Kendrick’s cock, moving his head so the hard shaft moved over his cheek. He darted his tongue out, sliding it along the large vein that ran under Kendrick’s cock.

  “D–don’t you dare tease me,” Kendrick warned.

  Einarr kept their gazes locked as he moved lower and mouthed Kendrick’s balls. He took one into his mouth, bathed it with his tongue, and then moved to the other.

  “Einarr,” Kendrick whispered.

  Hearing Kendrick say his name made any resistance he still considered weaken. He said it as though he truly worshiped what Einarr was doing to him.

  Einarr lapped and sucked before he moved up and then took Kendrick into his mouth. Kendrick’s hips shot upward, his fingers curling into Einarr’s short hair. Einarr didn’t stop his lover when Kendrick thrust his hips in short bursts, fucking Einarr’s mouth. He took the cock all the way down his throat, using his throat muscles to massage the hard shaft as Kendrick pulled back.

  “N–no,” Kendrick said as he pulled back, sweat glistening over his brows. “Not like this. I don’t want to come like this.”

  “Put your legs around my waist,” Einarr said as he reared back and then pushed to his knees. Kendrick did. Einarr lined his cock up to Kendrick’s body and then waited. A spurt of pre-cum shot out.

  “What was that?” Kendrick asked as he glanced down between their bodies.”

  “It helps to lube and relax you,” he explained. “But don’t make me go into details. It’s killing the mood.”

  Kendrick chuckled. “No mood killing.”

  He gripped Einarr’s shoulders as his head rolled back. His eyelids fluttered as his lips parted when Einarr began to push inside. Rapturous. That was what this was. Pure pleasure and so damn erotic that Einarr wanted to take his time, to make this last. He inched in slowly, biting his lower lip at how exquisite Kendrick felt wrapped around his cock.

  No sooner had Einarr bottomed out than he felt them bind together. Einarr gasped and stared down at Kendrick in stunned disbelief. No. This couldn’t be. Kendrick couldn’t be his mate. He didn’t want the human involved in his violent life, yet there was no mistaking what was happening between them.

  “Einarr?” Kendrick stared at him in confusion. “What’s happening? I fell like…like something just snapped into place between us. What…what is going on?”

  Einarr buried his face in Kendrick’s shoulder. A maelstrom of emotions pulled him under. Fear. Elation. Disbelief. But what held and shook him was the feeling of unworthiness. How could fate be so cruel to Kendrick? Why would fate stick the man with someone whose very life could destroy such a beautiful creature?


  Einarr closed his eyes and shook his head. “I’m so sorry.”

  “For what?” Kendrick’s slim fingers framed Einarr’s face, brushing over his jaw. “Talk to me.”

  Einarr slid his hands under Kendrick and pulled the man up, holding Kendrick close to his
chest as he wrapped his arms around his mate. “Please don’t hate me.”

  “You’re scaring me,” Kendrick whispered.

  The man should be scared. He should be downright terrified. “You’re…” Einarr swallowed roughly as he prayed Kendrick was never hurt by Einarr’s life. “You’re my mate.”

  “How do you know?” Kendrick’s voice had lowered even more.

  “Don’t you feel it?” Einarr asked. “The connection?”

  Kendrick nodded. “Is that the pull?”

  “The pull?” Einarr said. “No, no pull. We demons don’t feel the pull. What you feel is our bond settling into place. It will only grow deeper.”

  “But that’s a good thing,” Kendrick said as he leaned back and smiled up at Einarr. “I see the way Dylan and Paine are with each other.”

  “You don’t get it,” Einarr said as he brushed his hands over Kendrick’s smooth back. “I told you what my life is like. How could you want to be a part of that?”

  “And I told you”— Kendrick pressed a kiss to Einarr’s lips—“that you need someone there for you, someone you can let your guard down with and forget the world exists.”

  Einarr stood with Kendrick still around his waist and took a seat on the couch. “Then make me forget,” he begged. Because right now, all sorts of horrific scenarios raced through his mind, a thousand different ways Kendrick could be harmed.

  Kendrick pressed his knees against Einarr’s hips as he began to move, rocking up and down on Einarr’s cock. Einarr leaned back into the overstuffed cushions, his hands gripping Kendrick’s hips as the man moved. He felt Kendrick to the depths of his soul. He wanted to keep this man safe. He wanted to see Kendrick smile every single day of the man’s life. But most of all, Einarr wanted to know what it was like to have someone love him.

  Soon Einarr took over, driving his cock deep into Kendrick’s body, watching in utter fascination as Kendrick leaned back, moaning, his eyes closed, his body moving as one with Einarr’s.

  “So beautiful,” Einarr whispered.


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