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Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love

Page 39

by Koko Brown

  He shook that thought from his mind.

  “I hope you’re trying to shake some sense into your head.”

  He looked up to see Dallas leaning against the doorframe. Dallas nodded to Tina curled in his lap.

  “She was having a nightmare.”

  “Not your problem,” Dallas stated.

  He glanced down at her. Her lashes were wet with tears. The scowl that had been on her face was now gone, leaving soft, delicate features. He used a finger to move a lock of her hair from in front of her eyes and tucked it behind her ear. She mumbled a thank you.

  “I know what you’re thinking,” Dallas said. “Forget about it. Say we did drop her off on the nearest planet. The other bounty hunters will get word that she’s still out there, pick her up, take her back, and claim the credits. Our credits. Not to mention that letting her go will knock our ranking down. If that happens we’ll get the scraps and you and I both know that the scraps don’t pay shit.”

  He waved a hand in the air. “I know. I know. The higher the ranking, the bigger the jobs. And the bigger the jobs, the bigger the pay day. Plus, I need my surgery. That’s the whole reason for all of this.” The most important reason.

  “Right. We’re almost to goal.”

  Sorry, Tina.

  “Grekon? Can I ask you a question?”

  Grekon wasn’t a clairvoyant but he knew the question before Tina asked. “What?”

  “What happened to you? I mean, you were obviously born with a penis otherwise you wouldn’t be able to get the regeneration surgery. Was it an accident or something?”

  Dallas looked over at him. They were both sitting at the helm of the transporter while Tina was strapped in her seat behind them. When Dallas opened his mouth to respond, Grekon stopped him with a wave of his hand. If the situation were reversed, he would’ve asked the question long before now. She was curious and he found that he didn’t mind telling her.

  “When I was younger, my mother and father, probably at the wishes of the King and Queen at the time, had my penis removed.”

  “Wait. You’re saying that your mother and father did that to you? For fuck’s sake. Why in the hell would they do that to their kid?”

  He lifted a shoulder. “I was too young to ask and the exact reasons died with them. But from what little I was told, there was only a need for one royal blood line, not two. My cousin Princess Sa’Mya, well, Queen now, was the heir to the throne and it was well known that her blood line was preferred over mine. My mother was a commoner and I paid the price for that unfortunate union.”

  “Ugh. That sucks. Well, fuck them and fuck her too.”

  He shook his head. “None of this is Sa’Mya’s fault. She was young like me. She didn’t have a hand in what was done to me.”

  He didn’t have a lot of memories of him and Sa’Mya together, but the memories he had were good ones. He remembered a girl who liked to read and who dreamed of exploring the universe.

  He’d grown up lonely to put it mildly. As a royal he had constant staff taking care of every one of his needs, but friends? Companionship? He had no one. Sa’Mya was the heir to the throne. The fact that she was the important one was made clear. While he was able to spend some time with her, it was in passing as she always had official business to attend to.

  When he came of age he left Laconia and made his own way and had never looked back since. Laconia had never felt like his home anyway. It had been a cold and empty place. There were no loved ones, no friends, and the only family he had left behind was in essence, a stranger now.

  “For what it’s worth, if the shoe were on the other foot, I would turn me over for the money too. I’d be making as many credits as I could to be made whole again,” she said.

  “Sorry it has to be this way.”

  “Eh, I escaped Luxo once. I can escape him again.”

  Grekon looked over his shoulder at her. While her mouth had said one thing, the look on her face portrayed something entirely different.

  Tina knew that she wouldn’t escape him again. Luxo would cut her foot off this time. Maybe even both feet. It would be just like him to do something like that to disable her. He wouldn’t care about her disfigurement; all that mattered to him was her at his side, on her knees and at his beck and call.

  “What’s your story?” Dallas asked.

  She scrunched her brows and looked from the window to Dallas.

  “What? I can’t ask a question?” he said.

  He didn’t give a damn about her. She snorted. “You already know about me. I was sold to Luxo and he—”

  “No, not that stuff,” Dallas said. “Your real story. Back on Earth.”

  “Oh.” She cleared her throat.

  “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” Dallas rushed out. “I was just, you know, trying to pass the time.”

  “I don’t mind.” She shifted her gaze from Dallas to Grekon. “It’s just that no one has really asked me about myself since being captured. After the Loconuist came and trapped us all in their space ship, everyone was pretty much looking out for themselves. And Luxo…” she looked down at the floor. “He didn’t care about my past.”

  “So you weren’t taken with family or friends?” Dallas asked.

  She shook her head. “No. You?”

  He shook his head too. “Don’t have family and wasn’t good at making friends. On the Loconuist vessel, when I saw families being ripped apart I knew that it was easier to stick to myself and not get attached to anyone. There was no point in it.”

  “That was a good idea.” She turned to stare out the window. An array of color from planets, suns, and different galaxies whizzed by. “I was in Paris working at one of the fashion houses when they came. I had some friends, well, I thought they were friends.” She chuckled. The sound wasn’t very humorous. “But when the Loconuist came, everyone sort of split up and went their separate ways. They wanted to be home with their families. I was left alone.”

  “Where in the states were you originally from?”

  “Alabama. I spent forever trying to get out of my small town. My parents died when my brother and I were younger and my grandma raised us. After she died, I knew there was no point in staying there.” She sighed. “Now I wish that I hadn’t ever left. Being with my brother would’ve been a hell of a lot better than going through this on my own.”

  “Yeah, I couldn’t imagine having family out there and not knowing what happened to them.”

  She pulled her gaze away from the window. “He’s alive. At least I think he is. He’s my twin and I think that if something had happened to him, I’d know it, right? We’re supposed to have some kind of twin intuition.”

  Dallas nodded.

  “There’s a species of twins on the planet Holis,” Grekon said. “They share a telepathic bond. I don’t doubt that you and your twin have that in common as well.”

  Her eyes began to swell with tears. She looked away before the guys could see her crying. She’d done more crying in the past two days than she’d done in a while. She didn’t want to cry anymore. “Thank you for that.”

  Guilt took hold of her. She should’ve spent more time looking for JB instead of living it up and partying on Tolanis and the other planets she’d run off to. She knew the bounty hunters were after her and it was just a matter of time before she was back in Luxo’s clutches. No matter where she hid, the bounty hunters would’ve found her. They eventually always did.

  Wait. How?

  She turned and eyed all the controls on the console. “How did you guys find me anyway?”

  “Good old fashioned detective work,” Dallas said. He swiped his hand at the control panel. “But with a healthy dose of alien technology.”

  “But I didn’t use my name on my credit account. I used an alias. How did you track me down?”

  “We use algorithms,” Grekon said. “We looked for humans matching your description in the database. We also calculate how long you’ve been gone and how far you could�
�ve gotten using various methods of transportation and we narrowed our search. We have a tip hotline which further homes in on our jobs. It takes credits to get access to planetary surveillance systems. We pay off tipsters and the rest is luck.”

  “Can you do all that to find my brother?”

  “Tina,” Dallas said slowly.

  She adjusted in her seat. “I’m serious. I have the credits. I’ll give you everything that’s left in my account. It’s not like I need it anymore. It’s all yours. His name is Justin Blake. He goes by JB. He looks exactly like me but in male form.”

  Dallas and Grekon didn’t answer her.

  “It’s all I have. Take it. Find him. Just let him know that I’m alive. Please.”

  “We can’t promise you anything,” Grekon said softly.

  “I don’t want any promises.” This time she didn’t care if they saw the tears rolling down her cheeks. “If he is alive, send me word. That’s all I ask.”


  “How much longer until we reach Luxo’s?”

  They’d been riding in silence for so long that she’d gotten lost in her thoughts. The only ray of sunshine in this entire ordeal was that there was hope that JB could be found. If anyone could find JB, it was Dallas and Grekon. She trusted them. They were handing her back to Luxo and they should’ve been enemy number one, but for some odd reason she knew that when they took her credits they wouldn’t run away and forget about her. She had given them another job and they would treat it like any other.

  She would finally learn what happened to her brother.

  “Not much longer now,” Grekon said.

  “Do I have time to take a nap before we land?” she asked. She could guess what her punishment would be when she returned. A beating, humiliation, starvation, and sleep deprivation. Luxo was sadistic, but he was also predictable.

  “Yeah,” Dallas said. “Let me set the transporter to cruise control and undo your harness.”

  “Nah, don’t worry about it.” She blew out the air in her lungs. When the top part of the harness loosened, she maneuvered and dipped her head underneath the binding. She then took in a deep breath and slid between the loose parts of the restraints. When she was done, she stood and stretched.

  Both Dallas and Grekon stared at her open mouthed.

  “What can I say? If I didn’t want to starve to death, I had to get out of whatever bondage Luxo put me in.” She chuckled to herself. “Of course I’d have to put myself back in before he woke up.” She walked to the door and paused. She didn’t look back at them. “When I get back to Luxo, he’s going to do unspeakable things to my body. D-do you think that we could…” She wanted to feel a gentle touch for the last time. She wanted to be kissed, needed, craved.

  “Yes,” Dallas said.

  “Cruise control on,” the announcement came from the overhead speakers.

  She went into the bedroom and took off her ribbon and shorts. As she crawled onto the bed, Dallas entered. Silently he disrobed as he watched her lay back and ready herself.

  “Where’s Grekon?”

  “He said that he’ll stay up front.”

  She pushed herself to rise on her elbow. “Why?”

  Dallas raised both eyebrows. “Um…because…”

  She looked past him. “Grekon? I want both of you.”

  Dallas made his way to the bed and positioned himself behind her. The warmth of his body felt good against her skin. He placed soft kisses on the back of her neck and around her shoulders.

  Grekon appeared at the door. “You don’t need me here. You didn’t need me before.”

  She held out her hand. “I meant what I said. Come here.”

  Dallas reached around and massaged her breast. She whimpered when his thumb brushed against her nipple, teasing her.

  Grekon watched but he didn’t move. “I-I can’t do—”

  “You can do plenty.” She wiggled her fingers.

  This time he came to her.

  What was he doing? He didn’t belong. He was just in the way like before. He wasn’t a full male. He was useless.

  But all those thoughts didn’t stop him from going to her. At the bed he dropped to his knees. Oral pleasure was all he was good for. At the brothel houses he had to pay females to satisfy them. It was the only way to make himself feel normal.

  “No,” she said. She gave Dallas a light push and reached for him, grabbing him by his collar. She pulled, encouraging him to stand. “Come lie down with us.”

  He didn’t know what to say. He kicked off his shoes and slid next to her, on the opposite side of Dallas. She rolled on top of him and covered his mouth with hers. Her tongue delved between his lips to meet his. Then she trailed kisses from his lips across his cheek to his earlobe where she licked and sucked.

  He couldn’t catch his breath. Kisses were for lovers. Never for brothel whores and since he’d never had a lover, he hadn’t indulged in the luxury that many took for granted.

  Tina then made her way down to his neck. “This needs to come off.” Before his mind could register what she talked about, she worked to pull his shirt over his head.

  “I can leave it on,” he said.

  She ignored him as she finished her task. “Nipples,” she murmured to herself. She leaned over and used her tongue to caress one. A shudder ran through his body. “Has anyone ever licked these?”

  He shook his head.

  “Damn shame. And they’re so perfect too.” She went back to licking him, alternating between the two.

  “Ancients,” he said in a hoarse whisper.

  He wanted to close his eyes and enjoy the feeling, but he also didn’t want to miss watching Dallas place kisses up and down her spine. As he kissed her, Dallas massaged her breasts.

  When Tina trailed her tongue down his stomach, Dallas trailed his down to her ass. The moment his eyes disappeared from his view, Tina let out a moan and closed hers. She lifted her butt high in the air, giving Dallas full access.

  A spark of jealousy went through him. He wanted to lick her pussy and ass. It was the only thing he was good for. But even as jealousy coursed through him, so did excitement. Flutters filled his stomach as he watched the look of passion on her face, listened to her moans, and smelled her arousal.

  He wanted her kisses again. He brought her back up and claimed her mouth. As soon as he did, Dallas kneeled behind her and rubbed his cock against her. He reached down and grabbed her ass cheeks, spreading them apart. The moment Dallas slid into her pussy, she broke mouth contact and cried out in pleasure.

  As Dallas pumped into her, slow and deep, he imagined that it was him making love to Tina. He dug his fingers into her skin and pumped his hips in time with Dallas. Tina held onto him, kissing him long and hard.

  Without warning Dallas pulled out. “Grekon, you finish her off.”

  What he’d been waiting for.

  With a growl he flipped her onto her back and slid down to position between her legs. Her slickness coated her pussy. He spread her folds and thrust two fingers in up to the knuckle.

  Tina wiggled on his hand. “Yes.”

  As he finger fucked her, he took her clit into his mouth, sucking and licking. Tina cradled his head closer between her quivering thighs. When he found the highly sensitive area inside her pussy, he rubbed mercilessly. Tina let out a low groan and opened her legs wider.

  “Grekon.” She rolled her hips, rotating in slow, circular motions, meeting his fingers.

  He probed farther, sliding in and out as she dripped down his hand. He wanted to see how wet he’d made her. He pulled back and as he did, a thin line of pearly fluid ran from her pussy to the tip of his tongue.

  He shuddered. “Great Ancients,” he groaned. He scooped his arms under her thighs, cradling her higher, and claimed her pussy with furor.

  “This feels so good,” she moaned.

  Without hesitation, he lapped at the liquid that gathered at her pussy lips. She pumped across his mouth.

  Tina moaned loudly. H
er legs squeezed around his face. Grekon probed deep and hard, drowning himself in her.

  “Make her come, Grekon,” Dallas said, encouraging him on. He’d been so lost in what he’d been doing that he’d forgotten about Dallas. He flicked his eyes up to find him kneading Tina’s breasts with one hand and stroking his cock with his other.

  “Oh, yes!” Tina cried. She entangled her hands through his locks and bucked sporadically against his face.

  She needed release; he could feel it building. He grabbed her tighter, holding her close as she fucked his tongue, bringing her over the edge.

  “Grekon!” she convulsed and shuddered. Her pussy erupted and covered his tongue…his lips…his chin.

  Tina contracted and writhed as the last wave crashed around her. Grekon licked her, not wanting to waste a drop.

  Tina lay against Grekon’s chest with Dallas on her back. She listened to the rhythmic breathing of his heart. It didn’t sound like a human heart; instead of two beats there were four and the timing was off, but it sounded nice just the same. She ran her fingers along his nipple and played with the golden hairs there.

  Dallas had an arm thrown haphazardly over her hip. His breaths came out slow and deep and tickled the nape of her neck. Moving from her spot was the furthest thing from her mind. She’d never felt safer in her life. If things had been different, this was where she would’ve wanted to spend the rest of her days.

  “Approaching Gospuko,” came from the overhead speakers.

  Her heart seized. Her breath caught in her throat. The air seemed to stop circulating.

  Dallas got up and went to the front. She wouldn’t make this difficult for them or herself. She rolled out of bed and grabbed her clothes.

  “I can find something else for you to put on,” Grekon said. “You shouldn’t go out with what you had on.”

  She lifted her chin and pulled on her shorts. “It doesn’t matter what I’m wearing. Luxo will make me strip as soon as I return anyway.”


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