Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love

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Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love Page 40

by Koko Brown

  Silently Grekon dressed and before he finished, she went to her seat and strapped herself in her harness, preparing for the descent.

  Shortly after Grekon took his chair, she felt the familiar drop in her stomach. They were making their way to the planet’s surface. She refused to look out the window. She didn’t want to see the little house that would serve as her prison or the man who was her warden and ultimately would be her executioner. She stared at the back of Grekon’s head instead.

  At the thump of the landing she undid her harness and stood. No point in prolonging the inevitable.

  “Tina,” Dallas said. “I’m sorry that it has to be this way.”

  “You guys were right. Luxo would’ve found me one day. If it wasn’t you, then it would’ve been some other dudes.” She tried to plaster a smile on her face. “But on the bright side, I know that if my brother is out there somewhere and alive, you and Grekon will be able to find him.”

  “Do you think he would be able to save you from Luxo?” Grekon asked.

  She laughed out loud over that. Save her from Luxo? “No one can save me from him. I just want JB to know that I’m alive and I want to know that he is too. At least knowing will stop all the wondering. You know?” She walked to the door and waited for them to open it.

  Dallas and Grekon stood at her back and Grekon engaged the door lock. The door opened slowly. When it was fully open, she spotted Luxo waiting for her. He wasn’t tall. He was shorter than Dallas and Grekon but thicker and stockier. He wore a brown cloak over his scaly body. She clearly saw his yellow belly and only part of his green legs. He glared at her with a hint of sadistic satisfaction. A slow smile graced his lips.

  She kept her eyes on Luxo. “When you find JB, let him know that I’m fine and that I love him. Okay?”

  Dallas glanced from her to Luxo. “And if he wants to know where you are?”

  She shook her head. “Tell him that you don’t know. Don’t let him know where I am. Never let him come here.”

  “Why are you trusting us with this?” Grekon asked.

  She pulled her eyes from Luxo to glance at Grekon. He looked pained. Sharp lines showed on his face. “Because that’s what friends are for.” She stepped out of the transporter with her head held high.

  “Tina,” Luxo addressed her. His forked tongue made his speech difficult to understand sometimes, but she recognized her name easily.

  “Hey, Luxo. I see that time hasn’t been good to you. Still ugly as ever.”

  He looked past her to Grekon and Dallas. “Leave ussss. The credits have been transferred to your account.”

  “Wait a minute,” Dallas said. “Grekon, man, this is wrong.”

  She waved at him from over her shoulder, not bothering to turn around. There was no point in them having a change of heart now. Luxo wouldn’t allow it. Not when he had her back in his sight. “Bye, guys. I’m home now.”

  She walked past Luxo and into the house. She stripped out of her clothes as she crossed over the threshold. She knew the drill. Crying, begging, or trying to prolong the inevitable would only get Luxo off.

  She heard the hum of the transporter’s engine and the front door close.

  “Welcome home, my pet,” Luxo said.


  “Try him again,” Grekon said.

  Dallas rolled his eyes and blew out a hard breath. “Now I can’t even get through to him. I think he has us blocked.” But for good measure he tried to reach Luxo and again was met with dead silence. Dallas balled his fist and punched the console. “Dammit!”

  “We shouldn’t have taken her back to him.” Grekon crumpled. “Ancients knows what he’s doing to her.”

  Dallas’s heart clutched. He had an idea of what Luxo was doing to Tina. She tried to tell them and they’d ignored her. All because of their own agenda. They’d picked up plenty of bad guys but Tina hadn’t been one of them. She’d been someone trying to escape an abusive relationship and they’d delivered her right back into his hands.

  Grekon dropped his head into his hands. “What have I done?”

  “What have we done?” he corrected.

  They’d known it was a mistake as soon as Luxo shut the door behind him. Immediately they’d offered to buy her from him and he’d said no. For two days Luxo had entertained them by negotiating, then yesterday he’d told them that Tina wasn’t for sale and ceased all communication. They’d gone so far as to land in his front yard—again, hoping to speak with him and Tina. But when they were met with local law enforcement, they had no choice but to leave and hover above the planet, hoping that he would have a change of heart. They prayed that Tina wouldn’t be killed at the hands of a madman before they could get her out of the mess that they’d dumped her in.

  “Transfer it all into his account. All our credits.” Grekon said.

  Without hesitation Dallas worked the terminal that would do just that. They would be poor and Grekon wouldn’t have the money for his surgery, but at least Tina would be safe.

  He stared at the terminal, watching as all the credits he and Grekon owned were deposited into Luxo’s account. “It’s done.”

  Grekon leaned forward and connected to Luxo’s line. Dead air. “Luxo, this is Grekon. I’ve given you everything we have. We’re coming to collect Tina.”

  No answer.

  Grekon looked at Dallas and raised an eyebrow. “I think that did it.”

  The terminal pinged. He looked down and his heart felt like it had dropped to his stomach. All the credits they’d transferred were depositing back into their account. “Fuck!” he yelled out. “That’s it. There’s nothing else we can do.”

  “There is one more thing,” Grekon said.

  He stared at Grekon. “What?”

  Grekon didn’t answer as he punched in some numbers. The line was silent as the “connecting” icon on the console displayed.

  “The local authorities won’t help us,” he reminded Grekon. “They told us there was nothing they could do since Tina was Luxo’s mate.”

  “I’m calling someone with hopefully more influence than the locals.”

  “The royal house of Lacolil-Epps, Laconia,” someone answered.

  “I need to speak with Sa’Mya,” Grekon said.

  “Do you mean Queen Sa’Mya Lacolil-Epps?” the person on the other end said with indignation in his voice.

  He stopped Grekon before he could initiate the speaker again. “Man, are you sure you know what you’re doing?”

  Grekon nodded but his insides were tied in knots. He hadn’t spoken to his cousin since the day he’d told her bye and left Laconia.

  Grekon pressed the speaker. “Let her know that Nokalis Lacolil is holding for her.”

  “Prince Nokalis Lacolil?”


  Dallas groaned. “I hope this doesn’t bring your nightmares back.”

  “Right away, my Prince.”

  What was he doing? Maybe he could disconnect the line before she answered? Then what would happen to Tina?

  She will die at Luxo’s hands. If she wasn’t dead already.

  That last thought gave him the nerve he needed to stay on the line.

  “Nokalis? Is it really you?” Sa’Mya came on the line. He recognized her voice even after all these cycles.

  “Hello, Sa’Mya. I mean Queen Sa’Mya. Congratulations.”

  “Oh, hush. I’m just regular Sa’Mya to you.” She let out a breath. “Nokalis, I can’t believe it’s really you,” she said softly. “Did you get my message that I sent about Uncle Umar and what he admitted to?”

  “I did, but that’s not why I’m contacting you.” He’d read part of her note, not all of it. He’d tried to, but as soon as she began talking about Laconia he had terminated the transmission. He didn’t need the scabs picked off old wounds. “I know it’s been a long time since we’ve spoken and I really shouldn’t even be calling to ask you anything at all.”

  “What do you need?” she asked without hesitation.
r />   “A favor. I did something horrible and I need to make it right. There’s this human woman and we need her freed.”

  “Give me all the details.”

  Dallas pumped his fist in the air while he told Sa’Mya what had happened and gave her their coordinates.

  “I’ll have help your way as soon as possible,” she promised.

  “Thank you, Sa’Mya. I owe you.”

  “No, you don’t. This is what family is for.” She disconnected the line.

  He didn’t know what he’d expected. Maybe a little begging and groveling on his part while promising to fulfill whatever duties she wanted him to do. He was prepared to do it all to have Tina safe again.

  “Do you think this will work?” Dallas asked.

  He slumped in his chair. Every positive and negative emotion he had about Laconia, his parents, and Sa’Mya warred within him. He wanted to throw up. “I pray to the Ancients that it does. I’m all out of options.”

  “If that bastard doesn’t give her up then we’ll just have to steal her back.” Dallas nodded to himself. “Yeah, that what we’ll do next.”

  “Then we’ll become the criminals that we hunt.”

  Dallas shrugged. “We know all the tricks of the trade. We won’t be caught.”

  “Let’s pray that it doesn’t have to come to that.” He gave Dallas a sideways glance. “But if it does, count me in.”

  Tina sat crossed-legged on the kitchen floor. She didn’t say a word. Not that she had anything to say anyway. All of her spunk and bite had been beaten out of her days before. She’d fooled herself into thinking that this time she would speak her mind more, make Luxo regret ever finding her, but who had she been kidding? At the first lick of the whip across her back, she quickly remembered who was in charge and it wasn’t her.

  She closed her eyes, remembering the times when she had plenty to eat…to drink. How full her stomach had felt and the times when she’d actually pushed food away. Ha!

  “Open your eyes, pet. You’re being rude.”

  She opened her eyes. Her sight was blurry and white spots clouded her vision. She couldn’t really see Luxo at all, just the outline of his shape. But that wasn’t worth mentioning to him. “Sorry, master. Please forgive me.” Her voice came out as a hoarse whisper.

  He hadn’t fed or given her any water since she’d returned. He’d told her food and drink were luxury items, just as were clothes, toiletries, somewhere comfortable to sleep, and bedding. All would need to be earned and she hadn’t done a good enough job of pleasing him yet.

  He continued to eat. His utensils scraped against his plate. The smell of something awful wafted to her nose, but even so her stomach grumbled.

  “Are you hungry?”

  Ah, he sounded nice but there was no point in mistaking his question for what it really was. A trap.


  He chuckled. “I didn’t think you were.”

  Just as she thought. If she had said yes, he would’ve told her no anyway. She’d been with Luxo long enough to know the drill. But this time she wouldn’t give in. No, she had a plan. In a few more days she wouldn’t be his to kick around anymore.

  That’s about how long it would take to starve herself to death.

  She smiled at the thought of finally getting some peace. If there was a God he’d usher her into Heaven with open arms.


  The metal against her jaw hit her with a crack. Her brain rattled in her skull. Her jaw was probably broken this time. A metallic taste coated the inside of her mouth. She coughed as it trickled down the back of her throat. Something floated around her mouth and over her tongue. A tooth. She spit it on the floor.

  At this rate she wouldn’t be able to eat anyway. She imagined herself toothless. That thought made her chuckle. Delirious, she couldn’t stop herself as a fit of giggles tore through her body.

  “Did I say something funny?”

  Her good humor left in a flash. “No.”

  She sat in quiet, listening to him eat.

  “On second thought. I would like to see you smile. Smile for me, pet.”

  She did as told.

  “Ahhh, blood. Your mouth is full of it. Come here and let me taste it.”

  Her insides gurgled. She stood. Her bones creaked as she did. Her legs screamed out in protest from the pain of using muscles that had been beaten. She used her hands to help navigate to him; she couldn’t trust her eyesight. In front of him she parted her lips and let his tongue dart inside her mouth to collect the blood that he craved.

  One more week.


  “Uh, Grekon. I think help arrived.”

  Grekon slid off the bed and pulled his shirt over his head. He and Dallas were taking turns resting while the other monitored possible communication from Luxo and the arrival of help from Sa’Mya. But he hadn’t been able to rest at all. Instead all the memories of Laconia had come rushing back. The few good memories he had were overshadowed by the reasons of why he’d fled in the first place.

  He made his way to the front. “Do you see a vessel?” He stopped in his tracks as soon as he caught sight of the open window. “Whoa.”

  “Yeah, whoa,” Dallas said. “We could’ve probably used a few guards to strong-arm Luxo, not the entire army.”

  Grekon eyed the markings of the vessel. “That’s the royal vessel. I wonder who she sent to help us.”

  A call came over the line. “Prince Nokalis?”

  “I’m here.”

  “I guess I have to get used to having them call you by Nokalis,” Dallas said. “But I’m damn sure not calling you Prince.”

  He glared at Dallas. “Grekon is my name.”

  Dallas threw up his hands.

  “Prince Nokalis, please release control of the transporter. We’ll dock you on board.”

  “Tell that to them,” Dallas grumbled.

  Should I let them? Grekon hesitated.

  When he made no moves to do as instructed, Dallas pushed the release button. “Too late to turn back now, man. I know you have issues with your family, but this is for Tina.”

  The argument died on his lips as the transporter lurched forward. The tractor beam led them into one of the open bays of the larger vessel in front of them. When they were inside and docked, Dallas opened the door. He stepped out first and after a deep breath, Grekon followed.

  There was a line of people waiting for him. Not all were from Laconia. He recognized four Sonis Royal Guards. Their tribal tattoos displayed proudly across their faces and their jangos were strapped to their backs. There was a human man among them. Then he spotted his cousin.

  “Nokalis!” Sa’Mya yelled and rushed forward. The guards came forward too but she held them back with a gesture. She ran to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I can’t believe it’s really you.”

  He hugged her back. “Hello, Sa’Mya. How are you doing?”

  She pulled back and glanced at him. She looked the same, radiant skin with shimmering gold hair that she wore in one braid that fell to her waist. She wore the finest dress that he’d ever seen. Jewels sparkled and dripped from her clothes.

  “I’m doing better.” She held onto his hands and squeezed them. “Now.”

  He looked down at his clothes, suddenly feeling embarrassed. He looked like a pauper. “I’m sorry. I’m probably embarrassing you. I should’ve put on something better.”

  She tilted her head and tsked. “You are perfect just the way you are.”

  No. I’m not. “You didn’t have to come yourself. I thought you would send a few guards.” He looked over her shoulder at the impressive guards behind her.

  She rolled her eyes. “Puhlez. My only blood relative needs my help and I’m expected to send someone else? I think not.” She let one of his hands go to wave at her entourage. “Kane, come here.”

  The human came forward and held out his hand. Grekon recognized it as a human greeting gesture and shook it.

  “Kane Epps, nice to me
et you.”

  “My mate,” Sa’Mya said.

  Human? He tried not to look surprised. He’d expected her to have married some dignitary. “Very nice to meet you too,” Grekon said. He motioned toward Dallas. “This is my business partner, Dallas.”

  Kane released his hand and shook Dallas’s. “New York, New York. Where are you originally from?”

  “Miami,” Dallas said.

  “Ah, I vacationed there many times. It was a nice place.”

  “Yeah, it was.”

  Sa’Mya clapped her hands together. “So who are we here to save?”

  Dallas balled his hands into fists. “Her name is Tina and some sadistic fuck named Luxo is holding her hostage.”

  “Dallas, she’s royal,” he whispered. “Watch your language around her.”

  Sa’Mya snorted. “I’m married to a human who curses like a…” she snapped her fingers and turned toward her mate. “What is the term, Kane?”

  Kane smiled lovingly at her. “Like a sailor, honey. I cuss like a sailor.”

  Dallas laughed. Grekon didn’t know what a sailor was and he expected that Sa’Mya didn’t either.

  “Well, anyway,” Sa’Mya said. “We’ve been in talks with the Galactic Council and we’re trying to see what can be done about your friend’s situation. But while that’s going on, let’s you and I catch up.” She tugged on his arm, leading him away. “I’m making a lot of changes on Laconia. When are you coming back home?”

  “Um, Sa’Mya. I don’t have good memories about Laconia. We grew up differently.”

  She led him, Dallas, and Kane into a private room. “Nok—”

  “I go by Grekon now,” he told her.

  She nodded, but there was pain behind her eyes. “Grekon. I loved Laconia when my parents were alive and learned to love it again after the death of Umar. There’s a gap of many years between the two. Laconia was a very lonely place for me and the memories aren’t good.” She looked over at Kane. “But I’m making new ones.” She turned toward Grekon. “And you can too.”

  They all settled into the couches.

  “Not after what his parents did to him,” Dallas mumbled. “I wouldn’t want to ever go back either.”


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