Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love

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Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love Page 41

by Koko Brown

  Sa’Mya frowned. “What does that mean? Your parents loved you. They doted on you always.”

  Only when people were watching. “Listen, we don’t have to talk about this. The past is what it is. No point in bringing it up.”

  “But is that why you haven’t come back?” She held his hand. “Or why you left in the first place? You thought that your parents did something to you? Mistreated you in some type of way?”

  Dallas snorted.

  “Sa’Mya, we don’t need to…”

  “No, tell me.” She wouldn’t let the subject go.

  How could he tell her what had happened to him? He blew out a deep breath. “They cut off my penis when I was a baby,” he said as fast as he could.

  She erupted from her seat. “They did what? I don’t believe you.”

  He got up and started for the door. “This was a mistake. We shouldn’t have called you. Forget about it. We’ll get Tina back ourselves.”

  She ran after her and grabbed his arm. “No, wait. Forgive me. I just can’t believe that Uncle and Auntie did something like that. They loved you so much. They were so happy to have you. Please. Sit.”

  He didn’t want to, but somehow he found himself in his seat again. His hands trembled as his mother’s and father’s faces were in his mind. He could almost hear their voices in his head.

  “Tell me what happened,” Sa’Mya coaxed.

  He couldn’t meet her eyes. He was too embarrassed. “When I was older, I asked my caretakers what happened to me, why I wasn’t like other males. I was told it was because you were the one true heir.” She exhaled a sharp breath, but he continued, “And they didn’t want the house to be divided. So my parents had me castrated.”

  The color drained from her face. Her mouth fell open and he instantly wished he could’ve taken his words back.. “That can’t be right,” she whispered.

  Kane placed a protective arm around her shoulders. “Could his caregivers have been appointed by Umar?”

  “Yes, after our parents’ death Umar oversaw everything. Even No—, I mean Grekon’s care.” She looked at Kane and tears overtook her eyes. “No.”

  Kane clenched his fist. “I wish that motherfucker was still alive so you could have the honor of killing him yourself.”

  “What does Umar have to do with what happened to me?” Grekon remembered Sa’Mya’s mother’s brother. He was a portly male who acted as her advisor after her parents died.

  Sa’Mya wiped the tears from her eyes, but they still flowed freely. “Did you listen to the entire transmission that I sent you?”

  “Part of it, not all,” he admitted.

  “Umar admitted to killing our parents.” He nodded. He had gotten that far. Sa’Mya continued, “He wanted to control Laconia and the only way he could do that was to control the heir—me.” She looked at him and there was so much hurt in her eyes that his heart was pained as well. “I’m so sorry, Grekon. Your parents didn’t harm you, Umar did. He didn’t want you having any children before I could. If something happened to me, you would’ve been the King and all of his conniving and planning would’ve been for naught and he couldn’t have that.”

  “But I remember my parents…” his voice trailed off as he thought of them and saw their loving faces smiling down at him. What? He remembered them loving him and being told that they’d done awful things to him. “They didn’t hurt me?”

  “They wouldn’t have done anything to hurt their only son. They loved you with all their hearts.”

  He didn’t know what to say, what to do. This time it was his turn to cry.

  Dallas stood in back of the Laconian guards who were behind the local law enforcement. They’d all come to collect Tina. With Sa’Mya’s help they were able to prove to the Galactic Council that Tina had been mistreated and the odds were that pattern was continuing.

  They were getting Tina back. Today.

  The door creaked open. “What is the meaning of this?” Luxo asked.

  “By the decree of the Galactic Council, Tina Blake is being removed from your care and the bonding contract has here by been terminated,” one of the officers announced.

  Luxo sputtered. “They can’t do that! She’s my property. I paid for her.”

  “Move out of the way so we can collect the human,” one of the royal guards said.

  Luxo chuckled. “You mean what’s left of her?”

  No. Dallas pushed forward, maneuvering between the bodies. Grekon was on his heels. Luxo blocked the entrance, but that didn’t stop Dallas. He pulled back his arm and let his fist fly straight into Luxo’s face. With a crack, his fist shattered Luxo’s jaw bone. Luxo yelled out then fell to the ground. “Arrest him! He assaulted me!”

  He didn’t wait around to argue all the reasons why Luxo deserved what he’d gotten. He jumped over Luxo and looked around the small, messy house frantically. He didn’t see a sign of Tina. Then he heard it. A sniffle. He followed the sounds to the corner where trash and a blanket was stuffed. “Tina?”

  She was curled in a ball, bruises in varying colors riddling her naked body. Her ribs protruded from her sides. Her skin once vibrant and alive was now dry and crusted with dirt.

  He dropped to his knees in front of her. “Oh, baby. I’m so sorry.” He reached for her but she pulled away.

  “L-leave me. I don’t want you to see me like this.”

  Grekon slid on his knees to surround her on her other side. “We’re here for you. We came to save you.”

  “Nothing but a dream,” she slurred.

  “She’ll need to get to the healing tank right away,” one of the guards said.

  Dallas looked up at him. “Will she be all right?”

  The guard frowned. “If we can get her there in time, all the damage can be corrected.”

  “Do you hear that?” he whispered to her. “We’re going to take you away and get you fixed up. It’s over.”

  She finally raised her head to look at them and immediately he wanted to kill Luxo. Most of her teeth were missing. Her eyes were swollen shut. Her nose was broken and misshapen and her face was gaunt.

  Grekon growled low in his throat and stood. The thought that Dallas had, Grekon now acted on. He went straight for Luxo who was still struggling to get off the floor. While the fight erupted behind him, Dallas gingerly scooped Tina into his arms. She was already so small but now she felt as if she didn’t weigh a thing. The proud, crafty woman had been reduced to a fragile husk of herself. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered over and over as he carried her outside and into the waiting transporter.

  When he laid her on the bed, she turned to him. “You should’ve left me. I only had a few more days to go. Then this would’ve all been over.”

  “No, darling. Don’t you see? You’re being rescued.”

  Tears flowed from her eyes. “He’ll only come after me. He said so.”

  “He’s not coming anywhere near you again, baby. Grekon and I will protect you always. We’re never giving you up ever again. Never.”

  She let out cries. “It hurts. Everything hurts. You should’ve let me die, Dallas.”

  He kissed her fingers. “You have to live, Tina. If not for us, for your brother. Don’t you want to find him?”

  She nodded. “JB.”

  “Yes, JB. You can’t die. You have a brother to find and we’re going to help you.”

  Her eyes locked on him for the first time. “It’s really you, Dallas?”

  “Yes. It’s me.”

  “You came back for me?”

  “You knew that we would. You didn’t think that we would leave you with that asshole, did you?”

  She shook her head. “I thought that maybe you guys would come back for me. You’re not all that smart.”

  He chuckled. “No. We aren’t.”

  She laughed too. “Thank you for saving me,” she whispered.

  “That’s what friends are for.”


  “Target three twenty-one found,” was announced o
ver the loud speaker.

  Tina rotated her hips on Grekon’s cock and ignored the computer.

  “Um, I hate to even say this,” Dallas said. “But I should probably address that.”

  She rode Grekon reverse-cowgirl style while sucking Dallas off. This was the first time she could fully enjoy Grekon since his surgery. While the operation itself had been quick, the regeneration process had taken some time and each day she’d watched and measured him, waiting for his cock to reach its full peak.

  Tina pulled Dallas’s hard cock from her mouth and looked up at him. “Just a little longer. The job isn’t going anywhere in the next five minutes.”

  “Hey,” Grekon said. “No fair. I’m still getting used to this thing.”

  She chuckled and looked over her shoulder. “Five minutes is what I need to come. You’re doing just fine.” She moved up and down again and moaned. God he felt so good.

  Dallas got off the bed. “Three twenty-one isn’t a regular job.” He slipped into a pair of drawstring pants.

  “Oh,” Grekon said. He patted the side of her hip. “You better get up, love.”

  “Why? Dallas can check this out himself.” Grekon’s cock began to go flaccid within her. She hunched over and groaned. “Ugh. This job better be worth a hell of a lot of money. I was sooo close.” She rolled off him, letting Grekon get up.

  “This job is only paying fifty credits.” Grekon pulled on his pants.

  “Fifty fucking credits? You have got to be kidding me. We don’t get out of bed for less than two thousand.”

  He shrugged. “We should’ve asked for more, our ranking is one of the highest, but that’s all you had at the time.”

  All I had?

  It slowly dawned on her.

  She straightened. “You found him?”

  Grekon left the bedroom and went to the front. As fast as she could, she pulled one of Grekon’s shirts over her head and ran after him. Both Grekon and Dallas sat at the helm, pushing buttons and looking at gadgets that she didn’t understand yet. They were teaching her how to fly the transporter, but she hadn’t figured out what half the buttons were used for.

  She held onto both of their headrests. “Where is he? Is he alive?” she rushed out.

  “We have a hit on a Justin ‘JB’ Blake registered as an agent of Mercanis Shipping and Hauling,” Dallas read from the scanner.

  “What the?” Grekon said.

  “You know the company?” Dallas asked.

  Grekon chuckled. “That’s Sa’Mya and my family’s business.”

  “My brother works for you?” she asked in disbelief.

  “I can’t believe that he’s been under our noses this entire time,” Dallas said.

  “Only one thing to do now.” Grekon patched in a call to Sa’Mya.

  She shifted from one foot to the next as she waited. One of Sa’Mya’s aides answered and put them on hold while they located her.

  Sa’Mya finally came on the line. Her face projected on the screen for all of them to see. “Nokalis, how wonderful it is to see you again, cousin. Is everything well?”

  Grekon cringed.

  “Forgive me, cousin, I forget. Hello, Grekon. Hello, Dallas and Tina.”

  “Hi, Sa’Mya,” both she and Dallas said.

  “We’re looking for someone and have a lead that he’s working for Mercanis Shipping and Hauling.”

  “Then I should probably let you speak to the company manager. I don’t know many of the employees.”

  “Yes, that would probably be best. I’m sure there aren’t that many humans working for the company so hopefully he wouldn’t be hard to locate.”

  She frowned. “We only have a few humans working for Mercanis and I know them all. But I can tell you now that whatever they’ve done, their crimes have been absolved by the Galactic Council. I made sure of that myself. They are under my protection.” She squinted. “Unless one of them has done something stupid enough to get himself into trouble again.” She shook her head and blew out a breath. “I’m going to kick his butt when I find him,” she muttered to herself.

  Tina recognized that look. It was the same look that her grandmother used to have whenever JB had done something mischievous and she herself had worn it too many times to count after their grandmother died and she had to watch after JB.

  “Justin ‘JB’ Blake,” Tina said. “You do know him.”

  “And I’m going to strangle him when I get my hands on him. That is if Taio doesn’t get to him first. What has he done now?”

  “He hasn’t done anything,” Grekon said. “This is—”

  “He’s my twin brother,” Tina blurted out. “And we’re looking for him. He’s not with you?”

  Sa’Mya opened her eyes wide. “Great Ancients! I see the resemblance now.”

  “Where is he?” Tina said. She leaned closer to the projection. Her voice bordered on hysteria.

  “That is the question all of Sonis and Drazlan is asking at this very moment. Pray that you find him before King Taio of Sonis does.”

  Her fingers bit into the seats. She didn’t know who this King Taio person was but he wanted to hurt her brother. “We have to find him. Now.”

  “We have a hit on his last known location,” Dallas said.

  “Let me give you the connection to Rasha. He can help you.”

  “Thank you, cousin,” Grekon said. “It seems I owe you again.”

  She shook her head. “You don’t owe me anything. We’re family. That’s what I’m here for.”

  Grekon disconnected the line after he entered Rasha’s communication line into the database.

  Tina sat in her seat and put on her harness. “Let’s go find my brother.”



  A.M. Griffin is a wife who rarely cooks, mother of three, dog owner (and sometimes dog owned), a daughter, sister, aunt and friend. She’s a hard worker whose two favorite outlets are reading and writing. She enjoys reading everything from mystery novels to historical romances and of course fantasy romance. She is a believer in the unbelievable, open to all possibilities from mermaids in our oceans and seas, angels in the skies and intelligent life forms in distant galaxies. She has multi-publications in other genres under a different pen name.

  Author contact:

  Follow me on Amazon

  [email protected]


  Loving Dangerously Series

  Dangerously Mine

  Dangerously Yours

  Dangerously Hers

  Dangerously Theirs

  Dangerously His

  Dangerously Forever


  Thank you for reading Dangerously Theirs! I hope you enjoyed it.

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  Bedding The Enemy

  While bedding the enemy, lust and lies became their addiction, and love... a complicated distraction they can’t afford.

  Masaki Yamaguchi has lived by one rule: Bend the world to your will, and break those that refuse to comply. This motto has served him well as the head of the Yakuza family in Canarsie, Brooklyn. However, when he meets a soulful, dread-locked beauty from Brownsville with her own set of rules, things aren’t as clear, or easy as they used to be.

  Oshun Sampson has worked hard to clean up her beloved Brownsville, Brooklyn. She's sacrificed everything, including her own happiness, for the cause. She’ll be damned if she allows anyone the chance to destroy the progress she and her community have made. With the looming threat of the Canarsie Yakuza family closing in, the sexy new patron with the captivating eyes is a dangerous distraction she can’t afford.

  Two powerful leaders with one distinct line drawn between them. Will their passion be enough to hold them together? O
r, will bedding the enemy result in a bloody war that tears them and their communities apart?


  To God, from whom all blessings flow, thank you for the gift, the desire, the support, and the opportunity. To Damon, this does not happen without you. Love you forever. To Sterling and Semaj, my heartbeats, the best parts of me. To my family and friends, thank you for putting up with my craziness. To Gayla, thank you for making my crazy sound amazing. To Lexie Craig, thank you for supplying me with my new motto, “Hustle until you don’t have to introduce yourself” (unknown). To all my JMC and LIJ people, your love strengthens me. To my Loungers, you guys hold me down and keep me going. Thank you so much for the loyalty and encouragement. To the readers, you will never know how much I appreciate your support. Thank you for taking this journey with me.

  Thank you for embracing my crazy,


  “Yesssss Masssss,” Oshun Sampson moaned, as the man above her slid his cock inside her just the right way. Her pussy walls contracted, trying their best to strangle the length of him, keeping him planted inside her, rubbing so deliciously over her G-spot.

  She couldn’t remember how many times he’d made her cream all over him since they’d started this round. All she knew was she could feel her next orgasm clawing at her again. Her pussy lips so slick and swollen, each stroke making them sizzle with electricity.

  “Let me watch you touch yourself while I fuck you,” he whispered against her lips, as he bent down to steal a kiss.

  She couldn’t see him behind her closed lids. She’d given up trying to keep them open; her mind so blitzed-out from the way he was stroking her. But she knew his cocky ass had that crooked smile he always wore when he knew he had her at his mercy. It was a given anytime he had his dick inside her, or had her calling on the gods and goddesses as she came, that she was in fact at his mercy.


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