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Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love

Page 104

by Koko Brown

  “Okay,” he sighed heavily lifting her to the side before reaching across the bed to the opposite night stand.

  She heard the sound of a foil wrapper being ripped. He sat back on the bed and rolled the latex on in one long movement.

  Regina hated she’d interrupted their play and started feeling a tad awkward sitting there.

  “Come here,” he said reaching for her at the same time.

  Regina let loose a delightful squeal when he lifted her by the waist up and over his erect cock.

  “Use your knees to brace yourself,” he instructed.

  She did straddling his waist again settling her hands on his shoulder.

  He guided himself into her and she gasped at how he filled her with his thick length.

  Hyuk stared into her eyes as she took him in inch by inch.

  Of her own accord she raised and lowered herself over him taking him in and out of her. With each motion he was deeper inside of her.

  By the time she could fully handle all of him Regina had found her own groove. Although it had been awhile Hyuk was definitely bigger than any man she’d been with in the past.

  “That’s it,” he groaned. His hands on her hips urged her on.

  “Oh,” she gasped when he shifted their position and she found herself beneath him. Him still deep inside her. With each thrust she was pushed closer to the edge. The sounds of their moans joined in a primal chorus. His penetrating movements became shallow, faster with a frenzy that matched her own.

  She came hard, white flashes of light shooting behind her eyes. Her body vibrated with electricity. It wasn’t long before Hyuk’s own orgasm had him pushing into her one final time.

  Hyuk dropped onto his back but quickly rolled on his side away from her.

  That couldn’t be a good sign.

  “Hyuk?” Regina scooted to a sitting position. “Are you okay?”

  “Give me a minute,” he muttered, his voice sounded deeper, raspy as if something where in his mouth.

  His response only raised her anxiety level.

  “Maybe I should go to my room?”

  “No,” he reached behind him. His hand latching on to her arm when she made to move. “I want you to stay.”

  “But you’re-”

  “Fine,” he cut her off letting go of his hold long enough to pull himself into a sitting position next to her.

  “What was that?” she asked looking him over.

  “Nothing for you to be worried about,” he said pulling her into his lap. “There’s only one thing you should be concerned over.”

  “What’s that?” she couldn’t help but chuckle. His odd reaction still niggling at the back of her mind.

  “I don’t think we have enough condoms to get us through the night.”

  “That does sound like a dilemma. Maybe if I tire you out enough we can conserve your supply.”

  “Challenge accepted.”


  All was quiet as Regina got ready for her morning workout and tried to keep from wondering about Hyuk’s disappearance. She’d awoken to find the spot next to her empty. After a while she realized he wasn’t in the bathroom or anywhere else in the suite. Feeling foolish for thinking they’d share some sort of morning after moment she snatched one of his shirts from the closet and gathered her sparse garments for the walk of shame back to her room. Had she said or done something wrong?

  She mentally shook off the thought, refusing to be one of those women.

  Refreshed and ready to start a new day she glanced down the hall as she left her room only to see Jay’s door was closed. Was Hyuk in there? Had Jay’s health taken a turn for the worse? She ruled the thought out certain there would be a level of commotion buzzing through the house and certainly activity around his room if he were in distress. It was fairly early still and Jay was most likely sound asleep. She would check on him later.

  Enroute to the gym Regina passed the bank of windows looking out into the lush backyard. Tempted by the greenery she walked down to the sliding opening and pushed the double doors apart to step inside. She expected to hear some elements of city life but was surprised by the serene sounds of nature. A bird’s caw echoed and was answered in turn. Regina closed the doors behind her stepping further into the sanctuary. She looked around for the owners of the exotic call, and could slightly make out a multi-colored bird hidden in the foliage of a large tree. She looked skyward to the translucent glass ceiling. As she pondered the mechanics of keeping the sanctuary so clean something large landed in front of her with a thud. Regina screeched at the sight of the big cat. Her heart jumped to instant freak out mode.

  A tiger!

  Who in the hell kept a tiger in their home?

  She took an immediate step back but found the sliding door blocking her escape. Frantically, she reached frantically behind her for the handle while trying to keep a steady watchful eye on the beastie. The cat eyed her with what seemed like genuine surprise. He made to move toward her but froze mid-step when another cat, even larger than the first, landed between them.

  Had she sounded the dinner bell by stepping into the yard?

  It was immense. The new tiger was all white with the exception of the black stripes littering its body. It made a sound at the slightly smaller orange animal and the cat launched into the air landing on a sturdy branch. It gave them one lingering look before bounding to a man-made ledge covered in leaves and disappearing into the mouth of a wall.

  “Damn, how am I supposed to watch out for both animals,” she wondered aloud.

  The massive head of the white tiger swung in her direction and she was struck by the ice blue eyes of creature. One word came to mind.

  “Hyuk,” she muttered.

  The tiger’s eyes widened and then narrowed and he stared at her as if looking into her soul. His head cocked curiously to one side just as her fingers found the handle behind her and she slid the door slowly open behind her.

  The tiger growled when she stepped back with one leg through the slight opening. The sound left her frozen in place. She’d only opened it enough to squeeze through and hopefully slam the door once she made it back inside.

  “Nice pretty kitty, you just sit there and don’t do anything predatory.”

  To her surprise the tiger let loose a hard sigh and sat. It looked regal sitting tall and watching her with bright eyes that were hauntingly so similar to Hyuk.

  “Did you sit because I told you to?” The tiger stared at her unblinkingly in response.

  She found the nerve to continue her steady retreat all the while hoping the animal would maintain its statuesque pose.

  It did.

  She felt a modicum of relief once she was able to slip inside the confines of the townhouse, for good measure securing the doors latch. Regina took several deep breaths to calm her racing heart. With a safe distance between them, not to mention the glass partition there was a freedom in being able to observe the animal who surprisingly still hadn’t moved.

  “You’re probably just as curious about me as I am about you.”

  As if in answer, the massive animal stood and eased its way slowly towards the glass He seemed a little less scary watching her. Its head was slightly bowed but not enough where she couldn’t see those familiar eyes.

  “You really are a beautiful creature.” The tiger made a purring sound in response close enough now to rub his large head against the partition.

  “Aww look at you.”

  She moved to press her hand against the glass feeling completely daring in the action. Although the great animal seemed far less threatening. There was no way she was going to open up the sliding door.

  “Are you really a domesticated tiger?” she asked foolishly and quickly decided to test the theory. Because of her mother’s allergies growing up she’d never had pets larger than a hamster and wasn’t quite sure how to proceed. She’d heard that house cats were a lot different than dogs in attitude, did that apply to large cats too?

� she said tentatively. The animal hesitated for a few seconds before plopping down.

  “Paw?” she asked.

  Slight hesitation but then the feline pressed one large paw against the glass for a few seconds before dropping it back down in front of him.

  “Wow, and here I thought cats were supposed to be obstinate.”

  The tiger snorted and she chuckled imagining his response meant he’d taken offense to her statement.

  “Let’s try this, roll over.”

  The cats eyes narrowed and she got the distinct impression he frowned at her in disapproval. With obvious reluctance he dropped to his belly, gave her a long unappreciative look before rolling over in one fluid rotation.

  She shrieked in elation when he stood.

  “What a smart kitty you are.”

  He gave a brief nod.

  Did cats nod?

  She pondered its motion for a moment.

  Yup, that was definitely a nod.

  “How… my mind has got to be playing tricks on me,” she said to the animal. “Geez, now I’m sitting here talking to you like you can actually understand what I’m saying. Simple commands are one thing but I’m on a whole other level of crazy standing here having a one sided conversation with you.”

  The great cat snorted.

  “I see you’ve met our resident Alpha.” Jay said suddenly appearing behind her. Regina jumped in surprise.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you,” he said coming to stand beside her.

  She glanced at him over her shoulder. Jay was the picture of health dressed in a t-shirt and loose fitting khaki shorts.

  “After my unexpected encounter with your tigers I don’t think much else could frighten me.”

  Jay gave a low chuckle.

  “Yeah, I’m sure the sight of them was better than coffee this morning.”

  “I haven’t seen the other tiger since it went beyond that ledge.” She pointed out.

  “There is sanctuary access through there, he might be enjoying a nice siesta right now.”

  “He? So does that mean this is the female?”

  The tiger growled in her direction at the same time Jay coughed through a fit of laughter.

  “Uh no, he’s a male.”

  “Two male tigers, so is there a female lounging around?”

  “No, just the two.”

  “This one seems to be very domesticated, he even rolled over for me”

  Jay let loose another loud laugh. “He actually rolled over like a dog, that’s new? He can be a bit stubborn, cantankerous even.”

  The tiger shifted his glare to Jay.

  “But friendly,” he added.


  “Oh yes!” he reached for the handle of the sliding door and she immediately stepped back.

  “Don’t be afraid.”

  “Yeah right,” she snorted.

  “I promise, he’s completely tame,” as if to prove the truth in his statement he slid the door wide and stepped outside.

  Regina didn’t budge waiting for a real life ‘when animal attacks’ moment and wondering exactly how she’d be able to explain the mutilation to the authorities.

  Jay moved to the animal with confidence.

  “Sit,” he said without much force. The tiger dropped his bottom to the ground once more. “Good boy,” Jay said with an accompanying stroke to the top of its head.

  Regina stared between the pair.

  “Come on,” Jay encouraged.

  “I guess it could be worse, lions are bigger.”

  Both Jay and the tiger snorted.

  “Please, it’s the lioness who does all the work male lions are nothing but pampered princess cub killers,” Jay offered.

  “Ooookay, at any rate is there a tranq gun or something nearby to keep him from devouring my entire body. I’d like for my mother to have something to bury.”

  That got a chuckle from Jay, the tiger shook its head as if in disapproval.

  “I know it’s crazy but I swear he can understand us,” she added.

  “H…Harry is a smart little fella.”

  “Harry huh? Not quite what I would have expected in a name for him,” she said before taking a deep breath and cautious steps forward. Trying to remember all of the animal safety tips she’d learned over the years. The only thing that came to mind was animals ability to smell fear, which she was sure probably smelled like the best cheeseburger ever to him.

  You are not afraid, she repeated the mantra over and over while baby stepping her way to the tiger. Her heart pummeled ever harder with her approach. She stopped just inches away from the animal.

  “Do your worst kitty,” she said with nervous humor while clinching her eyes closed and stretching her arm forward. It was just one arm, she had another. It wasn’t long before she felt the warm, coarse stroke of the animals tongue on her outstretched hand.

  “I knew it, he’s tasting me isn’t he.”

  Jay chuckled, “More like showing approval. You can open your eyes. I think he may be waiting for some show of affection.”

  She peeked from beneath one lid and saw Harry sitting obediently.

  “Okay then.” She reached out tentatively to pet the tiger’s head which was more like a light dribbling rather than an affectionate pat. “Sweet kitty.”

  “Try just rubbing him.”

  “He’s really soft.” She said after a couple of strokes. She felt herself relaxing especially when the great feline began to purr and nuzzle his head against her hand. She found a spot behind his ear to scratch and watched with amazed amusement when he closed his eyes.

  “See nothing to be afraid of,” Jay said.

  “I wouldn’t go that far,” she responded nodding to where the giant paw rested on the ground its massive claws extending then retracting slowly into the earth underneath.

  “You don’t ever have to worry, he would never harm you.”

  “You say that as if you know for certainty.”

  “Because I do.”

  “I’m sure that’s what Sigfried & Roy thought too. He looks a bit like a man eater to me I didn’t realize tigers got so large.”

  “It’s the genetics of the species. But you do know that whole tiger attack thing has been denounced by Roy, he actually says the tiger saved his life after a stroke.”

  “Well good for him. Now that my heart is properly restored to my chest and I have all of my body parts I need to get on with the morning.” Even as she spoke she continued to stroke the tiger’s short tuft of hair. “You haven’t seen Hyuk by any chance.”

  “He stopped to check on me earlier and stuck around for a while.”

  His answer left her feeling like a complete heel, of course he would want to spend time with his ailing nephew. She paused in the thought giving Jay another once over. “You look great by the way. If I didn’t know any better I would never have thought you were recently injured.”

  He shrugged. “I’m a bit of a lucky bastard and now that I’m back on my feet I’ll have to think of a way to pay you back.”

  Regina noticed the moment the tiger stopped purring.

  She lifted her hand from the animal’s head quickly.

  “Uh oh, did I do something wrong?” she asked cautiously.

  “No. Remember what I said about him never harming you he’s not your run of the mill tiger.”

  “And the other one?”

  “The same.”

  “I guess I’ll have to take your word for it but some sort of red light/green light system would be very helpful to know when they are roaming free.”


  “Well I guess this is goodbye for now Sir Harry.”

  The tiger bowed its head.

  “It’s freaky how well he understands.”

  Jay chuckled. “You don’t know the half of it.”

  Of course her tiger encounter dominated her thoughts all the way to Hyuk’s gym and through her warm up routine.

  Who kept tigers in a New York townhous
e? Just the idea went beyond eccentric. Sure the enclosed yard was near the size of a small city park but she felt sorry for the animals confined to such a small space. Regina shook off the thought and tried again to focus it was only one more day until auditions. She couldn’t be distracted by Hyuk or his tiger collection.

  “Horrible,” she self-admonished after mis-stepping for a second time in her routine. Regina moved to cue the music from the top but stopped short at a slow applause.

  Hyuk leaned against a back wall dressed in compression shorts, which left little to the imagination along with a matching top that accentuated his well-honed muscles.

  “I didn’t know you were there,” she said trying to sound as if her heart didn’t skip a beat just from the sight of him.

  “You looked good.”

  “Maybe to the untrained eye but take my word it was not flawless.”

  “Don’t let me interrupt your road to perfection. Do you mind if I get a work out in?”

  “It’s your home.”

  “True but I can always come back later.”

  Talk about the stalest morning after conversation. She reminded herself that there was no expectations of anything for either of them.

  “No, I don’t want to spoil your routine.” She punctuated her statement by starting the song from the beginning and hitting her audition piece while trying to pretend Hyuk didn’t exist. Three rotations later with sweat having her t-shirt clinging to her upper body Regina’s stomach protested the lack of morning nourishment.

  “I’d say that’s our cue to get some food in you.” Hyuk commented as he placed heavy looking barbell in place effortlessly.

  “You can hear my stomach all the way over there?”

  He pointed to his ears. “Great hearing.”

  “To accompany that wonderful sense of smell. If you’re not careful I might think I have my very own Big Bad Wolf.”

  He snorted. “Something like that.”

  “I hope you had your chef prepare another superb feast. I swear I’m hungry enough to eat the entire assortment.”

  “Good, I have a treat I think you’ll enjoy.”

  Regina stared down at the green concoction in the glass but this time her stomach protested in revulsion.


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