Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love

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Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love Page 113

by Koko Brown

  “You’re gaining weight.” He adjusted me on his thigh.

  “Hey,” I slapped him on the chest.

  “No, that’s a good thing.” He nodded. “Okay, we can do that. What about places? Stayed at expensive places? Traveled to exotic islands? Foreign foods? Sexually? Everything?”


  “Um, well, I’ve never really been an expensive type of girl. Those things didn’t appeal to me, but I’ve stayed at pricey hotels in Vegas and exotic islands.” I laughed. “I’m in Cuba and this,” my hand swung to the waterfall. “Is pretty exotic. Foreign foods? Well, I’ve had the gamut here. And sexually?”

  He nodded.

  “Yeah, what have you wanted to do,” he prompted like that was an everyday question. “You know, sexually? Experiment with another girl, are you a watcher, anal, what?”

  “Diego!” I gasped.

  He was not phased or moved at all by my outrage.

  “What? I don’t take you for the shy type.” His eyebrows pushed together.

  “I’m not shy, just not sure what you plan to do with this information.” I held out my hand in front of me. “Are you going to take me to a sex club or something?”

  “Oh, you haven’t been?” he asked.

  “I take it, you have.” I shook my head. “You’re a man.”

  “I have a membership,” Diego said with no reservations at all.

  “What is with you Cuban men?” I asked. “Y’all just aren’t shy about shit, huh?”

  “I’d think a woman in your situation has nothing to be shy about either.” Diego responded.

  “What do you mean?” I asked with one eyebrow tilted upward.

  “You have months to live. What the fuck is there to be shy about?” He asked.

  My head faced the falls as his words cloaked me like the water from the mountain. I must have shivered because he pulled me into him and said, “Did I say something?”

  “No,” I answered and shook my head. “Sexually, well… I’m not that experienced, so I have no real experiences.”

  His body grew tight as he said, “What do you mean by that?”

  Oh, shit!

  “Can we not talk about this?” I asked. “I’m not comfortable talking about it, even with months left.”

  At first, Diego said nothing but pulled me towards him, so my back was against his hard chest and his hand spread across my stomach. He was the most affectionate man I’d ever met, but he was also not affectionate at all.

  He was definitely a conundrum.

  Oddly enough, I relaxed, and we watched the falls until the sun set. Then, he took me to an expensive restaurant and bought almost everything on the menu, so I could taste it. Then, a variety of drinks so I could taste those also. He was like my life coach as he pushed me to take more and more.

  “Live, mi alma.” He encouraged. “Live.”

  I took another shot and gasped as the liquor burned my throat going down to my full stomach.

  “I’m done. I can’t do another one.” I wobbled to my feet, and Diego quickly grabbed me as he paid the bill and drove us home.

  “See, you had fun,” he said on the way home.

  I gave him a wobbly smile as I was definitely drunk, which was good because by the time I was back on my medication tomorrow, I would not have the luxury of drinking much of anything. That was why he encouraged me to keep drinking tonight because that nurse would be over the next day.

  “Diego,” I sang as the car jumped and jerked on the dirt roads.

  “Yes,” he looked my way.

  “If you go any faster, I’m going to puke.” I informed him as I rolled my window down.

  “Fuck,” he murmured and slowed down significantly. “Habit.”

  We finally made it home, puke free. When I stumbled out of car, he scooped me up, and carried me to my temporary place and laid me on the bed.

  “Hey,” I said as he started unbuttoning my blouse. “You make it a habit of taking off women’s clothes?”

  “No,” he said. “Just yours.”

  “What?” I asked.

  “Women take off their clothes for me, but you seem to never be in a situation where you can.” Diego said without hesitation.

  I knew I was drunk because I said, “Good, then continue. Oh wait, will your girlfriend from the other night get mad? Can’t have your women coming for me.”

  His head went down.

  “There was no woman.” He confessed. “I was just indisposed.”

  “Indisposed?” I asked.

  “Yeah, getting off but I saw it was you, so I thought you might have needed me.”

  I wasn’t sure what to say about that because he just created a visual for me, and all I could do was focus on him rubbing his cock up and down with those long hands.

  Holy shit!

  “Well, Diego. To answer your question from earlier, I’ve had sex before but not a lot. Literally two different partners, it wasn’t good, and I’ve never been able to come. I don’t want to go to a sex club to have this done but there you have it.”

  His face frowned, then he said with pure certainty, “I would never take you to a club and have someone else touch you. Only I touch you. You’re mine.”

  There was that word again.


  “What does that mean? I’m yours?” I asked as lust took over my sleepy high.

  His hand moved my shirt off of my stomach as he said, “Mine means just that. I’m responsible for you. I take care of you. You want to cum, it’ll be with my fingers, my tongue, and if or when you’re strong enough, my cock. I jerk off with your image and you’ll only do that with me. Mine.”

  Well, fuck me.

  Literally, fuck me.

  My panties grew wet as my eyes roamed to take him in his entirety. Now as my captor, savior ,or even my boss but possibly more. It was crazy and asinine.

  “Only for a few months,” I whispered in order to bring me, more or so, back to reality.

  “I’ll take it.” His fingers went to my jeans as he unbuckled them and slid them down my legs.

  Then, Diego finished taking off my shirt and unhooked my bra. Before he took it off, he asked, “Do you want that?”

  Holy shit!

  My head nodded as my entire body tensed with need and expectation. He repeated my action by confirming with a head nod and gently pulled off my bra and put it on the table. Then, Diego took off his boots, his loose-fitting shirt, and showed off his lick-worthy chest. His next move was to sit against the headboard on the bed, lift me, so I was sitting between his legs and held me against him. My bare back was against his hard chest and his hand was on my stomach.

  “Relax,” he whispered. “Going to make you feel good, okay.”

  “Yes,” I murmured as his large hand wrapped around my bite-sized breast.

  Big up top was never something I could claim, but now that I had lost so much weight, I was nearly non-existent. Yet, his hand on me did not cause self-consciousness, just pure desire. His fingers began to twist my nipples, and I yearned for him to press harder to relieve the ache.

  “Wait,” I gasped as he twisted them again. “You don’t have to do this. Okay. It’s not on my bucket list or anything. I just…”

  I did not get to finish that thought because his lips hit mine just as his hands went into my wet panties.

  Good God in heaven.

  I could not speak, utter a word, just open my legs so he could have whatever he wanted. Diego’s tongue twirled around my mouth as he explored every part. Those fingers rubbed my taut pearl, and it was so sensitive, I bucked a little. His fingers pressed harder, causing me to moan in his mouth. It was then that I realized he was sucking my goddamn tongue.

  My core grew wetter as Diego Salazar brought me closer to the climax with the kiss and with his fingers rubbing my clit. My thought was too soon because he dipped his fingers down further, felt my wet pool of my desire, and slowly backed away from my lips.

  A rapid fire of Spanish escaped
his mouth, and I didn’t really catch it until he bit my lip and dipped those fingers inside. He took my juices to spread it near my throbbing clit and rub rapidly. He let my lip go and began to whisper in my ear.

  “Mine means, only I do this. No one else. It means, you cum for me only. You whisper my name. This,” He rubbed fiercely, “is mine, and I’m responsible for it. Every inch.”

  His other hand twisted my nipple, and I yelled out in ecstasy.

  “Fuck,” I yelped. “I’m cumming.”

  “Only for me.” His deep voice vibrated over my body. “Got it.”

  “Only for you.” His long fingers dipped inside and came back where he pressed harder and continued to rub me into another universe.

  My entire body went tight as I held my breath, and Diego bit my ear, before he said, “Say it now.”

  “It’s yours.” I gasped because I was so close.

  “No, say my name.” He clarified and squeezed again.

  “Diego,” I screamed as I came apart with my legs shaking and knees attempting to clamp together around his hand.

  The man kept rubbing, and I cried out again. His name in my mouth, my head on his shoulder, and his teeth on my neck.

  “Mine,” he uttered.

  Fuck yes, I was.

  I lay there sated, more drunk, and the sleep world pulling on me hard.

  “Sleep well.” Diego said as he put me under the covers. “The nurse is coming tomorrow.”

  His lips touched my forehead, then he whispered, “Mi alma.”

  I’d have to look that up but I couldn’t even response.

  Just exhaled and let the darkness take me under.



  What the fuck was happening to me? A stranger just blew into town, and everything within me was on high alert. She had become my responsibility in every way, and there was a new refreshing. I never took on more shit than I could handle and that meant a woman. More importantly, a woman in her situation. It wasn’t fair to her and not to me, but I swear I couldn’t help the pull I felt.


  Even obsessive.

  After making Destini scream my name, I cleaned her and tucked her in bed. I wanted to stay but I couldn’t because there would be no leaving her. As much as I wanted to taste her essence, she already controlled my cock with her sassy ass. I left because if I stayed, there would have been no turning back.

  For neither of us.

  The next morning, I had Curtis take Destini to the hospital, while I ran a couple of errands. One in particular, scanning the database for donors with her blood type and kidney. If she could get her organ, she would live. Experience more of life than I could show her in six fucking months.

  By the time I reached the hospital, Destini looked drained, and Curtis’ reflection resembled equal concern. She was sitting on a chair, slightly slumped to the side, but when my brother saw me, he stood and walked quickly towards me.

  “Brother, they took a lot of blood and are running a lot of test.” Curtis’ words were rushed.

  “Yeah,” I confirmed. “That’s what today was about.”

  “She seems weaker than before. I tried to give her juice, but she said she felt nauseous and wouldn’t let me tell the nurse.” His eyes cut to her, and I saw that she was not looking at me.

  “Aye.” I nodded. “Listen, you go ahead. I got it from here.”

  “Are you sure?” He asked.

  “I’m sure.” I nodded. “Gracias, hermano mio.”

  Curtis turned toward Destini and said, "I'll see you later, Des."

  My back went straight as I watch him bend down and kiss her forehead. When he pulled back, her eyes met mine and then shifted back towards the windows. Curtis left and I replaced him as I sat next to her. When I went to grab for her hand, she removed it with a jerk.

  "Destini?" I whispered. "Is there something wrong?"

  "No, nothing at all. Just tired." She looked out the window, refusing to look at me.

  Fuck. My experience with women was not of the consoling type. I never bothered with relationships of any sort and didn't really give a fuck about what they thought or if they were mad. In my line of profession, there was no room for attachments. The professional ones but not the personal ones. I have my family for that.

  Now, there was Destini.

  "Something is wrong. Is this about last night?" I asked.

  Her eyes cut to me and that told me damn well what it was about.

  "I'm being poked and prodded like a damn pig. I'm entitled to feel tired." She snapped.

  "Did you not want last night to happen?" I pushed forward. "Were you too drunk? Do you remember?"

  "I remember everything," she started to say until her name was called. Destini stood up and waved at the woman, then she hissed. "I also remember waking up to an empty bed this morning."

  And off she went.

  Not as fast as she usually moved but whatever strength she mustered up, the woman used it to tear away from me quickly.


  She was mad that I left her in bed alone. The goddamn woman would have me proposing before the six months were up. I was completely out of my league.

  I walked over to Destini and the nurse who was giving her some white paper bags. Once I joined them, I was being filled in about what was needed and expected of the home nurse. ShaRon was her name, she was a black woman, tall, and a had a little weight on her. She was also a looker, despite the pony tail and baggy uniform. The good thing was that she seemed down to earth and laid back.

  "Destini is a fighter," she commented. "I mean, that woman should be bed ridden by now with everything."

  "Yeah, I know." I nodded with a smile.

  "I'm ready," a voice interrupted us.

  I turned to see Destini had left the two of us talking and was near the door looking at both of us with a weird look.

  "Let's go," I nabbed her hand even when she struggled. "ShaRon, we'll see you tomorrow."

  "Yes, I look forward to working with you Destini. I'll be there bright and early." The woman smiled.

  "Umm hmm," Destiny remarked as we headed towards the door without a backwards glance.

  "Can you take me to the studio? I promised Mama that I would help her this evening." She asked me when we made it to the parking lot.

  "Six months," I said as I opened the side-passenger door.

  "What?" Her brown eyes narrowed on me.

  "Six months," I repeated after waiting until she was inside, so I could close the door.

  I slid into the car, put the key in the ignition, and twisted my head to look at her.

  "What is that supposed to mean?" She asked me after buckling her seatbelt.

  My body turned towards her and I said, "It means that's all the time you have left on this fucking earth. The last thing you want to do is be mad, hold grudges, or not deal with shit outright. You once told me you have nothing to lose. Then why with me, you act like you do? Say what you feel."

  Destini's eyes flashed as her head jerked back in surprise. Then, she blinked twice before she opened her mouth.

  "I do have something to lose with you." Her hand moved towards the hospital. "You're paying all of these bills, gave me a place to stay, and have me working to keep busy. I didn't ask for it, but my anger is with myself, not you. You haven't done anything."

  This about pissed me all the way off.

  "Fuck," I muttered. "You think I'd turn you away, put you out? You think that of me. I told you, you're mine. That's for me..."

  Destini held up her hand and asked, "Can you please not say that anymore? It's not true."

  Yeah, the Salazar temper flared, and I unbuckled her seatbelt, pulled her on top of me with the steering wheel in her back, and both of her legs on the side of me.

  "Say again?" I growled.

  Her face was full of shock, then frustration.

  "We're not doing this." She shook her head and tried to get off.

  "Oh, we are. Now, say again. Wh
at's not true?" I dared her to answer.

  She sighed and leaned back against the wheel. Then, I guess she'd had enough because she went off.

  "This, Diego." She screamed at me. "This isn't true. You're a fool. I'm not yours. I'm gone in six months. You know this. What are you doing? Making me fall for you, then I'll feel even worse knowing I have to leave you. It's not fair. Don't do this. You're already doing too much for me, and I have nothing to offer. What can I give you? Nothing and I don't want to read too much into this when it's nothing. I'm okay with being your charity case, but I don't want to feel like I felt this morning. Waking to the promise of something and then it's gone in the morning. That's what this is. I'm going to be gone. I can try to get on the plane again and be ready in case Claire finds something."

  My heart had to be beating out of my chest because I felt like it was the loudest thing in the car. She was right, but she was so wrong. The back of my hand rubbed the lone tear that threatened to escape her left eye as I watched it roll down my hand.

  "You're wrong, mi alma." I wrapped my hand around her neck. "You're right but you're wrong. You give me purpose. Not charity. Purpose. My life, my job, my family. We have a code we live by it, but we always work for others. Now, I work for myself. For you because you're mine. My purpose is for something of my own. Not waking up to me was for your own good. Do you feel what you do to me?" I pressed her bottom down, so she could feel the hardening length of my steel cock. "That's all you. You're sick, and I don't even know if you can handle sex or strenuous activities. Last night, probably shouldn't have happened, but that's what you do to me. That's what you do for me. You give me purpose, angel."

  Her head shook, but I pulled her into me and took her mouth. There would be no more conversations and no more of that shit she was spewing. I wanted her to feel my words without a sound being made. Her hips began to circle around my hard cock, and the woman took my tongue in her mouth to suck on it.

  Holy fuck.

  Destini’s hands moved to the back of my head with a tightening grip that stung in a good way. She was rough, I'd surmised but she was also weak. I pulled back and in a breathless declaration, "You need to rest."

  "I'm fine." She said way more out of breath than I was.

  "They just took pints of blood out of your already frail body, you need to rest. I'm taking you home and mama will understand. If you feel up to it later, we'll eat, and if you want to try something on the list, then we'll do that."


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