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The Sword and the Shadows_The First Chronicle

Page 13

by Patrick Kriener

  “Seraph, a dark servant of Melageth, came to our location with other Ancients by his side. I guess he caught eye on the Maldark Santorium, figuring out its importance later on. I suppose he knew the purpose of it and now it is taken from my mother’s possession... thinking this would please Melageth further with another addition to his treasure.”

  Berek continued after a short pause. “My mother, who was the sorceress, gave me dreams…dreams that would try to convert me becoming a part of the Ancients. I believe Melageth thinks I am... important for his will.”

  “Impossible, they all tried to kill us! We could all be dead now, if it wasn’t for me.” Yuri tried to boast over his strength for the Callous Scales. Enough time had passed by and it withered slowly away.

  “The key to Melageth’s defeat is to claim Dawnfrost, the only sword that has the ability to slay the Ancients and... Melageth himself.”

  “You are telling me that Melageth is looking for a blade, that this blade appears to be the only one to slay him?”

  “Not only that...” Helen engaged in the conversation. “We are also looking for the blade, which appears that it isn’t here. We are searching for it.”

  Yuri tried to catch his breath, for his torso became sore and he held it in pain. “Here is my story. I am Yuri, son of Baldric, also a Dwa’iin. I am a member of the Blood Shadows and...”

  Aleazar shouted and unsheathed his blade, but Roark pulled down Aleazar’s arm which held the blade.

  “Easy... easy, I am the good guy!” Yuri stepped back. He knew he could not fight and win over the four that stood before him in a battle. “I suppose we are fighting for the same purpose; you want to claim the sword and we want to claim the Maldark Santorium for Drahk’s freedom.”

  “From Furyion... blasphemy! The God of Order and War cannot be trusted!” Roark tried to attempt the same strike as Aleazar.

  “He was cast into Furyion because of Melageth’s evil ambition. We, the Blood Shadows, are on a quest to claim back our once-known victory and bring Bael Drahk back to this realm... the realm of Alundiel.”

  “A quest to bring an evil god back?”

  “A quest for my Lord Zoran’s will, for I am in his command. He is in command of everyone. On my journey here, I was with three assistants at my side. I was ambushed by dark-robed men, supposedly known as the Brothers of the Night.

  “When we passed through the Heartlands, we were ambushed by them again, and then I was separated. I know they are safe because of the teleportation spell they had at hand...”

  “What about you? Didn’t you teleport?” Helen asked.

  “I... I don’t know what happened, I was set up and I misplaced my tablet of teleportation. It is the Emerald of Travel, as a rare gift from my Lord Zoran.”

  “And your assistants?” Berek was convinced to find out.

  “I think they are safe; the destination of the teleportation leads them to the nearest temple or hideout of the Blood Shadows. They should be at the main temple, which is located at the Mothdew Caves above Feurindal.”

  Roark came close. “You feel safe giving away your main hideout’s location?”

  “Enough questions. Just know I am fighting for the same purpose. These Ancients have caused enough turmoil on this world and I intend to stop them!” Yuri wanted revenge from Melageth, as he was hungry to kill Ancients. Berek saw Yuri was good enough to trust.

  “So what about you, Berek? Whatever happened with your parents?”

  “Well my mother, we all know and witnessed what happened.” Berek felt a sense of sorrow. “My father was slain by an Ancient in its bird form. The blasted creatures attacked my home of the Spine, and when I thought my mother died, with the birds carrying her away... she appeared to still be alive until now.”

  “Birds... I encountered them with my group. That is their true form, but we faced them in human form. We better find that sword and kill these... things!”

  Berek agreed and looked to Helen, glad to see she was okay.

  “I guess we are not so different after all. My mom died right as she gave birth to me. My village of Kilton was destroyed, and this was also near the Spine, closer to Feurindal. The men in dark robes...”

  “The same ones that attacked you in the Heartlands?” Berek asked.

  “Yes, these men continue to take the ones I love and care for away from me! I will not rest until I find out every one of those nefarious pigs and strike them all dead!

  “But after I joined the Blood Shadows, word was received to me that my father died on his business trip toward Rodinfront after leaving by this cave that was a hideout for the Blood Shadows. These killers were not the same people, but were known to be thieves or rebels.” Yuri continued, “But something feels different about the ones who killed my father, for it seemed it was planned a long time before.”

  “I see. So all of our parents are dead. It seems everything happens for one purpose, but these things will lead up to our victory... taking Melageth down.” Berek felt sorry for Yuri, but still could not believe his mother’s death. His drained energy came more from the death of his loved ones.

  Berek then sat on a stool nearby a potion cabinet that had rust and blood stained cross it. He had grown tired from the encounter with Seraph.

  “Wait... the Crystal! It was beneath the Shieldvane Temple!” Berek got up. “We must go... now!” Berek sheathed his blade and patched up his wounds with some cloth and fur that was found on Miriam’s dressers.

  “Hold on, Berek. I may not have any men to fight along with me. But I believe I am able to fight with warriors such as you; this Seraph... he is dead!” Yuri wanted revenge terribly. Berek agreed with him and accepted him in his quest.

  Berek walked out of the shack with Helen, Aleazar, and Roark, following behind Yuri and him.

  “So the only way Seraph got this Crystal was to take the Shieldvanes’ fortress by force. Jarem... all of them might be dead!”

  “Do not give up on hope, Berek; we will go there in quick pace.” Helen held Berek’s hand tightly, Berek believed with her as Aleazar scoffed in their sight.

  Yuri felt it was right to join along with Berek. There was no other choice. “We head to the central part of the Spine, where we will approach the Shieldvanes Temple.” Berek saw the others follow, as he knew Yuri could be trusted, even being a high member of the Blood Shadows.

  Chapter Thirty-Three: Flight to the Temple

  S now was falling quick and hard. Berek led his group, along with his new ally, Yuri, to Skyhallow Temple. He knew he had to get there in time before anything bad could happen. The worst possibility was that Skyhallow Temple had already been besieged by Seraph and Ancients. Berek hoped and prayed this was not the case. Berek seemed to have better speed than the others; he was fast ahead of them. His determination to reach the Temple gave him a strange uncanny speed, and resilience. However, Yuri himself was quite fast and was catching up to Berek.

  “Berek, my friend, please,” said Yuri, gasping for air. “Slow down. The others are tiring.”

  “I cannot!” yelled Berek through harsh breaths. “What if all the Shieldvanes are dead? It would be my fault!”

  “Berek, for the love of-“

  But Berek did not hear the man, as he ran further on. Yuri sighed and slowed his pace down. The others caught up with Yuri.

  “What is he thinking?” asked Aleazar. “We don’t all have the speed he does.”

  “I understand,” replied Yuri. “But he is determined and stubborn about reaching the Temple. All we can do now is support him.”

  “I was done supporting him when I first met him,” replied Aleazar with a distasteful tone.

  “Enough,” ordered Roark. “Yuri’s right. Berek won’t stop until he reaches the Temple. We have to keep moving.”

  “Curses,” stated Aleazar, and was quiet for the rest of the trip.

  They moved onward, the snow falling fast and harder than ever. They traveled up hills and plateaus, never stopping, although they did slo
w their pace at times. Night fell and they had begun to despair. Berek however, was still in his attitude of determination. He often encouraged the others to keep moving, much to their dislike. The moon rose high in the sky, providing them with enough light, and making the use of a torch seem unlikely. The trip was long and hard, and it was beginning to become even worse. Once, they had crossed paths with a snow lion, which scampered off after Yuri looked harsh in its direction. Yuri possessed a nature of foreboding; the others seemed frightened of his words and his actions. Roark and Aleazar did not trust him. After all, he was Blood Shadows, and they were never to be trusted.

  “A band of thieves and murderers,” claimed Roark, as Yuri was several feet in front of him, out of earshot.

  “Berek trusts him,” said Helen quietly. “As do I.”

  “You are clouded with your feelings, pretty Dwa’iin,” replied Roark. “I know how you feel about him. I am no fool.”

  “Excuse me?” asked Helen. “For your information, I find Berek to be a respectable, trustworthy man. He is true to his beliefs, and a good warrior. He is a worthy ally and I-“

  “You love him,” interrupted Roark, with a small smirk.

  “How dare you!” hissed Helen, blushing bright red in the cheeks.

  “I see the temple!” shouted Berek from the distance.

  Helen and Roark both turned to look ahead of them. Berek and Yuri were running quickly. The outline of the Temple was shown against the dark night. However, something was terribly wrong. Black and gray smoke rose high to the sky; the source was coming from inside the temple.

  “Oh no,” Helen whispered to herself. Berek saw this himself and ran further on.

  “Be careful, Berek!” shouted Yuri. “You don’t know what lies inside!”

  “No!” shouted Berek, seeing a terrible sight. He was standing in front of the huge iron door to the temple. However, the door was splintered in the middle. Bricks and metal were scattered across the snow. Berek stepped inside the temple and gasped. All around, dead Shieldvanes were scattered. Blood seemed to fill the entirety of the temple. Flames seemed to be everywhere in the small corners. Berek groaned and fell to the ground in torment. Yuri had stepped inside, seeing this horrible sight. He came close to Berek and put a hand on his shoulder. Berek was too distraught and he shook away from Yuri. Yuri heard some scuffling nose behind him and saw Roark was trying to get in. Yuri quickly ran to Roark.

  “I think it would be best if everyone remained outside,” said Yuri, a look of unease on his countenance.

  Roark nodded, understanding what happened. He turned and approached the others, telling them what had happened.

  Berek heard a soft cry in the distance and knew it to be Helen’s. They had received the news. Berek didn’t know what to think anymore. All that he ever loved had been taken from him. And it was all because of the Ancients. Berek slammed his fist in the ground as hard as he could. He felt blood coming from his knuckles. Berek stood up, searching for any survivors in the grounds. There were none. Berek felt a tear coming down his cheek.

  Suddenly, he remembered who he needed to see: Jarem. Berek hoped with all of his might Jarem was still alive. Berek approached the shack in the back of the temple and opened the door. The interior of the shack was a mess; all around, broken piles of debris and other objects were slung about the room. Berek spotted a pair of boots sticking out from a fallen table. Berek knew who it was before he saw the man under it: Jarem. Berek came to the table and pulled it off. Jarem was covered in blood. However, he was alive, and looked up at Berek with frightened eyes.


  Chapter Thirty-Four: Bane of the Shieldvanes

  B erek knelt closer to Jarem, cupping his head in his hands. He sat him up, while holding his wounded body. Blood seemed to come from everywhere. Jarem’s face had many scratches and marks upon it. A deep hole was shown on Jarem’s abdomen. Berek groaned.

  “Hang on, Jarem! It’ll be alright!” Berek took Jarem’s arm and held it over his head as he lifted him from the ground. Berek called out Yuri’s name for assistance. Yuri arrived quickly in the cabin and took Jarem’s other arm.

  “Carry him into the sleeping quarters,” ordered Berek. He led Yuri and Jarem across the unkempt room. He had to maneuver around the debris and fallen pieces. He led them into the hallway and walked into the sleeping quarters. The room was untouched, as the Ancients probably did not enter. Berek and Yuri set Jarem down onto a small cot.

  “Find some type of wrappings,” ordered Berek, “and bring me a bucket of hot water.” Yuri nodded and left the room swiftly. Berek held Jarem’s head up and looked at him full in the face.

  Jarem was very pale and he was losing color fast. Berek held out his hand and placed it on Jarem’s forehead. He then began to speak the conjuration that Jarem had used on Berek as a child many years ago. Berek was not skilled in Magika in the slightest. As Berek was finishing up the spell, Yuri entered the room. Berek took from him the wrappings and covered Jarem’s wounds. He then poured the hot water onto the bloody holes and scars. He then lifted up the bucket to Jarem’s lips as he poured it down his throat. Berek stood patiently as he waited for something to happen. Finally, Berek could see a little color was returning to his face.

  “Jarem, master...” said Berek quietly. “Can you speak?”

  Jarem nodded and opened his mouth. It took some strength but he managed to communicate. “Yes, my boy. We were attacked by those blasted Ancients!”

  Jarem leaned up in anger but Berek gently pushed him back down onto the bed. “Try not to move as much. Tell me what happened.”

  “I was in the dining room, enjoying some mead and roasted pork. Suddenly the door to the Hall was opened. My guard, Germaine, stumbled inside, arrows piercing his back. I stood up in a flash, grabbing my sword and armor. I stepped outside to find we were overrun by the Ancients. They were everywhere it seemed. My Shieldvanes were a formidable force against them, but it seemed...”

  “What master?”

  “It seemed as though their power had increased tenfold. They utterly destroyed many of my best fighters. Soon all that remained were three of my guards and me. We retreated back to the Hall, setting up quick defense structures. They were all for naught. The door was thrown open as if a strong wind had flown inside. Stepping in, clad in the darkest armor, was Seraph. He seemed much more confident than our last meeting, and he had a sense of victory about him.

  “It was my undoing. I underestimated his power. We fought, but he struck me down. I’ll never forget what happened then. He leaned forward, his face to mine. I looked back into those white eyes of emptiness and saw my own death approach. He seemed to smile and said, ‘You have failed, Jarem. You and your Shieldvanes. Lord Melageth shall rise again!’”

  “And...,” spoke Berek. “He took the Crystal, didn’t he?”

  Jarem nodded sadly. “Yes. He took the keys from my robes and walked away. Why he left me alive, I do not know, nor shall I ever know. But I was wounded too much to move. I managed to crawl outside in the cold snow and watched as Seraph returned with the Crystal. He gave me one last look and disappeared into the night.”

  “He met me next,” said Berek remorsefully. “I could not stop him. He had the Crystal in his possession. What he will do with it is beyond me.”

  Jarem stared off into the distance, a troubling look on his face. Berek took this as a sign. “You know something, don’t you?”

  Jarem nodded. “Do you know why Seraph attacked Wyndal many days ago? It was not because he was confused of the Crystal’s location. You see, only a few years ago, Savenur Octavium passed away. The realm was unaware. But he had a son, Ramas, who lived on and has been secretly ruling Alundiel ever since. In order to protect Ramas from Melageth’s revenge, he had to be hidden.”

  The pieces began to fall together in Berek’s mind. “So...Ramas Octavium is in Wyndal?”

  “Yes my boy. Hidden deep under the city. Luckily you stopped Seraph before he could reach him. But now
that Seraph has the Crystal, it is my belief he shall ride to Wyndal with his full force of Ancients and seek out Ramas. And usher Melageth’s revenge.”

  “He cannot!” hissed Berek. “But...I do not know how to stop him. I could not find Dawnfrost.”

  Jarem smiled. “Your quest to find Dawnfrost has succeeded. You were never intended to find the sword. Rather, I sent you to find more about yourself and your family.”

  “And that I did,” replied Berek. “And I thank you. But without the sword-“

  “Berek, did you honestly believe I would lie to you about the sword? I know its precise location. Your father and I were the only ones who knew.”

  “Tell me, please!” pleaded Berek.

  Jarem nodded. He was then about to speak, but instead of words, he coughed a terrible sound. Blood came from his mouth with each cough and gargle. Jarem breathed harshly. Yuri grabbed the bucket and once more poured it down Jarem’s mouth. Jarem swallowed, but the color in his face began to fade into white.


  Jarem looked at Berek with sad, hurt eyes. “Berek...the where the Crystal was.”

  “You mean...?”

  “Yes. Beneath this very mountain. The one place Melageth would not expect; right under his nose.”

  “I understand,” replied Berek.

  “Take this key,” said Jarem, pulling out a small, brass key. “Around the back of this cabin is a manhole. Go inside and climb down. Once you reach a large door, use that key. After that, only you can know.”

  Berek nodded and stood up. He placed a hand on Jarem and turned to Yuri. “Stay here with him, and make sure he is alright.”

  Yuri nodded and as Berek turned to leave, Yuri spoke. “Be careful.”

  Berek nodded and left the room. He walked down the hallway, sadness filling his heart. If only he had been here while the attack happened. Melageth wanted Berek. Berek forgot to ask Jarem why this could be, but he knew he would find out soon enough. All that mattered now was traveling beneath the mountain and reclaiming the sword. Berek walked out of the cabin and into the cold snow. Berek suspected Helen and the others were still outside the gate, free from the vision of the macabre chaos.


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