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My Fair Captain

Page 15

by J. L. Langley

  Nate smiled and winked.

  Yep, he’s definitely lost his mind.

  Nate turned back toward the mass. “Aiden and I took vows as of today.”

  Aiden blinked, once, twice, three times. Nope, he was still here in a packed hallway holding his dream man’s hand. And to make matters worse his own hands were starting to sweat. Could Nate hear his heartbeat too?

  Father cleared his throat. “We were going to save the news of their marriage for the ball we were planning to celebrate this news, but since the newlyweds obviously were”—he chuckled—“acting like newlyweds… And I must admit, it’s my fault, my apologies everyone, I should have never forced them to come to a soiree on their wedding night. So, if you will all excuse us, I believe we will now retire to the castle.” Father grabbed Cony’s hand and turned.

  Giving Nate and Aiden one last look, Cony let Father lead him away.

  Uh-oh. Aiden worried his bottom lip. Cony had had that tick in his jaw he got when he was mad.

  People rushed around Aiden and Nate offering their congratulations, patting their backs. There were several snickers and innuendos that Aiden didn’t quite catch and someone called him Earl-Consort Deverell. His surroundings were beginning to get a little fuzzy. The only thing convincing him it wasn’t a dream was Nate’s heat beside him, Nate’s firm grip on his hand, steadying him and somehow giving him strength.

  Aiden smiled and took the congratulations, never letting go of Nate. Somehow or another they made it outside and into the lift.

  As soon as they got in and closed the door, Nate held his hand again and told his parents what happened. After the shock wore off and Cony called the castle ordering the security heightened and an armed escort to meet them, Cony slid across the seat and kissed his forehead. “Are you all right?”

  Aiden nodded. “Thanks to Nate.”

  Looking up, Cony gave a quick dip of his head. “Thank you, Lord Deverell.”

  “You don’t have to thank me.” Nate squeezed Aiden’s hand. “It was selfishly motivated. I protect what’s mine.”

  The princes began murmuring at once. Father and Cony only nodded. Aiden smiled, feeling all warm and tingly. He was well on his way to being head over heels in love with this man. Taking in every nuance of Nate’s expression, Aiden saw the tenderness and affection emanating from it. Scooting closer, he raised his chin, needing Nate’s kiss.

  Nate caught his chin, running his thumb over Aiden’s lips. Shaking his head slightly, Nate whispered, “Later, boy.”

  Aiden melted as Nate’s warm breath caressed his face. His cock was harder than stone and throbbing. He’d never felt like this before. Every time he was near Nate the feeling intensified.

  Cony cleared his throat behind him.

  Aiden started, realizing where they were and what he’d nearly done. He turned away from Nate, trying to get his body to behave, and caught the shocked look of his siblings. Heat raced up his cheeks. He shifted, hoping his erection wasn’t obvious.

  Finally, the lift stopped and Father stood. “We’re here. Let’s get the two of you inside. There is no time stamp on the books or consort license, only the date. If anyone checks, it will give them today’s date.”

  “Where, Father?”

  “Regelence Royal Cathedral.” Father ordered the door open and everyone out. “Come along. I called ahead, the Bishop is waiting on us.”

  What? “No, Father, I—” Panic seized Aiden. They were going to force Nate to marry him, and then Nate would hate him and—

  Nate glanced over Aiden’s shoulder. “Can we have a moment?”

  It was quiet for several seconds, then Cony said, “Sure. Everyone else out of the lift, please.” Standing, Cony shooed everyone toward the door.

  “That means you too, Raleigh.” Father reached back inside the coach and caught Cony’s arm, tugging him out when he would have stayed.

  Cony was still grumbling when the lift door closed behind him.

  Cocking a brow at him, Nate smiled.

  Aiden’s stomach felt queasy. They didn’t have a choice. He couldn’t decide if it was nerves from Nate smiling at him, or due to the fact that he was facing a marriage ceremony. One he wanted, but nevertheless it was a mistake. Nate was an IN captain, he had to go back to his ship.

  Nate touched his cheek gently.

  He nuzzled into the touch, loving the feel of the warm, calloused palm on his skin. “I’m sorry, Nate. You rescued me and this is how you’re repaid…”

  Leaning forward, Nate brushed his lips softly across Aiden’s. Nate pulled him onto his lap, his erection pressing against Aiden’s hip.

  Relaxing into the kiss, Aiden opened his mouth, tangling his own tongue with Nate’s. He wanted more, he needed Nate’s hands on him, caressing him. Trailing his hands down Nate’s chest, Aiden marveled at the hard muscle and heat. He wanted to feel that ring again, wanted Nate’s cock in his hand.

  Nate leaned back, catching Aiden’s hands in his before they reached their goal. “Easy, boy. We both have to go out there in a minute.”

  Aiden dropped his head forward, resting his forehead on Nate’s shoulder. He willed his prick to behave and his heart to stop pounding.

  Tears welled up in Aiden’s eyes, making him blink rapidly. He lifted his head, catching Nate’s gaze. “I’m sorr—”

  The door opened and Father stuck his head inside. “Let’s go. There will be plenty of time for that later.”

  Brushing his thumb across Aiden’s cheekbone, Nate swiped at the tear dripping down his face. “Shh…”

  Chapter Eleven

  What the fuck am I going to do now? Nate ran his hands through his hair and let them drop to his side. The sudden realization that Aiden was now his scared the shit out of him. And he wasn’t quite sure how to deal with it. He hadn’t felt like this in years. Not since he left home.

  With trembling hands, Nate unbuttoned his jacket and tossed it on the chair in front of the fireplace. He needed something to do while he waited for Aiden. Having time to think was making him a wreck. Nate chuckled without humor. Half the IN would be busting a gut right now, watching the infamous hard-ass Captain Hawk fret over getting married.

  It hadn’t seemed like a big deal before. He got Aiden, which is exactly what he wanted. But now what? Aiden was probably going to want kids eventually and…fuck. Nate had no idea how to be a father. He and Trouble were different. Trouble had been much older when Nate adopted him.

  Taking off his belt, he headed through the master bedroom door. He sat on the edge of the bed and wiped his sweaty hands on his pants. His heart was racing so fast it felt like he’d gone for a run. Why did the thought of kids worry him so much? No, no, it wasn’t just that. The thought of trying to work Aiden into his life was scary. Aiden needed a home and a stable environment—he should have a nice big home with a studio to be able to do his art. And there was no way in hell Nate could take him away from his family. Nate missed his own family. He couldn’t in good conscience take Aiden from his, but what choice did he have? He couldn’t just up and retire, not until his current commission was up in a little under a year.

  Seeing Trouble nearly killed last week had made him realize that an IN destroyer was no place for children. He should have retired as soon as he was able after he’d adopted the kid.

  The door leading from the valet chamber opened and shut, Trouble came in bitching about something, but Nate didn’t look up. He had to make this right. He needed to start providing for his family, more than just financially. He had—

  “Dust, Hawk. Couldn’t you have waited until I could be there?” Trouble squatted in front of him, grabbing Nate’s knees and looking up at him. “You, uh, upset?” Trouble cocked his head. Trying to read Nate’s mood, Nate supposed.

  “Have I been a good father to you?”

  Trouble’s eyes widened, his mouth opening, then closing. “What? What’s wrong, Nate?” Trouble got on his knees, scooting closer. “You’re a great father.”

  Nate took
a deep breath, watching the concern play over Trouble’s face. Damn, he hadn’t meant to do that. He was supposed to calm Trouble’s fears, he was the parent, he— Grabbing Trouble, he pulled him into a hug. “I’m sorry. And I’m sorry you weren’t at the wedding. Someone tried to kill Aiden tonight and things got messed up. I’d planned on taking more time, getting us all used to the idea.” Nate moved back, looking into Trouble’s worried aquamarine eyes. “I’m…scared, Jeremy. It just hit me. I don’t know how to be a husband or a father. I found you, dragged you onboard and you were just part of my life. I should have given you a home instead of a ship full of sailors. You deserve better than me.” Nate’s eyes blurred with tears. Fuck. He used the back of his hand to brush them away.

  Trouble launched himself at Nate, making Nate rock back. He had no choice but to catch Trouble and hug him.

  Shaking his head, Trouble bumped Nate’s face. “That’s not true. You are a wonderful father. If it weren’t for you—” His voice cracked a little. “You’re a hard-ass, but your kids will never doubt that you love them. I never have. I love you, Dad.”

  “I love you too, Son.” Nate hugged the kid tighter. He was going to do his damnedest to make a good home for not just Aiden but Trouble too. He had to go back to the Lady Anna for now, but as soon as he could, he’d give his family a home. He didn’t want to leave Aiden here, but he wanted him in danger even less than he wanted to keep Aiden with him. Hell, for that matter maybe he should leave Trouble here with Aiden but he couldn’t do that. Not to Trouble and not to Aiden. Trouble had a fear of abandonment—he could only imagine what it would do to the kid. He had to raise Trouble to handle himself so that the ship was less of a danger to him, but he couldn’t in good conscience do that to Aiden.

  All these changes were still a damned scary thought, but he felt better now. Now that he knew who he was doing it for. His family was worth it.

  Sitting back on his heels, Trouble dabbed at his eyes and punched Nate in the arm. “Aiden is lucky to have you as a husband. I can only hope I’ll find a husband as great as you will be.”

  “I hope so.”

  Trouble sniffed and blinked. “Damn it, Hawk, this is twice now with the touchy-feely crap. I hate this shit.”

  Chuckling, Nate blinked too and wiped his eyes. “Watch your mouth, Trouble.” He ruffled the blond locks. “Thank you. You’re a good son.”

  Trouble shrugged, looking around at everything but Nate. The kid never had been very good at shows of affection. Hell, Nate wasn’t either for that matter.

  Nate considered telling Trouble what he planned, but he didn’t think he was up for another emotional display at the moment. Fuck, he didn’t want to leave Aiden, even for a year.

  “Wish they would have waited for me to be there.”

  “Yeah, me too.” It had felt odd without the kid there, but there was nothing he could do about it now.

  Scrunching his face a little, Trouble grinned. “It’s a nice room, though. Did you notice there are fireplaces in every room, even the bathing room?”

  “I saw that.” It was a nice room with dark, masculine colors and very cozy furnishings. The whole suite was essentially two suites joined by a sitting room. Which was pointless in his opinion. He had every intention of sharing a bed with Aiden. They only needed one bedroom. “You want the other bedroom?”

  Trouble hopped up, grinning ear to ear. “Heck, yeah.” He slugged Nate in the arm again as he got up and wandered around.

  Nate stood and stretched. Nate hadn’t looked over the room before, he’d been too busy lost in his own fears. The bedroom was romantic, with its heavy burgundy curtains on the window and bed. Aiden’s pale skin would look heavenly against the velvet coverlet.

  Trouble had crawled across the bed and was fiddling with something a few inches above the headboard. He held his hand under what looked like a spigot and a glop of clear liquid dropped into his hand. “Oh wow. It’s automatic and heated.”

  What the… Nate snatched Trouble’s hand, dipping his own finger in the goo. Lubricant. That was neat. Bringing it to his nose, he sniffed. It smelled like vanilla. He touched it to his tongue. Tasted like vanilla too.

  Trouble wiped the rest of the lube on his pants. “I want one of those in my room.”

  Nate rolled his eyes. He didn’t want to think about lube right now. That would lead to thinking about sex, which would make him think of Aiden and… “Where in the hell is Aiden?” Nate walked around the room and debated pouring himself a scotch. Shouldn’t he be there by now? Frowning, Nate crossed to the door, intent on going across the suite to the bedroom they’d given Aiden.

  “He’s not in there.”

  Nate turned. “Where is he?”

  “Raleigh and Steven’s suite. There was some mention amongst the servants of a wedding tradition, but according to gossip Raleigh doesn’t like it, so no one knows if it will happen or not. No one seemed to know if you’d insist on it or not. I kept my mouth shut.”

  Nate lifted a brow. “Wedding tradition?”

  “Uh-huh.” Trouble laid back, stretching out on the bed, and wiggled his slipper-clad feet. “I wonder if I’ll ever get married. You know I never really considered it before, but now…”

  Sometimes Nate was positive the kid changed subjects just to annoy him. “Trouble.”

  “Whaaat? I’m just saying…” He held his hands up, all wide-eyed innocence.

  “Wedding tradition?”

  “Oh, yeah, that. Now, that is absolutely fascinating. Apparently, it’s customary for the young lords to be fit with a butt plug before sending him to his new consort on the night of their nuptials. To get them ready as it were. But it’s generally the best man who does this, and since Aiden’s best man was his sire… Well, that’s kinda gross, and—”

  “What? That’s terrible.”

  “Terrible?” Trouble shook his head. “Are you kidding me? That is neat as hell.” Then under his breath he murmured, “I want a plug.”

  Nate groaned and walked back around the bed. Those idiots were going to ruin his wedding night. “Take me to the king’s suites.” He pulled his son up by the arms, practically dragging him out of the room. No way was he letting them do that to Aiden. It was Nate’s privilege to teach Aiden such things, if Aiden wanted to know about them, not theirs. What were they thinking? Nate growled.

  “Hey, Hawk, wait. Why are we going there?”

  “To rescue Aiden. Lead the way.”

  Jeremy frowned, but he kept walking. “You’re going to deprive the man of a plug?” He tsked. “You’re so insensitive sometimes.”

  Nate gave him a pointed look. “Would you want something being shoved up your ass without your permission to be your first sexual experience?”

  “Okay, okay, you’re right. Follow me.” Trouble picked up his pace, leading Nate through the hall and up a set of stairs.

  They made several turns, but Nate recognized their destination when they arrived because the three younger Townsend siblings were crowded around the door with their ears pressed to it.

  Nate stopped, motioning for Trouble to be quiet, watching them for a minute.

  Tarren groaned and straightened. “I can’t hear a thing.”

  “Me either,” Colton complained.

  Payton shook his head. “The door must be soundproof. Maybe if we sneak into the—”

  Nate put his hands on his hips, striving for intimidating, even though he was highly amused. “Ahem.”

  They all jumped.

  “Ack.” Tarren was the first to respond.

  “We, uh…” Payton pointed at the door. “Uh…”

  Colton grabbed his brothers by the arms. “We were leaving.”

  The three of them fled without ever looking back.

  Trouble cocked his head, watching the three of them scurry away. He finally let out a long whistle. “I hate that they left, but watching them go was nice.”

  Nate stifled his mirth and elbowed him. “Go back to our room.”

; “Oof.” Jeremy frowned at him, then walked away. “You’re always smacking me around.”

  A chuckle sounded from behind him, making Nate turn.

  Steven strolled up the hall, smiling. “Thanks for running the boys off. What brings you here?”

  “A rescue attempt.”

  One of Steven’s ebony brows lifted, a smirk on his face. “Rescue, huh?”

  Heat suffused Nate’s face.

  Steven laughed and pushed the door open just in time for them to hear Raleigh say, “Remember to use lots of lube and watch your teeth.”

  Nate nearly groaned. Good Galaxy, the thought of Aiden having a reason to be aware of his teeth and use lube. His cock twitched, threatening to harden again.

  Steven chuckled. “That’s the best you could come up with?”

  Raleigh arched a brow. “I don’t see you in here trying to talk to him.”

  Nate met Aiden’s gaze.

  Aiden beamed at him, his gray eyes twinkling. He took Nate’s breath away and put his libido into hyperdrive. Raleigh and Steven continued to talk, but Nate tuned them out. He was standing in front of Aiden holding his hand out, before he even realized he’d done so.

  “Hi.” Aiden clasped his hand and stood. His hand was warm and perfect, with long elegant fingers. The hand of an artist.

  “Hi, yourself. I came to make sure everything was all right.”

  The hand not in his touched his chest as Aiden stepped closer. “Thank Galaxy. Think we can sneak out without them noticing?”

  Nate sure hoped so, because he was now sporting another hard-on. “We can try. I only have one small problem.” Well, two if he counted his sex drive.

  Aiden blinked. “What’s that?”

  “I don’t know if I can remember how to get back to my new—our new suite.”

  Chuckling, Aiden tugged on his hand. “Come on, I know the way.”

  They were almost to the door when Raleigh stopped them. “And just where do you two think you’re going?”

  Nate turned, but didn’t let go of Aiden’s hand. “To our room. I hope the wedding tradition wasn’t followed here.”


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