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Family Ties

Page 9

by Tricia Andersen

  Sloan rose to his feet, tucking the photo and phone back in his pocket. He picked up his rifle. “Let’s go check the other rooms.”

  “I’ll contact my source at the airport to arrange for takeoff,” Bartholomew offered.

  “Let us know what he says.” Sloan led the others, each of them with their rifles drawn and night scopes on, toward the first door of the Gauntlet. Throwing the door open they slipped inside the dark room.

  “B, lights!” Sloan ordered.

  “On it.”

  Moments later the lights flipped on. Nothing in the room had changed since Abbey had passed through it many years ago. Thick layers of dust were everywhere. Coughs echoed off the walls.

  “We’d see footprints if they had been in here,” Logan objected.

  “Keep searching,” Sloan commanded.

  One by one, the team checked each of the six rooms. The weapons slid from their shoulders in defeat as they reached the final door. Their heads all looked up as Bartholomew's voice crackled over the speaker. “My source said we can take off in an hour,” he reported.

  “Fantastic,” Robert growled.

  “There’s more. He found someone on the ground crew scouting for Oliver. He’s got eyes on the ground just like us and reported when we landed. However, he has one less set in Bangkok.”

  Sloan could see Abbey cringe at the news. “Pack up and return to the van,” Sloan instructed.

  “We’re not staying here?” Logan questioned. “I’ve gotten myself all psyched up for rice and beans.”

  “No. I’m not staying where they made us believe they held my child captive. We have to be ahead of the clock. We’re moving on to Prague.”

  Dejected, the group made their way back through the rooms of the Gauntlet until they met up with Bartholomew. Together they hopped out the dock door toward their SUV. Bartholomew and Robert secured the building then the gate once Sloan had driven onto the city street. Sloan glanced at Abbey as she dialed her phone and waited.

  “Hello?” Gordon answered

  “Dad?” Abbey inquired quietly.

  “Yes, little one?” Gordon answered.

  “How is Mom? And the kids?”

  “They’re doing as well as expected. Hurry home with our girl.”

  “Will do, Dad.”

  They heard Gordon’s microphone disconnect once again. Once everyone was in the vehicle, he sped through the city streets toward the airport.

  Memories flooded Sloan as he drove past the hotel they had stayed at the last time they were in Bangkok, right before they were sent to Afghanistan. He remembered the night he spent there with the woman sitting beside him. Soft, naked flesh against his, her soft moans as they made love on the sofa, the dresser, the shower.

  His arousal was doused cold by the devastated look in Abbey’s eyes. He reached across the van and laid a hand on her knee.

  “Why can’t we find them, Sloan?” she moaned.

  “We will, luv. I promise you.” He motioned toward the building. “Do you remember that night?”

  Abbey sighed. “I do.”

  He squeezed her hand lovingly. “Luv, I want Ame back just as badly as you do. She was the first of seven perfect gifts you’ve given me. She was proof that I could lead a normal life and be a husband and father. I promise you. We will find her. And once we do, I am going to pamper you.”

  She glared at him for a long moment before she smiled. “All right. I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  Sloan watched Abbey for another moment before his attention focused back to the road. He heaved a sigh. When they reached Prague, one day would be gone. There would be only four left. Why couldn’t they catch Oliver and his men? And what did the Butcher want with him?

  The plane was waiting for them when they reached the private hangars. They quickly unloaded from the van and boarded. Each member broke off on their own to remove their weapons and find a place to relax. His gaze locked on the curve of Abbey’s ass as she bent over to unlace her boot.

  It was true she was nearly forty, but to him she was more beautiful than the day he first laid eyes on her across that conference room at Panda Publications. She was still his every dream come true. He would still end the world for her. He slumped into a leather seat to pull off his own boots.

  Sloan looked up to see her settle along the sofa that ran along the side on the luxury jet. She stared out the window. His studied each of her curves.

  He shifted himself as he bit back a groan. He couldn’t help it. The cold, hard fact that Ame and Dakota were in Oliver’s grip haunted him every second of the day. It plagued him in his sleep. But Abigail was the most sensually beautiful woman he’d ever seen. After long days at the office and exhausting nights chasing children, one look at her made him hard as a rock. Unfortunately moments of fear like this didn’t change things.

  Abbey turned to him and gave him a small smile. The other men settled in around them. Logan lowered himself onto the couch beside her. Instinctively he draped his arm across the back of sofa behind her.

  Sloan let go a growl. “Logan. Up.”

  “Where the hell else am I supposed to sit?” Logan demanded.

  Sloan stood. “Switch with me.”

  Logan looked from him to Abbey as he drew his arm to himself. “Got it. Sure. I’ll take the comfy.”


  The two men passed each other as they traded places. Sloan settled beside Abbey and pulled her into his arms.

  “You know he was just stretching,” Abbey chided as she laid her head on his chest.

  “You’re mine,” he countered with a smirk.


  “I know it was innocent. But I am going to protect you no matter what.”

  “Always? How can you protect me from threats you don’t even know of?”

  “I will, luv. I’m always watching over you.”

  She snuggled next to him, hugging him tight. Sloan placed a long, tender kiss on her forehead.

  Yes, it was certain. He would end the world for her. And he would begin with Oliver and the Butcher.


  A hand wrapped around Ame’s foot. It startled her out of the hard stupor that took hold of her. “Ame?”

  She sat up to find Dakota on the other side of the bars, still clutching her foot. “What happened to me?”

  “There must have been something like chloroform in that rag. You were out like a light for a while. I couldn’t sleep. I just watched you. You missed my latest wrestling match to the bathroom with Sam. Heads up, Chad’s coming for you.”

  Ame spun toward the door of her prison in time to find Chad unlocking the door. She glanced at Dakota before the thug grabbed her and pulled her out. She stumbled behind him as he led her past dusty crates to the bathroom. She was still groggy as she met him at the door rubbing her eyes, trying to rid herself of the fog that filled her senses.

  Once Chad locked her back in her cage he disappeared amongst the boxes. Ame wrapped her arms around herself, rocking back and forth. “Where are my parents?” she murmured.

  Dakota crawled across the floor of his cage toward her. “While I was watching you, I heard Oliver say something about Prague. He and the other two are pissed. They lost their contact in Bangkok. They have no idea if your parents have left or when they’ll arrive in Prague.”


  “Are you all right?”

  “No,” Ame whimpered as she wiped away a tear. “I am confused. Why haven’t my parents rescued us? They’re supposed to be these super spies. Where are they? I want to go home.”

  “Come here,” Dakota coaxed.

  Ame looked up to him. Carefully, Dakota reached through his bars then hers and held them out to her. She shuffled across the floor of her prison into his embrace. Even with the rolled strips of metal between them his touch was warm and comforting.

  “Ame, they’ll find us. I know they will. They’re right on Oliver’s tail. He almost messed up once. He’
ll do it again. And this time your parents will get him.”

  Ame’s breath shuddered as she struggled to hug him closer. A smile slowly curved her lips. He was right. Her mom and dad would find them. She just hoped it would be soon.

  Dakota rubbed her shoulder as she stretched her arms. She looked up to give him a grin. He was a great friend to comfort her. A gasp caught in her throat and her heart hammered in her chest as his lips pressed against hers. Her mind raced but no coherent thoughts surfaced. Dakota, the boy I’ve been crushing on forever, is kissing me!

  She trembled as they parted. He brushed her cheek with his fingertips as her eyes met his. It had to be a fluke. There’s no way Dakota would want to…

  Her thoughts scattered as his eyes fluttered shut and his mouth brushed hers again. Another kiss, just as soft and sweet as the last. Ame was pretty sure she squeaked in excitement but wasn’t sure. She just hoped Dakota couldn’t hear her stampeding heart.

  “Are we interrupting?” Oliver sneered.

  The two teens broke apart and Ame scrambled back a couple of feet, her arms banging through the bars as she did. Dakota scowled at the three men smirking over them. Oliver waved his hand flippantly. “No matter. You two are in luck. The sandwich place was closed. So it’s pizza today. I hope you like pepperoni. If not, too bad.”

  “You make it sound like you’re giving us a gift,” Dakota snapped.

  “I am, you ungrateful brat. I could let you starve.”

  “Really? From what I heard you can’t hurt us or your boss will be mad.”

  “I can’t hurt her.” Oliver pointed at Ame. “I can do whatever I want to you.”

  Dakota’s eyes grew wide as his face paled. A growl escaped Ame’s throat. “No you can’t.”

  Oliver glared at her. Slowly he smiled, amused. “And why is that, sweetheart?”

  “Because I won’t let you. And if I get hurt protecting him, well…the Butcher won’t be very happy, right?” She glanced around her cage. “These bars sure look strong. If you touch Dakota I might accidentally hit my head on them. Then I’ll bleed. Then the Butcher will make you bleed.”

  Oliver's grin disappeared. Ame stared at him coldly. The room was silent, the other occupants afraid to breathe. Suddenly Oliver erupted, grabbing a crate and throwing it. He tore through the boxes, shoving them over and tearing them open. He picked up the contents of one and dragged it back to the cages.

  “Do you know what this is, Princess? I took it from Prague when I left my little love note for your folks,” Oliver demanded as he hoisted a painting up over his face.

  Ame gaped at the piece as she nodded. She flinched as Oliver’s angry voice exploded over it. “Do you?”


  “What is it?”

  She swallowed hard. “It’s my dad’s painting. I saw it in a section of a book devoted to him.”

  “Do you know how much it’s worth?”


  “Seven million dollars.” Oliver dropped it to the floor. He shot her a violent sneer then turned, kicking his foot through the canvas. He stomped the painting until it was scraps of fabric and shards of wood. His laugh was maniacal. “I just put my foot through seven million dollars. How will your daddy feel about that? Will he be pleased to know I destroyed something he created? I did it to keep from destroying something else he created. You.” He spun on his toe and stormed from the room. “Sam, feed them. Chad, find the O’Riley’s. And don’t screw up this time. I need to make a call.” His words were finished by the slam of the door.

  Chad and Sam looked spooked as they hurried off to do their tasks. Ame didn’t blame them as her eyes locked on the rubble that had once been her father's multi-million dollar painting. She heard Dakota blow out a slow, steady breath. “That guy is a special kind of psychotic. Ame, please. Don’t do that again. He’ll snap and who knows what he’ll do to you.”

  “I won’t let him hurt you,” Ame defended.

  “If it puts you in danger, you will.”

  “You won’t let him hurt me, I won’t let him hurt you. Simple as that.”

  “Well, considering how furious he got by your threat, I think he heard what you said.”


  Dakota snaked his hand through the bars and took hers, holding it tight. She gave him a small smile. His touch was strong but gentle. It comforted her, putting her fears aside for the time being.

  Sam still looked disturbed as he returned with plates of pizza, the slices crisscrossed on top of each other and nearly spilling over the sides. He opened the doors enough to shove the plates in then hurried off again. Dakota squeezed her hand encouragingly before pulling it back to his side.

  Ame took a bite of the warm, greasy pizza before tearing off a piece of crust and popping it into her mouth. This meal was far better than the last. She turned to see Dakota carefully assembling the pieces into sort of a sandwich, the sauce and cheese gelling together between the bread. She fought back giggles as he struggled to fit his mouth around it. As he chomped down she returned to her food.

  They rested against the sides of the cages contentedly. Ame gazed at Dakota as his eyes grew heavy. He was so handsome and so popular. Had he meant to kiss her? Her heart picked up its pace again as her mind wandered back to the moment. A lovesick sigh escaped her lips. It was probably just because they were trapped together. But he still kissed her and it was incredible.

  Ame nudged Dakota awake as Oliver and his two men reappeared from between the crates. “Have a nice dinner, kids? A good nap? Well, bad news. We need to find out where your parents have gone. On top of that, I need to meet with my employer. He is eager to meet you, sweetheart. It’s time to go again. I can’t have you two yelling for help while we’re gone. I hope the rope and duct tape doesn’t upset you. At the very least it’ll give you something to do.”

  “Can we have a drink before you tie us up again?” Dakota huffed. “I’m thirsty.”

  Oliver rolled his eyes. “Chad, get them some water. Sam, get their party favors ready.”

  Both men trudged off again to do his bidding. Oliver paced the floor, his eyes studying the crates around him. Ame felt her nerves fire electric as she watched him. Would he throw another fit? His temper was not only shorter but more erratic and very violent. She scanned his body, noting to herself where he kept his weapons. He carried a pistol in a holster on his hip and she knew there was one strapped to his calf under his slacks. She had seen it when he tied his shoe earlier. She startled as he spun at her.

  “What are you looking for, Princess?” Oliver demanded.

  “No…thing,” Ame stammered.

  He pulled the gun from his hip then crouched in front of her. He cradled it in his hands. “Nine millimeter. Fastest pistol in the world. Hoping to use it to put a bullet in your daddy’s chest.”

  Ame shuddered at his words. She wasn’t sure where her response came from. “Mom will stop you first.”

  The smile on Oliver’s face was pure sin. “I’m counting on it. I would never shoot your mom. I couldn’t harm something that beautiful. But when this is all over you can go home to your family. Your mama is staying with me.” He slowly rose to his feet. Heaving a sigh he shouted. “Sam, what’s taking so long?”

  “Coming, boss.” Sam shoved past the piles of wooden boxes with the rope and silver tape in his hands. He set them down then dug the keys from his pocket. As usual, he opened Dakota’s cell first, reaching in and dragging the teen out. Dakota struggled, kicking at Sam as he yanked against the big man’s grip. Frustrated, Sam yanked him close and held his wrists behind his back. Chad lumbered over to bind them. Then he ripped a piece of tape off and slapped it over his mouth. Dakota fought to look at Ame as they dragged him back to his cell. She saw the panic in his eyes

  Sam shoved Dakota into Chad’s arms. “You put him back in his cage this time. I got the girl.”

  “Whatever,” Chad mumbled as he hoisted Dakota over his shoulder.

  Sam turned back to Ame’s ca
ge and unlocked the door. “Come on, sweetheart. You’re a good girl. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “My name is Ame,” she snapped back with a frown.

  He sighed. “I apologize. Please come out here, Ame.”

  “Don’t you think it’s a little insane for me to willingly submit to being bound and gagged?”

  Sam cocked a grin at her, amused. “That’s true. I agree completely with you. Did you see how far your friend got with me? This is going to happen either way. I personally would rather you accept it so I can be gentle with you than proceed with force.” He offered his hand to her. “Understand?”

  Ame gaped at him for a moment. Oliver had given the impression that Sam and Chad were dumb hired muscle. That moment of insight with Sam made her realize just how smart the big man was. I’m pretty sure he’s smarter than Oliver. Why does he let himself get bullied like that? She crawled to the door and wrapped her hand around his. “Understood.”

  Sam helped her to her feet. He gave her a reassuring smile just before he tied her hands behind her back. He gently laid the tape over her lips then set her on the floor of her cage. She slumped against the bars as the three men strode from the warehouse, shutting the light off as they left, leaving them in the dark.

  Chapter Eight

  Abbey’s heart knotted in her chest as they approached the warehouse. There were only a couple of doors so they paired up to attack. And of course, to keep her out of harm’s way she was paired with her husband. She glanced at Sloan, seeing the apprehension in his ice blue eyes. He hated Prague and with good reason. Here he hadn’t been a billionaire mercenary. Here he was a gigolo, a boy toy for rich and powerful women. Prague built the man he was today but he didn’t need the reminder of it.

  She looked at the steel door of the building. Her heart hoped that behind it were Ame and Dakota. Her brain told her they weren’t. Oliver and his men had outrun them up to this point. What were the chances they’d catch them now?

  With her breath held, they stopped right outside the door. Gordon’s voice in the earpiece broke the silence. “Everyone ready?”


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