Book Read Free

Heart of the Devil

Page 22

by Ali Vali

  “I do, but I’d like them to meet you. It’s up to you, like the gifts, to decide if you want to or not. It’s your decision, but like I said, from now on, whatever I’m doing, I want you there with me.”

  “Here,” Emma said, holding up a card. “Kevin said to call when I was sure.”

  “Who is this?”

  “Kevin, my personal shopper.” Emma shook her head and laughed. “That’s something I never thought I’d hear myself say.”

  “How about you and me make another deal?” Emma nodded since she’d put some of the appetizer into her mouth. “Today was my idea, but whenever you want something, you let me know and we’ll do it. Both of us need to be happy or it won’t work.”

  “Dinner at my place tonight—I’ll cook. It won’t be fancy, but I’ll have you all to myself,” Emma said as she stroked the side of her neck. “Does me touching you this much bother you?”

  “Not a bit.”

  “Good, since I can’t seem to help it. That’s never happened to me either.”

  “Lucky me,” she said and paid the bill. They stopped at Saks, and she signed for everything Emma had chosen before heading to the grocery. At the market Emma insisted on paying for the ingredients she needed for the spaghetti she planned to make. The totally domestic day should’ve made Cain’s head explode, but she willingly pushed the cart while Emma added a few more things for herself.

  “I figured since I’ve got help carrying all this stuff upstairs, I’m shamefully going to use you,” Emma said and winked while they checked out.

  Merrick and the guys waited outside, and in the apartment, Cain followed orders to relax while Emma put everything away. Once the six o’clock news was over, Emma joined her on the sofa while her sauce simmered.

  “It’s kind of surreal that you’re here,” Emma said, straddling her lap and combing her hair back.

  “How so?” She tried to keep herself in check and not get too turned on.

  “It wasn’t that long ago that I was spilling beer on you, and now I want to strip naked and have you touch me.” Emma was beautiful when she blushed, and now was no exception.

  “If you need a second on that plan, I’m all for it.”

  “Not quite yet,” Emma said and kissed her. Before they could get too involved, Emma’s phone rang. “Damn.”

  “Your mother again, you think?” She sincerely hoped not, since Emma was in a great mood.

  “I’ve already had my weekly lecture, so I doubt it.” Emma stretched and picked up the receiver since whoever it was didn’t want to hang up. “Hello.”

  “Hey, you ran out so fast today I didn’t get a chance to talk to you,” a young woman said. Emma was close enough that Cain could hear every word, but Emma rolled her eyes and didn’t seem to mind her eavesdropping.

  “I was meeting Cain and didn’t want to be late.” Emma smiled when she laced the fingers of Emma’s free hand with hers. “Did you need something?”

  “You two worked things out? I thought you promised to let me know.”

  “You sure are curious,” Emma said, stopping for a quick kiss. “Are you interested in her or something?” she asked jokingly.

  “No. I want you to be happy, and I also thought we could double date. I started seeing someone recently.”

  “Let’s talk about it later, okay? I’m in the middle of a project.”

  “Live a little, Emma. Life isn’t all about homework.”

  Emma hung up the phone and unplugged it. “Depends on what you’re learning about, I guess,” she said, and kissed Cain like she wanted to devour her.

  Cain was in serious pain by the time Emma got up to check on dinner, figuring any sins she’d ever committed were somewhat being forgiven for not pushing Emma on relieving the pressure. The place was small enough that she watched Emma put everything together and plate it.

  To see the care and time Emma had put in to making her a meal made her think of how much she craved this woman who seemed to have turned her life upside down in a very short time. It was ridiculous, but Emma was the first thing on her mind when she woke up and the last thing she thought of as she went to bed. It was like she’d become a character in a romance novel, but it didn’t bother her because the other main character was Emma. Her head might’ve been wanting to use caution, but her heart was ready to commit.

  “Do you like to cook?” she asked, rolling up her sleeves after a few bites. Emma was right in that it wasn’t fancy, but it was delicious.

  “I do now since it became a necessity. Cooking and leftovers are cheaper than eating out, so I don’t go out often.”

  “Thank you for cooking for me. We’re experiencing all kinds of firsts together.” She held up her glass of the wine that had been her contribution and tapped it against Emma’s. “To the chef.”

  “Thanks,” Emma said, combing her hair back almost shyly. “Maybe we can make this a weekly thing.”

  “If you don’t mind cooking, I’ll be happy to be here.”

  They did the dishes together, but Cain stopped to answer the door, figuring it might be Merrick since she’d left her phone in the car, not wanting to be disturbed. “Delivery for Miss Verde.”

  Cain signed for it while the guy made two trips and hung the garment bags where Emma pointed out, then put the bags on the bed. “This is kind of a lot, huh?” Emma asked, holding her hands over her mouth.

  “Think of it this way,” she said, not peeking in any bag even though she was curious. “Once school’s over, you’ll need some stuff to go out and interview in, so it’s a bundle of your birthday and graduation gifts.”

  “I don’t think I could interview in any of this,” Emma whispered. “It’s all evening stuff since that’s what you said. I took advantage, didn’t I?”

  “Hey.” She held Emma and rubbed her back. “The stuff I’m going to say next isn’t bragging, okay?”

  “Okay,” Emma said, her head pressed against her chest like she was listening to her heartbeat.

  “When I went to school I never thought about what anything cost. I didn’t have student loans, I didn’t have to limit anything, and I had my family not only around me but behind me in support. What I mean is, I didn’t have to do it alone, and it wasn’t a hardship because my family had money.”

  “I work for you, so I understand the money part.”

  “What you don’t seem to understand, though, is why have all this money if I can’t spend it on someone I want to spend it on? I want to share with you what isn’t all that important to me in the realm of what’s really sacrosanct in my life.” She lowered her head and very gently pressed her lips to Emma’s. “And you don’t work for me. You work for yourself.”

  “But it’s unfair to you in the long run, isn’t it? I can’t give you that much in return. Not even close.”

  “Good Lord, you’re stubborn,” she said and laughed. “You just spent the afternoon cooking for me. No one but my mother had ever done that because I can’t cook to save my life, and no other woman has offered. And even if they had, I probably wouldn’t have gone because all the rest have wanted what you don’t care about—the money.”

  “Okay, I believe you, and thank you for this. Everything Kevin helped me with is beautiful, and I hope you like it.”

  “Do you like it?” she asked, making a mental note to add Emma to her account.

  “I love everything,” Emma said, kissing her chin.

  “Good, and from now on you can go without me if you need something. Ask for Kevin, and he’ll know how to handle it.” She pressed her finger against Emma’s lips. “If not, the money simply sits in the bank, and nights like tonight will make us even.”

  “If you say so.”

  “I did say it, but it’s important to me that you agree.”

  “You’re hard to beat in a debate,” Emma said as she hugged her tight.

  “My persuasive personality is the secret to my success.”

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Three days later, Emma got a call
from Kevin since he remembered it was her and Cain’s big date she’d gotten the first dress for. “What time is Ms. Casey picking you up?”

  “Seven for dinner, then to some place called the Gemini Club,” Emma said, yawning.

  She’d taken two shifts at the pub the night before, then come home and studied some for her midterm stuff after Cain had dropped her off, since Cain had worked from the pub with Billy. A steady stream of people had gone back to the office, and a few appeared somewhat terrified when they left. The situation was interesting, but she wasn’t in the mood to ask what it was about.

  “Get dressed and meet me in the shoe department in a couple of hours, if that’s okay,” Kevin said. “You’ll need something stylish but comfortable, and I have one of the girls lined up to do your makeup after you get your hair done.”

  “It’s like I’m going to the prom,” she said and laughed. “Do I need to call someone about my hair?”

  “A friend of mine is ready at his salon, so don’t worry about it. We’ll go there first, then have a late lunch before the makeup.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to suck up your whole day.” She sat up on the sofa and couldn’t believe she’d been napping so long.

  “My boss gave me the assignment, so no arguments, buttercup,” he said, sounding almost giddy. “Did you go to the prom?”

  “No,” she said, sticking her tongue out at the phone.

  Granted, she’d known Bea and a couple of other people longer, but Kevin had become a closer and better friend in less time. He made the day fun and took plenty of notes to go in her profile. She laughed since he was the first person in her life to know her bra and underwear size, but now there was a record of it. He also gave her some pointers about social niceties that had nothing to do with his job and kissed her cheeks when he turned her back over to Lou for the ride home.

  Already showered, after some reading she unzipped the garment bag and took out the black dress Kevin had found her. It was sleeveless and form-fitting all the way to the knee but had a high collar. She’d seen stuff like this only in magazines, but this one was hers.

  Once she’d stepped into it she realized her problem, but the knock on her door solved it. She checked to make sure it was Cain before opening the door and turning around. “Perfect timing,” she said as Cain very slowly zipped her up.

  “You look absolutely beautiful,” Cain said when she turned around again. “You look beautiful all the time, but you’re simply stunning tonight.”

  “I had to keep up,” she said, seeing how good a tuxedo could look on a person. “My date might outshine me.”

  “No way are you in danger of that. You ready?”

  “Without Kevin’s help, I’d still be fumbling around, so thank you for that.”

  “Who’s Kevin again?” Cain asked, taking her keys and locking the door.

  “My guy from Saks.”

  “I’m glad he helped, but I had nothing to do with that. He must just like you, so if he’s interested in anything else but helping you, tell him you’re already taken.”

  She laughed as she got into the car. “I doubt he’ll leave his boyfriend for me, honey. He’s good to know since he’s more knowledgeable about clothes than I’ll ever be.”

  Cain chose Le Coquille D’Huîte in the French Quarter, since the Blanchard family and the Caseys had been friends for years, and it was also close to where they were going. The food and the romantic atmosphere made Emma give thanks to the universe again for having put Cain in her path. No matter what anyone else believed about her, Cain had been nothing but caring.

  “I’ve never had such a good time,” she said when Cain handed the bill back to the waiter.

  “You deserve nothing but good things, lass, and since we started over I wanted to make all our time together memorable. So date number four should be different from all the rest.”

  “Different how?” she asked, thinking Cain really enjoyed teasing her.

  “You gambled on giving me another chance, so that’s the theme of tonight’s date. Did you bring the money I asked you for?” Cain asked with a truly mischievous expression.

  When Cain had asked her to bring two hundred dollars, she’d found the request bizarre, but she hadn’t argued. “Yes. Do you want it?”

  “Not yet.” Cain stood and offered her a hand. Merrick and Lou were waiting outside, and it didn’t take long to reach the Gemini. The sign on the door said it was a private party, so Cain laughed when the guys in the van behind them kept driving.

  “Cain, welcome,” a very handsome older gentleman said after they were escorted inside. “Your date is much more beautiful than Jarvis, but don’t tell him I said that.”

  “Thank you,” she said, extending her hand to him. “Emma Verde.”

  “Welcome to my club, Miss Verde. Ramon Jatibon.” He lowered his head to kiss her hand. “Hopefully the dice will fall in your favor tonight.”

  She smiled and nodded as Cain led her up the stairs where the second floor eventually opened up to a nice-sized casino. “Let’s get some chips,” Cain said, heading to the cashier’s cage. “Do you know how to play craps?”

  “No, but I’m guessing I’m getting ready to learn,” she said, handing over her money.

  “Think of it not as a two-hundred-dollar lesson, but as a chance to make fast money.” Cain signed something, handed her money to her, and accepted a tray of chips.

  “That’s if we win,” she said, but followed willingly.

  “You have to have faith, darling girl.” They found a spot toward the end of the table, where Cain arranged their chips, but they didn’t bet until a new game started. “Now’s the only time you root for the seven,” Cain said, putting her bet down and pointing to where Emma should place one of her two chips.

  The guy next to them shook the dice and tossed an eleven. “Eleven, winner,” the dealer said, placing a chip next to the one she’d put down.

  “See, easy hundred,” Cain said, kissing her. “Pick that one up and gamble with Ramon’s money.”

  The night went on with Cain pressed up to her back, cheering her on when it was their turn to throw. With Cain’s help she’d turned her two hundred into fifty-three hundred, which was more money than she’d ever had. They’d also spent a lot of time touching and kissing, without anyone giving them any kind of problem, and the time seemed to fly by.

  “You okay?” Cain asked when she really leaned back against her.

  “I’m fine. Just resting my feet.” She cocked her head to the side when Cain kissed her neck, and the room got hot. “But I’ll keep doing it if you keep doing that.”

  “I will, but I’d like some more privacy, so one more game and we’re out of here.” Cain sucked her earlobe in and held her up when her knees got weak. “Lend me seven hundred dollars.”

  She handed the chips over, even though Cain had a pile in front of her, and took the dice when Cain dropped them into her hand. No one blew on them like in the movies, but she let them fly when Cain put her hand on her ass and squeezed.

  “Seven, winner,” the dealer said.

  “Pick them up, lass, and let the bet ride,” Cain said, her hand not moving, but they were so close together no one could see. She threw, and the seven came up again.

  “Seven, winner,” the dealer said, moving her winnings closer to her.

  “You’re at six thousand, so you’re doing good,” Cain said softly in her ear since their table had drawn a loud crowd.

  She threw until she’d set and hit a number, adding another couple thousand to her total and a passionate kiss from Cain. If she’d known gambling was this much fun, she’d have defied her mother years ago and moved to Vegas.

  “Oh my God,” she said when the cage counted out her money. “This is so much.” No one had mentioned taxes or signing anything, so she didn’t ask. “I can pay you back if you want.”

  “You can do that by saving that stack for next semester. If you have a rainy-day fund, you won’t have to work as much.
” Cain pocketed Emma’s money since it wouldn’t fit in her small purse and signed something for her own winnings. “Just don’t bank it, since the place you were in is a figment of your imagination.”

  She smiled and shook her head. When they were alone in the backseat, she said, “My mother warned me about you.”

  “Your mother couldn’t have imagined anyone like me,” Cain said and kissed her. The ride home drove her need up, and in her hallway when Cain put her hand on her breast, she didn’t stop her. “I want you,” Cain said with a hoarse voice.

  “I want…” She didn’t know enough to finish that statement, and Cain seemed to notice.

  “You’re going to kill me, but we need to slow down,” Cain said, pulling back a little. “Let me help you with this dress before I go.”

  She stood in the middle of her apartment and held her breath when Cain lowered her zipper. It would be so easy to ask Cain to stay, but she still wasn’t sure of herself.

  “Go change,” Cain said, holding her dress closed, which confused her.

  “Do you want to—”

  “I do, but not when you’ve been drinking,” Cain said, kissing her shoulder. “Don’t give that part of yourself to anyone until you’re in love and you want it more than anything. And have a clear head so you’re sure.”

  “I’m thinking straight now,” she said, smiling at Cain’s generous nature.

  “That’s your slightly tipsy hormones talking, so go put something on before I forget how honorable I am. You’re not the only one with a hormone problem.”

  Kevin had included a couple of things to sleep in, but those would have to wait for another night. Her T-shirt and sweatpants would do for now. “Thank you for a beautiful night.”

  “Get some sleep, and I’ll come by at eleven thirty to pick you up,” Cain said as she put her arms around her. “And no matter what my mother tells you, you’re stuck with me.”

  “Good to know since you’re going to have to move to another state if you’re thinking of ditching me.”

  “That’s the last thought in my head.” Cain kissed her, then walked to the door. “Until tomorrow, lass, and every tomorrow thereafter.”


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