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Wild Renegade

Page 8

by Andria Large

  "Sensitive much?" she teases.

  "Shut the fuck up and do it again," I bark.

  She giggles and does the same to the other one. I grit my teeth and fist her hair, holding her to me. Fuck, I don't want her to stop. She's been the only woman so far brave enough to give me what I want. Other girls were always too afraid to hurt me, but I want to be bitten and sucked hard, dammit. Nicole is giving that to me. While she's working over one of my nipples, she undoes my jeans and slips a hand inside my underwear. Her soft hand grasps my aching cock.

  "Fuck, woman!" I cry out, my hips bucking against her hand.

  I can't take it anymore. I let go of her hair and shove my jeans and underwear off. They need to come off. Next, I grab her, toss her onto the bed next to me, and yank off her jeans and underwear.

  "Please tell me you have condoms," I say, almost frantically.

  Nicole opens the drawer to the nightstand and pulls one out. I snatch it out of her hand and tear it open. I roll it on then grab her again and pull her onto my lap. She comes willingly, which lets me know that she wants this as much as I do. I'm still sitting up as I get her situated on my lap. I wrap an arm around her waist while I use the other to guide myself into her little slice of heaven. She wraps her arms around my neck as she slowly lowers herself down onto me. Her lips capture mine as she fully seats herself. We both moan into each other's mouths and cling to each other for dear life.

  I grab her hips and help her as she rolls them, grinding against me. Her hands clutch the hair at the back of my head as her forehead presses against mine. Her tits smash against my chest, her nipples rubbing and catching against mine. It's fucking amazing. Sober sex is so much better than drunk sex.

  I wrap my arms around her waist and hold her to me as I change our position. I move so that she is on her back. Without ever leaving her warm, tight core, I toss her legs over my shoulders and grab her hips again. I thrust hard and fast. Her mouth opens in a silent scream as her hands clutch my wrists.

  A strangled cry escapes her as I feel her core convulse around me. I tighten my grip on her hips and slam into her harder, faster. My orgasm hits me and I shout as I shove deep inside of her and stay there, my ability to stay upright failing me. I let her legs slide off my shoulders so that I can collapse on top of her, tucking my face in her neck as we both try to catch our breaths.

  That was absolutely out of this fucking world. I slowly push up to my elbows so that I can look down at her. Her eyes are closed and her lips are parted. She looks sated and relaxed. Her hair is a mess and a couple of sweaty strands are stuck to her forehead. I smooth them away before leaning in to kiss her swollen lips. She sighs contently and kisses me back. God, the things I'm feeling for her are nothing I've ever felt before for any other woman. I'm not sure what to do about it. I think a call to my grandmother is in order. She always gives me the best advice. Cupping Nicole's face, I brush my thumb over her bottom lip before tenderly kissing her again.

  Chapter Six


  It's the first concert of the tour and I am seriously nervous. I've never danced on stage in front of this big of a crowd before. The past two weeks have flown by. They were jammed packed with dance rehearsals, even on the weekends. Kara worked us until we could do these dances in our sleep. Ace and I haven't had a chance to do any of the public dates just yet, but he said that once we get on the road, we should get a night or two to go out to dinner or something.

  I'm already dressed in my outfit, which pretty much consists of black short shorts, black fishnets, and a black corset type top that has my boobs almost shoved up to my chin. Thank god for that glue shit that the beauty pageant girls use to keep their bikini bottoms from riding up their asses; with that stuff on, my boobs are staying inside my shirt. The shoes we're wearing for the first few songs are black high tops, which are much easier to dance in than heels. We have about five costume changes throughout the show and we have to wear heels twice, ugh!

  All of us dancers make our way to the side of the stage where we will be entering. Hillary is right in front of me in the line, and I don't like it, but I don’t have much say in the matter. She's tripped me up a few times in practice and I swear to god, if she does it for the live show, I'm gonna kick her ass.

  The music starts and the guys come trotting up next to us. Ace is pumped. He's jumping up and down, ready to go. He looks sexy as all get out, wearing a black wife beater and black tactical pants which are tucked into a pair of black combat boots. Like I said, sexy. He already has his mic hooked up. It's the headset kind since they do a decent amount of dancing and need their hands free.

  He glances at me and grins brightly. He comes over to me, grabs the back of my neck and smashes his lips against mine. When he pulls back, I'm breathless and he's still smiling.

  "What was that for?" I gasp.

  "Good luck." He smirks and winks at me. "You look hot by the way."

  I grin. "Back atcha." I chuckle.

  He pretends to flip his hair over his shoulder before he snaps his fingers and catwalks back over to the rest of the guys. I can't help but laugh. I think maybe the little bit of time that he spent with Sebastian has rubbed off on him. He glances back at me and laughs.

  Then it's show time. The lights go out and the crowd screams bloody murder. We all head up on stage and get into position. The lights come on, pyrotechnics go off, the crowd is going crazy, and the music starts. I've never seen anything like it in my life. And damn, Ace is standing in front of me, his arms spread out, his head back, just soaking it all in – the exact moment I realize that I'm falling in love with him.

  Dammit, how did I let this happen? I mean, in the last couple of weeks we've been kinda hanging out during breaks and even sometimes at night. All right fine, we're still sleeping together, but it's nothing serious, we're not in a real relationship. We're more like friends with benefits at the moment. He's incredible in bed; the only guy ever able to give me orgasms through just penetrative sex. Why would I not want to keep having sex with him? It has been some of the best sex of my life! I'm not willing to give it up yet, even if I am falling in love with him. That will be my little secret, and I will deal with it when I have to.

  The crowd roars when the guys start singing. Adrenaline shoots through me as I start dancing and everything just pours out of me. I don't even have to think about it, it just happens. I can't help the smile that takes over my face, either. This is my dream, this is what I've always wanted to do, and now it's happening and I couldn't be happier. Ace turns as he sings to walk toward a different part of the stage and his eyes meet mine for a quick second and I can tell that he's having the time of his life. He grins adoringly at me and winks as he starts toward the other end of the stage. Yup, I am totally falling for that man.

  Throughout the show, Hillary bumps into me here and there. There really is no reason for her to do it, she has plenty of room to get around me when we switch positions, so I'm positive that she's doing it intentionally. I try to ignore her but it is really starting to piss me the fuck off.

  We are nearing the end of the show. I'm now in high heeled ankle boots and a mini skirt with yet another corset top. Whoever picked out these costumes must have never been a dancer because these things are ridiculous to dance in. Ace keeps shooting me heated looks, though, which I find pretty funny. I have a feeling the sex tonight is going to be explosive.

  I'm over by the edge of the stage, pumping up the crowd - like we were told to do from time to time – when I get bumped hard from behind. There really is no choice here, I'm going over. My arms start pin wheeling as I try in vain to stay on the stage. It's at least a ten-foot drop and I will more than likely break an ankle, if not more than that.

  Just as I think I'm about to fall, a strong arm wraps around my middle and hauls me away from the edge. The tattoos let me know that it's Ace. Thank fucking god! I seriously thought I was done for. The guys have switched to handheld mics, so he's able to put it down by his side and talk to me.

  "Jesus, are you okay?" he says loudly next to my ear.

  It's so loud in here that I put earplugs in during the first costume change. He also has earpieces in but his does more than block out sound. I spin around and see that he's livid. I glance off to the right to see Hillary watching us. The look of disappointment on her face proves that she's the one who bumped me and she did it on purpose.

  "It was her, wasn't it?" I ask him quickly.

  "Yeah," he snaps before he has to start singing his part of the song.

  He gives me arm a squeeze before heading back toward the front of the stage. I also have to get back to my position. This thing with Hillary isn't over yet and that bitch is going to pay for what she did. She could have ruined my whole career with what she tried to do.

  We all rush off stage after the encore and start back toward the dressing rooms. All of the dancers - including myself - are a few feet ahead of Renegade as we walk down the long hall. Hillary is in front of me and I'm just dying to smash her in the face. She turns around and starts walking backwards in front of me, a smug little smirk on her pig face.

  "You almost took a nasty fall there, Nicole. Would have been a shame for you to have gotten hurt," she says with a snarky attitude.

  "Oh really? It would have been a shame? You fucking pushed me you stupid cunt!" I shout at her.

  She stops walking. She raises an eyebrow and props her hands on her hips. The other dancers stop also, wanting to see what is going to happen next, I'm sure.

  "And you knocked into me multiple times on stage. This shit stops now. Whatever your issue is, you need to get over it," I snap, stepping into her space.

  "I told you to stay away from him," she hisses.

  I laugh bitterly. "Bitch, he doesn't want you! You slept with him once, years ago! You have no claim to him at all. You need to get this through your thick skull: He. Does. Not. Want. You."

  Her eyes flash angrily. "Yeah, well, he doesn't want you either. He only slept with you because you were drunk and willing."

  "Yeah, okay, that's why he's been in my bed almost every night since then; but, yeah, you're probably right, he doesn't want me," I say flippantly.

  "Liar!" she screams and shoves me.

  "You know what? I'm fucking done with you and your shit! You do not touch me!" I bark.

  I shove her back, hard, making her stumble back and bump into the other female dancers. Hillary gasps in outrage and comes at me. I sock her right in the face. She cries out in pain and anger and grabs my hair as she starts to fall to the ground. I have no choice but to follow since she’s still holding onto my hair, fighting like the bitch that she is. I land on top of her, which is great for me, and I start wailing on her face. I hear shouting in the distance, but I'm kind of not paying attention to anything other than kicking the shit out of this twat. Her arms are flailing as she tries to hit me back; with a lucky shot, her nails catch my neck and rake down. I cry out at the stinging pain.

  Again, a strong arm grabs me around the waist and hauls me back. He has to stop, though, because the bitch still has my hair. Someone else intervenes and gets her to let go. I struggle against the arms that are holding me. I'm not done with her yet. I want to keep hitting her.

  "Let me go!" I grunt.

  "Calm down, Nicole!" Ace barks.

  "What the hell is going on here?" Lizette's voice says from somewhere.

  Ace sets me on my feet and spins me around to face him. He brushes the hair out of my face before taking my chin in his hand and turning my head to the side. I can see all of the guys now hovering around, ready to jump in if necessary.

  "You're bleeding," he mutters.

  "Bitch fucking scratched me," I spit.

  "Someone better explain to me right now why you two were fighting! Nicole?" Lizette demands.

  I turn as much as Ace will let me and glance at Lizette out of the corner of my eye. I wince as he presses a towel against my neck, shit stings.

  "She almost knocked me the hell off the stage then she fucking got in my face and shoved me!" I snap and point at Hillary.

  "I saw it, Lizette. Hillary purposely knocked into Nicole during the last number. She could have been seriously injured had I not been able to grab her before she went over," Ace says evenly.

  I turn back toward him. His expression is closed off so I can't tell what he's thinking. I know he's pissed, that much I can tell just by the way he's talking.

  "What? Why the hell would you do that?" Lizette asks Hillary, who is being helped off the floor by her friend. Her face is already starting to bruise.

  "I didn't do it on purpose, it was an accident," Hillary scoffs.

  "Bullshit!" Ace bites out.

  "Enough!" Lizette barks. "Ace, get Nicole out of here. And Hillary, if something like this ever happens again, you will be fired," she says seriously.

  Still holding the towel to my neck, Ace puts his other arm around my shoulder and walks me the rest of the way to the dressing rooms. There is one for the female dancers and a separate one for the male dancers. Renegade has their own. Alex is standing by Renegade's dressing room with all of the other bodyguards.

  "Go get changed," Ace says to me before turning to Alex. "Don't let any of the other women in there with her. When she comes out, bring her to me."

  Alex's brows furrow in confusion but he nods in agreement. "You got it."


  "Damn, she got you good," I say to Nicole as I turn on the shower in the hotel bathroom.

  We're staying the night then we are back on the bus in the morning. I made Nicole come back to my room with me. I just need her close now. My heart nearly stopped in my chest when I saw her teetering on the edge of the stage about to fall off. I don't know how I got to her in time. I was toward the middle of the stage when I glanced over and saw Hillary brush by her. I ran to get to her. Thank god I did because she would have gotten seriously hurt.

  Nicole is standing in front of the sink, looking in the mirror at the scratches that run down her neck. There are four lines starting from under her ear and going almost all the way to her collarbone.

  "Who knows what kind of disease she gave me," Nicole muses, lightly touching one of the scratches. They finally stopped bleeding.

  I stare at her reflection in the mirror. "That's not even funny," I mutter, shaking my head.

  She looks back at me through the mirror. "Thanks for having my back," she says softly.

  I step up behind her, wrap my arms around her waist and prop my chin on her shoulder. "You're welcome."

  "I feel like I'm always thanking you for something." She sighs and rolls her eyes.

  I smirk and kiss the good side of her neck. "Don't worry about it. Come on, shower time."

  We both get undressed and get in the shower. The spray is nice and hot, and it feels good after sweating like a pig on stage. I grab the bar of soap and lather up my hands. Keeping the bar in one hand, I start washing Nicole, being careful to be gentle with her neck. She hisses and winces when I brush over it lightly with my hand, but it needs to be cleaned with soap.

  "So did you enjoy your first performance?" I ask, trying to distract her.

  "It was incredible." She smiles, her eyes dancing with excitement as she looks up at me. "I was just in awe of the whole thing. And you, you were amazing. I can tell you really love what you do."

  I smile. "I do love what I do," I say and work my hands over her shoulders and down her arms.

  She starts going on excitedly about her first experience dancing on stage and I try to listen, but it's hard when all I can think about is how much I fucking love her. I love everything about her. She is beautiful, obviously, but she's strong and opinionated, she's sweet and funny, she doesn't take shit from anyone, and she's not a follower. She can make up her own mind and she sticks to her guns. Plus, she can fight like a champ. She's badass. I am so head over heels in love with her. I don't even know when it happened, it's just been a combination of events and things with her that has mad
e me fall hard.

  "...I just can't believe she almost pushed me off the stage," Nicole says, bringing me out of my thoughts.

  "Mmm, I'm going to have a talk to her," I sneer.

  Nicole grabs the soap out of my hands and starts washing me. "Don't bother, she's crazy. The more we pay attention to her, the worse shit is going to get. She needs to be ignored, and I would have done just that had she not pushed me on and off stage. I wasn't going to let her get away with putting her hands on me twice," she growls, her hands smoothing down my stomach.

  "I just don't like her thinking that she can get away with this." I sigh.

  "She's not getting away with it. Lizette threatened to fire her if anything else happens. I just don't know if she's dumb enough to try again and hope she can get away with it."

  Her hands slip around my waist to wash my back. She pulls me up against her own soap-slicked body and tilts her head up to look at me. Her dark brown eyes search mine. She smiles softly. I return the smile before leaning in to kiss her.


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