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Truth or Consequences

Page 16

by Sharon C. Cooper

  They both laughed. Natasha drummed up her courage, unsure of what she was going to say when she came face to face with him.

  After two quick knocks, she opened the door and walked in.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Malik glanced up from reviewing the documents Wiz had just dropped off, surprised to see Natasha. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her. His anger had lingered, but seeing her curvy figure near the door began to slowly thaw the ice running through his veins.

  “Hi,” she said shyly, keeping her distance.

  Malik, though still pissed, had never been happier to see anyone in all of his life. Stan told him about the reporters at the hospital and how shaken she was when more media people showed up at her house. Malik almost went to her. Almost.

  He stood, but didn’t move from behind his desk. His gaze traveled over her body from her hair loosely piled on top of her head, down to the short-sleeved wrap dress that hugged her hourglass shape. He didn’t stop his perusal until he got to her slender feet, which were encased in high-heeled orange strappy sandals that matched her dress. Her favorite color was orange and it was quickly becoming his favorite, too.

  Damn she looks good.

  Seeing her now, dressed as she was, he couldn’t help but think about something he once heard someone say. The first step in getting what you want is looking like you mean business. And damn if she wasn’t dressed to get whatever the hell she wanted from him.

  “Hey,” he finally said. He wasn’t going to make this easy for her, yet it was taking everything in him not to bolt across the room and pull her into his arms. What helped him stay put was the fact that she’d kicked him out of her house. Never had a woman dismissed him, especially twice, and it was about time she understood exactly what he wouldn’t accept.

  “I’m surprised to see you here. What can I do for you?” he asked coldly.

  She didn’t move from where she stood and her nervousness showed with the death grip she had on the strap of her handbag.

  “Thank you for having the house alarm installed. I just wanted to stop by and pay for the system and the services.”

  He studied her for a long time. He didn’t want her money. He wanted her.

  “The bill has been taken care of. Anything else?”

  “Uh,” she glanced around the room, still standing near the door, “I’d like for you to call off the bodyguard.”

  “That’s not going to happen,” he said. The media had backed off, but he still wasn’t comfortable with her roaming around the city alone.

  “Why not?”

  “Because it’s not.”

  He wasn’t convinced that she wasn’t in danger. Sheldon and his men still didn’t have much on Halsey’s death. Knowing that, not only was Malik going to keep eyes on Natasha, but he had also decided to start his own covert investigation.

  “Malik, I’m sorry, all right?” Natasha said, taking a step toward him. He looked up just as she captured her lower lip between her teeth. “I know you’re mad, and you have every right to be. I was wrong asking you to leave.”

  Malik said nothing. The only reason he could come up with of why she asked him to leave instead of Martin was because she was still in love with her ex. And there was no way in hell he was sharing her with anyone else.

  “You scare me.”

  Malik drew his eyebrows together. “Excuse me?” Her voice was so low he wasn’t sure he’d heard her correctly.

  “You make me nervous. We come from two different worlds. You’re like the star basketball player being pursued by a hundred colleges to play for their school, and I’m the geeky nerd who always gets looked over by the popular kids.”

  Malik frowned, not knowing what she was talking about, but he had to admit she was damn cute.

  “I don’t understand.”

  She sighed and narrowed her eyes at him as if he was the one who’d done something wrong.

  “Why are you making this so hard?” She raised her voice and put her hands on her hips. “I like you, all right? I really like you and I can’t stand the thought of you being angry with me.”

  The jerk in Malik wanted to let her stew, but Malik the man wanted to pull her into his arms and taste those sweet, pouty lips. There was something about this woman that stirred things within him that had never been touched, and he wasn’t sure how he felt about that.

  Her shoulders drooped. “Malik, don’t look at me like that. Say something.”

  He laid down the file and walked around the desk, one hand stuffed into his pants pocket and the other rubbing his forehead. It was no wonder he didn’t do relationships, because whatever was transpiring between him and Natasha was frustrating as hell. He couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be seriously involved, or even married for that matter.

  “Let’s get something straight. I don’t play games,” he said, staring into her beautiful brown eyes. “I mean what I say and I say what I mean. So whatever the hell type of game you and your ex are playing, count me out. I like you,” he eased up on her, “but I will not come second to some punk-ass professor, who doesn’t know how to move on when it’s over. Do we understand each other?”

  Her jerky nod came without words so he continued, “I want you. Baby, I want you in every way a man wants a woman. If you’re not ready for what you know I can offer, then you need to tell me now. Otherwise, I’m going to pursue you to no end.”

  Natasha visibly swallowed. “Okay.”

  So much for not wanting to be in a relationship. Malik didn’t want to put a title on whatever he was feeling for Natasha, but he knew he wanted her in his life in some capacity.

  “There’s something I’ve wanted to do since the moment you walked in here.”

  He closed the distance between them and captured her mouth without hesitation. Feeling her lips against his was like returning home after an op. A sense of peace surrounded him like nothing he had ever experienced. They had kissed before, but this, this was different. This was a soul-stirring, heart throbbing, I’ll never be able to let you go type of sensation. Right then and there he knew … there was nothing he wouldn’t do for this woman.

  Natasha snaked her arms around his midsection. The feel of her soft hands caressing him through his dress shirt sent a jolt of pleasure straight to his groin. Lustful yearning coursed through his veins. One kiss would not be enough. He wanted all of her, every sweet, delectable inch of her, and he needed her to know. He needed her to know that she was special and desired. He needed her to know that no other man would ever be able to please her the way he could. And most importantly, he needed to make sure she knew that he had no intention of sharing her.

  She sighed against his mouth and his palms circled her butt. Caressing. Squeezing. Pulling her closer. He deepened the kiss and held her softness against his throbbing shaft, wanting to be inside of her.

  He eased back without removing his hand and blew out a breath. “You’re something else.” He touched his forehead to hers, both of them out of breath, and he stared into her eyes. Feeling better than he’d felt in the last few days, he grabbed her by the hand and led her over to the sofa. “I need to know for sure that there is nothing between you and the professor.” He sat next to her.

  Natasha squeezed his hand. “I already told you, we’re done. We’ve been done for years, and after the other day, I doubt I’ll ever see him again.”

  “What happened the other day?” Malik asked.

  She told him about her conversation with Martin, but Malik had a feeling there was more to it than she was sharing.

  “I also slapped him.”

  Malik leaned back and stared at her, surprised. “I never pictured you as the violent type.”

  She released his hand and stood abruptly. Malik loved all women, any nationality, shape, or size. Yet observing Natasha as she moved toward the window—her tiny waist, and the sexy sway of her hips—made him appreciate her on a whole different level. Damn, this was going to be a long evening. He had a meeting
shortly, and then dinner plans with Wiz and Olivia. However, what he really wanted to do was take Natasha home, strip her out of that sexy outfit, and make sweet, passionate love to her.

  “Normally I’m not violent, but he said some things …”

  Natasha’s words regained Malik’s attention, had him wondering if the professor had stepped out of line. He walked up behind her, his arm circling her waist, his lips kissing the side of her neck. “He said some things like what?” he asked against her heated skin.

  “Some things that I didn’t like. He caught me off guard and before I knew it,” she shrugged, “I slapped him.”

  Malik straightened. “And what did he do?” His words came out harsher than he intended, but he wanted to make sure that fool hadn’t retaliated.

  Natasha must have sensed the thoughts behind his question because she quickly turned and faced him.

  “If you’re asking if he hit me back, he didn’t. I think my reaction caught him off guard as well. A few words were exchanged and then he left. That’s all.”

  Malik lifted his hand to her face, caressing her cheek. “And you’re okay with not seeing him again?”

  She nodded. “It’s time I moved on.”

  They stood staring at one another, each in their own thoughts. Part of Malik wanted to say ‘move on with me’ but the words didn’t form, and he didn’t force them. He’d let whatever this was between them play out naturally.

  “Stan told me about the reporters at the house.” He led Natasha back over to the sofa. “So how are you holding up?” he asked.

  “I’m all right, but I can’t do the bodyguard thing.” She placed her hand on his thigh. “I appreciate you looking out for me, having the alarm installed and all, but I can’t handle someone following me around. Stan is nice, but I don’t need a bodyguard.”

  Malik sat back on the sofa and stretched his long legs out in front of him, crossing them at the ankle. “It’s better to take precautions and nothing happen, than for something to happen and not be prepared. I … we don’t know exactly what Dr. Halsey was involved in or who he was involved with. The other night was no accident. Whoever took him out was a skilled killer and he’s still out there. Until they find him, you’re stuck with either me, Stan, or Victoria.”

  Natasha tilted her head. “Victoria?”

  Malik nodded and grinned. “She’s our secret weapon. Looking at her, no one would ever know that she’s a trained killer.”

  Natasha’s mouth dropped open. “I never would’ve guessed. She seems …” Natasha shook her head. “No. No, Malik. No bodyguards. I’ve taken care of myself all of these years, I don’t want someone shadowing me. Besides, what about at work? How’s it going to look for some big, muscular guy like Stan or even Victoria following me around?”

  Malik sat up straight and brought his knees in. “Tasha, I don’t give a da– I mean, I don’t care how it looks. My only concern is that you’re safe.”

  “I have a better idea. What if you taught me self-defense, then I can take care of myself.”

  “Do you know how to use a gun?”

  She shivered at the question and shook her head. “No, I don’t.”

  “Are you willing to learn how to use one?”

  Natasha sighed and dropped her head before lifting it again and meeting Malik’s eyes. “Can’t I learn self-defense without learning how to use a gun? You do realize I’m in the business of saving lives, not taking them, don’t you?”

  “And you do realize that I’m in the business of protecting folks, by any means necessary?”

  Natasha bolted from her seat. “We’re not getting anywhere like this.”

  “How is it that Alandra is a third-degree black belt and you haven’t taken any self-defense classes?”

  Natasha shrugged. “It wasn’t my thing. Most of the time I had my head in a book. I never had a need to learn self-defense to that degree.”

  Malik thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea for her to take some classes, but that didn’t mean he was going to relieve Stan of his duties of sticking close to her. Stan was one of the best. If Malik couldn’t shadow her, then Stan would be his next choice.

  “Malik?” Victoria’s voice came over the intercom.

  “Yeah, Vicky.”

  “Sorry to bother you, but your three o’clock is here.”

  “Thanks. Set them up in the small conference room and I’ll be there shortly.”

  He returned his attention to Natasha. “What are your plans for this evening?” He moved back to his desk, and placed the file from Wiz into his top drawer.

  “I just have to make some calls. Since it’s my day off, I was planning to do some grocery shopping.”

  Malik’s hand stilled and he glanced at her. “You go grocery shopping looking like that?”

  She frowned. “What’s the matter with what I have on? Lately, it seems I rarely get a day off, and when I do, I like to dress up a little. You don’t like it?”

  “Yeah, baby, I like it. You look good.”

  “Then what’s the problem?” she asked innocently.

  The corner of Malik’s lip lifted into a smile. “No problem. No problem at all.” She apparently had no idea how hot she was. Yet, he had no doubt that any red-blooded man walking passed her, would take a second or third look.

  Malik glanced down at the documents that Victoria had left earlier for him to sign. Scribbling his name in the appropriate areas, he knew the meeting he was going into wouldn’t be very productive. Natasha had him so turned on, there was no way he’d be able to talk business knowing she was in his office looking the way she did. Besides, the bulge inside his pants ….

  Malik looked over his shoulder when he heard the lock on the office door click. A slow, piercing whistle slipped through his lips and he laid his ink pen down. Hot damn!

  Rising to his full height, he took in the beautiful vision standing across the room. Natasha in an orange lace bra, with matching barely there panties and her high heeled sandals. Her dress tossed to the sofa.

  He stood in front of his desk, his gaze taking in her perfect body and the sway of her full hips as she approached him. When she dropped her bra to the floor, he sucked in a breath attempting to throttle the dizzying current racing through him. Good Lord. Her breasts bounced in rhythm with each step she took. Being a breast man, he couldn’t wait to taste them.

  “Have a seat,” she said when she stopped in front of him. He did as she instructed.

  When she straddled his lap, her twin peaks brushed against his lips. Malik had a feeling the act was no accident, but who was he to complain? He snaked his tongue around her perky nipple and licked her. Oh yeah. I can definitely get used to interruptions like this. He buried his face between her breast and the scent of her perfume hypnotized him to her wanton ways.

  He gripped her butt to reposition her and groaned when he felt her bare ass within his hands. Like most men, he was helpless against a woman whose breasts were in his face and who wore a thong.

  Malik was powerless to resist. He reached for the telephone on his desk and pushed the intercom button.

  “Yes?” Victoria answered.

  “Vicky, let Arnold know that I’ll be delayed for fifteen minutes.” He heard the tightness in his own voice, his shaft throbbing inside his pants as Natasha undid his belt buckle.

  “Will do.”

  Malik dug for his wallet and quickly removed a condom. The erratic beat of his pulse hammered in his ears and he could not wait to get inside of her.

  Natasha eased off of him and removed her panties. Malik dropped his pants, along with his briefs and reclaimed his seat. He didn’t bother stepping out of the garments, letting them puddled around his ankle.

  “Normally I like to take my time and explore this luscious body of yours, but maybe later. Right now I need to be inside you.” He entered her in one smooth thrust, her heat surrounding him like a blanket on a cold winter’s night, transferring warmth to every part of his body.

  Her muscles
tightened around him and Malik cursed under his breath. Yeah this was going to be a quickie, but he didn’t want it to be too quick. Yet, the way she felt and the way she slid up and down his shaft, he’d do good to make it five minutes.

  The leather chair squeaked beneath their weight, but he didn’t care. Their bodies fused together and moved to a tempo that only they could feel. No other woman would ever be able to satisfy him the way this woman did. He claimed her mouth, his tongue thrusting in and out as his hands explored her naked body.

  He grabbed her thighs, her arms wrapped tightly around his neck as he lifted her up and down, moving in and out of her. Waves of ecstasy throbbed through him. There was no way in hell he would ever share her. If she wasn’t over her ex, Malik would just have to convince him to bow out gracefully.

  “Malik,” Natasha moaned against his neck, her movements more jerky, and her release teetering on the brink. She rocked wildly on top of him, her interior walls clenching and unclenching. There was no way he could hold on much longer with the way her muscles contracted around his length.

  He gripped her hips, no longer able to hang on. With one final thrust, he sent her over the edge and he followed right behind her.

  They collapsed against each other, their breaths coming in short spurts as Malik cradled her limp body against his.

  “If that was makeup sex, I’m going to start a fight with you every day.”

  She released a soft laugh, her breath warm against his skin. He kissed her cheek. He loved having her in his arms, and hated that he had to cut their impromptu rendezvous short. If this wasn’t a meeting that could cost him thousands, he’d have Victoria send Arnold home.

  “I would love to sit here, holding you forever, but I’m going to have to go,” he whispered against her ear, wondering if she’d fallen asleep since she was so still. “If you can hold off on shopping, I’ll go with you after my meeting. In the meantime, why don’t you hang out in here and wait for me. Then later tonight, we can pick up where we left off.”

  She lifted her head slightly and graced him with a smile. “I’d like that.”


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