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Finding Will Hennie

Page 18

by Joy Redmond

“Have it your way. I don’t have time to argue with you. It’s time for us to start getting ready. Hang your clothes in my closet. Take a bath and get dressed. Get on out of here. I’ve got a lot of work to do with myself. And don’t bother the girls. It takes them hours to get ready. And keep Wiggles outside during business hours.”

  “Aye, aye, sir!” He wasn’t sure Rose heard him. She was slamming her bathroom door before he got it out of his mouth. I don’t care if you are my boss, you’re not going to dictate my every move. I’m going outside and be by myself, while you get yourself all gussied up. Women!

  Will went out to the woods, gathered underbrush and carried it to the shed. He made a pallet for Wiggles. He filled a bucket with water and a bowl with lettuce. “You have to stay in here while I work. I’ll come out and get you when it’s time to go to a real bed. That’s if Rose will allow it. If not, I’ll sleep with you in the shed.”

  Wiggles trotted into the shed and lay down.

  “You beat all I ever saw. Just be good until I can come back for you. I’ve got to get a bath and get myself ready for my first night on the job!”

  Will came through the backdoor and Sudie yelled, “Will, come eat supper. We’ve only got a few minutes to eat, clean the kitchen and get dressed for work.”

  Will ate, helped the girls clean off the table, then headed for the bathroom.

  Just as he was about to turn on the water, Sudie yelled, “You can only fill the tub with three inches of water and just knock off the chill. If you don’t, we’ll run out of hot water before we all get a bath.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Between you and Rose, I’m going to bust a gut!” he mumbled.

  Damn bossy women!

  Chapter Twenty

  Will dressed in a pair of black slacks and white shirt, but he didn’t button it at the neck. “I’m working at a brothel, not attending a cocktail party,” he mumbled. He slipped on his black socks and wingtip shoes. My first job. I hope I don’t screw up. But Rose can’t fire me for at least two weeks. She’s already paid me.

  Just as he stepped out into the hall, Rose walked up to him. “You look great. I’m proud of you. Now let me lock my door.”

  Will’s breath caught in his throat. She was wearing a baby blue dress. It had a high neck with tiny pearl buttons, making it look like a choker necklace. Long sleeves came to a point at her fingertips. Three tiny pearl buttons held them close to her wrist. The hem came to rest at the top of her high top, high-heel shoes. The shoes were made of the same blue material with tiny pearl buttons looped through the eyelets. Her hair was piled on top of her head with long curls hanging to her shoulders. She smelled like gardenias. Her lips were painted a pale pink and so were her long nails. She wore diamond rings on both hands.

  “You can wait in the living room until people start going to the dance area. Do you remember everything that I taught you?”

  “Yes, I remember. I’ll fix drinks, and I’ll be patrolling the upstairs. I won’t let anybody hurt your girls.”

  Rose smiled. “I’ll be in the parlor. I sit in my lounge chair, the shotgun behind me, as I make idle chit-chat, take the money, and tell them they can enter the living room and have their choice of girls. Some men pay for a round with all four before they leave. And some pay for the whole night with one girl. Never mind. You’ll see how it works as time goes on.” She gently patted his face and headed down the hall.

  Will wasn’t sure he could make his feet move. His stomach fluttered and he felt weak in the knees. Snap out of it! Pull yourself together. You’ve got a job to do.

  He leaned against the door frame between the parlor and the living room. He didn’t want to sit down and wrinkle the pleats in his slacks.

  He stood, picking his nails, wondering when the girls would come downstairs. He looked at his watch. They had five minutes until Rose unlocked the door. He peered out the front window. He saw several cars. He blinked and took a second look. It’s the sheriff! Rose said he was a customer. But what if he’s here to arrest us? I sure don’t want end up in jail?

  He heard footsteps and he quickly turned his head toward the stairs. Prissy was making her way down the steps. Her long brunette hair was piled on top of her head. Curls dangled in front of her eyes. She was wearing a red evening gown that was cut so low it barely covered her nipples. She wore red high heels and she was decked with jewelry: Long dangling earrings, necklace, and gold bracelets up and down both arms. Her lips were bright red and so were her nails. He thought she looked beautiful.

  Prissy reached the landing, then Will saw Belle. Her blonde hair hung to her shoulders but it was curled and she had a pearl hair clip on the right side. She was wearing a yellow evening gown and white high heels. She was also sparkling with jewelry. And her breasts were pushed up over the top of the gown.

  Ceil came down. Her red hair was pulled up in a ponytail with tiny wisps of hair hanging over her ears and down her forehead. Her gown was emerald green, setting off her eyes that were almost the same color. She wore black high heels and was also adorned with jewelry.

  They smelled like a flower garden. Will was amazed with their transformation.

  The three girls took a seat on the long sofa that was in front of the large picture window. Where’s Sudie? He turned. Sudie came prancing down the stairs, wearing bibbed overalls with no blouse. She was barefoot, but her toenails were painted bright red. Her dark brown hair was in long braids with red ribbons tied to the ends. The braids fell down to the top of the bib. Will gasped when he saw she had painted fake freckles across her cheeks and nose. What the hell!

  Just as Sudie took her place beside the other girls, the front door swung open. In walked a mountain of a man dressed in a uniform and sporting a badge. Will guessed him to be 6-foot-four, and he had to weigh 300 pounds. He plopped his large body down in a big leather-upholstered chair, and patted the broad plateau of his knees, and beckoned Sudie with a giant hand.

  Sudie ran across the floor and jumped in his lap. He jiggled her up and down like some giant hobbyhorse. Sudie giggled as she threw her arms around his fat neck. “I’m so happy you came home, daddy.”

  Will’s yes bugged as he saw a fat hand slip under the top of her overall bib. He clinched his fist and gritted his teeth as Sudie ran upstairs, giggling, and the burly beast acted like he was chasing her. He hoped the fat bastard had a heart attack before he made it all the way to the top.

  He paced the floor. Nobody was in the dance area and he saw no need to leave the room. He looked at his watch. Thirty minutes you tub of guts. Then I’m going to mistake a sound that gives me reason to think you’re roughing Sudie up. He didn’t care if the man was the sheriff. By the time he went upstairs, the fat bastard would be naked and not wearing a badge. Once the badge came off, he was fair game as far as Will was concerned.

  By the time Will made his plans, the living room was full of men and women. Why did some of the men bring women with them? Everybody was talking and laughing, but Will’s head was spinning. He stayed in the room and watched all the girls head upstairs with customers.

  The men who brought women with them were headed into the dance area. Oh, shit! Will ran into the room, hoping Rose was busy and didn’t know he wasn’t in his spot before the customers went in.

  He ran across the slick floor and almost fell. He regained his balance and made it behind the bar just as the jukebox started playing. Soon the dance floor was full. After the first song, men came to the bar with soda bottles and ordered their poison. Will filled the shot glasses to the line. If I over- pour, Rose will have my head. Only one man wanted a straight shot. One woman wanted shot after shot, until a man dragged her away. “I done warned ya ‘bout drinking too much. Ya start a fight with me in here, yer butt will spend the night in the clinker. The sheriff be right upstairs.”

  Will looked at his watch. It had been over thirty minutes since Sudie had gone upstairs. He was supposed to wait thirty minutes after the last girl went upstairs before he went up, but he was going now!

>   He bounded the stairs two at a time. He briefly held his ear against the doors one after another. No sounds seemed like they were life threating. Which one is Sudie’s room? He heard giggling. There was no mistaking Sudie’s giggles. He stood by the door, almost praying she’d scream in laughter. If he heard a scream, he would be justified in busting down the door. A scream is a scream to me. I’m new at this business. He assured himself that Rose would fall for it. He waited and waited. Nothing but giggles.

  Shit! I’ve got to get back to my duties.

  He ran back downstairs and into the dance room. Men were lined up in front of the bar. “Yes, sir. What can I fix you, gentlemen?”

  He was glad to see the couple whom he figured would start fighting before the night was over was gone. He was in no mood to have to whip up on anybody. Except the fat bastard who was upstairs with Sudie. Rose had told him to keep his eyes peeled and at the first hint of trouble, he was to bounce them out the door. Man or woman. I’m not the kind to put my hands on a woman. That just doesn’t seem right. Miss Marylee would turn over in her grave. Nope. Won’t do it. If a cat fight breaks out, Rose can just haul them out herself. Then she can fire me. I’ve got my scruples.

  Another thirty minutes passed. The men and women were dancing, and though he needed to start washing glasses, he ran back upstairs. Mr. Tom’s voice echoed in his head. Left hook. Right upper cut.

  Just as he reached the landing, the sheriff came out of Sudie’s room. He passed Will and patted him on the back before he headed down the steps.

  I’ll get you next time, you slimy sumbitch! He walked past all the rooms, briefly holding his ear to the doors. He heard strange sounds but he figured they were normal.

  Right before he headed downstairs, Sudie came out of her room. “Hey, Will. How’s it going?”

  “Fine,” he answered curtly. He watched her go into the bathroom. He ran downstairs and back to the dance area. Again, men were lined up, waiting for him. He’d only been on duty for an hour. Would he make it until midnight? His heart was pounding from running the steps, and from rage.

  When he had a chance, he stuck his head around the facing of the living room. Sudie was sitting on the sofa. She was dressed in an evening gown, high heels, and her hair was hanging loose. Her face was painted and she had on bright lipstick and rouge. She looked ten years older. He wondered how old she was. She had appeared to be a twelve-year-old earlier.

  He watched the girls come and go, every hour. He ran up and down the stairs every thirty minutes. He mixed drinks and washed glasses. By midnight, he was exhausted. What a night!

  He came into the parlor as Rose was locking the front door. Then she walked around and turned out the lights. She turned toward Will. “Change clothes, then sweep and mop the floor. You can find what you need in the closet where I stock sodas. Be sure you turn out the lights.”

  “Is it okay if I go check on Wiggles first?”

  “Change clothes first! And before you ask, you can bring Wiggles in. I’ll put him to bed. We’ll probably be asleep by the time you finish. Please be quiet when you come into the room.”

  Will hurried into Rose’s bedroom, changed clothes and was headed back out when Rose came in.

  She flipped the key in the air. “Be sure to lock the door and put the key on my nightstand.”

  Will caught the key and dropped it into his pocket and ran through the house in darkness. He opened the backdoor and saw Wiggles standing there. “Yeah, it’s safe to come in, boy. We’ve got to be quiet though. No playing until morning. We’re sleeping with Rose again.”

  Carrying Wiggles, Will tiptoed into the bedroom and put him on the rubber sheet. He stripped to his underwear and was ready to crawl into bed when he remembered he hadn’t locked the door. He fished through his pockets, found the key, tiptoed across the floor and locked up. He eased his way to the bedside table and gently set the key down. The moonlight shown through the curtains and he could plainly see Rose. Her long hair was down and it spread across her pillow like a fan. He was tempted to kiss her cheek but he couldn’t take a chance on waking her. He tiptoed around to his side of the bed, crawled under the sheet, and he was asleep by the time his head hit the pillow.

  The next thing he knew, it was daylight. He looked at his watch. 8 o’clock. He couldn’t believe it. He was always awake by 6 o’clock, even when he had stayed up past midnight, reading. He dressed and scooped up Wiggles, who was standing in the middle of the bed.

  He carried Wiggles outside and put him on the ground. “Go do your business and I’ll do mine. We have an hour before we can go inside.” He walked around the house, hoping to find a newspaper but it wasn’t there. That’s when he remembered Rose saying, the paper was only delivered on Mondays. He sat on the front porch and Wiggles ran up and down the steps. “You can run and play by yourself this morning. I’ve got to save my energy for tonight.”

  Sudie stuck her head out the front door. “Coffee is ready. I’ll fix your breakfast, if you want.”

  “I’ll be there in a minute.” He wasn’t about to give her a chance to pinch his butt. He was in no mood for her nonsense—after watching her play silly games with potbelly sheriff. It was sickening. Wiggles ran inside while Sudie held the door open.

  Will’s rage had abated but he was still disturbed seeing Sudie dressed like a little girl, then transform into a beautiful woman. And he wondered why. Seeing the other girls come and go with men hadn’t bothered him. Well, maybe a little when he saw Belle. He didn’t like the thought of men doing nasty things to such a beautiful girl. Belle was the prettiest in his eyes, and she looked so innocent.

  When he came into the kitchen, all the girls said, “Mornin’, Will.”

  Will merely nodded and took his seat by Rose. Wiggles was eating a bowl of lettuce.

  Rose patted his hand. “How did your first night go? Do you think you can keep up? Last night was slow. The weekends are double and sometimes triple the work.”

  “Easy as pie!” Will answered as he picked up his coffee cup. “I’ll fix my own breakfast this morning. All I want is a piece of toast.”

  “I’ll fix your breakfast, and you’ll eat eggs, bacon and toast,” Sudie said. She walked past him and rumpled his hair.

  “Stop that! Keep your hands to yourself!”

  “What’s got your drawers in a wad? You know I was just playing. I play with you all the time. Jeez,” Sudie said.

  “Sorry. I’m just not in a playful mood. I appreciate you fixing me breakfast. I’ll eat it.”

  Will scanned the room. All the girls were so plain and innocent looking in the morning. Get over it. You know what they are. Why are you letting it get under your skin? He couldn’t let his feelings show. “That sheriff is a big ol’ fart, isn’t he? Does he come out every night?” He quickly drained his coffee cup.

  Rose answered. “He comes out early on Monday nights. On Friday and Saturday nights he comes out late. He’s usually the last one out the door on weekends. He’s a little gruff but he’s our protection. We have to stay on his good side, though there are times when I’d like to push my shotgun up his fat ass. Now, Chief is a different breed. He’s a gentleman and he treats my girls like princesses.”

  Will wanted to ask Sudie how the sheriff treated her, but he knew he better not question. Keep your mouth shut. Keep your nose clean. Get the hell out of this house as soon as you can.

  The rest of the week was busy but calm. Then came the weekend. The girls were up and down the stairs every hour. Will was doing his best to run up and down every thirty minutes, but there were times when he was so busy mixing drinks, it was forty-five minutes before he could check on them. Potbelly sheriff was there but he only stayed an hour each night. By midnight Saturday, he was never so glad to see the lights go out and know that he had the next day off.

  Rose had paid him a nice sum, but he figured he had earned every cent, plus. He had another week to work. After that they would be even and he wasn’t sure if he was going to stay around fo
r a third week. If he had enough money for a train ticket, he might just take off. Then when I get to California, broke, what will I do? Shit! I’m trapped.


  It was mid-October and Rose sat up in bed and yelled.

  Will startled from a deep sleep. He looked at his watch. 2 am. “What, Rose? Did you have a bad dream?”

  “No! Get that damn deer out of this bed! He’s been kicking and flopping all night. He’s sprouting antlers and though they’re little, they’re sharp, and he pokes me. Get him out. Now! And don’t bring him back in this house for any reason. He stays outside day and night!”

  “Well, you don’t have to yell. I’m not deaf! Come on, Wiggles. We know when we’re not wanted”

  Rose unlocked the bedroom door and stood with her hands on her hips until Wiggles and Will were in the hallway. She slammed the door.

  Will flipped on the hall light and when he reached the kitchen he flipped on the ceiling light. He didn’t care if he woke everybody in the house. Wiggles followed him outside. “Get in the shed, boy. I’ll stay with you.”

  Will was still asleep when Sudie stuck her head around the shed door. “Coffee is ready. Rose said you were probably out here. Be sure to get all that mess knocked off your clothes before you come in and sit at the table. Rose is in a foul mood. She said she didn’t get any sleep.”

  Will brushed off his clothes. “Stay here, boy. I’ll bring you something to eat, later.” Wiggles took off for the woods. “Maybe you’ll find breakfast out there. Rose will probably tell me I can’t feed you anymore.”

  He went inside and headed for the bathroom. He washed his hands and arms, then headed for the kitchen. “All I want is coffee. And I’ll have it on the front porch.” Will poured a cup of coffee and didn’t say another word as he stomped through the house.

  He heard the girls giggle.

  He picked up an old newspaper as he went through the parlor. Rose had kept it. She liked to reread about the war ending. The headlines were huge. Will took pleasure in reading it again. “Finally! Truman got the job done,” he mumbled.


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