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The Thief Who Pulled on Trouble's Braids

Page 11

by Michael McClung

Two of them saw the sense in that. One, a lean man with enormous hands, fingered something under his shirt. Some sort of talisman. I could see him deciding to place his faith in it.

  “Why, I just wanted to have a word, all private-like,” he said. “You being newcomers to this fine establishment and all, I thought—” and the knife came from his waist and towards Holgren’s throat in a blur of reflected lantern light.

  Holgren was quick, quicker than I would have given him credit for. He twisted away, and the knife blade kissed his earlobe on its way to being buried in the wall behind the bar.

  The man wasn’t waiting to see if his blade would do the job; he was already rushing in with those big hands clenched into fists. Holgren put his own hand out, palm forward, and that purple arcing light leaped from his hand to the would-be killer’s face. Where it began to gnaw at the flesh like a hungry animal. In an instant I could see the man’s teeth through a hole in his cheek. He screamed and stumbled, and clawed at his own face. He fell to the hard-packed dirt floor and screamed some more. Holgren fingered his cut earlobe. His hand came away red. He pulled a handkerchief out of his sleeve.

  “That’s enough, mage.” A voice from the stairs, mild, a little high pitched. I glanced up and saw a supremely nondescript man drumming his fingers against the railing, the tap man behind him.

  “He started it, Gavon.”

  “So finish it, Angrado.”

  “Fine.” Holgren did nothing that I could see, but the weird light playing on what was left of the man’s face winked out. The man stopped screaming after a few seconds. I glanced at him, then took a double take. The only wounds on his face were the claw marks he’d made himself.

  Holgren leaned down, elbows on knees, and said conversationally, “That trinket around your neck has never been within a mile of a mage. Until tonight.” Then he stood and walked toward the stairs. After a moment, I followed.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Why didn’t you kill him, Angrado?” Gavon asked as he motioned us to sit at a candlelit table in the center of the upstairs gloom.

  “Why should I bother?” Holgren replied.

  Gavon chuckled. “You always were too squeamish for your own good. That one won’t thank you for sparing him. He’ll kill you if he can.”

  “But he can’t. Not on his best day. And if I’m squeamish, what does that make you?”

  “A man unconcerned with niceties.”

  “You mean morals. Or is it scruples?”

  Gavon smiled, mirthlessly. “No one can hold a grudge like a Low Countryman, it seems.”

  “You would know, wouldn’t you? But I’m only half Low Country, as you seemed to take every opportunity to point out.”

  “I believe I also said you were half a man.”

  Holgren grinned, and I knew things were about to turn ugly. “Mariette seemed to think I was man enough,” he said. “How is you sister?”

  And that’s when the knives came out. Gavon suddenly held two huge pig stickers, and Holgren a spitting, hissing blade of white light. They were both standing, chairs knocked back.

  “I’ll see your half-breed guts on the floor for that,” said Gavon. Holgren just smiled.

  I cleared my throat. “So I guess you two know each other?”

  “Oh, yes,” said Gavon. “Holgren Angrado and I have a history.”

  I turned to look at Holgren. “You might have mentioned that,” I said.

  “You never asked.”

  “I have an idea,” I said. “Let’s put away the blades and do some business. Gavon, you can still kill somebody, and make a profit to boot.” I heaved the satchel up onto the table in front of him. His eyes flickered to all that gold. His knives disappeared and suddenly he was smiling. He deliberately turned his back to Holgren, to face me.

  “Knowing that one won’t get you a discount, you know. In fact I should charge extra.”

  “Believe me, I am regretting his acquaintance at the moment.” Holgren took the hint and extinguished his blade.

  “So talk to me.”

  I heaved an inner sigh of relief. Outwardly, I put on my dubious face. “To be honest, I don’t think you’ll touch this contract.”

  “I have never yet come across one that couldn’t be fulfilled.”

  “I’d want you to execute it personally.”

  “Now that is a problem. I don’t really do that anymore. Only on special occasions, you might say.”

  “Well then, I’m sorry to have wasted your time.” I flipped the satchel closed and began to heave it back on my shoulder.

  “Let’s hear it, at least,” said Gavon, taking his seat again.

  I took off Holgren’s fetish. “You inked a contract on one Amra Thetys. I want to take out a contract on anyone who turns up to get paid for it.”

  He laughed outright. “Oh, you’ve got balls, I’ll give you that. It’s almost clever. I suppose you’d want it to be public knowledge, as well.”

  “Naturally. The dead don’t care about revenge.”

  “What made you think I would agree to something like this?”

  I put on a puzzled expression. “Money, of course. One chain just for saying yes, and ten more on the off chance you have to kill someone.”

  “I could kill you right now, earn the original contract, and take what you brought.”

  “That’s what he’s here for.” I jabbed a thumb in Holgren’s direction. “Besides, you wouldn’t. Bad for your reputation, killing prospective clients.”

  Gavon sat back, drumming his fingers on the arm of his chair. “If I agree, I’ll open myself up to all kinds of headaches. People trying to outbid contracts. It will be a mess.”

  “Yes. I can see it escalating, people trying to outbid each other. And every one of them paying a ten per cent, non-refundable commission to you. All that gold piling up will be very messy indeed.”

  Slowly, he smiled. “I do like the way you think. But unfortunately, I can’t personally take this commission. I have to maintain my impartiality.” He leaned forward. “I’ll ink the contract, and I’ll spread the word, and you will just have to take your chances that it’s enough. And if the original client wishes to up their offer, well...” He shrugged.

  “I suppose that will have to do.” It wasn’t everything I had hoped for, but I thought it would be enough. For a while, at least. I stood, and he followed suit.

  “I’ll be wanting my ten chains back soon, Gavon. Once I kill your other client.”

  “We’ll see.”

  “I know who it is, but confirmation would be nice. You wouldn’t want to help me with that, would you?”

  “I’m afraid I have to keep that confidential, being part of the service and all. It’s been a pleasure, Amra Thetys. May I suggest you leave through the back? I imagine there are a half-dozen cutthroats waiting for you in front by now. News travels fast in the Rookery when the news is gold-colored. Holgren, of course, is welcome to leave the way he came.”

  ~ ~ ~

  News indeed travelled fast, but Holgren blew through the motley collection of murderers waiting for us outside like an autumn storm off the Dragonsea. Quite literally. It’s hard to stick a knife in someone when you’re rolling down the street, being pushed along by gale-force winds. Holgren was proving to be a lot more powerful—and versatile—than I’d ever imagined. And I have an active imagination.

  We made it back to civilization in time for last call at Tambor’s. Holgren bought a jug, owing to the fact that I was now virtually destitute, and we sat outside at one of the scarred tables and sipped vinegar. After a silent while Holgren finally spoke up.

  “You know what you’ve done, don’t you?”

  “Um, saved my own neck?”

  “Yes, that. Probably. But you’ve also changed the face of low justice in Lucernis forever.” He shook his head. “Gavon has been running the murder-for-hire racket in Lucernis for nearly a decade. Given twice as long, he never would have thought of your ploy. You’ve made that bastard richer than he ever dreamed
, in one night.”

  “So you did know we were going to see him! Why didn’t you tell me you knew him?”

  He smiled. “As I said, you never asked. To be honest, I was hoping things would get out of hand so I could kill him.”

  “What is it between you two?”

  “We grew up together, in Kirabor. He is my cousin, once removed. We were never what you would call friendly.”

  “He’s got to be twenty years older than you.”

  “One of the advantages of being a mage, Amra, is that you don’t have to look your age.”

  “Did you really sleep with his sister?”

  He shuddered. “Mariette? I’d sooner sleep with a pheckla. Certainly less dangerous, and probably more pleasurable. Guache was considered the nice one of the brood.” He shifted his gaze from the bowl of wine in front of him to the street running beside Tambor’s arbor, where we sat.

  I don’t remember what I was going to say next, because suddenly Holgren was lunging over the table at me, knocking me down to the ground. I do remember getting a hand around a knife hilt, and then the world erupting in flame.

  “Stay low!” Holgren hissed, then rolled off me and sat up. He made an intricate gesture with one hand, face grim as death, and suddenly the flames vanished, leaving charred, smoking ruins around us that, seconds before, had been Tambor’s arbor. And some of Tambor’s other customers.

  In the street, people were screaming and running. A dray horse bolted in its traces, and in its fear reduced the cart and its driver to pulp. The immediate surroundings were complete chaos, but the chaos was fleeing the vicinity as fast as it could, leaving a stillness in its wake.

  I heard clapping. I looked out into the street and saw Bosch walking toward us, half a dozen swordsmen at his back. He was clapping in time with his own dragging footsteps.

  “Excellent negation,” he said, “especially extemporé. I applaud you, sir.”

  Holgren stood up and brushed himself off. “I am going to kill you for that,” he said mildly, and sauntered out into the street towards Bosch.

  “Please, let’s avoid unnecessary confrontation. For my part, I apologize,” said Bosch. “I had no idea a fellow magus would be in the thief’s company. I will happily make amends. As soon as I secure her corpse.” He pointed his stubbled chin towards me. “What do you say?”

  “I say you talk too much.”

  “So be it,” said Bosch, and another inferno burst forth from his open hands, engulfing Holgren in a maelstrom of flame. I could barely make out his form, a dark, wavering blur at the heart of a torrent of fire. I saw his smudged silhouette crumple. I saw Bosch grin, beads of sweat rolling down his face, dripping from his nose and unshaven chin. The men with him stood watching, most with mouths agape. A mage’s duel isn’t something you see every day.

  Finally the river of fire sputtered, slowed to a trickle, failed. It was eerily silent.

  Holgren was down on one knee. His clothes smoked, but his lean face was cold.

  “My turn,” he said, and flicked the fingers of one hand.

  Bosch’s body literally exploded, splattering his swordsmen and twenty yards of the cobbled street with blood and bloody gobbets of flesh. All that was left of him was his head, which fell to the ground and, I swear to Kerf, blinked for a few seconds. My stomach did a backflip at that.

  “You’d best be on your way,” said Holgren to the sell-swords, and they saw the sense in that. Holgren picked up Bosch’s head by its lank, greasy hair. Stared into the shocked, blinking eyes.

  Bosch mouthed a word and his eyes went cold and dead. Nobody home.

  “Bloody hells,” Holgren spat. He looked at me, and there was something feral in his eyes. “He’s jumped.”

  “What? What does that mean?”

  “It means we haven’t seen the last of him. Let’s go,” he said.

  I nodded. The watch couldn’t be far away. We needed to leave. “Go where?”

  “Back to Gavon’s. Where else?”

  “But if Bosch isn’t really dead–”

  “He is. It’s just that he’s bought himself a short encore. Do you want the contract on you cancelled or not?”

  “By all means, let’s go see your cousin.”

  We set off down the nearest alley. We stopped only once, while I stole somebody’s freshly laundered shirt from a second story drying pole. Holgren took it from me without a word and wrapped Bosch’s noggin in it, using the tag-ends of the sleeves as a handle.

  You can’t just go walking around with a severed head in Lucernis. But you can, I discovered, walk around with a lumpy head-shaped item, wrapped in linen and dripping blood. I think it’s just that nobody really wants to know you’re walking around with a severed head, and are appreciative of the courtesy of leaving room for doubt.

  In any case, nobody gave us more than a second glance, and the second-glancers made sure to move along quickly, giving us a wide berth.

  Whatever Holgren was feeling, he kept it bottled up. I stole the occasional glance at him as we walked, and the best I can say was his face had gone from cold to stony. As for me, I was coming to terms with what I’d seen him do.

  I have seen and caused death. It’s never pretty. There is no ‘right’ way to kill – if you need to kill somebody, you do it any way that works. It wasn’t the fact that Holgren had been so cold about turning Bosch into a red smear, and it wasn’t that Bosch had met such a spectacularly disgusting demise. What bothered me was just how easily Holgren had done it. He’d decided Bosch was going to die, and just like that, Bosch was dead. Messily, spectacularly, violently dead.

  That kind of raw power was terrifying.

  It seemed impossible that I’d been joking with someone who could, just by wiggling his fingers, turn me into a fine red mist.

  So. There was a certain reserve that sprang up between us on that walk.

  When we arrived at the Cock’s Spur for the second time that night, Holgren didn’t make any jokes, and nobody else felt like trying their luck.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Holgren just sort of blasted the door off its hinges and sauntered in, swinging Bosch’s head back and forth in a bored, idle way. The scum and villainy that was the Cock’s Spur’s patrons wisely remained seated and avoided eye contact. Holgren climbed the splintered wooden stairs to Guache’s office. I followed.

  Holgren blasted the office door, too.

  Guache was sitting at his table, eating a very late dinner. Pork pie, from the smell. My satchel full of gold was still in front of him. He didn’t look up, didn’t say anything, didn’t acknowledge Holgren in any way. He just went about shovelling pork pie into his mouth in a mechanical fashion. When Holgren tossed Bosch’s wrapped head onto the table, Guache finally glanced at him, and that glance was pure contempt.

  These two men truly hated each other, and one of them would kill the other, and probably sooner rather than later. That much I felt in my gut.

  “You sent word to Bosch as soon as we left,” I said.

  “Before that, actually,” replied Guache.

  “Well there’s his head.”

  Guache leaned back in his chair, wiped his mouth with one sleeve. “I had a cat that used to bring me dead things too. Are you applying to be my pet, Amra Thetys?”

  Holgren cursed and slammed Guache out of his chair with one fist. Guache was up again in an instant, knives out, and Holgren murmured some harsh syllable and suddenly Guache Gavon was spread-eagled against the wall. His feet did not touch the ground. Strain as he might, Guache Gavon was pinned to the wall, utterly helpless and in thrall to Holgren’s magic. He looked bored.

  “I’ve brought you Bosch’s head, Gavon. Now my partner is taking her ten chains back.”

  Gavon opened his mouth to say something, but whatever it was, was lost as a little black nightmare exploded through the window shutters.

  All teeth and claws, and reeking of rotting blood and charred flesh, it was a little smaller than Bone. It smashed through the wooden
slats as though they were made of paper and landed on the table, hissing and lashing a barbed tail. It had the head of a boyne beetle. If boyne beetles grew to dog size.

  Holgren dropped his cousin and started another spell.

  Too late. The thing snatched up Bosch’s head and was out the window again before he had got two liquid syllables past his lips. I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t even get a knife out until it was gone.

  “By all the dead gods, what was that?” I said.

  “Daemonette. Looks as though Bosch was a daemonist.” Holgren spat. “We definitely haven’t seen the last of him.”

  Gavon started laughing. Genuine, humor-filled laughter. I swear, tears started in the corners of his eyes. After a few seconds it seemed he was having trouble catching his breath.

  “Looks like I’ll be holding onto your gold for a while longer,” he finally managed, then started up laughing again.

  Gavon was still chuckling as we left. His mirth followed us down the stairs and out the door.

  ~ ~ ~

  False dawn was scratching at the sky by the time Holgren and I made it back to his sanctum. He wasn’t in much of a talking mood. He flopped down on his dusty couch and Bone sauntered over to him and put his heavy head in Holgren’s lap. Holgren rubbed it idly and stared off into nothing.

  “We know Bosch was–is–working for this Elamner,” I said. “It only stands to reason that his boss is the one behind everything. Corbin’s death. The contract on my life. The only problem is, I think the Elamner might actually be dead.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “That’s right. I never told you about breaking into his villa.” I told Holgren about the corpse I’d seen, the knife sticking out of his chest, the magic that had infused the room.

  Holgren gave me a flat stare. “Just to make sure, you are aware that I’m a mage, correct?”

  “I know sarcasm fits you like a tailored suit, but I’m a little tired. Can you get to the point?”

  “What you saw wasn’t a murder scene, ritual or otherwise. It was a containment ritual. A brutal one, from the Ardesh steppes. The man you saw wasn’t dead. He was just... paused.”


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