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Devil's Due (Luther Cross Book 1)

Page 11

by Percival Constantine

“Luther? What the hell’s the matter with you?”

  “Can I come in, Celeste?” I asked.

  She nodded and held the door open. I crossed over and the instant she shut the door, I had my arms around her and my lips pressed to hers in a passionate, hungry kiss. Celeste hesitated at first, but fell into it. Her kiss was passive in the beginning, but quickly became more aggressive.

  I pulled her away from the door, lifting her off the ground. Celeste wrapped her stocking-clad legs around my waist, and I carried her over to the couch, then set her on her back.

  Celeste wasn’t having that. She flipped the situation, pushing me onto my back and grabbing my shirt by the open collar. Buttons popped and flew across the room as she tore the shirt open, then dragged her nails down my bare chest. My hands ran up her legs, sliding her skirt further up her thighs.

  The heat started to get to her, too. Celeste pulled off her blouse and bent over, kissing and biting at my neck. One of her hands reached down, expertly working to undo my belt and pants.

  That’s when I felt it. The sensation of two small, sharp objects piercing my neck. My heart raced and I gasped, a mixture of pleasure and pain soaring through my body. Celeste pulled away briefly and looked down at my face, blood staining her mouth and coating her ivory fangs.

  And that’s when the fun really started.

  The smoke circled above my head, dancing in Celeste’s darkened living room. I was still on the couch with what was left of our clothes scattered along the ground, and a cigarette between my lips. In the distance, I heard the sound of the shower running.

  I removed the cigarette and tapped it against the ashtray on the coffee table. My free hand reached for the neck wound Celeste had inflicted on me. It was already healing pretty fast. I took another draw on the cigarette and heard the shower stop.

  A few moments later, Celeste appeared from the hallway, a dark red robe wrapped around her body. She sauntered towards me, smiling, and sat on the floor in front of the couch, right near my head.

  “Not that it wasn’t fun, but what was that all about?” she asked.

  “It’s a long story, honey,” I told her.

  Probably obvious by now, but Celeste’s a vampire. Her business is running an escort service, one that specializes in vampires. Might sound strange, but there are plenty of rich bastards out there who will pay top dollar to be bitten by a vampire. Hard to explain if you haven’t experienced it yourself, but there’s a sensation behind it, one that I’ve never experienced with anyone else.

  I’d first met Celeste when an overzealous vampire hunter was targeting her girls. I helped her out, and since then, we’d kind of had a thing going. The blood-sucking actually helps us both—it calms my inner demon and cambion blood is like a vampire superfood. Also worked out that we both genuinely enjoyed each other’s company. In fact, Celeste was one of the few people I could spend hours alone with and not get annoyed or irritated.

  Hopefully, she felt the same. But even if she didn’t, at least she was sweet enough to keep it to herself.

  She took the cigarette from my hand and wrapped her pretty, red lips around the filter, slowly drawing the smoke into her lungs. I leaned forward and planted a kiss on the top of her head as she exhaled.

  “Long stories are meant to be shared, y’know. Something’s got you riled up. I could sense it when I was feeding.”

  I cringed. “Can you not call it that?”

  Her laugh was good-natured but also had a hint of mockery. “What would you like me to call it?”

  “How about saying you could sense it while I was ravaging you or while I was bringing you to the mountain peaks of pleasure?”

  “Yeah, keep dreaming, big guy.” She put the cigarette between my lips in an effort to shut me up. I drew on it and wrapped my arm around her chest.

  “Some bad shit’s goin’ down. I’m in the middle of a dangerous case.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  So I did. Told her about Dakota’s cambion pregnancy, the Minister and his zombie-infested farm, Raziel hiring me to look into it, and finally, the demons sent by Asmodeus. When I’d finished, Celeste lit a fresh cigarette for herself and smoked it pretty much like a chimney, staring straight ahead with my arm still wrapped around her.

  “You’re going to see Asmodeus?” she asked.

  “Don’t have much of a choice in the matter. He sent a pair of demons to try and beat information out of me.” I scoffed. “Bastard should’ve known better. I eat little pissant feeders like that for breakfast.”

  “You almost never eat breakfast,” said Celeste.

  “Do you mind? I’m tryin’ to make a point while sounding all badass.”

  “Oh, well excuse me, then.” She chuckled and ashed her cigarette in the tray. “So what’s the point?”

  “Point is, why bother? Low-level flunkies like that? If it was to tail me, they weren’t even smart enough to do that properly. Didn’t even try, in fact.”

  “Maybe that’s what it is. Maybe he’s trying to get your attention and this is the best way he knows how.”

  I groaned and sucked down the last of the cigarette before stamping it out in the tray. If that’s what I was looking at, just a fake-out so Asmodeus could have a chat with me, I was gonna be pretty pissed off. Why couldn’t these supernatural types just call you up instead of messing around with vague messages and threats?

  I rose from the couch and felt Celeste’s eyes following my movements as I stretched. I smiled as I looked down at her, turning so my naked body faced her straight-on with my hands resting on my hips.

  “Like what you see, honey? I could do a little dance for you if you’re into that sort of thing.”

  Celeste sighed and slid onto the couch. “Hate to tell you this, lover, but you’re not as hot as you think.”

  “Keep telling yourself that.” I walked from the living room towards the bathroom.

  “Where are you going?” she called after me.

  “I’m gonna have a shower and then I’ll pay Asmodeus a visit.”

  “Okay, I’ll get dressed.”

  I stopped and turned, blocking the hallway leading to the bedroom so she couldn’t get past. “What do you mean?”

  Celeste’s eyes went from side to side. “Umm, I mean I’m not going to visit an archdemon with nothing but a bathrobe.”

  “No, you’re not going to visit an archdemon at all. You’re not coming.”

  She cocked her head to the side and gave me a and who’s gonna stop me? expression. “You really wanna go down that route with me, Luther? I’m stronger after I feed. I could just kick you in the balls, throw you in your trunk, and drive over to Asmodeus’ myself.”

  I turned from her and walked inside the bathroom, closing the door behind me. Her laughter followed me until the sound of the shower was able to drown it out.

  She was right, of course. Celeste was no slouch herself, and last thing I wanted to do was invite her rage. And anyway, maybe she could come in handy with Asmodeus. Who knew what kind of back-up I’d need going into that particular lion’s den?


  The best way to describe the hierarchy of Hell is to think of it as a bunch of different crime lords each ruling over their own territory. The different Hell Lords all have absolute control over their little slice of the underworld. Some of those territories were just what you’d expect—scenes right out of Hellraiser. But not all of them were like that.

  I’ve never been to Hell myself, so I can’t really say what they’re all like. I do know some of the Hell Lords, though. They’re archdemons—fallen angels one and all, who joined Lucifer’s rebellion against Heaven. Together, these Hell Lords make up what’s called the Infernal Court. It’s where disputes between the different lords are resolved, and also where they discuss threats to all of Hell.

  Asmodeus sits on the Court. Not many archdemons like to venture up to Earth—they despise mankind, see us as nothing more than abominations. But Asmodeus has his own little embassy in Chicago
, located off Rush Street. The heart of Chicago’s nightclub scene. Usually things didn’t kick up until after ten down here. But this particular club opened up as soon as the sun set, which was why we were here now.

  I pulled the Camaro up to the front entrance. A line of people stretched down the street, blocked off by a red, velvet rope. The valet opened the passenger door for Celeste and she stepped out, dressed in red leather pants and black, high-heel boots, with a sleeveless black top showing ample cleavage. She gave the valet a seductive smile and a thank-you, while I had to let myself out of the car on my own.

  The valet was still staring at Celeste as she sauntered up to the bouncer and made conversation with him. Took a few snaps of my fingers before the valet was able to pry his eyes away from Celeste’s ass and look over at me. I dangled the keys from my hand.

  “You mind, Sparky?” I asked. “Would kind of like to go inside sometime this year.”

  I tossed him the keys and the valet scrambled to catch them. They bounced in his hand, threatening to fall to the street, but he managed to finally control them. I rolled my eyes and walked past him, taking the ticket he held out.

  My eyes drifted up to read the sign over the club’s entrance—Lust. I scoffed. Angels and demons alike—neither were much for originality. I came up behind Celeste, who was busy speaking with the bouncer. But it seemed he was pretty immune to her charms.

  “Listen lady, doesn’t matter who you are, I can’t just let you in if you’re not on the list. You’ll have to go to the back of the line and wait, just like—”

  He stopped when he caught sight of me. His eyes changed, flashing bright yellow. When demons possessed people, they could hide that aspect. Cambions unfortunately didn’t have the same luxury, hence why my eyes were in a permanent state of crimson.

  “Cross,” he growled.

  “Let us in. We’d like a word with the big man,” I said, not flinching in the face of this demon’s anger.

  “You think I’m just gonna let you walk into that club, after what you’ve done to our kind?”

  The bouncer lunged at me. I was ready for it and I simply stepped to the side and he stumbled into the street. He spun right away, glaring at me, his eyes now burning with rage.

  “Oooh, a fight. Been spoiling for one of those…” Celeste moved forward, obviously intending to join in.

  I held my hand up to block her and gave her a quick glance, warning her to stay back and just let this play out.

  She pouted and stood back, crossing her arms over her chest. “You can be a real buzzkill sometimes.”

  Ignoring her, I looked at the bouncer. He had a grimace on his face as he walked towards me. Compared to most, I’m a pretty big guy. But this bouncer towered over even me. And I’d just pissed him off something fierce.

  I stretched out my arm, my palm facing him. “I’m not interested in any trouble. We just want to go inside. You do that, we’ll forget all about this.”

  “Think I’m gonna forget all the demons you’ve killed?” he asked.

  I sighed. “Suit yourself. Ignis.”

  The familiar surge of magic went through my body, no doubt illuminating my eyes. My palm grew hot and I felt the tickle of flames against my skin. It soon erupted into an inferno that surrounded my hand, one that I directed at the bouncer. The second the flames touched his black T-shirt, they quickly spread, engulfing him in the fire.

  The bouncer screamed and dropped to the street, rolling to try and put the flames out. Gasps of shock and horror came from those lined up behind the rope. When I chanced a look at them, I saw several running off in fear, deciding maybe tonight wasn’t the best night to go clubbing.

  I stepped over to the bouncer and drew a cigarette, holding it out over the open flames. After taking a few puffs to get it going, I held out my hand.


  The flames were snuffed out in an instant, the demon bouncer lying motionless in the road. The stench of charred skin, burnt hair, and smoldering fabric lingered in the street outside Lust.

  “We both know you’ll heal up sooner rather than later.” I paused to smoke. “So consider this a warning. The next time you get in my way, you won’t be so lucky.”

  I turned my back on him and stepped up to the curb, strolling up beside Celeste. She offered me a smile and I stuck out my elbow.

  “Shall we?” I asked.

  Celeste looped her arm around mine and we walked into the club together. The music was what you’d expect from a nightclub—loud, overbearing, and repetitive. If anyone inside had any idea about what had happened outside, they gave no sign. Lights flashed in the darkness and men and women grinded on the dance floor, their bodies moving with the music.

  We walked through the club, pushing past the people as I kept the cigarette between my lips. There were a few bars on this level, but I wasn’t interested in those. I wanted the upper levels.

  There were a total of six levels in this club. Each floor above the first was basically just a balcony looking down on the main dance floor. I took Celeste by the hand and we walked up the stairs, moving level by level until we came to the sixth.

  The music had grown somewhat softer up here, and as we exited the stairwell, I saw a closed-off section occupying the north wall. There were large, black windows, but I knew that though no one could see in, the man inside could easily see out. Two bodyguards stood at the door, just as big as the one outside.

  “He get a group discount on these bastards?” I asked Celeste.

  I was about to move towards them, but Celeste broke off from me and stood in my way. “Easy, lover. I think I can manage these.”

  I shrugged and gestured for her to help herself. Celeste smiled and turned, walking up to them. I continued smoking my cigarette and moved just a little bit closer, enough so I could hear what they were saying.

  “Just go tell the boss that Celeste is here to see him,” she said. “He and I have worked together in the past.”

  I wondered if that was true, but figured it was a story for another time. Celeste worked her magic on the two demons, flirting with them and saying the right things to get them to laugh, laying on the occasional touch.

  There was also the added bonus of a vampire’s hypnotic eyes. It wasn’t full-on hypnosis like you see in the movies—more like a way of influencing people. Harder to get it to work on demons, but it could nudge things in the right direction at least.

  It finally worked. Through the haze of the smoke exhaled from my mouth, I watched one of the guards step inside the room. What was said past that door, I couldn’t hear. Celeste continued to chat up the remaining guard while she waited, with mostly harmless flattery.

  The guard finally emerged and nodded. Celeste looked in my direction and beckoned me with a come-hither movement of her index finger. I dropped the cigarette on the floor and ground it beneath my heel, then followed her inside the room.

  The door closed behind us. The room was cast in a low, crimson light. A private bar stood in one corner and there were couches arranged in front of the windows, looking out over the dance floor. In here, it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Up against the wall were floor cushions. Sprawled out on them were three young women, all of them wearing scarcely any clothing. Their hands all fawned over the body of a man dressed in a charcoal suit with a dark-red silk shirt open at the collar. He had long, silver hair that reached just past his shoulders and his eyes were bright yellow. Resting against the wall was an ornate cane, topped with a crystal orb.

  “Celeste King, so good to see you again, my dear,” he said, with a smile that quickly vanished once he turned his gaze on me. “And Luther Cross. The half-breed.”

  “Asmodeus,” I said. “You mind asking the girls to leave? We’ve got some business to discuss.”

  “Why should I dismiss them?” He sighed in pleasure as they continued moving their hands over his body. “I do so enjoy their touch.”

  “Please, Asmodeus. Just for a few moments,” said Celes

  He relented after she asked—probably just as a dig at me, but I didn’t really care. Asmodeus snapped his fingers and the girls rose from the cushions without a word, filing out the door one at a time. Asmodeus rose to his feet and took hold of the cane from the wall, walking with it over to the chairs and couches in front of the window. He took his seat in a large chair while Celeste and I joined each other on the couch.

  “Please make this fast. I’m a busy man and I have a lot to do.”

  “It’s about Kayla and Alex, those two demons you sent after me,” I said.

  Asmodeus chuckled. “And that’s what’s got your panties in a bunch? Come on, Cross. You’re a cambion—technically, you shouldn’t even exist. Yet here you are, allowed into Eden of all places and granted a private audience with my brother. Surely you understand why that would make a fellow such as me curious.”

  “It’s not the first time I’ve been to Eden, nor is it the first I’ve had a chat with Raziel. No, there’s something else going on. More than that, if you just wanted to spy on me, you would’ve done so. You wanted me to know it was you who sent them after me, didn’t you?”

  “That’s one theory,” he said.

  “At first, I thought you might have something to do with the case I’m working.”

  “Why the past-tense?” asked Asmodeus.

  “Because now I’ve got reason to believe otherwise.”

  “A full-frontal assault on Luther by two feeders,” said Celeste. “You’d have to be an idiot to think that would work on a cambion, especially one as strong as this guy. And you’re many things, Asmodeus, but idiot sure isn’t one of them.”

  Asmodeus smiled and held up a chiding finger. “Easy, my dear. Flattery will get you everywhere. And why do you think it was me who sent these demons after Cross? Ever consider they were lying? Demons tend to do that.”

  “Sure they do, but I’ve got a pretty good bullshit detector.” I reached into my jacket and procured my cigarette case. Asmodeus watched as I took one out and lit it.

  “I’m sure you’re aware that Chicago has ordinance restricting smoking inside public places.”


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