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All Worlds: Fantasy And Science Fiction Series Starters

Page 8

by Vangjel Canga

“I’m not drunk,” Sinew insisted, swaying on the bench and stared at his throbbing knuckles. “Phraggs! That hurt!”

  Fracas threw up his hands and uttered, “Fine!” He stomped to the exit, paused, and looked back to see if his two friends were watching. They weren’t so he stepped outside. He would show them. Fracas cleared his throat and shouted, “High Guards! To arms!”

  Parry stood, dumping the barmaid to the floor, drew his sword, searched the tavern, and asked, “Where’s my blade needed?”

  Sinew barely got to his feet and slurred, “I have your back.” He twisted his thin black mustache, reached for his weapon, and fell drunk to the floor.

  “Get up!” Parry shouted. “Our enemy is upon us!” He nudged the smaller man with his foot as he yelled, “Get up!”

  Sinew moaned, rolled over, and started snoring.

  Fracas walked back into the tavern, laughing and said, “You’re the elite of the High Guards? It’s a wonder the Fletching Kingdom hasn’t fallen.”

  Parry’s eyes flashed with rage as he exclaimed, “What the Crell?!” He charged the bowman ready to strike and shouted, “Why you dirty Borough Rat!”

  “Now old friend...” Fracas started and then fled, running around the tavern with an ox of a man pursuing him. “I was trying to prove my point.”

  Parry finally cornered him and then asked, “Do you think this was funny?”

  Fracas took a moment, considering his answer and replied, “Yes.”

  Parry raised his sword as a grin appeared on his face and then he said, “You’re right.” He lowered the rapier and told him, “Come my friend, let’s get Sinew and return to the Breakneck. There shall be time for women another sun’s cycle.”

  * * *

  At the docks, Parry dunked Sinew’s head into a rain barrel several times.

  “Enough!” Sinew yelled as he freed himself from the blond man’s grip as water dripped from him. “I’m sober.”

  “Perhaps. Stand on one foot and touch your nose.”

  Sinew tried but couldn’t and then he questioned, “What does that prove? I couldn’t do that even when I was sober.”

  Parry laughed and then he said, “I wanted to see if you would try.”

  Sinew punched his arm as he grumbled, “Blond Ox, why don’t you pick on someone your own size?”

  He laughed some more and then he replied, “If I did that, I’d have no one to pick on.”

  Fracas bought a Jewel Apple from a peddler, bit into the amber fruit, and stated, “Look the prince has returned.” He continued up the docks, boarding the ship.

  Parry and Sinew bought Sun Oranges from the peddler.

  “What do you think is going on?” Sinew asked as he motioned to the Breakneck with his orange. “The discussion seems heated.”

  Parry shaded his eyes from the high sun and then answered, “Perhaps something has happened.” He finished peeling his fruit, took a bite of the juicy yellow flesh, and then said, “Look... Ardor and Pluck have drawn their weapons. Could Pluck have challenged his position?”

  Sinew squinted and twisted his mustache as he spoke, “Perhaps... But then the prince would not step in.” He finished his orange and started peeling another. “Now Pluck is heading below. That was most odd.”

  “Is Pluck on duty tonight?” Parry asked with a hint of mischief in his blue eyes.

  “No. Why?” Sinew questioned and then he recognized the look on his friend’s face. “What trouble are you planning?”

  An expression of devilment appeared on the large man’s face as he replied, “We have yet to initiate this High Guard from the North. Tonight we shall use the Night Prowlers Raid.”

  * * *

  Parry, Sinew, and Fracas snuck below deck. Parry carried a large potato sack meant to throw over Pluck.

  “This is Han’s cabin,” Parry whispered.

  “Are you sure Han and Ardor aren’t within?” Fracas asked as he scanned the corridor and stroked his pointed red beard.

  “Yes, we don’t want to be caught,” Sinew spoke up.

  “I am sure,” Parry answered. “Do you two know what you must do?”

  “I watch the hall,” Fracas said, turned, and leaned against the wall.

  “I grab Pluck’s legs after you throw the sack over him,” Sinew spoke as he put his hand to Parry’s back ready to rush in.

  Bulwark walked by, and they froze till he went up on deck. The older High Guard mumbled, “Up to no good again?”

  They didn’t answer, holding their breaths as if it would make them invisible. The door shut behind Bulwark, and they exhaled.

  “Where were we?” Fracas asked, checking to make sure no one else approached.

  “Ready to rush in, so go Parry,” Sinew said as he ribbed him.

  “Hey watch it little man,” Parry threatened with a whisper. “Now once we have Pluck, we shall sneak him up on deck and tie him to a mast.”

  “And if he doesn’t go quietly?” Fracas asked.

  Parry made a fist and answered, “A little knock to the head shouldn’t hurt him.”

  They rushed into Han’s room.

  A few mites earlier...

  Pluck slept in the upper bunk till she heard three men talking in the hall. They whispered, but with her keen senses she heard their conversation.

  “They want to snatch me, huh?” Pluck muttered to herself as she grabbed her cloak, threw it on, and quietly climbed down to the floor. The cabin was pitch dark, but that didn’t hinder her sight. Pluck found her boots and gloves and searched the locker at the foot of the bunk. What kind of game were they playing? She found rope underneath the bunks. Maybe one she could turn on them. Pluck scurried into the rafters ready to pounce as her tail twitched with excitement underneath her cloak.

  Parry crept in along with Sinew who held a lantern. He motioned for the smaller man to go to the end of the upper bunk. On his signal, both men grabbed for Pluck, but she wasn’t there.

  “Where is he?” Sinew asked, searching the cabin with his light.

  “I am here,” Pluck answered.

  Sinew lifted the lantern as she leaped upon them. Both men screamed.

  The next morning...

  Bulwark walked up on deck, starting his rounds when something caught his eye. Fracas, Sinew, and Parry were gagged and tied to a mast. He walked to them and stated, “I see the Initiation did not go to your liking.”

  The three men yelled at him through their gags.

  “I am sorry, but I don’t understand you,” he told them then looked around. “As much as I would like to stay and chat, I have rounds to walk.” The three men yelled after him as Bulwark left and he told them, “You should be thankful Pluck didn’t strip you naked and hang you upside down.” He added, “I would have.”

  Chapter Six


  Breakneck left the Port of Pass, setting sail for the Morgog Kingdom. Everyone was uneasy with magic on the wind, and no one dared mention Necroms or the dark arts. It was well into the third sun’s cycle as the ships pushed along at a good speed. Pluck followed the prince to his cabin, noticed Bulwark posted outside, and wondered why the old High Guard was guarding the prince’s room. Edward went into his cabin, and Pluck stopped in the hall. A yellow glow caught her eye, and she noticed it wasn’t from lamps for none lit the room. In the middle of the cabin hung a glass domed case, and within it the Mystic Rose hovered as white sparkles swirled around it. It was the Rose. Two feelings wrestled with her heart. One was of hope that her curse would be ended, and the other was of dread that she would remain in her enchanted form.

  The magic bloom called to her; Pluck stepped into the prince’s room and hesitated, remembering her place. Bulwark glanced at her, wondering what the Northern High Guard was doing.

  Edward noticed the High Guard's curiosity and told Pluck, “It is fine. Come in and see. Close the door behind you,” Edward ordered as he flopped on his bed, unbuckled his sword frog, and let the bel
t and scabbard drop to the floor. Weariness covered his face as he loosened his gold silk sash.

  Pluck drawn by the Rose walked to the glass dome. The container swayed with the motion of the ship, but the movement of the case didn’t affect the Rose’s levitation. The Rose stayed suspended in its housing as sparkles spiraled around the Rose. Her heart pounded like an infantry drum the closer she drew. All the emotions concerning her curse and the redemption she desired, overwhelmed Pluck and watered her eyes.

  The Rose’s yellow petals transformed to blue, casting an azure glow, and the prince noticed the flower's hue change. He said, “I do not know why the Mystic Rose alters colors.” Edward stared at the Rose as he continued, “I had it brought here from the ship’s hold. It was under guard there. I thought it might be safer hidden but...” He sighed again and added, “I have grown so accustomed to its presence, I cannot sleep unless the Rose is in the room. I think it has bewitched me.”

  The power tugging her toward the Rose grew stronger, enchanting her. She raised her gloved hand toward the case as if to clasp the flower. Her tattooed finger throbbed as the Rose pulsed with magical energy. This rhythmic vim hit the glass domed case, shaking it with charged electrical force. She turned her back to the prince and removed her glove, seeing her tattoo. The four black rings on her bare finger glowed silver as the Rose’s blue petals transformed to platinum, increasing its throbbing tempo. A surge of energy shot from the Rose like a ball of lightning. The power cracked the glass and shattered it, releasing the energy into the room and filled the cabin with crackling electricity. Pluck covered her eyes as glass flew and stepped back, frightened by the surge. The more she retreated the less the Rose pulsed and soon the electrical ball faded, returning the cabin to a dark room cast in an azure glow. Pluck looked to the silver rings, remembering the last thing Fairah told her.

  “These marks on ye’s finger, they are more than tattoos. They are ye’s connection to the Mystic Rose. It chose ye, remember that.”

  Edward sat up as the container shattered and exclaimed, “By Fletching!” He neared the Rose and turned to Pluck as his brow wrinkled with bewilderment as he questioned, “What did you do?”

  The glass that had scattered about the room, glowed and lifted and gathered around the Rose. Each shard found its place, piecing together the dome till it reformed. A bright light shot from the container, and the glow faded. The glass magically became whole again as if it had never been broken.

  Edward couldn’t believe his eyes as he looked back to Pluck. He saw the furry top of her hand and the glowing markings on her bare finger as they returned to black. He grabbed her hand and his touch startled her, so she pulled away.

  “That tattoo...” he started as he pointed at her finger. “I remember those markings.” Terrible memories flooded his mind as he grabbed his head and said, “I was a boy... I went into this Temple and found the Mystic Rose. I was not alone. A girl was with me and her name...” His blue eyes widened with realization as he uttered, “Her name was Pluck!” He stepped back, accusing, “You are a woman!”

  She raised her hand, trying to quiet him as she spoke softly, “Please my lord, lower your voice.”

  “But how can you be a High Guard?” Edward yelled as he shook his head. “Women are not allowed!”

  “My prince, is everything all right?” Bulwark asked from the corridor.

  “Yes! You are not needed!” Edward yelled and then he scolded Pluck, “Women cannot possess weapons. It is forbidden. You shall go in front of the Inquiry.” He paced the room and said, “I do not understand how Han could have allowed such a thing.” A new memory interrupted his thoughts, so he glanced at her furry hand and spoke, “Something else happened that sun’s cycle in the Temple.” He noticed her fingers had no nails and grabbed her hand, examining her thumb; it and her other fingers had a slit down the middle like a cat. “A memory I had forgotten.” He pushed the flap of skin aside, finding a claw then appalled by his findings, he released her and uttered, “Something horrible. A witch... She cast a spell intended for me but...” He couldn’t finish the sentence.

  The more he berated her, the more Pluck grew angry and she finally yelled at him, “You’re still an ungrateful spoiled brat!” She tapped her chest as she said, “I pushed you out of the way. I protected you!”

  He fell silent. Never had anyone yelled at him in such a way especially a woman and in a calmer tone, he said, “Yes, I remember.” The incident he had buried long ago surfaced and he spoke, “You saved me by taking my place.” His face softened as he added, “You were turned into a hideous monster.”

  Pluck said nothing; she needed no reminder.

  His shame turned to anger as he shouted, “You are not deformed! You are cursed!” It didn’t matter to him that she took his place. He was the prince and she was a peasant. “That is why you cannot show your face.”

  Pluck nodded. He knew her secret, but what would he do with it?

  He had to see, so Edward commanded, “Show me your face.”

  She hesitated, fearing how he would react once he saw her again.

  “Shall I order Bulwark in here to do it for you?”

  He was nothing like she remembered; Edward was cruel.

  “There’s no need my lord,” Pluck told him as her fear turned to terror and then she pulled back her hood.

  Edward gasped, “By Fletching! You are a beast! A Necrom!” Another fact frightened him. The prince had seen this creature with short beige fur before, so he pointed his finger and accused her, “Fass! You are the hideous monster from my dream. You... you are the one slaughtering the men.” Terror paled his face as he shouted, “You are the reaper of my nightmares!” He stumbled back to his bed and exclaimed, “You have come to take me!”

  Pluck just stood there; she didn’t know what to say or do. The moment hadn’t gone like she envisioned. Edward wasn’t grateful for her sacrifice. Her fears came true; he rejected her. How could she ever ask him for the Kiss? Pluck pulled her hood up to cover her shame and wondered where she could hide. She didn’t know; she just had to get out of his presence.

  She said, “My lord, I will await my arrest at the bow.” She left, trying not to run as she bit her lip to fight back tears.

  Edward didn’t know how to react as he rushed into the hall and then watched her leave. What he had seen in the cabin wasn't a vicious monster but a creature wounded by his words.

  “Is there a problem, my lord?” Bulwark asked as Melee arrived.

  Edward didn’t answer him only stated, “I need to speak with Han.”

  * * *

  “I still do not understand why you trained her to become a High Guard!” Edward yelled as he paced Han’s cabin. “Fass! Do you know the fine even for a man of your status?”

  “Yes I do,” Han replied as he picked up a small wooden chest, placed it on his bed, and opened the box. “Fifty pieces of gold. It took me ten seasons to collect these wages.”

  Edward looked to the payment then to Han as he exclaimed, “You knew all along she would be caught?”

  “Pluck being a woman isn’t what we were hiding,” Han told him as he searched the prince’s face. “What should I have done? Abandon her at the Temple? Never. Do you realize the curse she has endured for protecting you?” Han considered his words and then said, “You see, I thought the others would accept her as a High Guard even after finding out she is a beast. What other position could she have in this world as a Necrom?”

  Edward’s face flushed with anger as he questioned, “Why did you never tell me?”

  “You had forgotten her and the witch,” Han explained as he walked to a small cabinet and poured them a mug of wine. “I thought it best not to bring them up till you were ready.”

  Aggravated by the whole thing, Edward raked his hand through his shoulder length raven-black hair and then asked, “Now what would you have me do?”

  “You are the pri
nce and soon to be Emperor... What can you not do?”

  Edward took the mug and downed the wine.

  “I do not mean for you to feel guilty, but she’s the way she is because of you,” Han spoke as he offered the prince more. “You at least owe Pluck her life and the freedom to live it.”

  Edward lifted his mug, and the High Guard poured him more. Edward said, “Perhaps, but I still feel she wants something from me.” He shivered before he continued, “There is something about the way she looks at me.”

  Han nodded, took another drink, and stated, “She does. There’s a way to end her curse, but she hasn’t told me. All I know is that it involves you. She wants to end her misery.” He set down the mug and asked, “What have you decided, my lord?”

  Edward drank half of his bitter wine and replied, “She may remain free, but I do not want her as my personal guard.”

  Han knew that would resolve nothing, so he told him, “It might be best that she does remain. Her abilities are exceptional, she does possess the Lux and with an unknown enemy after you, she should remain by your side.”

  “Phraggs!” Edward uttered and reluctantly answered, “Fine!”

  “What shall you tell the men, my lord?”

  Edward answered, “Nothing for now. Pluck may keep her secret till she feels she can reveal it.”

  Chapter Seven

  The Forth Sun’s Cycle at Sea

  Nearly a zoc away from Breakneck and Waterswift, a storm approached and darkened the sky. Lightning streaked across the horizon like the silent claws of a Desert Eagle. The bolts lit up the distant sea as Pluck stood at the bow, watching the flashes. She stared at her bare fingers for a while before slipping on her glove as she wondered what they would do to her. The wind pushed her hood off, sweeping through her fiery-crimson mane as waves crashed against the bow, spraying mist. She shivered in the cool salty air as she muttered, “I could throw myself into the sea and save everyone the trouble. No.... I’m not one to give up. If they want me...” She grabbed the strap that held the Lux’s scabbard to her back and declared, “They’ll have to take me.” Her cat ears twitched back as she heard them come and she prepared herself for a fight.

  The prince approached with Melee, so she pulled her hood on as her heart sank. Pluck reached for her hilt and saw Han behind them and knew with him there they wouldn't kill her, so she lowered her hand. The worse they would do was throw her in the brig.


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