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All Worlds: Fantasy And Science Fiction Series Starters

Page 15

by Vangjel Canga

  “Do not give up,” Flaxen pleaded for her princess.

  Pluck turned to Edward and saw his eyes were filled with concern, but it wasn’t for her. It hurt Pluck to see his regard was only for his wife; it hurt her worse than the pain stabbing at her body. She was ready to give up and yield when she heard a voice.


  She turned and saw two High Guards carry Han out on his cot. Her self-pity melted away as she saw the man she considered her father come out to her. The two High Guards gently set him down as Han urged her, “Pluck... Fight... You cannot give up.”

  Her self-pity turned to love intermixed with bitter sorrow. Tears streamed down her face as she cried for her pain and the pain that Han endured to come out to her. She knew he loved her and that love gave her strength to stand. Pluck rose unsteadily to her feet as she yelled, “I will not yield! Never!”

  “Can you go on?” Tusk asked Gar as he looked at his injured foot.

  “Yes, just remind me what I’m fighting for.”

  “Look,” Tusk told him as he motioned to the princess. “You're fighting for that fair one. She’ll be our cook and clean for us. No more eating raw or boiled eggs for surely she knows many recipes.”

  Gar licked his lips as he said, “Let me see if I can stand on my own. I can.” Tusk handed him a new club, but he refused it as Gar reminded him, “No, only what we bring to the match.” He hobbled toward the Beast Woman as he mopped sweat from his massive hairy forearms and hunched back with his hand. He flexed his muscles and made fists as he warned her, “These are like hammers. I may not have a club, but I can still kill you.”

  Pluck didn’t reply as she wiped the blood from her mouth. She stared at the Dreadgon with her emerald feline eyes and bolted for him. Gar didn’t expect such speed. He swung his fist and the other and missed her as Pluck climbed up his leg and around on his back. She grabbed his ear and placed her sword under his chin. The blade cut into his thick gray skin and green blood trickled down.

  “Do you yield?” she asked, affirming her hold on him.

  “Crell!” Gar shouted and then he answered, “Yes. You have won. We’ll leave.”

  She released him and slid to the ground and nearly collapsed to her feet. She took a few moments to rest, and Pluck felt a little stronger and wasn't as wobbly on her legs.

  Gar hobbled off with Tusk’s assistance and the other Dreadgons followed.

  Tusk told Gar, “This means we’ll have no cook.”

  “Yes, I know,” Gar answered.

  “This means we’ll only have boiled eggs.”

  “Actually,” Gar corrected him. “We’ll have nothing. You’ve forgotten these creatures ate our eggs.”

  Virago rushed to Edward and questioned him, “Is it over?”

  He embraced her as he told her, “Yes, my love. You are safe.”

  Once the Dreadgons vanished into the jungle, Avarice looked to Lord Caliber and stormed into the circle as if on cue and began his performance. He inquired, “What is the meaning of this? Has a Beast walked among us this whole time?”

  “It is a Necrom,” Lord Caliber declared, pointing his wolf-head staff accusingly. “We all know the story of the Second Age of Magic and how the Necroms nearly destroyed Man. Our forefathers told us if the Necroms ever found our new home they must be destroyed or they would destroy us.”

  Many from both sides murmured, agreeing with Avarice and Lord Caliber.

  Pluck said nothing in her defense as she looked to Edward and saw his face hardened with contemplation. She feared he would leave her to the wolves of mistrust and hatred, and Pluck feared he would betray her. A voice rose above the others when it seemed no one would come to her aid.

  “Would you murder our hero?” Han asked. “Would you slay the one who saved our princess from untold horrors?”

  The men grew silent as they all considered the Fletching Commander's words.

  “Pluck is not a Necrom. She is like us only cursed,” Han informed them and then he coughed up more blood in his hand. He wouldn't let that stop him and he ordered, “All of you back to your work. There is still much to do.”

  The Fletching people moved off as Avarice nodded and the Morgogs departed. Edward and Virago left the circle, making their way to his tent. Flaxen followed them and Melee paused from following his prince as Pluck walked to the Fletching Commander.

  Han praised her as he said, “Well done. Come, let someone tend to your wounds.”

  No one volunteered so Melee stepped forward and said, “I will tend to Pluck if someone will man my station.”

  Han nodded and ordered a High Guard to take Melee's place.

  Lord Caliber and Avarice moved toward their tent and he drew close and whispered to Avarice, “I saw her fingers. Pluck bares the marks of the Mystic Rose.”

  Avarice stated, “Then that part of our mission is completed.” He stopped, studied the crowd, and added, “Soon we begin the next phase and after Han is dead, I see no one who shall hinder us.” He headed into his tent along with Lord Caliber.

  Back near the grassy area, Quip climbed down from the rocks as he muttered to himself, “Me not like people’s stares and since Pluck not wear cloak, people hate.” He scampered over into an empty hole he’d made his nest and grabbed his sack. “Me think time me left. Bad mood here.” He scurried into the jungle as he muttered, “No good come.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  The Kiss

  Han called many into his tent for his final hour. Pluck stayed to the back as Melee cleaned and applied ointment to her cuts and scrapes. The Lux which had proven itself an invaluable weapon leaned on a crate beside her. The High Guards stayed clear of her and only Ardor and Fracas glanced at her. Ardor with a hate filled stare, and Fracas with a bewildered look. The Second turned from her disgusted and knelt by his commander.

  Han tried to clear his dry throat, one of his men gave him water, and he began, “I have asked all of you here to bear witness.” All color had gone from his face, and his voice was weak as he continued, “My time’s short so I must appoint another to take my place.” He struggled to breathe but pressed on. “One worthy of your leadership.” He searched the faces of those standing around him and then ordered, “Pluck come forward.”

  What? Ardor glanced at the Beast Woman. Han couldn't; he couldn't place it in charge!

  Pluck knelt by Han’s side next to his Second, sensing Ardor’s glare. The sand was dry and cool beneath her, but not cold enough to quench the hate bearing down on her. Pluck scratched her cat ear. She couldn’t see herself taking command; it would be too much.

  “Pluck,” Han started, placing his hand to her shoulder. “I place you second in command to Ardor who shall lead my men. This is my wish and one I beg all of you to honor.”

  No one dared grumble their disdain.

  Pluck sighed, relieved for she couldn’t endure anymore pressure. She looked into Han’s face as life slipped from his shaky grasp. Pluck turned her gaze to the floor. He couldn't leave her, not alone and not at this time when so many hate her. It was too much for her to bear.

  Ardor noticed the Beast's relief but that didn’t change his opinion of it.

  Han continued, “My Second.” He waited for Ardor to look at him and in great pain, Han continued, “There is no one else I would have take charge of my High Guards. I know you shall be a great leader.” He gasped for air, struggling to finish. “Heed Pluck’s advice as I heeded yours. This is my wish that you put aside superstition and hatred and judge the actions and the heart of this woman before you.” Han raised his voice and told them, “This is my wish for all the High Guards.”

  Ardor yelled at him, “You can’t; you cannot appoint this beast as my Second!”

  Han didn’t answer for a long time. Why couldn’t Ardor get past the bigotry of his fathers? Han told him, “I can and I have. There are witnesses, and the Creator has heard my voice.” He closed his eye
s and opened them face full of anguish. “These are my wishes. Abide by them.”

  Han stared at Ardor and Pluck. They were now the hope of Fletching. He let out a great sigh and his chest rose no more.

  “No! Change your wishes. Make another my Second,” Ardor shouted as he shook Han, but his commander didn’t move as his eyes glazed over. “NO!” Ardor yelled. “Don’t die! Don’t leave things like this.”

  Pluck lifted her head as tears streamed down her furry face. She couldn’t believe he’d passed on. Han lived life to its fullest now he was an empty shell. “Good bye my friend... my father,” she whispered as her lip quivered and then she wiped her eyes.

  A great rift formed long ago between her and the world; it was one Han had bridged, but with him gone... Who would keep her connected to humanity? She looked to Ardor as he wept on the commander’s chest. Pluck knew it didn't matter what she said to him. Ardor would always hate her. Why did Han put her in second command? Why did he leave her alone to face the people's hatred? She kissed her mentor’s hand, stood, and walked out of the tent as the High Guards paid their respects.

  Everything around her felt unreal like none of it was happening. The background blurred in her mind as did the glares of the men. She looked at her fur covered hands. Pluck was tired of her beast form, and it was time Edward honored his pledge and gave her the Kiss. She glanced at Han’s tent as she couldn't stand knowing animosity surrounded her and no place was safe. Pluck grabbed her tail, stroking it. The only one who loved her as she was was dead, and she feared she would die too if she didn't return to normal.

  Pluck walked up to Edward’s tent and two men stood guard without. One was a High Guard and the other a Morgog. She passed them and went into the tent, finding no one within the first section. Many emotions swirled around in her as she made her way to where Edward would be. He would give her the Kiss and release her from this accursed form and once that happened, there would be no more stares and no more glares of hatred. She would be a woman and everyone would accept her and one day someone would love her. Pluck went into the next section and as she stepped through the next tent flap she started, “Edward, I...”

  She gasped as an horribly unfathomable sight knocked her back as if a dozen arrows struck her chest. In the third section and on the prince’s bed, Edward and Virago passionately kissed in the thralls of love making. The jolt to Pluck's psyche knocked her back, and she couldn’t utter a word. Edward had... her redemption... It couldn't be! The one thing Edward promised to her twice now and what would have freed her from her curse he gave carelessly to his wife as if Pluck meant nothing to him. It felt as though Edward thrust a sword through her heart and twisted it further in with each new embrace of his wife's lips. Virago had stolen her one and only hope, and Pluck would remain the Beast forever. She felt sick to the point of dying, and Pluck wanted to shriek at them.

  Edward finally noticed her once he surfaced from his wife's warm and seductive embrace and he uttered, “Pluck!” He sat up, realizing what he had done and stammered, “I... I...”

  Pluck stood there as if chains bound her to that hellacious place and that horrid moment. Her life was over; there was nothing that would save her from her accursed fate. Why did Edward do it? Why did he give her redemption to another? She had to act. Pluck had to do something because of the injustice inflicted upon her. What should she do? What should she do to them?!

  The End-Click here for Beauty of the Beast #1 Part B-

  A Vow Of Love And The Challenge

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  Autographed Ebook Covers Now available

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  Click here for more stories from Kristie Lynn Higgins

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  Shades of Gray- science fiction mystery thriller series

  AaBack's Grimm: Dark Fantasy Fairy Tale- fantasy series

  AabiLynn's Dragon Rite Series- fantasy series

  Ayann #1 A Fantasy Action Adventure- fantasy series

  Beauty of the Beast #1 the Mystic Rose- fantasy series



  Autographed Ebook Covers Now available

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  Shades Of Gray #1

  Noir, City Shrouded By Darkness

  Kristie Lynn Higgins

  SHADES OF GRAY: Noir, City Shrouded By Darkness

  Text Copyright © 2006, 2016 by Kristie Lynn Higgins

  Cover Art Copyright © 2014

  Beta-B Phase Ebook

  2014 Cover Edition

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

  Rise above the expectations of others.

  Soar on wings of dragons.

  AabiLynn's Dragon Rite #0

  Click below to Try It Out

  Marked since birth

  Shy must find her way in a

  world of dragons and sorcery.

  Shunned: Dragon's Cord #1

  Click here to TRY It Out

  Beauty and the Beast with a delightful twist.

  What if the woman was the one turned?

  Beauty of the Beast #1

  Click below to Try It Out

  The Fairy Tales You Know With A Wicked Twist.

  The Beast in Beauty and the Beast

  was never cursed in this way.

  Click below to Try It Out

  What would you sacrifice to save your friends?

  Can loyalty and love defeat darkness?

  Ayann- A Fantasy Action Adventure

  Click below to Try It Out


  This series uses a mixture of omniscient past tense and first person present tense to tell the story of Shades of Gray. I have used bold to separate the first person from the omniscient. Enjoy the series.

  If multiple Earths exist, what would their worlds look like? What kind of people would they be? Societies? Religions?

  Would they make the same mistakes as us?

  Translated from the Assembled Works

  Ginn L. Irynkissgthie 525 B.D.C. (Before Dry Clouds)


  On a parallel Earth, thick puffy barriercumulus also known as Dry Clouds covered the sky, and they prevented the glimmer of twilight from shining on the city of Noir. For three decades, the polluted high-troposphere looming clouds covered half the planet and left part of the world to live in endless night. The mile-thick clouds yielded petroleum based contaminated water dubbed Tainted Rain and polluted the air, and so they were named Dry Clouds for leaving half the planet without drinkable water. At first, scientists believed pollution caused the great cloud barrier, but that theory proved to be false. What caused the Dry Clouds to form baffled scientists and how to reverse them eluded reason, and only technology's constant battle with nature has kept the dark city alive.

  Man's need for conquest expanded Noir to cover more than half a continent of what would have been called North America, and Noir became a Mega-city; it was the only one in the world. Over the last twenty years Transgenics and bio-mechas evolved at a breakneck pace. Transgenics were genetically modified organisms with an extra-genome and were mostly plants produced to survive without the sun. Bio-mechas were robots resembling living things.

  On this world, corporations not governments ruled the people, creating a society where profit set policy and dictated life. Those who resided in Noir were touched by darkness, a
nd the light of goodness seemed a forgotten memory; they... they lived in the gray —Shades of Gray.

  Chapter One

  The Pandora Project

  Isaiah 5:30b

  If one looks to the land, behold, darkness and sorrow, even the light will be darkened by the clouds.

  The year 31 A.D.C. (After Dry Clouds)...

  October 22...


  4:44 A.M...

  In a secret location known as the Sanctum that housed the main facility of the department known as the Council...

  A few hours ago, unknown forces had breached a few of the Council's other facilities, and the Sanctum had also been breached but from within by a Mole, so everyone was still on high alert. The Chamber was the brains of the Sanctum, and the three members of the Council sat within the Chamber, receiving intel and updates from analysts.

  Fifty flat screen monitors covered three of the walls and lit up the dark inner room of the Chamber as data filled the screens in scrolling masses. Two dozen analysts scrutinized the influx of information coming across the monitors as they typed at their workstations. The men and women toiled, compiling a range of intelligence from several projects and experiments while they also dealt with the breaches.

  "All right people, let's stay focused," a male supervisor shouted.

  The male supervisor walked up and down the line of workstations as the hum of equipment and the chatter of the workers filled the area. The supervisor received updated reports from the analysts and kept his employers, the Council, current on the projects and experiments along with updates to the three breaches. A female supervisor came in to fill in for Supervisor Annette who had been found out to be the Mole. Unknown to the Council, Supervisor Annette had been a Mole within the Sanctum for years, and with the help from some outside force, she had awakened a project known as Pandora, who had been kept at the Sanctum in stasis.

  The male supervisor added, "We need to stay on our toes! We don't know if there are anymore Moles within our ranks or what they might do next!"


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