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All Worlds: Fantasy And Science Fiction Series Starters

Page 26

by Vangjel Canga

  "I guess this was another dead end," I tell Kimberly as I push back my chair. "I guess my search continues. I'm sorry I bothered you. I'll show myself out."

  "Are you so naive?" Kimberly stands and reaches into her purse. "Idiot! Do you know what I do for a living?"

  "You're Kimberly Griffin." I glance at the business cards on the table. "You're the Phoenix." I pause as the horrible realization sinks in. "You're a Life Closer." I stare at the splattered blood on one of the cards. "You kill people." Appalled by my own naivety and Kimberly's apparent ruthlessness, I turn my gaze to her. "You kill people for money."

  "Idiot! And to think I was worried I let you slip by at Topa's estate." Kimberly removes her gun and screws on its silencer. "You do understand I can't let you live." She shakes her head in a tisk-tisk manner. "You've seen my face, know my alias, and even been in my apartment." Her expression shows outrage and disbelief. "I don't think I've ever met someone so stupid!" Kimberly takes a moment to regain her cold detached demeanor. "You were searching for me, hoping to find answers, but–" With indifference and a just business attitude, she raises the gun and aims it at me as she says, "–all you've found is your death."

  Chapter Fourteen

  A Forgotten Melody

  8:32 A.M...

  Katharine's view...

  I look down the barrel of Kimberly's gun, wondering how I could be so wrong. It's not the first time I've stared at death, but it's unexpected, and in confusion, I turn to the table and gaze at the three items that led me to this point. I have been foolish, and I fist my hands. I believed the items were clues, and if I followed them, I would find answers not my end. I close my eyes in frustration. I have been stupid feeling so safe here.

  Kimberly's view...

  I prepare to kill this strange woman. Her death will be like countless other Closings I've performed in the past except this one will involve more paperwork, and it'll be the first one I have executed inside my apartment. I notice she doesn't panic and doesn't plead for her life like most Marks do. That woman only stares at the gun and then she closes her eyes as if she deserves her death. A little surprised by her actions, I ask, "Are you sure you didn't hit your head? Do you understand you're going to die?"

  Katharine's view...

  I open my eyes and rub my forehead, remembering the wound I had when I first awoke in Etna Toys. The urgency of the situation finally sinks in, and my attitude changes as I repeat Kimberly's words, "You can't let me live?"

  I feel my demeanor transform from a wide eyed child to the fierce glare of a cornered tigress. I look to the backpack that holds my gun, but it's across the room. I consider this could be one of the tests and that Kimberly might just be another assassin hired by the Council. I go over in my mind how to incapacitate her. I still can't believe I let my guard down. My face softens as I think about how I felt so at home here. I stare at the tea, not wanting to hurt Kimberly. It's like I'm cursed to always end up in these situations.

  "Idiot," Kimberly utters in a calm voice as she places the muzzle of the gun against my temple. "It's going to be messy; your brains will splatter all over my table and wall. Why couldn't you have died at Topa's estate?"

  Ignoring her, I glance at the clues to my life. What's the point in fighting or in fleeing? I pick up the music box. What does it matter if Kimberly kills me or I fall prey to one of the Un-Men or some other assassin? I heave a great sigh as if it'll be my last breath on Earth. I'm tired, so I open the lid to the music box, and the melody plays. I'm tired of the tests, and I'm tired of being alone. I feel myself slipping into the Drifting Time as the tune continues, then my eyes slowly close, I go into a trance, and enter the Drifting Time, but this one's different than the ones before. Within it, I enter the domain of dreams, and in this realm of my subconscious, no Dry Clouds exist, the sun shines on the land, governments not corporations rule the Earth, and no one hunts me. I drift in this world on my stomach as if floating on a peaceful river. A breeze blows at my back, and the air smells crisp and clean. I pass over large cities and small villages. I fly over many races of Man. I float over forests, hills, deserts, oceans, islands, plains, lakes, jungles, mountains, and streams. I believe I recognize a few of the places, but I can't remember their names. The dream seems endless until the wind changes. A torrent of air blows against me and slows my progression as a shadow casts over the land, invading the peacefulness. A male voice laughs, and the sun flees as Dry Clouds storm in and plunge the land into perpetual night. I feel afraid as I glide over this dark world, seeing no more of the places and people I saw. Everything's different and darker in their appearance and atmosphere. I stop midair as if I slam into an invisible wall, then an unknown force pulls me, and I plummet to the earth. The force also affects time, and as I drop, I grow younger till I reach my early teens. My descent slows, and my thirteen year old body lands feet first in a white tiled room, and in the room, people talk with muffled words. Two women's figures appear, but they have no faces.

  One of the faceless women places her hands on my shoulders and tells me, "Katharine, you must be strong. I can no longer protect you." The woman looks to a door, hearing footsteps approach what appears to be an office, and then the faceless woman turns back to me. "There are those in the corporation that want to exploit you."

  The doorknob jiggles as someone tries to enter, and I hear one of the women speak again, but I'm not sure which one it is.

  "Rosetta, they're here. Hurry."

  "Quick, Mary. Push the desk against the door. I need more time!"

  One of the women kneels to one knee to look into my face and tells me, "They will take you. I can't stop them, not with the power I have now."

  Someone outside tries to bust in the door.

  One of the women yells frantic, "Hurry! They're coming."

  "Be strong, Katharine." One of the women strokes my cheek. "My dearest Kat."

  A small explosion removes the door from its hinges, and it falls as five soldiers rush in.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Portraits Of Her Past

  Dawn, dusk, and twilight did not exist in Noir since the sun no longer ruled over the land. Shadows gathered in the park across the street from Nexus Apartments and held position, and the gathering stared at the building, knowing their target lay within. The shadows detected an electronic barrier surrounding the building, and like a magical curtain, it prevented the glowing eyed monsters from entering, so for the moment, they would wait till the prey came to them.

  Within Apartment H...

  Kimberly's view...

  All I have to do to rid myself of this strange woman is pull the trigger, and then she'll be gone from my life like any other Mark I have come across on my morbid travels. I only need to continue walking the path my bleak and lonely existence has already led me down, but a split second of time changes the course of both our fates. Unfinished Melody chimes from the music box that woman holds, filling the room with a familiar tune. Louder and louder the music grows until the melody incites a trigger and ghastly images inundate my mind. I hear the roar and smell of fire, screams that chill my soul, and the distinct sound of three shots. My head throbs, and I gasp as horrible pictures buried deep in my brain force their way to the surface. Memories of my mom rapidly flood my consciousness, making me feel sad, alone, and abandoned.

  "Stop it!" I yell, but the tune chimes on, pulling from my psyche portraits of my past I long buried.

  I separated myself from those happy moments that died when my mom left my family, but they come screaming back. I need to rid my mind of them, but that woman didn't respond to my demand, caught within the recesses of her own mind, so I slap her hand. I knock the music box to the floor, and as I slap her hand, I inadvertently move my gun away from her head.

  "I said stop it!!"

  The music box closes as it hits the carpet, and the melody ends. I stare at it for a few moments, turn my attention back to that
woman, and snap, "I don't know what kind of game you're playing, but it won't work on me. Do you hear me? Are you going to stay silent? Aren't you going to plead for your life? No? Well it wouldn't have done you any good."

  I start to move the gun back to her head.

  Katharine's view...

  Within my dream, five soldiers barge into the white tiled room, and Rosetta and Mary scream as three shots resound, and then all fades to black.

  "No!" I scream as I pull from my trance, swing my hand up and back, and shout, "Mary! Rosetta!"

  I knock Kimberly's gun to the side, and it goes off, and a bullet strikes the wall. The gun blast lights up Kimberly's surprised face. Still caught within the drama of my dream, I make a fist, pull it back to hit her, and pause, realizing I'm no longer standing in the white tiled room, but in the apartment. There's no fire or soldiers, and no one's in danger but myself. I slowly blink, frozen in place, and then I lower my hand.

  I caught Kimberly off guard, but she quickly recovers, and she aims the gun back at me. I ignore her at first as I cling to what I remember while in the Drifting Time. I can't hold on to the memories for very long, and they slowly leave me. I turn to Kimberly and realize I hit her, and I'm worried I might have hurt her.

  "I'm sorry," I tell her as the last remnants of the dream world fade away. "I didn't mean to..."

  Kimberly's view...

  "Who are you?" I interrupt as my emotions overwhelm me. I haven't felt such fear or heartache in a very long time, and I don't understand why I'm feeling them now. It doesn't make sense, so I demand, "Why are you here?"

  My head continues to throb as I step back from the table, getting some distance between myself and that strange woman.

  Katharine's view...

  I notice her trembling hand and that her eyes are watering, and I feel a little pang in my chest and ask, "Are you crying?"

  "No," Kimberly replies as she wipes her eyes. "Shut up and sit there!" She rubs her throbbing temple and asks, "Who sent you?"

  I cross my arms and pout, "You just told me to shut up, so how can I..."

  "Ah!!" Kimberly yells as she grabs my t-shirt, balls it in her hand, and demands, "Who sent you?"

  I drop my arms to my side as I repeat, "Sent me?"

  She loses her professionalism, and like a common thug, Kimberly thrust her gun in my face and yells, "Yes, who sent you to mess with my head?" She releases my t-shirt and puts that hand on the gun to steady her shaky aim.

  "No one," I tell her, and then I add, "I'm with no one." I'm very concerned that I might have hurt her, so I start to stand as I ask, "Are you all right?"

  Kimberly's view...

  "Don't move! Sit right there!" I scream at that woman as I take another step back, getting squeamish. Since the flood of memories, I've felt as if we're not alone and that some person has been watching us. My headache fades as I glance at a shelf in between the entry and the living room where my mom's picture rests. My mom's photo gazes at me and watches me threaten that woman, and my mom's eyes are more alive than ever.

  I whisper to the picture, "I can't take a life with you staring at me." I lower my gun as I question her as if she's here, "Why did you forsake me? Why did you abandon me?"

  Katharine's view...

  I look to where Kimberly's looking, and I see a photo, and at first, I think the picture's of Kimberly, but then I realize the lady with blonde hair pulled back in a bun isn't her. The blonde lady seems familiar, but I can't place her.

  "Is that your mo..." I start to ask, then I put a hand to my chest.

  lub-DUB... lub-DUB...

  I quickly turn and stare out the window down at the street. I feel the urgency to flee as Ultra-Epi courses through my blood, and I utter, "They're here."

  "Who's here?" Kimberly questions me still notably upset.

  "The Un-Men," I reply as I point. "They're just outside."

  I begin to wonder why they haven't come in, then I remember the apartment's black spheres, and realize the barrier must be keeping them out.

  Kimberly glances out the window and says, "I don't see anyone."

  "I can feel them. They're out there. Six of them."

  "You're imagining things," she tells me as she walks over to the couch, picks up my backpack, and tosses it to me. "Get out of here."

  I catch it and glance down at the bag as I say, "I don't understand. I thought you couldn't let me live."

  "What part of get out of here don't you understand? I'm not going to kill you, at least not here," Kimberly yells at me, then she glances at the picture, and mutters, "Not in front of her." She points to the entry and shouts, "Now get out!"

  I know what will happen to me once I leave the safety of the apartment, so I plead, "Please don't make me leave. I don't want to live like that anymore."

  Kimberly's view...

  "Like what?" I ask, not really caring. All I know is that woman has to be mental. Anyone else would run at the chance to escape the Phoenix's fury.

  I yell, "Get out! Get out before I change my mind, and I kill you now!"

  Katharine's view...

  Filled with hopelessness, I stand, grab the note and worn business card, and leave the blood speckled one on the table. I bend down, snatch up the music box, and put the three items in my pocket. I sling the backpack across my chest and head out, and within a minute, I stand in front of the elevator and see Kimberly watching me from the apartment. The cab opens, I walk in, and a few minutes later, the doors open to the ground floor. I walk out as if going to my own execution, continue through the building's front doors, then into the courtyard, and I stop half way to the gate. Once I walk through it, the Un-Men can attack me and the hunts will begin again. I hope Kimberly will change her mind, and I glance over my shoulder and see her watching me from the entrance making sure I leave. Disheartened, I pull the business card from my thigh pocket. It's one of the three clues to my identity or is it? Are any of them? Maybe these aren't meant for me or... maybe they're just another test, a test to see what I'll do with them. I fist my hand; I'm an idiot to believe any different. I don't need it anymore and drop it to the path, watching it fall to the concrete as one hope dies. First Preacher and now this... I don't think I can take that much more.

  I sniff my runny nose and force my mind to move on to the current crisis. I remove my gun from the backpack and check the magazine; it has four bullets. It won't be easy with six Un-Men out there. I remove the Ravlek Vest from the outside of the bag, put it on over my jacket, open the gate, and step out to the sidewalk.

  West 1000 Avenue is as desolate as my life. I cross the street. Lamp posts line the path heading into the empty Zeus Park as Tainted Rain pours from the thundering sky, and I shiver in the cold rain as my hair soaks with the black filmy water. I slow my pace to hold off the inevitable attack and give me time to prepare and observe my surroundings. The Ultra-Epi causes anxiety with my inactivity.

  lub-DUB... lub-DUB...

  Filled with gloom, I ignore the bio-mecha warning and pause, watching the Transgenic Grass soak up the rain. I don't want to think about the danger that lies before me; I want to be free of strife. At least for a few minutes, I can let my mind think of other things other than my own possible death, so I focus on the grass.

  Scientists modified the Kentucky Bluegrass with an extra-genome from the bath sponge, and they then modified it further. What they created is a hybrid plant capable of absorbing large amounts of Tainted Rain. I feel the Un-Men move into position, and I know only moments remain before they attack. The Transgenic Grass releases the H2O properties of the liquid to be absorbed back into the atmosphere through the water cycle. All absorbing Transgenic Plants are created with the water release function in the World's attempt to correct the Dry Clouds problem. The Un-Men separate and circle me. Why do I know this information? Why do I know the grass then uses the petroleum base of the liquid to create energy? How do I know that it's how the plant su
rvives? If scientists can do this... What could they have done to me? I look at my gun hand, thinking of my uncanny marksmanship and consider what they have done to me.

  I feel the Un-Men watching, and I hurry past a metal bench. A green line of light hits my hand as a spot, and I watch it as the laser aim moves up my arm to my chest. Five more green laser aims pinpoint kill shots on my body. I remove my backpack, throw it back to the bench, and unset the safety on my Beretta. I dash for cover in a thicket of trees, splashing through puddles of Tainted Rain as gun fire erupts around me and several shots strike my back. The spongy Transgenic Grass cushions my fall as I roll with the impacts, and after I roll, I arch my back for the pain, force myself to move on, and spring to my feet. I have to run! I have to run or I'll die!

  Chapter Sixteen

  They Are Here

  9:59 A.M...

  Nexus Apartments' courtyard...

  Moments earlier...

  Kimberly's view...

  Hades! This is ridiculous! I watch that woman leave and see the look of hurt she gives me before walking through the gate. Why didn't I kill her? And why did that woman look at me as if we're friends and we just had a bad fight?

  I follow her, pause, and glance through the gate's metal bars as that woman crosses the street. I let her escape again, and then I notice something at my feet. Oh my Zeus! I see the Phoenix business card on the path. That little... Why did she drop this out here? I definitely don't need someone finding my calling card, so I pick it up and place it in my purse, then I watch that woman enter the park. I decide to follow her and push the gate open, looking for the Un-Men that woman mentioned. After crossing West 1000 Avenue, I trail that woman and head into the park as a few black droplets fall on the sleeve of my dark green pant suit, and then thousands fall from the menacing sky.

  "Great, just great!"

  Rain... and me without an umbrella. I hide behind a large Transgenic Maple a couple hundred feet away from her.


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