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Page 5

by Bladon, Deborah

  "I don't sleep with men for favors." I point out.

  "I can change the entire course of your career, Libby." His fingers pull on the bottom of my hair. "I can make you a star."

  I'd be lying if I said that it isn't tempting. From where I'm sitting, with a very full and clear view of how impossibly handsome he is, I can't honestly see a downside to this. I get a chance to stand out from the rest of the actresses in the chorus and I get to have sex with the most attractive man I've ever laid eyes on. Why am I not saying yes to him? Oh, wait. It's because it would make me a whore.

  "It would mean I'm a whore." That's what happens when I speak before I think. "I mean, I don't have any problem with a woman doing what she needs to do to make a dollar or to get a leg up in the world, but I can't do it. It's just not who I am." Aren't you a fucking angel, Libby? No wonder he's staring at you like you have three heads attached to your neck.

  "What if I took sex out of the equation?" His tongue flits over his bottom lip.

  My panties are officially wet after watching that. "What? No sex?"

  "I didn't say forever." His chin lifts. "Let's start with one dinner. You agree to go to dinner tomorrow evening with me and we'll take it from there."

  "Just dinner?"

  "Just dinner, Libby. No strings attached."

  Chapter 12


  Who the hell was that in the car with Libby Duncan? Did I actually agree to take sex off the table? That may have been the most fucked up thing I've ever done. I almost had her in the elevator. She was practically waiting for me to kiss her and then she took off the minute the doors opened. Christ, this one may be more trouble than she's worth. I shouldn't have to work this hard to get any woman.

  That's exactly why I'm at this club. It's in the heart of Times Square and there's a hotel an elevator ride away. It's what every man's fuck pad dreams are made of. I paid for a room in Hotel Aeon as soon as I walked through the doors. Now I've got my drink in my hand, a clear view of the club's entrance and a pocket full of condoms. If I fuck someone tonight, Libby Duncan becomes just another girl in the chorus line. This insatiable need I'm feeling isn't about her. I'm here to prove that to myself.

  I watch the steady stream of women entering the club. I can have my pick. It's a sea of blondes and brunettes with an occasional redhead tossed in the mix to throw the balance off. I scan the faces of each as she enters. Not one of them is doing anything for me or my dick.

  I want a blond with full lips. I want a nose that perks up just at the tip. I want brown eyes that are big, wide and full of desire. I want Libby.

  Fuck me all to hell. I have to get her out of my mind.

  "Hey." It's almost as soft as the tap on my shoulder.

  I spin around. She's acceptable. Brunette, tall, and curvy with gorgeous blue eyes and a dress that's two sizes too small. "Hey," I parrot back.

  "Will you buy me a drink?"

  If it's going to get me laid, I'll buy you ten. "Sure."

  "I'll have a screaming orgasm."

  "When you finish your drink, I'll see to that myself." I raise my glass of bourbon in her direction. "Now, tell me what you're drinking."

  She throws her head back in laughter. "I meant I'll have a screaming orgasm martini. You're funny."

  You're not that bright. "I aim to please." In more ways than one, I might add.

  "What's your name, handsome?"

  "Charlie," I toss out because I don't want to hear her screaming my name out when I'm devouring her cunt. "What's your name?"


  I don't care if it's real or not. Lucy is going to help me forget that Libby Duncan even exists. "Drink up, Lucy. I promised you a screaming orgasm and I'm ready to deliver it."

  I can't say for certain but I'm vaguely aware of my mouth hanging open as she takes the martini from the bartender, raises the glass to her lips and downs the entire thing in one mouthful. "I'm ready, Charlie."

  I'll say she's ready. This night just got a hell of a lot better.


  "You don't think I'm pretty, do you?"

  I cross my arms over my head and lean back into the pillow. "That's not it at all, Lucy."

  She stomps her bare foot against the carpeted floor. Her fake tits don't move an inch. I can't take my eyes off of them. "What is it then?"

  It's a good question. I'm on this bed, naked, limp and staring at a gorgeous naked woman who is ready to fuck me to my dick's content. "I've got a lot on my mind."

  "Like what?" She takes a step forward and her tits still don't bounce at all.

  I pat the side of the bed. If she wraps those lips of hers around my cock we may be able to get this party started. I can't remember the last time my cock didn't jump to attention in the presence of a naked woman. I can't remember because it's never fucking happened before.

  "Do you want me to put that in my mouth?" She nods towards my cock with a look of fear in her eyes.

  If she thinks it's intimidating now, she should see it once it's ready to start taking prisoners or pussies. "Don't look so excited, Lucy."

  She pulls her lips back over her teeth. This is quickly turning into a freak show or a horror show depending on which side of my dick you're on. I'd bet money on the fact that Lucy doesn’t like sucking cock.

  "It's not that… I mean I want it inside of me here but not there." Her hand floats over her crotch before it lands on her lip.

  Correct me if I'm wrong. Fifteen minutes ago I was in a club with hundreds of women who would have my cock all the way down their throats by now and I have to pick the one who thinks it's revolting. When did my sex life because so fucked up? When?

  "You can just put the tip in your mouth." I lift my limp, yet impressive, dick into my palm. I hold the head gingerly between my index finger and thumb and try to hypnotize Lucy with it. "Just try it."

  "No." She's on her feet again. "I can't do it. It's disgusting."

  Limp dick, I'd like to introduce you to even softer cock. Can this get any worse?

  "I'm a virgin," she blurts out at the top of her lungs.

  Christ, I am living in a fucking nightmare right now.

  "You're a virgin?" I bark at her. "You're a fucking virgin?"

  She tries to cross her arms over her chest but her ridiculously oversized, rock hard tits are in the way. "I came here to have sex."

  "No." I stand up and brush past her. "You shouldn't be here having sex."

  "Why not?"

  I pull my boxer briefs on before doing up my pants. "I'm not the kind of guy you should be losing your virginity to. Don't you have a boyfriend?"

  She shakes her head. "I can't find one. I thought these would help."

  I don't know why I bother to look up but I do. Lucy's got her tits in her hands like they're two rockets about to launch into the universe. They are definitely locked and loaded.

  "You're not from New York, are you?" I'm trying here. I really am. I don't want to sound as completely pissed off as I do right now.

  She throws her lip into a pout. "I'm from Alaska."

  "Alaska?" I slip my suit jacket over my shoulders. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

  "I quit school. I want to be a model."

  Unless she's planning on being the after model for a boob job gone wrong, her modeling career isn't going to float regardless of how large her tits are. "A model?"

  "You even said I was pretty, Charlie."

  I feel a migraine coming on or a shitload of regret, but I'm going to say it regardless. "Give me your number, Lucy. I'll set you up with an interview with an agency."

  No. I'm not doing this because I think she has a shot in hell. I'm doing this so that she stops wasting her time chasing a dream that's never going to happen. If someone in authority, in the business, tells her it's not her golden ticket, she'll hopefully drag her ass back to Alaska and go back to school.

  "You're the best, Charlie."

  I don't have any time to react before she's on her feet with her arms wrap
ped around my neck. I'm standing in a hotel room, with a beautiful woman clinging to me and all I can think about is the way Libby Duncan looked in the elevator today.

  Chapter 13


  "How do you feel about sucking cock?"

  "I don't see that on the menu," I say before I look across the table at him. "What's in that? Pig?"

  He smirks and runs his fingers along the side of his cheek. "Me."

  I have to look away so he doesn't see the blush that runs over my face. I don’t even know what I'm doing here. I picked up my phone at least ten times today bound and determined to call this dinner date off. I'm not even sure it's a date. I don't know what it is or what I'm doing here.

  "Have I told you that you look beautiful, Libby?"

  He's exaggerating. I look average. I'm wearing a black shift dress and black heels. I pinned my hair up because I ran out of time after rehearsal and I couldn't style it the way I wanted. If I had to judge by the smile on Alec's face when he picked me up to bring me to Axel NY, I'd say I look good. I'm not putting too much weight into that though. The sucking cock question was all the proof I need that he's still focused on one thing and one thing only.

  "You said that sex was off the table." I tap the table for good measure.

  "I didn't say talking about sex was off the table," he retorts, his palm hitting the table's edge before he takes another bite of his food.

  "Have you ever been sued for sexual harassment?" I pick up my salad fork and stab a carrot.

  He stops mid chew to stare at me. I watch in silence as he swallows hard. "No. Why would I be sued for sexual harassment?"

  Is he shitting me? I would have guessed that he has a team of attorneys on retainer to deal with all the women he sleeps with that he also works with. "You proposition women you work with to sleep with you." I want to add a 'duh' to the end of that, but he did bring me to one of the nicest restaurants in the city so I'll refrain, for now.

  "Every woman I've slept," he pauses. "Every woman I've fucked has been a willing participant."

  "That's because you gave them all something." I scoop up a piece of lettuce before putting it in my mouth.

  He reaches for his wine glass, downing the remainder of the Cabernet Sauvignon that was there. I've watched my father enjoy the finer things in life for years and I know, for a fact that the bottle of wine Alec ordered for the two of us is more than most people can expect to make working an entire week. I also know that he didn't do it to impress me. It did though and I've already enjoyed two full glasses.

  "I'm a generous person, Libby."

  I can't refute that. I did a search online for him last night. He's a philanthropist in addition to being one of the wealthiest men in Manhattan. He is active in his support of many charities. There were dozens of photographs of him at events with children, hospital patients and homeless people. If I hadn't seen the images myself I would never have believed that the man doing all that good work and the guy sitting across from me are the same person.

  "I know. I read about that." My tongue darts over my lips.

  "Where did you read that?" The grin on his face makes him look both cocky and completely seductive.

  I scratch my nose. Why did I tell him that I read about him? Now he knows that I'm interested. Shit. "It was in a magazine or something. It was a long time ago." Nice save, Libby.

  "You've been researching me." He nods as the waiter refills his wine glass and then mine. "You were asking about me at the jewelry store too."

  Thanks a lot, Ivy. Way to rat me out.

  "My boss, Ivy, told me you know her husband," I try to say without seething.

  "We're acquaintances," he offers. "We share a mutual friend. He's actually the owner of this restaurant."

  Of course he is. Alec Hughes knows every important person in this city. I, on the other hand, know a handful of people who have absolutely no influence in New York at all, including the guy in Central Park who always winks at me when he sells me a pretzel.

  "Back to my original question." He spins his fork in the air as if that's going to send us back in time. "Do you like sucking cock?"

  "I can't tell you how many ways that is completely inappropriate," I spit out. "It's demeaning and it objectifies women."

  "If you asked me if I like eating pussy I wouldn't be offended at all."

  I have to grasp the side of the table to steady myself. "We're trying to have dinner. This isn't the kind of conversation you have at dinner." There's no way that didn't make me sound like a prude.

  He carefully places his fork next to his plate, moves his wine glass over a half of an inch, reaches across the table and tugs my hand into his before I can react. "We are two adults who are having an adult conversation about sex, Libby. This isn't Sunday school. I like eating pussy. I want to eat your pussy until you scream my name over and over again. Now, answer the question. Do you like sucking cock?"

  My breath is caught somewhere between my chest and my mouth. I can't take my eyes off of him. I can't get the image of his head buried between my legs out of my mind. "I…I…" I stammer because my sex is clenching so tightly that I fear I may come.

  "Do you like having a big, hard cock between those pretty pink lips of yours?"

  I nod slowly. I run my index finger over my bottom lip knowing full well the impact it's having on him. I open my mouth and whisper in a heated rush. "I love sucking cock. I love it."

  Chapter 14


  Goddamn my entire life to hell. I'm reasonably sure my dick is going to explode right here in the middle of Axel NY. It has never been this hard before. Ever.

  "Did you hear me?" She leans forward so far her breasts are pushed together and spilling out of the top of her dress. "I said that I…"

  "Libby," I practically shout her name. I can't hear her say the words again. I will seriously blow my load inside my very expensive pants. "I heard you."

  "Okay." She shrugs her shoulder, which only serves to make her tits look that much more inviting. "You didn’t say anything when I answered the question."

  What the fuck was I supposed to say when she answered the question? I want to tell her to crawl under the table and prove that she loves it. I want to take her out to my car right now and sit her on my face so I can eat her sweet cunt. I want her in my bed. Christ. I have never wanted a woman more than this.

  "Alec? Alec?" The voice pulling me out of thoughts of Libby riding my face is way too low to be hers. It's a man's voice. How fucked up is my life this week?

  "Hunter." Excuse me if I don't get up to greet you but I have a raging hard-on. "This is Libby Duncan. She's an actress in the musical I'm investing in."

  He reaches across the table to shake her hand. She grins at him, tilting her head to the side. I hear her talking about Ivy and Jax. Her lips keep moving and more words are coming out but I can't make them out. I'm too focused on the curve of her neck and how round her breasts are. Her hair is falling out of the messy bun she tried to put it in. She's so imperfect that she's perfect. Everything about her is beautiful to look at.

  "Alec?" Hunter's hand is on my shoulder. "Are you alright?"

  I rub my hand over the front of my pants under the shadow of the linen tablecloth. I'm finally calming down. Jesus, I feel like I've been on a rollercoaster. "I'm good."

  "I was just telling Libby that we've known each other for years." He pats me on the back.

  "Yeah, years," I offer. "We go way back."

  "What was Alec like back then?" Libby smiles up at Hunter and I feel a pang of jealousy wash over me. I want that smile. How fucking romantic does that sound? I'm the definition of pathetic right now.

  "You don't want to know," I interject because I don't want Hunter hanging around. I want him to get the hell away from our table so we can get back to talking about how much Libby likes sucking cock, particularly my cock, while hopefully she'll become much better acquainted with tonight.

  "He's always been like this." There's no
mistaking the deep chuckle in his voice as he sweeps his hand over my head.

  Fuck you too, Hunter.

  "I love the food here." Libby points at her half-eaten, incredibly overpriced salad. "The chef is excellent."

  "Do you want to come back to the kitchen?" He reaches a hand in her direction. "They're making up some tasting plates for new menu items for next week. I'd love your opinion."

  What the hell, Hunter? What the hell?

  "You can meet my wife, Sadie. She's back there right now."

  Libby's on her feet before I can say a thing. She teeters momentarily, wobbling slightly on her heels before Hunter scoops his hands around her to stop her from falling face first into the table. When the fuck did this go from talking about my dick in her mouth to Hunter practically grabbing her tits?

  "Are you coming, Alec?" Hunter calls back over his shoulder as he guides Libby through the crowded restaurant.

  "No," I spit back under my breath. "I doubt I'll be coming at all tonight."


  "Your friend is nice."

  Your ass is nice.

  "He's a good guy." I glance out the window of the car. Hunter is a good guy. I can always depend on him. Tonight I depended on him to fuck up my date.

  "Are you okay?" Her voice is soft. Christ, it's so soft and warm.

  I twist my head back around to look at her and I catch my breath. She's pulled her hair out of the upsweep. It's falling around her shoulders. "You're beautiful, Libby."

  She tilts her head down slightly but I see the blush that runs over her nose and onto her cheeks. "You say that to everyone."

  Guilty as charged. Women love hearing they're beautiful. I tell them because it's true. Every woman is beautiful in her own way. With Libby it's different though. She's different. Everything about her is breathtaking to look at.

  "Not everyone," I correct her with a smile.

  "Tonight was…" her mouth twists slightly as she pulls her bottom lip between her teeth. "Tonight was…well…I'd have to say it was…"


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