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THE DEAL: Novel Page 15

by Bvlgari, M. F.

  While she is in the shower, JP goes back to his normal state. For him be with a woman and have sex was the most natural thing in the world, to be attracted to a woman and want to just having sex. But she was so different from all others, in all aspects and he felt this inexplicable vibration between them and a chemistry that was hard to avoid. Maybe he was mistaken about her and perhaps they could be good friends. After all he lived along with her best friend for 15 years, until he felt in love with another woman, so could they turn best friends.

  When she returns again from the cabin, he looks at her examining her from top to bottom without bothering to be discreet:

  "What an interesting dress, very transparent, it feats you very well, but even better is the white bikini you have underneath"

  Looking at her raising his eyebrows several times smiling. She tried to ignore him rather awkwardly.

  "What is this thing you have with white lingerie?!" Questioned her curious to know what’s all about the mystery why does he only likes white lingerie.

  "I like white lingerie because when a woman’s skin is slightly tanned the white colour stands out as I find it very sexy especially in a dark-haired woman like you."

  She shakes her head and rolls her eyes in a way that only you could like white lingerie for that reason.

  When she rolls her eyes he teases her:

  "Have you ever seen 50 shades of Grey?"

  "Yes, I read the three books, why?"

  "Do you remember what Chris did to Anastasia when she rolled her eyes?!"

  "Ha-ha, are you trying to tell me you're a fan of bondage?!"

  "I'm trying to tell you if roll your eyes again at me, I can spank you, but I'm not a fan of bondage.

  Can I steal you a kiss?"

  He said laughing, rising quickly grabbing her around the waist and carrying her into the water. She flounders in vain trying to set her free, shouting at him to put her back on the ground, but he is stronger than she can handle, being forced to remain in his arms, he enters in the water with her struggling to be released from him. With water above the waist he throws her into the water. Once Carolina sets free she throws water to his face. He dives, embraces her around the waist and gives her a kiss in the navel putting his tongue inside, returning to the surface glued to her, kissing her. Whenever Carolina is kissed by him, she feels charmed by him. She wants to deny him the kiss, but fails and returns the kiss right away putting her arms around him, feeling his body and his hardness starting to arisen. He looks at her and asks:

  "Can we do it in the water?"

  Without a word, she smiles, closes her eyes and kisses him. They take their clothes off leaving it drifting in the water, concentrating only on their bodies burning with desire for each other. She was ready to receive him, he was so hard for her, she wrapped her legs around him, and he slips inside her with ease. They remained in the water, Carolina with JP inside her, giving her only slow movements, she liked to feel him inside her, to fill his big and hard full length, he wanted to get in and out of her harder and quicker but the water pressure didn’t let him.

  He caught her in his arms remaining inside her he took her to the shore lying in the sand, she opened her legs more, leaving one below and the other in the air keeping it up with the help of his hand, he gets on his knees to fill her to the end causing in her a little urgency, achieving both the orgasm at the same time remained inside her until he felt the last drop of sperm going out of his body, giving everything he had to her.

  He needed to desperately to give her all of him, if he could he would remain always inside her, he didn’t know why, taking himself out of her when he lost his erection completely. Lying down beside her, they were wet, full of sand and tired.

  She turned to him and asks:

  "I went back again to be seen as a sex object wasn’t it?"

  He turns to her, taking his hand to her hair and playing with his fingers on her hair he said softly:

  "I think of you as a friend, as a special friend now, we will try to put the story of the sexual object behind, okay?"

  Kissing tender her forehead. The sun was getting strong and they had to seek a shade without delay, avoiding getting a sun burn.

  By the strength and position of the sun, it should be now lunchtime. – Observed Carolina looking into the sky in the direction of the sun. She decides to bathe in the sea to take the sand that she had in her body and hair out, she managed to recover all their clothes that they had left in the water, after they went to the cabin to take fresh shower. They decided to shower together, as they have an enormous double shower and there was more than enough space for two people. His body bothered her with pleasure as he approached too close, and now she had the perfect notion that he does that always on purpose, just to perturbed her and make her shiver, she smiled into thinking of the situation.

  She was beginning to be more and more comfortable with him, she loved the good times they were having together, she loved when he was such an intense lover and when all the small moments he act as he cared about her.

  Were these small moments of tender faked?! – Questioned Carolina.

  Maybe just maybe they could be real and they could understand each other, and go from there to another level. – Hoping with all her will.

  The thought of Carolina must have shown in her face expression, because he asks what she was thinking.

  "Nothing special, I was thinking about our last hours together, that's all."

  He doesn’t comment, he doesn’t want her to feed the illusion that may turn out to be something real, he needs to tell her that after leaving the island, everything would had to stay like it was before, what was happen on the island would need to stay on the island. Although he knew there was something very important that would link them for a while, but they would sort the divorce out in no time once they arrive in London. She wasn’t a woman he would like to introduce to his friends, she wasn’t pretty enough to show her off, but he liked her company so much.

  He liked everything about her.

  He was beginning to feel hopelessly attracted to her, and felt a desire to return to have her in the shower, needed to have her now and he couldn’t control this craving for her. Under the shower without a word, looking at her intently in the eyes he leans her to the wall, he kisses her tenderly, slope his body to her body, lifting Carolina’s left leg to stay with the way free for his desire for her, managing to reach his goal in seconds, and he is inside her again.

  Sex is frenetic and urgent achieving the orgasm again at the same time, only quieting minutes later when both recover their breath. He gets out of her only when gets soft making his juice follow and running down Carolina legs mixing with the water, looking at her, seeing his juices running out of her and it looked so sexy on her. He couldn’t help it and put his finger inside her, playing inside her after had sex, she was so open to him from all the sex they had already now he can get with ease with his two fingers inside her. It was so hot and excited.

  She was starting to be so sore from him, but at the same time it felt tremendous good having him playing with her, it didn’t matter if it was with his tongue, hardiness inside her or his skilled fingers and he wants to see her squirm again and hear her moaning of pleasure for him rubbing his fingers inside her, he knew where to go inside her to give her pleasure, and it didn’t take long to feel her body dancing on top of his fingers.

  “Bloody hell my dear this is so sexy”

  He says at her ear leaning against her, forcing her to continue leaning against the wall, always kissing her in long and intense kisses, with their tongues playing together in a sensual dance. How he loved to kiss and taste her, he couldn’t understand why continuing at the same time with his fingers inside her, given more speed, giving Carolina another orgasm.

  When she recovered from the spasms, she kisses him loving him silence.

  "Can I wash your hair? I love touching your hair"

  He asks avoiding having the conversation that he needed to ha
ve with her.

  Maybe later, maybe I should have the conversation only on the last day and just enjoy her company pretending everything was fine.

  His head was going around struggling between what he wished for this moment and the right thing to do and the reality. On this desert island he was sure they were a happy couple mixed with lot of the best sex they ever had, but it would never work in real life, he was sure it wouldn’t. Not feeling good about himself, he thought he should tell her the truth and she would understood, they could continue as they were until the end of their stay on the island.

  Yes, she would understand, she understood in the past to have only sex without any illusions in the future, she would understand it now

  He thought as he massaged her scalp. She was enjoying the massage he was giving her eyes closed. She was smiling from ear to ear feeling happy. Loving the touch from the tip of his fingers on her scalp, his fingers wrapped her hair was sexy and he knew well how to do it. She never thought getting so close to JP like they are right now. What was happening in the last hours was the best time they had together, everything was good, it’s just beautiful, they started getting to know each other and she loved every second with him. She was happy to be there with him, Carolina turns to him, rose to his tiptoes to reach with her mouth his lips, kissing him catching him by surprise, he kisses her back, a fast kiss, forcing her to turn around again and finish his work.

  He was in the process of rinsing her hair to put the conditioner when he takes a deep breath filling with courage and tells her what he needs to say:

  "You know, these last hours have been very good with you, I'm very fond of your company, but you know that when we leave this island nothing changes right? I don’t want a relationship with you, and there is the possible marriage situation, if there is a real marriage we need to deal with the divorce as soon as we return to London. I could never see myself in a relationship with you out of here, you know we play in completely different ball parks and in real life it would never work, but this is nothing new for you, right?"

  When Carolina thought things were slightly changing, everything turns back to the starting point, it was so frustrating, exhausting and annoying at the same time. At this moment it hits her, an awakening to reality as she never had felt since she started to love JP. But this time she felt different, there was a void, a desire to disappear, she needed urgently get out of there. She felt a sudden change in her. She didn’t know what it was, but she changed that minute in her mind is as if she had a film in milliseconds displaying in her mind and she had seen the end. She wasn’t there to serve as a clown for him, she had to have respect for her own, she had to impose her own rules, and she couldn’t and wouldn’t lose her dignity, ever again. That man teased her the whole time and she looked like she hadn’t seen what’s going on.

  She was blind but now she could see.

  And instead of running away from him without saying a word, she said:

  "I agree with you, we are completely different, we have tried different things in life. I could never see myself in a relationship with you. The sex we had was great, but let's not waste any more our precious time with each other with something that has no future, there is no need. Let's just be only friends from now on, I don’t want to be your friend with benefits. I would appreciate if you could respect my decision as I respect what you want for you.”

  She took a deep breath and continued:

  “Don’t worry if there was a real marriage, as soon we arrive in London we will deal immediately with the annulment or divorce and everyone goes on with their lives as before. I don’t want to cause you any problem and expect nothing less from you as well. But if you can’t keep your hands off me, stay away, because if you can’t control yourself just stay away from me, I am not your toy and much less I was ever a sex object to you or any other man in my life"

  She informed him in a calming and much unexpected way for him, coming out of the shower when she finished the sentence, without giving him the opportunity to continue the conversation, she had no strength for a discussion when minutes ago they wanted each other intensely, she wouldn’t give him the pleasure of her time any longer. She wrapped the towel around her body, went to the room, and chose a new dress in blue to match the colours of the sea, short and light, with a new white bikini. Dressed up, she went through the kitchen making a sandwich, taking a yogurt from the refrigerator and went to the beach to sit on the towel she had left in the same place the previous day under the palm trees. She decided she was not going to cry anymore, she wasn’t going to worry about what he thinks or does about her but definitely he was not worth it.

  She didn’t want to think about anything, she wouldn’t give him the pleasure of thinking about him. She was very serene and especially astounded with herself. She had reached her limit with him.

  After eating a sandwich and drinking a yogurt, she lay down on the towel and slept literally in the shadow of the palm.

  In the cabin he was confused.

  She knew from the beginning it was just sex and accept the fact, why did she reacted like that?!

  He didn’t expect her to say that now she only wanted to be friends, just friends and not friends with benefits. Something in her head changed and she had taken a position on him, feeling that he had lost the control he thought having over her. He didn’t know if he could be near her without being only a friend, he wanted her so badly, he desired her whenever he saw her, and he was always ready for her wanting to have her at every opportunity. He wanted her so intensely he was feeling that it could turn into an obsession.

  But what should he do now?

  How can they be friends without sex?

  He did not know if that was what he wanted. He didn’t like to feel confused about a woman, the last time he felt confused was when he discovered at age 40 that he was madly in love for a 10 years older woman, and he didn’t want to go back down that road again. He couldn’t, nor willing too. When Carolina awoke was more lucid than ever about him, determined to be only her friend and she would go with her decision forward. It was not all other times, this time was different and she felt in every bone. She was decided to reject any physical contact with him at any cost and would do nothing to change her mind. And he couldn’t do anything to change her mind, ever again. If he doesn’t accept her as a woman, she wasn’t going to let him step over, ever again. The enchantment that he had on her disappeared, giving way to deception, she only hoped she had the strength to deal with him in the coming days. She instead of running away from him she decides to return to the cabin when it was almost dark to make a delicious dinner, she wanted to be entertained, pass the time, didn’t want to give the importance that he didn’t deserve.

  Going up the stairs to the cabin notices that the Jacuzzi cover is open.

  He was at the Jacuzzi or was going there now. – She thought while passing by, it doesn’t matter going to the kitchen to do a delicious dinner, if he wanted to join her, good, if he didn’t want too, she would dine happily alone. Looking inside the refrigerator and freezer, she found shrimp for the starter, there were ingredients to make a nice quiche with cheese and mushrooms. She began to work on the dinner when he appeared in the kitchen, she asks with the most natural tone in the world, as if the conversation they had before never existed between them hours ago:

  "Are you hungry? I'm doing “shrimps à Guilho” and quiche with green salad.”

  "Yes I would love that, I discovered a few games in the living room, there are cards, checkers and dominoes what do you think? Could we play after dinner?"

  "Good idea, we could try something"

  She said looking at him smiling as he walked from one side to the other in the tiny kitchen while she was trying to make dinner.

  At least he didn’t seem upset about it, and it facilitates communication among us – she thought.

  "Would you like me to help you with dinner?"

  He asks, surprised at himself because he couldn’t cook.
/>   "You can set the table and fill up the glasses with wine if you want"

  JP was relieved not having to show his culinary skills he didn’t possess. While Carolina was busy making dinner, she thought it was too weird being in silence walking from one side to the other, so she decided to make conversation with him:

  "The other day you said you had built an empire from nothing, the way you have spoken from it, I understood you had a difficult childhood. Do you want to tell me what happened?"

  He remained in silence for a while, eventually he opens a bottle of wine that he had just choose, he filled two glasses of wine, offering one to Carolina, he sat down at the table and took a sip of wine before he started talking.

  "Today is only a distant memory, but at the time it devastated me completely, took me into the abyss, and did things I shouldn’t have done. I was able to rediscover myself before it was too late. As a teenager the family who had raised me had a car accident and they died all"

  Carolina looked shocked and surprised with his revelation, she never expected he could have been so rebellious, he is so healthy this days. He doesn’t smoke, he barely drinks, and he likes to be in control of all situations all the time.

  "You were adopted?"

  Asks Carolina intrigued and embrace seeing the recall anguish in his eyes, but remained quiet.

  "No, my grandparents and my aunt"

  "What about your parents?"

  "My parents split when I was a baby and never got to know them.

  My grandparents and my aunt, they were the ones who raised me.

  On the day that my family had the accident, I had fled to the house of a friend of mine, I had a small accident at the house and my friend frightened called my grandparents to say that I had cut myself badly in the window glass and I was bleeding a lot, I needed to go to the hospital. He omitted that we had been smoking pot and had been doing silly stunts because of the drug’s effects, that’s why I got cut in the glass. If they hadn’t gone to pick me up to take me to the hospital, they would still alive today."


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